Do not die

Chapter 446: The Conflict (Part 1)

Of course, what Meng Zhou really cares about is not what the other side of the mountain is like.

What he really cares about is that the "other side of the mountain" is like a mirror, through which Meng Zhou re-understands the "Demon Sealing Land" from another perspective.

And basically confirmed that although there are huge hidden dangers waiting for him in the distance, as long as he is still in this "prison", his safety is guaranteed.

Meng Zhou is confident that any power from the inside of the "Demon Sealing Land" can no longer cause him harm.

No matter what form, any means.

Now he has unknowingly stood at the top of the power of the "Demon Sealing Land".

The only power that can hit him can only come from outside the "Demon Sealing Land".

But unfortunately, to do this, there is a prerequisite, that is, the "Demon Sealing Land" must be destroyed first.

And obviously, this is impossible.

If the "Demon Sealing Land" can really be disposed of in such a straightforward way, it would not need to be dragged on until today.

As for the forces that have infiltrated through various means, being able to act as spies and pass on some information is already the limit.

It is impossible to harm oneself through such means.

Even the accusations made by "Kou Chong" against Lian Ziling are true - "the fall of the former Xingxiu Palace ancestor" and "for more than a hundred years, no one in Xingxiu Palace has successfully broken through the Jindan stage, and the road to the advancement of Jindan to Yuanying stage is completely blocked", which are all related to Lian Ziling.

Meng Zhou's focus is also to regard it as a specific example of the spread and infiltration of foreign forces in the "Sealed Demon Land", and to infer the extent of the infiltration of foreign forces.

However, he will not overestimate its power and worry about his own safety.

If you want to do something to yourself by this means, what is the difference between it and a sheep entering a tiger's mouth?

Thinking of this, Meng Zhou was suddenly startled.

Just now, he thought of an operation, which is to deliberately sell some flaws and attract some "blind sheep" to deliver food to the door.

But soon, Meng Zhou shook his head and suppressed this idea.

For him, this has no practical significance except exposing himself more.

Moreover, according to Meng Zhou's judgment from various signs, most of the forces infiltrating from foreign continents have their own purposes and selfishness.

As long as he is quiet and grasps the scale of his actions, he can be at peace on the surface.

After all, the conflict he was involved in has reached the level of "the struggle of the great way".

For any Yuanying cultivator, personal life and the path are the most important. This kind of conflict that has nothing to do with them personally is too late to hide, so who would take the initiative to get involved.

Qing Ye's visit and his unconcealed exposure of his old bottom, isn't the real purpose to better protect himself?

"Captain, we are one of us, don't shoot!"

Thinking of this, Meng Zhou suddenly laughed.

With the help of the mirror of "the other side of the mountain", Meng Zhou re-recognized the "Demon Sealing Land" and re-recognized himself.

If the "Demon Sealing Land" is regarded as a prison, then he is undoubtedly a "prison bully", and a super prison bully who can make all the "jailers" obey him obediently.

"There's nothing wrong with this." Meng Zhou thought so in his heart.

This is not Meng Zhou's self-mockery, but he really thinks so.

He really can't imagine that there is a more comfortable and pleasant practice environment than this.

As for the possible impact of violating various "taboo regulations" on himself, Meng Zhou doesn't care.

He now understands that the special scene he "saw" in the last stage of the tribulation, one after another, the laws of heaven and earth turned into giant stars, and smashed towards him with unparalleled power, which was the "heavenly punishment" for violating many "taboo regulations".

But these "heavenly punishments" did not fall on his head, and were strongly pushed back by another group of law forces.

Therefore, the misfortunes such as "shortening life" or "falling in the middle of the road" that may be caused by violating the "taboo regulations" naturally could not be really imposed on him.

Moreover, Meng Zhou actually had a guess. Because of the special state of his own, he suspected that even if the "heavenly punishment" really fell on him, he could still resist it.

At least, it would not be a catastrophic consequence that he could not resist.

However, it was naturally good now.

Meng Zhou did not have the obsession to justify his own strength.


As his mind settled down, Meng Zhou suddenly found that he seemed to have returned to the top of Qiyun Peak in Sanchuanyuan again, and naturally found the most comfortable, leisurely and leisurely state of practice.

"Xingxiu Tianchi" has also become lively, and it is no longer Meng Zhou's "world".

Not only Bai Zhi and Yaya have resumed their normal activities, but the "natal spirit" Jinfen Shuangdilian, who had advanced to the fourth level earlier than Yaya, was also released by Meng Zhou. As long as it was within the range of "Xingxiu Tianchi", it was allowed to move freely.

At first, this "natal spirit" was still a little timid, and turned into a spiritual lotus and huddled in a corner without moving.

But not long after, as Yaya's rope body wrapped around the spirit lotus several times, the spirit lotus quickly turned into a giggling child and became friends with Yaya.

Then, he also became close to Bai Zhi.

On the contrary, he was always lukewarm towards Meng Zhou, the person with whom he had the closest relationship in theory.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Meng Zhou never deliberately cultivated this relationship.

Time is like water.

When Meng Zhou woke up from his meditation again, he was surprised to find that Bai Zhi, who had the lowest cultivation and the weakest strength, had gained complete dominance.

Not to mention Yaya, the "birth elf" also obeyed her.

Even in every unintentional movement and expression, it naturally revealed a kind of attachment and flattery like a small pet to its owner.

In Meng Zhou's case, the "birth elf" who was like an abandoned child and didn't even have a name, also had its own name.

"Bai Ling, you need to call her Bai Ling from now on."

Bai Zhi said to Meng Zhou, with some anger in her tone, as if she thought he was too careless.

And just as Bai Zhi and Meng Zhou were talking, the little Bai Ling stretched out a little hand and tightly grasped the hem of Bai Zhi's skirt, half hiding behind her, looking at the pitiful little appearance, as if she was afraid of being abandoned or abducted by a stranger.

Meng Zhou looked at this scene and felt funny.

If he hadn't seen this little thing just after the tribulation, and he was not shy to be with a fourth-level true spirit whose body was a green-feathered spirit bird, he would really believe it.

This performance is a bit too devoted.

However, no matter how devoted you are, now is my time.

Meng Zhou waved at Bai Ling, told her to go find Yaya to play, and signaled Bai Zhi to follow him.


Although she already knew what was going to happen, Bai Zhi still asked as if she didn't know.

Whether it was reserved or interesting, it seemed to have become a very special process ritual between the two.

The most interesting thing is that the two people were very serious about the process, as if they were mirrors in their hearts.

For example, Meng Zhou now, after hearing Bai Zhi's question, replied seriously: "You have been taken around by me for these years, and you have fallen behind in your studies."

"Ah?" Bai Zhi exclaimed softly, "Will this affect my future practice?"

Meng Zhou nodded seriously: "Not only will it affect, but the impact is very big."

Bai Zhi frowned, as if she began to worry about her future.

"But don't worry too much." Meng Zhou comforted.

"Ah? Do you have a way?" Bai Zhi suddenly grabbed Meng Zhou's hand excitedly.

As she said, before Meng Zhou responded, she couldn't wait to enter the next round.

She took Meng Zhou and entered an area isolated by the formation. Without waiting for Meng Zhou to speak, she took the initiative to jump onto the water bed and lie down obediently, letting the ripples of the water ripple under her body, and her eyes poked Meng Zhou, as if to say, what are you still dawdling about.


Meng Zhou's heart was as calm as water, and his face was expressionless.

You are so tough, it really makes me embarrassed, sister.

In any case, with the hard work of the two, Bai Zhi's cultivation level really improved by leaps and bounds.

In less than a year, she completed the accumulation of the seventh level of Jindan and successfully broke through to the eighth level of Jindan.

Then, it took another two years for Bai Zhi to complete the accumulation of the eighth level of Jindan and break through to the ninth level of Jindan.

This is still under the condition of fully considering Bai Zhi's own tolerance!

Most of the time in the past two years, Bai Zhi spent on adapting to the sudden increase in cultivation and taming the surge in power.

If left alone, Bai Zhi's growth rate will be even faster.

In order to let Bai Zhi lay a solid foundation as much as possible, and Meng Zhou could not really spend all his time and energy on helping Bai Zhi grow, the two consciously slowed down the pace of Bai Zhi's growth.

Even so, in less than three years, Bai Zhi's advancement from the seventh level of Jindan to the ninth level of Jindan is already very outrageous.

The key is that Bai Zhi's foundation is still very solid.

However, after Bai Zhi's cultivation level reached the ninth level of Jindan, the two parties did not pay much attention to the changes in Bai Zhi's cultivation level.

Bai Zhi did not pay any attention to the rapid progress of her cultivation level.

All her performances were the same as usual, without any abnormality.

But Meng Zhou's focus was quietly on Bai Zhi.


After another thunder and lightning, and heavy wind and rain.

The clouds disappeared and the rain stopped, and the sky was bright.

The blushing Bai Zhi from the two families opened her eyes, and her eyes with a radiant spring wave fell on Meng Zhou.

Hun Ling'er had just returned from the sky. When she woke up, she saw Meng Zhou staring at her closely. Bai Zhi felt sweet and a little embarrassed in her heart.

"What's wrong, staring at me like this?"

Meng Zhou asked: "Didn't you notice anything?"

While asking, Meng Zhou's eyes were always on Bai Zhi, paying attention to the changes in her expression.

"Notice what?" Bai Zhi was puzzled.

Meng Zhou did not answer immediately, but continued to stare at her.

"What's wrong with you?" Bai Zhi was a little unhappy, and stretched out her hand to gently push Meng Zhou's shoulder.

Her subconscious and completely heartfelt performance made Meng Zhou, who was a little nervous, breathe a sigh of relief.

She did not hide anything and revealed the answer, "Don't you notice the changes in yourself?"

"Changes in me? What changes?" Bai Zhi thought, suspicious, and her eyes moved from Meng Zhou to herself little by little.

Then, she stopped moving.

Meng Zhou was confused and said, "What are you doing?"

Bai Zhi, who was looking at her own snow-capped hills, said openly:

"Looking for changes. If you look closely, there seem to be some changes.

... But isn't this quite normal?"

"Every time you break through your cultivation, there will be some changes in your body.

Is there anything strange about this?" At the end, Bai Zhi's eyes fell on Meng Zhou again.

"..." At this moment, Meng Zhou was speechless.

He was even a little unsure whether he had not made his words clear or whether the frequent dual cultivation in recent years had a subtle influence on Bai Zhi's thinking habits, so that her perspective had begun to become a little strange when she was thinking about problems, and she herself was unaware of it.

"I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about your cultivation!" In any case, Meng Zhou decided not to entangle with Bai Zhi on such trivial matters.

"What's wrong with my cultivation?" Bai Zhi was still puzzled.

"Don't you find that? Since you broke through the ninth level of Jindan, your body has become very strange."

"Strange? What's strange?" Bai Zhi looked down at herself again.

"Because of the disparity between our cultivation levels, your cultivation level will be significantly improved after each dual cultivation.

In the past, in order to completely adapt to this sudden increase in cultivation level, you would spend a lot of time digesting and absorbing after each dual cultivation.

But now, your body can complete this digestion and absorption in a very short time. Don't you notice such an obvious problem?!" Meng Zhou said.

Bai Zhi suddenly realized, "You are talking about this, isn't this a very normal change?"

"What's normal?"

"Look, when I was still at the seventh level of Jindan, didn't I spend more time digesting and absorbing than at the eighth level?

Now that my cultivation has advanced a step further, the efficiency of digestion and absorption has become faster. Isn't this very reasonable?"

"Haven't we discussed this issue before?

The greater the difference between our cultivation levels, the greater the net benefit of the lower cultivation level after dual cultivation, that is, me, and vice versa.

In recent years, my cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, while your cultivation has not changed significantly. Isn't the net benefit of our dual cultivation smaller?

In addition, as my cultivation level improves, my body's absorption capacity also improves.

This decrease and increase show the effect you see. Isn't this very reasonable?"


Meng Zhou felt like a boomerang thrown many years ago had pierced him.

The new terms that popped out of Bai Zhi's mouth were all learned from him.

Of course, he could refute it.

Her seemingly reasonable reason was actually full of loopholes and leaks.

She thought that her cultivation level had improved from the seventh level of Jindan to the ninth level of Jindan, and the gap between her and herself had narrowed a lot, but in fact, this was really her illusion.

To make an inappropriate analogy, she thought that her cultivation level had made great progress, but in fact, it was only from "7" to "9", while Meng Zhou, who she thought was standing still, had improved from "100" to "103".

In terms of the increase in cultivation level, her growth is of course unquestionable.

But if we look at the absolute gap in strength between the two sides, it has not only not narrowed, but has become larger.

As her cultivation level improves, her body's ability to digest and absorb will indeed improve.

But it is definitely not as exaggerated as Bai Zhi's current performance.

In Meng Zhou's view, her current body is like a "sponge" that is always dry and always thirsty.

However, after Meng Zhou looked at Bai Zhi again, he did not continue to entangle with Bai Zhi on this issue.

Okay, if you say it's okay, then it's okay.

Anyway, what he really cared about was never the abnormality in Bai Zhi's body.


Because of the abnormal changes in Bai Zhi's body, her growth rate after breaking through to the ninth level of Jindan not only did not slow down, but her cultivation accumulation speed was even faster than when she was at the eighth level of Jindan.

Such an obvious abnormality, Bai Zhi still did not show any abnormality, thinking that all this was very reasonable.

Meng Zhou did not say anything more about this.

Only Meng Zhou himself knew how nervous he was.

Under the appearance of everything being normal, Meng Zhou seemed to see another scene.

Bai Zhi seemed to be suppressing and enduring, constantly chanting: "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine..."

She seemed to be using this self-hypnosis and self-brainwashing method to tell herself that everything was normal and nothing happened.

Meng Zhou was sure that in Bai Zhi's heart, deep in her subconscious, there was a fierce battle going on that he could not participate in or intervene in.

This was a battle that belonged only to her.

Even Bai Zhi, who spent every day in dual cultivation with Meng Zhou, did not realize this.

In this regard, Meng Zhou found that the only thing he could do was to go faster, faster.

Help Bai Zhi to get through as quickly as possible.

In this way, in just one year, Bai Zhi completed the accumulation of the ninth level of Jindan, and her cultivation reached the limit of the Jindan level, and there was no further progress.

[Hua Ling Level 3 10,000/10,000]

Above the sea area outside the "Xingxiu Tianchi", the spiritual energy surged like a flood.

In this violent surge, the calamity cloud began to be born from one point, and then spread in all directions at an astonishing speed.

Meng Zhou's heart skipped a beat, and he looked up at Bai Zhi on his body.

Bai Zhi, who had just returned from the wonderful world of galloping on horseback and roaming the rivers and lakes, happened to look down at Meng Zhou.

Meng Zhou was a little anxious and reproachful, saying, "Do you need to be so anxious? Don't you have time to catch your breath? You're going to start overcoming the tribulation without any preparation?!"

Bai Zhi had already floated up, and with a wave of her hand, the robes and magic weapons beside her returned to their places one by one.

She gave Meng Zhou an apologetic look, "Wait for me to come back."

Meng Zhou was silent, and with a wave of his hand, a storage ring flew out of his hand and landed in Bai Zhi's hand.

"What is this?" Bai Zhi's consciousness naturally probed into it.

The next moment, Bai Zhi was shocked.

"I can't help you much, I hope these fortune marrows can help you succeed in overcoming the tribulation."

When speaking, Meng Zhou paused for a moment on the word "overcoming the tribulation", as if he meant something else.

This time, it was Bai Zhi's turn to be silent.

She held the storage ring tightly in her hand and nodded heavily to Meng Zhou.

"I'm going...wait for me to come back." Not long after, Bai Zhi said this again.

The same words, spoken by the same person, can be heard to have a huge difference.

This time, there seems to be a real and powerful feeling.

The dome formed by the "Tianchi Star Mud" automatically avoided again, and Bai Zhi took the initiative to fly towards the rapidly growing heavenly tribulation in the sky.

"You have worked hard over the years, you should have a good rest."


Meng Zhou curled his lips and looked outside the dome, but Bai Zhi's figure was gone.

In order to avoid interference caused by his existence, Meng Zhou's figure suddenly turned into a stream of water and merged into the water environment of the "Xingxiu Tianchi".

Since then, Meng Zhou's traces have disappeared completely from the "Xingxiu Tianchi".


Lingming Island.

At the moment when the heavenly tribulation began to form in the sea area outside the "Xingxiu Tianchi", four figures almost simultaneously escaped from the four caves.

Soon, the four figures gathered in the void on the east side of Lingming Island, and looked far away to the east sea area at the same time.

From their perspective, thousands of miles away in the east, thunderstorms were growing and spreading at a very fast speed.

Not long after, the spiritual energy flood caused by the birth of the heavenly tribulation had crossed thousands of miles of void and hit them head-on.

The four people were motionless and endured the impact of the violent spiritual energy flood, and did not directly use the defense means of Lingming Island to resist all these impacts outside Lingming Island.

After a long time, the "big brother" broke the silence and said, "How do you feel?"

When he asked this question, he was still looking at the heavenly tribulation in the east sky, and did not look at other people.

For a while, no one answered.

After a while, the "second sister" considered and spoke:

"It's a very strong heavenly tribulation!"

"Stronger than the heavenly tribulation that all of us have experienced." "Kou Chong" also said.

"This heavenly tribulation is also beyond common sense.

To be honest, it is only a little worse than the 108 heavenly tribulations we have witnessed before." "Fourth sister" added.

"Big Brother" whispered, "You mean, the number of heavenly tribulations this time will exceed eighty-one again?"

"Yes." "Fourth Sister" responded.

From then on, the scene was completely quiet.

No one spoke anymore.

After a long time, when the heavenly tribulations thousands of miles away had finished brewing, the first heavenly tribulation finally fell from the sky.

"It's started." "Second Sister" whispered.

From then on, the scene fell into silence again.

The attention of the four people was all on the heavenly tribulations that kept falling from the distant sky.

Let the fierce, wave after wave of spiritual energy hit, hitting everyone's face.

Only in everyone's heart, they were silently counting.







The further they went, the heavier the number became.

Starting from the seventy-third heavenly tribulation, the heavenly tribulation that fell thousands of miles away in the distant sky seemed to have hit the heart of each of them.

Theoretically, ninety-nine and eighty-one tribulations are the limit for a person to advance from a Dan to a Yuanying, or from a great demon to a Zhenling.

It has always been like this, and it has been like this since ancient times.

Not long ago, this so-called "theory" was completely destroyed once.


This time, when the eighty-first tribulation fell from the sky, and the tribulation clouds in the sky still did not disperse, the four people seemed to hear a certain sound of breaking from the depths of their hearts again.

What about the special case promised!

What about the "never again" promised?

The theoretical limit of the Great Dao is broken every few days. Has the Great Dao become so shameless now?

When the last tribulation fell, the tribulation clouds in the sky began to dissipate.

The four people's figures still stood there motionless as when they came.

At this moment, the hearts of the four people were filled with the same number.

"Ninety-nine tribulations!"

"This can be considered ninety-nine tribulations." Some people thought of a cold "joke" in their hearts as if to comfort themselves.

The four of them stood there motionless until the calamity clouds in the distant sky completely dissipated, and they also stood there without moving.

They all kept looking into the distance, and no one knew what kind of thoughts were hidden behind their eyes.

The dark clouds rolled, and the world was in chaos.

I don't know since when, "Bai Zhi" felt like a little girl abandoned in some unknown, empty, vast and then desolate world.

When she noticed the world, the world seemed to notice her at the same time.

The endless black clouds hanging down from the sky, bit by bit downward, seemed to completely submerge her and completely melt into the endless black clouds.

"not real."

"This is all an illusion."

"Bai Zhi" finally discovered that the figure that supported her until the end and did not melt away was a man's figure.

When the dark clouds around him became heavier and more "fierce", the man's figure seemed to be activated and began to become clearer and clearer.

The connection hidden deep in the soul becomes increasingly clear under the pressure of external forces.

"This is...Meng Zhou, my man Meng Zhou."

Finally, when "Bai Zhi"'s cultivation completed the accumulation of the nine levels of alchemy, it seemed that the final barrier was broken, and "Bai Zhi" understood everything clearly.

When she opened her eyes and woke up, she looked down at the man so close to her.

Because she couldn't restrain herself, she immediately triggered the catastrophe.

The man said reproachful words, and she responded habitually, but in her mind she was thinking about a scene from a long, long time ago.

At that time, it was still the first time we met.

She was tied into a rice dumpling by Yaya and appeared in front of him in a slightly shameful posture.

Yes, Yaya, I haven't seen through her all these years. Are you playing hide and seek with me? What a naughty guy.

Soon, her thoughts once again returned to the first meeting between the two because of the nagging of the man beneath her.

Now, she has understood that some of the words this man said at that time were actually to fool her, and she was stupid enough to believe them at the time.

Over the years, I have been foolishly believing it.

But she was not worried, at least one sentence was true.

"This is my destined man."

Thinking of this, the last feeling of alienation in my heart suddenly disappeared, leaving only a piece of softness.

When she pulled away and the two separated, she found that there was a slight feeling of reluctance in her heart.


The Marrow of Creation is such a magical spiritual thing.

This time, it's really a sure thing.

When she woke up completely and found that she had left the "Xingxiu Tianchi", she felt that she should say something more.

What can I say?

She thought of the hardships Meng Zhou had put in day and night to help her grow up in the past few years.

"I've worked hard for you these years, so take a good rest."

The catastrophe has begun.

One disaster after another fell.

It fell on her body, and at the same time it struck the endless world of billowing black clouds, chaos, and desolation.

After every catastrophe, the black cloud that seemed to fill the entire world seemed to have received a heavy blow.

After every catastrophe, a huge wound appears in the black clouds that seem to fill the entire world. It seems that a bright light wants to shine through this wound and shine all over this boundless and desolate chaotic world.

However, the dark clouds are still too deep and too heavy.

Almost all the initial brilliance was consumed in the middle, and it could not really arrive.

However, as the catastrophes continued one after another, one was stronger than the other, and the number of "wounds" seemed to be increasing on the black clouds covering the entire world.

Every "wound" is a channel of brilliance.

The black cloud finally could not completely block these brilliance from the world.

Starting from the unknown tens of heavenly tribulations, the dark and desolate world with no other other than Chu She finally began to gain hazy light.

At this moment, Bai Zhi had to turn her attention away from the gradually recovering world and return to the "real world".

Under the ruthless calamities, Bai Zhi's body was already on the verge of falling to pieces.

Her body is not weak.

If it were an ordinary four-nine-day tribulation, or even a five-nine-day tribulation, she would be confident that she could successfully survive it even without any protection.

But her calamity was anything but ordinary.

In her plan, her body was just the bridge.

One after another, the catastrophes passed through the "bridge" of her body and entered the chaotic and desolate boundless world, turning into the power of opening the sky to split the heavy black clouds covering the entire world.

For her, reaching this point is equivalent to completing ninety-nine steps of a hundred steps, leaving only the last step to be taken.

The biggest problem in this last step, and the only problem, is that the "bridge" of the body does not carry enough weight, and it is crushed in the face of the increasingly powerful and "heavy" tribulation.

Fortunately, my man prepared the marrow of creation for me!

What a magical creature.

A storage ring hung in front of Bai Zhi, and strands of water that looked like a clear spring flew out of it and submerged into Bai Zhi's body.

This seemingly ordinary "flowing water" blends into the body of Angelica dahurica without any hindrance and spreads throughout the body.

Her body, which was originally fragmented and on the verge of complete collapse, was quickly put back together and restored to perfection at a speed visible to the naked eye.

During the recovery process, the body's "bridge" continues to become stronger.

Such changes finally made Bai Zhi feel completely relieved.

While she continued to pay attention to the healing of the body by the marrow of creation, she also paid attention to the removal of the heavy black clouds that spread throughout the chaotic world.

The "world" is getting better and better at a visible rate.

As more and more black clouds were broken, the brightness of the world was increasing.

The pressure felt by "Bai Zhi" was getting smaller and smaller.

The ninety-ninth heavenly tribulation fell, and the last black clouds in the chaotic world were finally cleared away.

The chaotic world was no longer dark and was filled with endless brilliant light.

"Bai Zhi" felt that she had finally woken up from a long sleep.

Her body was bathed in the avenue of light.

What was special was that at this moment, she did not experience the scene that Meng Zhou, the golden armored spirit insect and all other people who had just entered the Nascent Soul or the fourth level would experience.

The reason was simple. She was not "new", so she naturally did not need to go through the process of "Dao Law Certification".

However, under the bath of the avenue of light, she did not change at all.

On the contrary, the changes that happened to her were equally huge.

The "Bai Zhi" who existed alone in the chaotic world surrounded by dark clouds and had been sleeping for an unknown period of time, completed a complete fusion with Bai Zhi who was born in Cuiyu Lake, grew up in Baiyue Bay, and had the blood of Yanzhuang flowing in her body.

If there were no accidents, Bai Zhi would undoubtedly be completely covered by "Bai Zhi" or even completely crushed.

However, the connection between her and Meng Zhou forced them to be "stringed" together, and at this moment they were completely fused into one.

"Bai Zhi" accepted this change calmly and had no complaints.

Because she knew that if it weren't for Meng Zhou, she would not have had the possibility of getting to this point.

In that case, she would not even know whether she had failed.

She would only be annihilated silently.

"Now, this should be the best ending."


When Bai Zhi opened her eyes and woke up, she found that she was no longer at the scene of the tribulation above the Xingxiu Sea.

She had returned to the "Xingxiu Tianchi".

And Meng Zhou was sitting cross-legged beside her.

At this moment, he was staring at her without blinking, and just looking at that look, it seemed that he wanted to cut open her heart and observe it carefully.

"Who are you?" Meng Zhou asked.

Bai Zhi blinked and asked back: "Are you stupid? You don't even recognize me?"

Meng Zhou frowned, "Don't play dumb!"

Bai Zhi also said seriously: "My name is Bai Zhi, your dual cultivation partner, this answer should be clear, right?"

Meng Zhou shook his head.

"No, don't fool me, you'd better tell the truth now.

... You should know that no matter what level of old monster you were before, your strength will eventually be limited by your body."

As he said, Meng Zhou stretched out his hand and gently pinched Bai Zhi, and Bai Zhi's body floated up uncontrollably.

Her body was completely controlled, and her life was in Meng Zhou's hands, but Bai Zhi was not afraid at all. Instead, she was fussy about a word Meng Zhou had just used, and retorted:

"You are the old monster!"

Meng Zhou frowned and scolded: "Be serious, don't try to fool around with nonsense."

Bai Zhi glared at him again and said: "I admit that after the breakthrough, I awakened some wisdom from my previous life."

As she said that, she secretly glanced at Meng Zhou, and saw that Meng Zhou was also looking at her, so he simply closed his eyes and said without any struggle and resistance:

"If you can't even accept this, then just pinch me to death. Anyway, I got this life for nothing. If it weren't for you, I don't know how many times I would have died. You don't have to blame yourself."

The next moment, Bai Zhi suddenly felt that the invisible force that was pinching her body loosened, and her body fell back to the ground.

But she still closed her eyes and lay there straight, like a hard corpse.

"Okay, get up and talk nicely."

Meng Zhou's voice came into her ears again, and it seemed a little helpless.

Bai Zhi opened her eyes immediately after hearing this, turned over and sat up.

Seeing Meng Zhou not far away staring at her with a strange look as if he had swallowed a fly, she asked curiously:

"What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Meng Zhou was trying hard to suppress the strange thoughts in his mind, and his voice couldn't help but tremble:

"Bai Zhi used to be very quiet and virtuous..."

Bai Zhi tilted her head, rolled her eyes in her heart, and thought, aren't you lying with your eyes open?

"But why are you so lazy now? The wisdom of your previous life... What is the wisdom of your previous life that you have awakened?"

Is it a monkey? !

For some reason, Meng Zhou's mind has uncontrollably emerged with the image of the female version of the Monkey King.

It's also because his thinking is too flexible. Before he can react, his thoughts have already taken action first.

Since there is a possibility of a "female Monkey King", then a "male Monkey King" is not necessarily impossible.

And since there is a possibility of a "male Monkey King", then naturally everything is possible.

There seems to be no authoritative statement to prove that the so-called "previous life wisdom" will refer to factors such as gender and species.

So, in theory, the previous life wisdom is really "everything is possible".

Thinking of this, how could Meng Zhou's heart not tremble? !

Bai Zhi seemed to have known what Meng Zhou was thinking, and laughed out loud.

Then, as if she didn't like such laughter, she burst into laughter, and in the end, she even laughed and rolled over.

Her performance made Meng Zhou even more frightened and gnashed his teeth.

Finally, Bai Zhi restrained her smile and sat opposite Meng Zhou again:

"Okay, I won't scare you anymore, just rest assured.

The wisdom I awakened from my previous life was just a little more lively and naughty.

Or maybe it's because of the long sleep that I woke up this time with too much energy and excitement... In short, just rest assured, there will be absolutely no problem in the general direction. "

With that said, Bai Zhi made a move towards Meng Zhousheng.

"What?" Meng Zhou was confused.

“I know you have a lot of doubts and it’s very troublesome to explain them, so I’ll just solve them all together.

Let's go, I'll take you to see my world. Bai Zhi invited.

"" Meng Zhou was surprised.

Bai Zhi explained: "It is a world built purely with one's own thoughts. You should be familiar with this."

Meng Zhou was stunned.

Isn’t that what your own “inner world” is like?

Because he himself had similar experiences, he was not worried about Bai Zhi's invitation to "visit her heart" at this moment, so he stretched out his hand to hold it.

Bai Zhi's grasping palms were slightly firm.

In a daze, Meng Zhou felt that the world had turned upside down, and the "Stars and Heavenly Lake" around him was no longer there, but a vast and desolate world.

There is a bright brilliance projected from the sky, illuminating the whole world.

This world is so real, yet so illusory. Meng Zhou has a feeling that he can escape from this world with just a little effort, or even cause serious damage to this world.

At this moment, Meng Zhou felt the grip of Bai Zhi's palm again.

Meng Zhou looked at Bai Zhi.

But he saw that there were some obvious differences between this "Bai Zhi" and the one he was familiar with and who had been with him day and night all year round.

The biggest difference is...the clothes are more ancient, and the appearance seems to be younger. She looks like a radish...

"What?" A clear voice sounded in my ears. (End of chapter)

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