Do not die

Chapter 387 Entering the Sea of ​​Stars


Several months have passed since Meng Zhou went to Zijin Cliff to ask for directions when Kou Chong came back to throw stones.

Using these few months, Meng Zhou further perfected the "prison escape" method that he had already tested on Kou Chong.

At this moment, Meng Zhou came to another third-level spiritual vein location, located in Jingyue Lake within the jurisdiction of Hehuan Domain.

After entering Jingyue Lake, Meng Zhou went straight to a spiritual island.

This spiritual island is guarded by an exquisitely arranged and tightly guarded third-level formation.

However, this was not even an obstacle to the current Meng Zhou. He had already passed through the third-level top-grade guardian formation and entered the interior of the spirit island without even using any special skills.

The area of ​​this spiritual island is not too large, but it is full of spiritual energy and vitality.

There is a slightly raised hill in the center of Lingdao. On the hill, a cave is located in the middle.

Meng Zhou entered the cave like no one else and came to the quiet room.

At this moment, in the quiet room of the cave, there is a female cultivator with a beautiful face and a quiet temperament who is meditating with her eyes closed, refining her Qi and breathing out her breath.

Meng Zhou, who was in the middle between the real world and the real world, took a closer look at the female cultivator's condition and found that her cultivation was indeed not close to a breakthrough.

Meng Zhou judged based on his own experience that this female cultivator with the seventh level of alchemy cultivation has completed about 40% of her current state, and there is still a long way to go before she can make further progress. Walk.

"It must be because of other reasons." Meng Zhou thought in his heart.

Meng Zhou didn't care too much about this.

He was just a hitchhiker, and he didn't really care what the owner of the car was doing on this trip.

Just one day ago, the female cultivator crushed the half-red and half-white mysterious bead assigned to her by the Xingxiu Palace.

Based on past experience, Meng Zhou knew that the female cultivator would leave in two months.

Meng Zhou, who had just settled in a third-level evil vessel in the Jinding domain, immediately set out to come to the female cultivator.

Although with his methods, there is no need to be so eager.

Even if he came the day before the female nun left, it would be enough for him to take care of everything.

Having had one practical experience, he will only become more proficient in doing it than the first time.

However, Meng Zhou came to the female cultivator immediately.

This time, the action is no longer about "throwing stones to ask for directions", but "testing the law by oneself."

This time, I really risked my life.

Under such circumstances, one cannot be too cautious.

Meng Zhou did not disturb the female cultivator's daily routine and waited quietly.

He reviewed the action plan in his mind, and without the female cultivator being aware of it at all, he studied all the monsters in her beast bag and considered which one was most suitable.

——His current plan, if you take a closer look, is actually just a trick to get through the situation by substituting one thing for another.

However, the specific target was changed from guarding Jiedan himself to the contracted monster that guarded Jiedan.

In terms of importance, there is no doubt that the monk himself is at the core, and the contracted monster is just a means at his disposal.

It is precisely because of this that Guarding Jiedan himself receives the most attention no matter what the circumstances.

But to use them to complete the trick of cheating and getting through, the difficulty of the latter is far higher than that of the former.

There is the biggest difference here, and it is also the biggest obstacle to new ideas.

If the target of "stealing a beam and replacing a pillar" is the monk himself, then at the moment when "stealing a beam and replacing a pillar" is completed, the monk is no longer himself, but the person who executes the plan.

As for where the real monk went, he might have been put in a bag, or he might have been disposed of until there was no residue left. The specifics are not important. What is important is that he no longer has the right to speak.

But if the target of "stealing others" becomes the monk's contract monster, then the monk himself will change from "not even qualified to speak" to "the most stringent reviewer".

If any flaw is revealed, the entire plan will be ruined.

The most important point of the plan is no longer to complete the "substituting the pillars" itself, but how to ensure that after all this is done, the practitioner himself will not find any flaws.

This is also the fundamental reason why Meng Zhou wants to advance the "spiritual master" profession to the fourth level before taking action.

This new plan actually has an implicit premise.

That is to say, it is necessary to ensure that each guarding elixir has contracted monsters, and the more the number, the better.

If this premise is placed within the five domains, it is actually not that easy to achieve.

Even the original five sects did not have the confidence to equip each disciple with one or more guardian monsters.

In this regard, Xingxing Palace happens to be an exception.

On the one hand, Xingxiu Palace, which has always adhered to the concept of good things but not too many, has a small number of disciples, and Xingxiu Palace will not easily give up anyone who gets into the walls of Xingxiu Palace.

On the other hand, the resources of the fourth-order Constellation Sea are too abundant, and there are also many monsters living in it.

In the absence of a natural regulating mechanism like the beast tide, the Xingxiu Palace even had to find ways to maintain the ecological balance of the Xingxiu Sea.

For these reasons, Xingxiu Palace not only encourages disciples to take the initiative to search for suitable monsters in the Xingxiu Sea, but if the monk himself is not good at controlling beasts, Xingxiu Palace will even take the initiative to intervene to help conclude a contract.

Therefore, for the monks of the Xingxiu Palace, it is standard to carry a beast bag with several contracted monsters in the beast bag.

This was the case for Yan Zhuang, the first Xingxiu Palace monk that Meng Zhou encountered, and the same was true for these guarding pills.

Without exception.

The female cultivator in front of me was naturally no exception.

Soon, Meng Zhou found the most suitable target among the several contracted monsters of the female cultivator.

A spirit turtle named "Gi Mei".

The reason why it got such a strange name as "Earth Charm" is because its bloodline gives it the ability to escape from the earth, which is extremely powerful.

As long as its limbs are still on the ground, it is like a ghost, hiding when it wants and diving when it wants, with almost no consumption. To it, this seems to be as normal as eating and drinking.

One month later.

After completing all preparations to the limit, Meng Zhou finally took action.

When the female cultivator once again fell into deep concentration and meditated, Meng Zhou saw the right moment and took action decisively.

In an instant, before the female cultivator could react, Meng Zhou completely took over all the authority of the female cultivator's body.

Then, he borrowed the female cultivator's hand to call out the sleeping earth-charming turtle from the animal bag.

After taking out the Earthly Demon Turtle, the first thing Meng Zhou did was to force out a large amount of heart essence and blood from the Earthly Demonic Spirit Turtle.

However, after Meng Zhou took the heart essence and blood into his hands, he did not take out a body of Tai Sui to absorb and transform it.

Moreover, the existing Tai Sui bodies in its hands are also somewhat inappropriate.

——The "Tai Sui Body" that Meng Zhou improved on the basis of the original method. Although it was initially based on the "human form", as he mastered this skill more and more deeply, he understood more and more. , and gradually broke away from this bondage.

After the "Tai Sui Body" is completely perfected, it can no longer be limited to any form, as long as the "genetic material" that can complete the transformation of the "Tai Sui Body" can be obtained from the target's body.

But to really implement it, the original form of the "Tai Sui Body" must be redesigned and refined.

The greater the difference from the human form, the more time and effort it will take.

Although the number of "Tai Sui Body" accumulated in Meng Zhou's Linghu Space is very large, these were all saved when Meng Zhou was leveling up.

In order to reach the perfect state of this skill as soon as possible, of course, we must do it as fast as possible and save Tai Sui's flesh and blood. Everything is aimed at maximizing efficiency.

——For Meng Zhou at that time, the Qinglian sword marrow that gave birth to Tai Sui's flesh and blood was still in short supply and could not be wasted casually.

For this reason, all the "Tai Sui bodies" that Meng Zhou saved in the Linghu space were in human form.

Moreover, the higher the state of the "Tai Sui Body", the smaller the "human form" becomes. In the end, it is only as big as a two or three-year-old child.

Such a "Tai Sui Body" is inappropriate in most cases when used on monsters.

Kou Chong was lucky that time. He happened to have a monkey-like monster in his hand, and it was petite in size. The "human form" Tai Sui body he had accumulated in his hand was just suitable for it.

If Kou Chong does not have a demonic beast suitable for the usage scenario of the "human form" Tai Sui Body, he still has to specially design and refine a more suitable "beast form" Tai Sui Body.

This female cultivator does not have any monsters suitable for the Tai Sui body in "human form". However, this time it is Meng Zhou himself who is responsible for taking the lead. He does not need to design and refine an Earth Charm Spirit Turtle. Tai Sui's body.

Even so, Meng Zhou still took a lot of the heart essence blood of the Earthly Charming Spirit Turtle and warmed it up in the spirit gourd space.

After taking the heart essence and blood, Meng Zhou stretched out his hand and pressed it on the top of the earthly charm turtle's head.

Soon, Meng Zhou once again saw a brilliant "starry sky" with sparkling light.

After finding the spiritual part of the contract between the female cultivator and the earth-charming turtle in this "starry sky", Meng Zhou took it all into his control and continued to refine and condense it.

The Earth Charm Turtle also lost its original form little by little during this process, and finally turned into a small bloody meatball.

Meng Zhou felt a little nauseous as he looked at the lively, bloody meatball slowly squirming in his palm.

His brain was even thinking about it uncontrollably. Meng Zhou thought about the taste after he swallowed it...

It can move!

This thing keeps moving!


The more he thought about it, the more he resisted. Finally, the bloody meatball melted directly in Meng Zhou's palm and quickly sank into his palm.

"Then don't put it in your mouth." Meng Zhou comforted himself.

Although, ever since this thing entered his body and integrated closely with himself, Meng Zhou still felt fuzzy in his heart, as if there were caterpillars crawling gently throughout his body.

"Psychological issues, psychological issues."

Meng Zhou discovered that there are problems with being too strong physically. At this moment, he must try his best to suppress his body's strong instincts.

Otherwise, if one is not careful, the little meatballs that have integrated into his body will be wiped out by his body as a foreign body invasion.

Apart from this psychological discomfort, there are no other problems.

Meng Zhou also turned into an... earth-charming turtle.

Meng Zhou's ability to change and camouflage was inherently very strong. The transformation skills and camouflage skills he mastered had been transformed into talents as early as when he was practicing Qi and building foundations, then transformed into spiritual bodies, and then into Tao bodies.

Now, although Meng Zhou no longer has a disguised skill in the skill bar, in fact, among the three existing Tao bodies, these are the "original shareholders" who hold a large share.

In addition, Meng Zhou also has many special advantages when transforming turtle monsters.

At the moment when his body transformed into an earthly spirit turtle, Meng Zhou simultaneously sensed the existence of the giant turtle carrying the bright moon in the sea of ​​consciousness and the giant turtle carrying the sun in the "other world".

Meng Zhou's own heart also felt an indescribable sense of relief because of this "appearance and inside being the same".

It's like returning home, taking off all the masks and disguises, and being your truest self.

In this regard, Meng Zhou had no joy, only depression.

"Is it what it looks like? There must be something wrong."

Meng Zhou thought this in his heart.

However, now is not the time to pursue this.

After finishing everything, "Earth Charm Turtle Meng Zhou" had fallen asleep in the animal bag.

After lying down in the most comfortable position, Meng Zhou dispelled the robbery of the female cultivator's sea of ​​consciousness soul and returned all authority to the female cultivator herself.

The female cultivator did not even wake up and continued to meditate in seclusion.

It wasn't until a few days later that she ended her retreat, and then went for a walk on the island in addition to the cave.

Time flies, and more than twenty days have passed.

Today is the sixtieth day after the female cultivator crushed the communication bead.

The female cultivator appeared in the cave hall and waited quietly.

After a while, there was a ripple in the void, and a monk who looked about thirty years old appeared in front of her.

The exchange between the two was at a minimum. The monk called out "Senior Sister Fan" and the female cultivator named Fan Ling called "Junior Brother Zhang" in return.

Then, she handed a storage bag she had prepared in advance to the other party and said, "Everything is in there, please check it."

"Junior Brother Zhang" responded: "Okay."

Then he lowered his head to check.

Soon, after finishing the inspection, he said: "No problem."

"Yes." Fan Ling nodded, then sat down on the futon next to her and continued to immerse herself in her own world.

Judging from the appearance of "Junior Brother Zhang", he had the intention to say a few words and pass the time.

But he glanced at Fan Ling and saw her acting like this, so he gave up and sat down next to her.

Time passed quietly between the two of them in silence.

Soon, half a day passed.

As a force enveloped Fan Ling and isolated her from the world, her figure disappeared from the room.

During this process, Meng Zhou behaved very quietly.

When the mysterious power appeared and enveloped Fan Ling, he did not commit suicide and took the opportunity to use his spiritual consciousness to study it. Instead, he tried his best to restrain himself and minimize his own existence.

Because of the special nature of the Five Yun Spiritual Gourds, all five spirit gourds were absorbed into the Sea of ​​Consciousness by Meng Zhou.

There is no foreign object on his body. As long as he does not take the initiative to open his consciousness, there will be no flaws.

Soon, Meng Zhou once again directly sensed the connection with the Tai Sui body that transformed into a monkey demon.

The originally vague sense of the divine soul clone buried in the monkey demon's body became clear again.

Therefore, even though Meng Zhou's spiritual consciousness was tightly locked within the sea of ​​consciousness, it was not exposed at all.

He also knew that he had entered the Sea of ​​Stars.

This was also the most critical and dangerous time he expected, when he was most likely to be exposed.

Logically speaking, Meng Zhou should be very nervous at this time.

If you don't beat your heart into your throat, you'd be sorry for the time and effort he put in to get to this point.

But the real situation is that Meng Zhou found himself very calm.

Not a single wave of emotion.

He wasn't even curious about what Fan Ling, who had just entered the Xingxiu Sea, was going through.

He just lay quietly and neatly in Fan Ling's animal bag, not thinking about anything and not making any waves.

Just like a real turtle. (End of chapter)

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