Do not die

Chapter 377 Oath Mechanism

After leaving the shop and walking on the street, Meng Zhou's mind was still stuck on the scene that happened in the sea of ​​​​consciousness not long ago.

Not long ago, Meng Zhou agreed to the old man's conditions and swore an oath of Taoism under his witness.

He made a clear promise that as long as the old man shared with him the inheritance of the Alchemy Sect that he had secretly killed when he secretly killed the Alchemy Sect members, he would also strictly keep the secret and would not tell the second person about the old man's secret killings of the Alchemy Sect members. Personal knowledge.

As this heart oath was established, Meng Zhou, who focused almost all his attention on the sea of ​​consciousness, immediately "saw" it.

Beyond the sea of ​​​​consciousness, in the land of nothingness that should have been nothing, as if in response to his voice, a long, blurry and dim shadow suddenly appeared.

It was like a cloudless sky suddenly drifting in for no reason.

——If it weren’t for Meng Zhou’s unusual and all-round strength, it would be difficult for other monks at the ninth level of the Dan Formation to notice the subtle changes happening outside the sea of ​​consciousness.

The changes that occurred in the sea of ​​consciousness at the same time were much more eye-catching. As the Tao Heart Oath was issued, invisible threads appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness for no reason, wrapping around the soul in circles.

These circles of invisible threads seem to be binding the soul, and they also seem to be a tight and tight net set up only for the soul of the one who issued the Tao Heart Oath.

From the moment the Dao Heart Oath is issued, they automatically assume the responsibility of supervision, and will react if there is any violation of the Dao Heart Oath.

The intensity of this reaction is closely related to the degree to which the person involved violated the oath.

From the lightest level of warning, to the most severe level of erasing the soul.

Meng Zhou investigated carefully and confirmed the binding effect of the Daoxin Oath on his soul.

He had had a similar experience before, but because of Meng Zhou's clever preemptive handling, there were flaws in the content of the oath from the beginning, resulting in the oath constraints entangled around the soul pool being incomplete from the beginning. Has congenital defects.

This is also the key to how he can easily break all the constraints of the Daoxin Oath.

Therefore, excluding the fact that this was a trick from the beginning, this is the first time that Meng Zhou has been constrained by a Tao Heart Oath in a serious and complete manner.

And it was he who took the initiative to "bind" his soul pool.

There are of course many reasons why I chose to "blend" with this old man.

One of the reasons is very simple——

Along the way.

Meng Zhou had no clear destination for this trip.

He only needs a suitable goal and completes the constraints of a heart oath. There is no restriction that he must achieve something.

Anyway, to him, the situation in all five regions is similar, and they are all "transparent". It is very simple for him to find a suitable blending target.

For a target like the old man, he could easily pick out a few of almost every second-level spiritual vein.

Since Bai Zhi wants to get together with her beloved disciple, she should set her target on Zhu Qian's spiritual vein.

In addition to the reason of "coming along the way", there is another more important reason, which is also the result of Meng Zhou's careful thinking and long-term observation.

With the help of the "Transparent Mirror", Meng Zhou, who had almost omniscient vision within the five domains, witnessed too many secret events.

Just like the old man who was crushed in his hands just now, he thinks that no one else knows his secrets except himself;

Another example is top-secret information that is only known to two people, or to a limited number of people...

In Meng Zhou's case, every time he pays attention, it almost always appears in the form of a swipe on the screen.

Various swearings and pledges made in the form of Taoist oaths are also often seen.

There are also many people who make small moves before issuing the Dao Heart Oath, or find ways to avoid it later, or even directly break the promise.

With such a large number of "samples", coupled with Meng Zhou's own personal experience and thinking, he also had a deeper understanding of the Daoxin Oath.

The biggest gain that Meng Zhou gained from this was that the Dao Heart Oath was not mechanical, general, and indiscriminate covering all those who took the oath from their hearts.

Instead, targeted distribution will be made based on the strength of both parties taking the oath and the preciousness of the content of the oath.

To put it more simply, it also refers to the Dao Heart Oath. If Meng Zhou chooses to blend with a Foundation Builder or chooses to blend with a Jie Dan, the extent to which the Soul Pond is bound is different.

If there is a forced breach of contract, the backlash will naturally be different.

If the object of the Dao Heart Oath is the same target, but the specific content is different, one is the inheritance of a second-level spell, and the other is the inheritance of a third-level secret, the Dao Heart Oath has a stronger restriction on the latter. , the backlash caused by default is also greater.

When he first discovered this pattern, Meng Zhou was shocked.

Because the operating logic behind the Daoxin Oath is really too smart, and it's completely "depending on what others do."

It is enough to be able to accurately judge the cultivation level of both parties. High cultivation level and low cultivation level are a very objective matter. Hidden in the rules of the great road is a mechanism for accurately and accurately judging the cultivation level of the practitioner, which makes sense. .

To be honest, don't the abnormal celestial phenomena when the great realm breaks through, such as clouds and thunder, imply such a hidden judgment mechanism.

However, in addition to accurately determining the cultivation level, it is also possible to accurately determine the value, which is really scary.

Items that practitioners consider valuable may be worthless to monsters or spiritual plants.

In turn, this simple truth also holds true.

Therefore, the level of value is determined by the monks themselves, and it cannot come from the path of treating all living beings like cud dogs.

Even if they are both monks, they have different perceptions of value.

The value of the same item or information can be very different in different people's minds.

Contrary to the fact that the level of cultivation can be accurately and objectively assessed, there is no absolutely fair standard for the level of value, which varies from person to person.

However, those invisible threads that respond to the Taoist Heart's Oath, or the "rules" behind them, can make the most reasonable and accurate judgments for specific goals.

Isn't this scary enough?

This discovery almost allowed Meng Zhou to completely reshape his understanding of the entire world.

"Could it be that the Dao of Heaven is actually a sentient, intentional, and knowing being?"

When this thought emerged from the bottom of his heart, Meng Zhou was violently shocked for no reason.

The whole world seems to have become different, and suddenly it has a "weird" flavor.

Fortunately, Meng Zhou did not fall too deeply into this state of mind.

Soon, he thought of another possibility.

"The determination of the Tao Heart Oath may come from two levels: 'external' and 'internal'."

"'External' mainly makes an accurate and objective judgment on the level of cultivation of both parties taking the oath."

“The value judgment of the content of the oath comes from the truest heart of both parties taking the oath, and only they can most accurately determine the value of the content of the oath.

This is different from the accurate and objective 'external' judgment. From a certain perspective, this is a reflection of the true intentions of both parties taking the oath.

Therefore, it is called ‘internal’ judgment. "

“Only by adding ‘external’ and ‘internal’ can a complete judgment be formed.”

Obviously, this understanding makes Meng Zhou more at ease compared to "the whole world has a deep sense of 'strangeness'".

But in the end, it still needs to be verified in practice, and you cannot rely solely on yourself to perform intracranial deductions.

This is also one of the reasons for Meng Zhou's actions.

The final choice of an old man in the middle stage of foundation building as the target was also a careful choice based on the judgment in his heart.

For him, the opponent's cultivation level is low enough;

Furthermore, to the old man, the content of the oath was related to life and death, but from Meng Zhou's point of view, it was no different from the earth and rocks that could be seen everywhere.

Taken together, the constraints of the oath that he carefully selected have very little restriction on him.

Even if the worst happens, the backlash is completely within the range he can bear.

Another reason why he acted like this was the invisible threads wrapped around the soul pool themselves.

As early as when he was building the foundation, Meng Zhou had a feeling that these threads that bound the soul might have some connection with the "Knot Master".

When the Dao Heart Oath was completely broken, Meng Zhou could clearly see a rope-like shadow flickering outside the sea of ​​consciousness.

As a knot master, Meng Zhou found it difficult not to associate the two together.

After reaching the third level of the Knot Master profession, Meng Zhou became more and more certain about this judgment.

Because when he reviewed the invisible threads wrapped around the soul pool in his mind, he truly felt the rope-tying skills contained in them.

However, because it is too subtle and too obscure, mere recollection is not enough.

At that time, on the one hand, he was not strong enough, and on the other hand, time and energy did not allow him to spread his thoughts here.

Everything related to it has been put aside for the time being.

Now, as his cultivation has broken through the ninth level of the core formation, and all preparations are sufficient, Meng Zhou naturally has the idea to lift this lid.

When Meng Zhou stopped, he had once again entered the hill where Zhu Qian was cultivating.

At this moment, Bai Zhi and Zhu Qian, the master-disciple pair, were handling various elixirs in the elixir garden not far away, while chatting non-stop about various interesting stories and gossips.

Judging from the way they get along, they are more like sisters reunited after a long separation than master and apprentice.

Meng Zhou thought for a while and did not show up to disturb their interest.

Meng Zhou, who was between the real world and the real world, sat down casually and focused all his thoughts on the invisible threads around the soul pool.

Meng Zhou also took a look at the so-called "Secret Biography of the Alchemy Sect" he got from the old man. After just a few casual glances, Meng Zhou put it into the spirit gourd space again.

If nothing unexpected happened, he would never look at these things again.

For him now, these so-called "Secret Traditions of the Alchemy Sect" are no longer even valuable for him to learn from.

In the elixir garden, the master and apprentice used the techniques of a spiritual planter to carefully handle all the elixirs.

Not long after they returned to the cave near the peak, Bai Zhi had just separated from Zhu Qian and entered an independent quiet room. Suddenly, she saw a figure sitting cross-legged on the stone couch in the quiet room. Bai Zhi's heartbeat was uncontrollable. Jumped a few times.

Then the corner of his mouth curved slightly, but he said with some anger: "I was shocked... Zhu Qian mentioned you just now, why don't you meet her?"

Meng Zhou waved his hand and said, "We will talk about these things later. Now, I have another very important thing that I need your help with."

Hearing this, Bai Zhi's expression became serious and asked, "What's the matter?"

Meng Zhou waved to her and said, "Come here and sit closer."

At Meng Zhou's greeting, Bai Zhi sat cross-legged opposite Meng Zhou.

"Now, I want to tell you a huge secret!" Meng Zhou leaned forward slightly, leaned close to Bai Zhi's ear, and said mysteriously.

When Bai Zhi heard this, her eyes suddenly widened and she asked, "What secret?"

At this moment, Bai Zhi's heartbeat was beating uncontrollably.

At this moment, Meng Zhou's mind was mostly focused on the sea of ​​consciousness.

He clearly felt that right now, just now, when he had thought about it but had not yet taken any actual action, the invisible threads wrapped around the soul pool suddenly tightened without warning.

In an instant, a clear tight feeling came from the depths of his soul.

And as Meng Zhou stopped thinking, that sense of tightness disappeared for no apparent reason.

"This is probably the feeling of a tight curse." Meng Zhou thought in his heart.

Now that it has begun, Meng Zhou's attempts will naturally not stop there.

Facing the expectant Bai Zhi, Meng Zhou whispered: "I saw someone assassinate a monk from the Alchemy Sect!"

As soon as these words came out, Meng Zhou endured the discomfort and breathed out softly in his heart.

At that moment, the invisible threads wrapped around the soul pool suddenly tightened.

Under this invisible thread, the liquid soul pool is like a whole piece of "jelly", and the taut threads are inserted into the "jelly" little by little.

Bai Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged opposite Meng Zhou, fully expecting to share Meng Zhou's secrets, opened her eyes so wide that they almost fell out after hearing this.

A pair of big black and white eyes, full of confusion!

After taking a breath, Meng Zhou continued to reveal "violent news".

"That man's surname is Qu Mingtong, and he runs a shop in Fangshi not far from here!"

"Ah? So what?" Bai Zhi asked blankly.

She is still looking forward to the follow-up plot, guessing what shocking secrets are hidden in it.

But after Meng Zhou said this, all his thoughts were concentrated in the Soul Pond of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and there was nowhere left to pay attention to Bai Zhi who was so close at hand.

The "violent information" hadn't even finished exploding, and the crackling sound like firecrackers resounded in Meng Zhou's sea of ​​consciousness.

Too arrogant!

It's so arrogant!

From the perspective of Dao Xin's oath, it has probably been a long time since I have seen such a blatant, madman committing a crime like this!

Even other monks who committed the same breach of contract would still find ways to cover it up in order to minimize the damage of the backlash.

Not to mention the effect, compared with Meng Zhou, at least his attitude is correct. (End of chapter)

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