Do not die

Chapter 53 Getting to the bottom of things

Four days later.

Meng Zhou ended the diagnosis and treatment of three patients, including Fu Zhen master Liu Kuan, and collected their consultation fee of 600 low-grade spiritual stones.

According to past rules, Meng Zhou insisted on only accepting three hundred, but they all thought it was too little and far from matching the abilities he had shown.

If Meng Zhou hadn't insisted, they would have given more.

With the completion of this day's diagnosis and treatment, I finally accumulated enough experience in the consultation and examination techniques to complete my promotion from master to grandmaster.

The healing technique has also broken through from the master level to perfection, becoming the first pharmacist-type magic to advance to the perfection level, and the pharmacist profession has also taken a further step.

[Pharmacist level one: 92/100]

After completing today's diagnosis and treatment, Meng Zhou immediately returned to his stone room.

In the study, a thin rope flexed and undulated between the fingers of his hands.

At a certain moment, as Meng Zhou gently pulled it, every line of the string in his hand began to change and shrink, and finally it became exactly the same as the shape on the fiftieth stone rubbing.

After that, his personal information underwent a series of changes.

[Introduction to the Hundreds of Knots: 50/100], experience +1

[Knot Master Level 1: 5/100], progress +1

[Rope Spirit Level 1: 5/100], progress +1

As the rope spirit took another step forward, the familiar feeling of hunger was directly conveyed to his mind again and became clearer.

Meng Zhou took out the Green Spirit Wood, which had been used twice by Suo Ling and had long since changed beyond recognition. Suo Ling immediately wrapped himself around it.

Soon, the spirituality on the Qingling Wood was quickly devoured by the Rope Spirit and turned into further material for it.

After it conveyed a satisfied emotion and returned here, its wrists were automatically wrapped. Meng Zhou watched it eat the remaining green spirit wood, compared it carefully, and finally confirmed that the rope spirit's food intake was indeed gradually increasing. of.

The first time the rope spirit devoured the spirituality of the green spirit wood occurred when it increased from 2/100 to 3/100, and its final consumption was less than 10% of the entire green spirit wood.

The second time it was raised from 3/100 to 4/100, it consumed more than 10% of the same quality Qingling wood.

But this time, about half of the first-level low-grade green spirit wood was eaten by it.

This reality gave Meng Zhou a mixture of joy and sorrow.

Worryingly, after just three observations, Meng Zhou could not confirm the specific growth pattern of his food intake.

He was worried that his financial resources would not be enough to support its growth, and he was also worried that the supply would be insufficient and its "nutrition" would not be able to keep up, which would delay its growth.

The good news is that the greater its appetite, the greater its potential, and the future is worth looking forward to.

After completing the deciphering of the fiftieth stone rubbing, Meng Zhou took out the fifty-first stone rubbing and studied it.

Half an hour later, he had easily cracked 50% of the picture.

But he did not continue, but slowly frowned, and even took out the stone rubbings that he had successfully cracked one by one.

His eyes moved over the rubbings and stone carvings, comparing and examining them carefully.

In the past, looking at these stone carvings that looked like a tangled ball of thread, other than making his mind dizzy, such comparative examination would not bring him any additional gains.

But now these stone rubbings have been successfully deciphered by him. Every time he looks at a stone carving, the picture of his hands and ten fingers guiding the string back and forth, interspersing and knotting automatically appears in his mind. It is vivid and clear in his mind. Very.

But the more he looked at it, the deeper his frown deepened.

Although the progress has been slower and slower since the Talisman Master profession was upgraded to the first level 90/100, his attainments in Talisman Dao are improving after all.

The improvement of his attainments in Talisman Dao has indeed had a very significant effect on him deciphering the secrets of rubbing stone carvings.

However, this effect is only obvious at the beginning. As it goes on, the effect becomes worse and worse, or even almost non-existent.

When he deciphered the first rubbing stone diagram, his attainments in Talismans were far from what they are now, and he failed to decipher them all.

In the end, nearly 10% of the puzzles were solved by eliminating trial and error methods and using panel plug-ins to accurately identify the "correct answer".

The use of these methods allowed him to successfully reach the final step without having to understand every part of the stone carvings.

The disadvantage is that let alone not knowing why, he doesn't even know why.

Now, his attainments in Talisman Dao have been significantly improved compared to those days. Looking at this stone rubbing diagram, there are still some fogs that he cannot break through with his knowledge of Talisman Dao.

As the knotting methods in the stone carvings became more and more complicated, the unknown fog became more and more unknown. By the fiftieth stone carving, which was the stone carving that he had just successfully cracked, it could not be solved using the knowledge of talismans. The fog level is close to 20%.

Before, he had never used pure knowledge of Talismanism to review and examine things so strictly.

In addition, the speed of cracking stone carvings is getting faster and faster these days, from cracking two figures in one day to three figures in one day, and occasionally even four figures in one day.

He simply summed up such changes as "the chain changes brought about by the improvement of Fu Dao attainments."

Now, he looked at the fifty rubbing stone carvings that he had successfully cracked with his purest Talisman vision, but found that things were not as simple as he thought.

The improvement of Fu Dao attainments played a far less important role than he thought.

The reason why his cracking speed is getting faster and faster is that in addition to his attainment in Fu Dao, there are two other reasons that cannot be ignored.

One is that he has become increasingly adept at using the trial-and-error method.

At the beginning, he had no idea about the method of knotting. Excluding trial and error, it was simply a mathematical problem.

But as he successfully mastered more and more knotting methods, he naturally gradually understood a lot of related common sense and taboos.

Many directions don't even have to be tried to know that they won't work, which can naturally greatly improve the efficiency of cracking.

Another one is that the plug-in is unreasonable.

Meng Zhou believes that for others, it will take a long process of familiarity and repeated practice before they can successfully crack a knot.

Even if you succeed in cracking it once with a flash of inspiration, when the inspiration fades, it is likely that you will not be able to crack it again.

This is the state of normal people when they learn something new.

But he was different. Every time he successfully cracked a rubbing stone diagram and mastered a knotting method, the corresponding information changed.

Then his hands and his brain have been completely imprinted with the correct method of knotting.

It will never be forgotten again and can be easily repeated.

The benefit of this is not only that he can firmly master all the knotting methods that have been cracked, but as he masters more and more knotting methods, he is like an expert who has been immersed in a certain field for a long time, facing a For new problems, some intuitive judgments or conjectures can be made without any rigorous process as support.

The more solid the foundation reserve, the closer this conjecture will be to being correct.

In the process of mastering more and more knotting methods and constantly cracking new knotting methods, he has already used them in practice, but he himself has never known it.

At this moment, he realized this belatedly.

This brought a new confusion to Meng Zhou.

"How can we crack the mists that cannot be cracked with the knowledge of talismans?"

Meng Zhou speculated in his mind.

He was not satisfied with completing the crack itself, he wanted to clear all these fogs.

He not only needs to know what is happening, but also why it is happening.

He believes that only in this way can we truly understand the mystery of the knot master.

Meng Zhou's eyes moved on a time map, his thoughts were scattered, and his thoughts were whirling.

Suddenly, his moving eyes fixed on a certain place, where there were several intertwined lines that he could not understand with his knowledge of Talisman Dao.

However, he saw some familiar tracks. After thinking about it carefully, he took out the first-order high-grade spirit-gathering array plate from his storage bag.

He turned the formation disk over and looked at the uneven, undulating base of the formation disk, as if earthworms had crawled over it.

These are some of the talisman patterns on the formation disk. They were created by the talisman master. They have the shadow of the talisman and the charm of the formation.

As a Talisman Maker, of course he had studied it, especially after meeting Liu Kuan, the Talisman Array Master, he studied it carefully for two days.

But because he only knew the Tao of Talisman and knew nothing about the Tao of Battle, in the end he only worked out a vague understanding of it, but he remembered the traces of these lines in his heart.

At this moment, after careful study, combined with the three-dimensional structure presented by the string in his mind, he suddenly discovered that one of the unsolved fogs was so similar to the talisman pattern on the base of the spirit gathering array disk.

Meng Zhou's heart suddenly brightened.

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