Do not die

Chapter 64 Market experience

In addition, Yan Xiong once revealed that when the body is strong enough, it can directly stimulate the masculine power of blood and blood, which has a good defensive effect against soul attacks and sinister secret techniques.

This alone made the balance in Meng Zhou's heart tilt greatly.

Moreover, for him, there is a very special advantage of choosing martial arts, that is, it is easier to gain experience.

Because martial arts training consumes very little mana, this can make the training last longer.

At the same time, he can practice multiple non-conflicting martial arts at the same time, which is something he cannot do in terms of magic for the time being.

With the thought in his mind confirmed, Meng Zhou put all the other items into his storage bag, only holding the physical body training method with new handwriting in his hand.

Entering the study room and just about to study, Meng Zhou's heart moved and he took out an even older classic that he had obtained from Yan Xiong in another identity that day.

In two hours, Meng Zhou read all two classics, one new and one old.

He discovered a very interesting phenomenon.

The horizontal training method recorded in the more ancient book is called "Cang Xiong Horizontal Training Method", but what Yan Xiong came to give to him today was a copy of "Red Bear Iron Body Method".

The two horizontal training methods are 90% similar, but 10% different.

This was not Yan Xiong harboring evil intentions. The two facts confirmed it, and Meng Zhou easily discovered the reason.

"Cang Xiong's Horizontal Training Technique" should be Yan Xiong's physical horizontal training method that he has practiced since he was a child, while "Red Bear's Iron Body Technique" is Yan Xiong's review of the original body from the perspective of a martial arts master after practicing "Fire and Fierce Technique". The result of the improved horizontal training method.

It is more in tune with himself and can better cooperate with the fiery mana he has cultivated and complement each other.

This is his attempt to coordinate the two practices into one system, and the results seem to be very good.

Meng Zhou just deduced it in his mind, and he could roughly imagine how fierce and violent Yan Xiong would be once his combat power was fully activated.

After understanding all this, Meng Zhou chose the "Cang Xiong Heng Training Method" without hesitation.

Although Cang Xiong's horizontal training method is not as fierce and violent as Yan Xiong's improved Red Bear Iron Body method, its greatest advantage is that it is neutral and peaceful.

The "Red Bear Iron Body Technique" must be combined with the fire-based Flame Fiery Technique to maximize its effect, but Meng Zhou's fundamental skill is not the fire-based method, but the water-based method.

Moreover, Yan Xiong changed the Cang Xiong horizontal training method into the Red Bear Iron Body method, giving it many fire attributes, which also gave Meng Zhou a lot of inspiration.

"When I practice it to a certain level, I can refer to this idea and turn it into a horizontal training method that is more compatible with the Water Nourishing Body Technique."

Because the practice of Cangxiong Henglian requires the use of external aids, Meng Zhou needs to go to the market to do some shopping before preparing to practice formally.

Moreover, the root carving statue that Bai Ya originally thought would be enough for her to eat for a long time was eaten by her all at once, so he had to prepare more "food" for her.

After arriving at the market, Meng Zhou had transformed into another person. He habitually went to Wang's Rice Shop first.

Although there are no talismans for sale, he plans to get rid of some items that are becoming more and more useless to him now, such as the first-level mid-level shield-shaped magic weapon he got from Zhou Quan that day.

With his current strength, this magical weapon is of no use to the problems he can solve.

If he can't solve the problem, this magic weapon will also be of no use.

But when he came to the door of Wang's rice shop, Meng Zhou was stunned.

The layout of the store was very different from the Wang's Rice Shop in his impression. The brand-new shelves were empty, and someone was placing items on the shelves.

At the gate, a middle-aged man stood next to Meng Zhou, looking up and guiding a man standing on the ladder to adjust the plaque.

Chen's Grocery Store.

"A little further to the left...Okay, okay! That's it."

After the middle-aged man finished instructing, he found a stranger beside him who was also looking up at the plaque of his house and greeted him with a smile.

A somewhat dazed Meng Zhou asked, "Are you the new boss here?"

The middle-aged man nodded with a smile.

"Where is Wang's Rice Shop from before? What happened?"

The expression on the middle-aged man's face that was smiling a moment ago turned cold at a speed visible to the naked eye.

For a businessman like him, not talking about other people's rights and wrongs is the first priority in doing business.

The next moment, Meng Zhou placed a low-grade spiritual stone on the opponent's hand and said:

"Don't worry too much. I only have some normal cooperation with the former boss here. I have no other connections and I don't ask for any secrets. Just pick up what you can tell and let me know."

The smile on the middle-aged man's face was like a tide, rising from the trough to the crest again. He put the spirit stone in his arms and introduced Meng Zhou into the house.

It's not that he was short-sighted and was bribed by this low-grade spiritual stone. It was just as soon as the sign was put up and before it was officially opened that someone came to give money. This was a really good sign.

After a while, Meng Zhou walked out of the room, his mind a little dazed, and those words seemed to still echo in his ears.

"Didn't our Nuanyun Valley open up the trade line with Hongsong Ridge? At first, it was just the Professionals Association pulling in a few big forces to play. Later, more and more smart people saw the opportunity and rushed forward."

When he talked about "smart people", the middle-aged man's expression showed some hint of joking.

“Wang Wei from Wang’s Rice Shop is a smart guy.

It turned out that when I opened a rice shop, I didn't run it honestly and made a lot of ingenuity.

Later, most of his thoughts were spent elsewhere, and the management of Mipu became more and more perfunctory.

How could he miss such an opportunity? "

“I heard that he and a few other people ran it twice, and they made a lot of money the first time!

the second time……"

Having said this, the middle-aged man spread his hands, shook his head and said, "He never came back. None of those who were with him came back."

"It's possible that something was delayed over there at Hongsong Ridge?" Meng Zhou said.


The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "Someone bought a bloody magic weapon from a vendor. Because of its unique shape, he was recognized as Wang Wei's."

"So, he is really dead?"

"His family was the first to believe it. After the news spread, his family disposed of the shop. Now no one knows where he has gone."

"You said you were so good, why did you suddenly die? Are Jie cultivators so rampant now?" Meng Zhou shook his head and sighed.

The middle-aged man stared at him and laughed twice without meaning.

"Why, you think it's not Jie Xiu?" Meng Zhou asked.

The middle-aged man quickly denied it and said: "Of course it is Jie Xiu. How could it be that he was not Jie Xiu when he did such a cruel thing?

...But if you are interested, you can go and sit in a nearby teahouse, hehe. "

Meng Zhou asked, but the middle-aged man didn't say another word.

Walking on the street in a daze, Meng Zhou passed by a teahouse where many people gathered. Meng Zhou turned around and walked in.

I casually ordered a pot of spiritual tea and found a seat to sit down and drink it slowly.

After drinking a pot of tea, he stood up and walked out of the teahouse.

Here, Meng Zhou knew that Wang Wei and his group were not the only casual cultivators who never came back and were poisoned by the "Jie Cultivator". In recent times, such things had happened five or six times.

This sudden tragedy frightened the "private capital" that had just been stimulated and retreated.

The only ones not affected are the "official trade" organized by the big forces that cooperate with the professional associations.

In response to this fact, some people kept it secret, but there were also some people who had some connections with the victims who said something with profound connotations in an eccentric manner.

There is only one layer of window paper left, and the emperor's new clothes will be picked apart.

Whenever this happens, the shop owner will quickly jump to the rescue, bow his hands and ask everyone to keep their mouths shut, so as not to let his small shop close down.

After leaving the teahouse, Meng Zhou went straight to find Wu Tong. When he saw Wu Tong, who had a nose and eyes, could breathe and smile, Meng Zhou, who was in a somewhat gloomy mood, suddenly became a lot more cheerful.

Through Wu Tong's matchmaking, Meng Zhou spent a thousand low-grade spiritual stones to buy nine copies of the first-order middle-grade spiritual wood, and spent another thousand low-grade spiritual stones to buy two copies of the first-order high-grade spiritual wood.

Regardless of whether they are medium or high-grade, they all have very ordinary characteristics. Otherwise, if you want to win them, you will have to pay a higher price.

"One portion" is the weight of the main materials used to refine a magic weapon under normal circumstances. Of course, this does not mean that all magic weapon refining strictly follows this weight. It may be more or less. This is just for everyone. The default standard metric.

After experimenting with the green spirit wood, Meng Zhou found that at this stage, it was more cost-effective to "feed" Bai Ya with ordinary medium-grade spirit wood.

But now that Bai Ya has regained consciousness, he can't completely consider cost-effectiveness.

Otherwise, if one day she suddenly said that she didn't want to eat coarse bran every day and wanted to eat some fine grains, he would have to be prepared in advance, right?

After the purchase was completed, Meng Zhou paid Wu Tong two hundred low-grade spiritual stones as an agency fee.

This time, Wu Tong refused to accept it. He really thought it was too much to get so much with his own efforts.

After some negotiation, Wu Tong only took a hundred low-grade spiritual stones.

It's not that he is really upright, but that compared to the gains this time, he wants to have a good relationship with Meng Zhou and have a long-term relationship.

Then, Meng Zhou went to the Baiqi Hall again. He wanted to customize a magical weapon.

An important feature of the horizontal training method is that it requires tossing.

Only through severe torture can the potential of the physical body be awakened.

The tossing method of Cang Xiong Heng Lian method is very direct, relying on the three methods of "relying method", "bumping method" and "wiping method".

At low levels, cultivation can be completed with the help of big trees and rocks, but as the level increases, this method will soon become ineffective.

Considering his actual situation, Meng Zhou realized that this method would not work, so he decided to do it in one step.

Entering the Baiqi Hall, facing the smiling shopkeeper, Meng Zhou directly put forward his needs:

"I need a high-quality magic weapon."

Upon hearing his request, the smile on the shopkeeper's face became even brighter.

"Do you have any other specific needs?"

"I need it to be hard enough and heavy enough."

"Then what?"

"It's best to have a rough surface, not too smooth."

"Then what?"

"that's it."

The shopkeeper looked stunned, what is the use of such a high-grade magic weapon?

Just use the appropriate first-grade high-quality materials to knead it into an iron lump. How can this show his skills in Baiqi Hall, and how can he sell it at a high price? !

Finally, after his strong persuasion, Meng Zhou finally agreed to add an earth power talisman array.

This will indeed make this magic weapon more useful, and it will also be more helpful for him to practice the Cang Xiong horizontal training method.

Finally, Meng Zhou determined the style of the magical weapon.

"Made into the shape of a tripod, it can be placed firmly on the ground."

After confirming it, Meng Zhou paid a deposit of one thousand low-grade spiritual stones, and the remaining balance of five hundred low-grade spiritual stones would be paid three days later when he picked up the goods.

Originally, Meng Zhou was confident that he would use no more than a thousand low-grade spiritual stones to complete the deal, but because of an earth power talisman array, he paid an extra five hundred.

For a first-level high-grade talisman master, this is only half a day's workload at most.

On the way back, Meng Zhou planned to spend today.

There was no way out, and a total of 3,100 low-grade spiritual stones were spent, and there were still 500 left after three days.

There were also some odds and ends expenses, and after totaling it, he finally had 4,740 low-grade spiritual stones left on his body.

He couldn't help feeling that it was the same everywhere, money was easy to spend but hard to earn.

Returning to Zuowang Hall, Meng Zhou once again devoted himself wholeheartedly to cultivation.

Because of the large amount of time invested, the daily experience gained in the Ice Talisman and Sword Control skills increased a lot. Meng Zhou also learned the Cang Xiong Heng training method in his spare time.

He believes that once he gets the minor magic weapon, he will be able to successfully get started soon.

In such anticipation, two days later, Chu Zheng brought Yu Peng to visit him.

Seeing Chu Zheng, Meng Zhou didn't give him a good look for the first time.

With a sullen face, he directly attacked: "Old Chu, is the association planning to rob and kill individual cultivators who want to make a fortune in Hongsong Ridge?"

When he asked, Chu Zheng, who was smiling, stood there, with the smile frozen on his face.

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