Chapter 476

Yinshan Jun Suhu is tall and thin, with a thin appearance, wearing a black gown, like a middle-aged Confucian scholar.

He obviously has a gentle temperament, but he is a real warrior from the background.

His experience is also quite legendary.

He practiced martial arts in his early years, and later switched to martial arts by chance. Both martial arts and martial arts are extraordinary. He even passed the imperial examination and was awarded the title of county lieutenant.

In the age of forty, he was inherited from the Yin Mountain again, brazenly abandoning his physical body, turning to the ghost way, and promoted to a real person.

He has been entrenched in Qizhou for decades, and he is one of the top ten scattered people.

Although he is relatively low-key among the top ten Sanren, and does not rule the roost by fighting skills, he is also a powerful presence.


Scanning the four people in the field, Yin Shanjun sighed softly:

"I have acquainted with my master Tianshan's old mother, so don't force Su to do something bad."

The sound fell, and the gown on his body shook, like a black cloud, expanding from behind to the left and right.

Horror and coercion enveloped the land of Mu Xu.

Even with the protection of the purple bird and scarlet silk, Shen Qiu and the others were pale and trembling.

In their eyes, Su Hu, the Lord of the Yin Mountain at this time, is like a mighty ghost, a ghost, or even the rumored King of Ghosts!

In fact, it is indeed!

Seven of the top ten scattered people in Qizhou can be called ghost kings.


White-clothed swordsman Xia Houren snorted coldly, and glared at him under pressure:

"Surnamed Su, you are a son of man, but you sacrificed yourself to become a ghost, and you even feed on people. Before you were alive, you were an official pardoned by the imperial court and received a salary from the people of one side. Now you are colluding with Luo Jiao to try to bring trouble to the court."

"Such an unfaithful, unfilial, unkind and unjust generation."

"Put to death!"

Xia Houren's every word punished his heart, which also made Yin Shanjun's face gloomy, and a boundless anger arose in his heart.

For the sake of his old friend, he didn't want to pay attention to these juniors, but he didn't allow others to bully him. How could the Yinshan county captain's reputation for decades come for nothing?

"How dare!"

Su Hu stared angrily and shouted loudly.

If the sound wave had any substance, it was mixed with the majesty of a real person, like a heavy hammer falling, the air rippled steeply, and the four of them groaned even more.

"Junior, court death!"

Before the sound fell, a big black hand appeared out of nowhere, and fell towards the four of them blatantly.

Yinfeng Palm!

This palm is a secret method inherited from Yinshan Mountain, and it also strengthens the martial arts learned by Su Hu in his early years, which is exquisite and extraordinary.

Palm down, grabbing all directions.


Xu Yunfeng, the solitary sword of the Hanjiang River, stepped forward holding the sword, drinking in a low voice, and the long sword in his palm pierced out in a flash of lightning.

It was as if a crescent moon had flashed by, and the sword light had passed away in a flash.

The big black hand above suddenly froze, and a long and narrow crack suddenly appeared in the palm.

Yinfeng Palm dissipated without a sound.

"Tianshan Three God Swords!"

Yin Shanjun's face darkened, his eyes narrowed:

"Unexpectedly, you, a mere junior, have mastered such a sword technique. It's really amazing."

"No wonder, dare to come here to provoke!"



As soon as the death word exited, his figure appeared in front of the four of them at an astonishing and strange speed.

The Three Divine Swords of Tianshan are not ordinary swordsmanship, but a combination of art, martial arts and even Tianshan School's unique congenital spells and Qimen Dunjia.

Once mastered and used, it means that you have a sufficient understanding of the way of heaven and earth.

Such people.

Without exception, he will become a real person in the future!

At the beginning, Lord Yin Shan wanted to teach him a lesson for the sake of his old friend and drive him away.

But after being aroused by Xia Houren, and seeing Xu Yunfeng's potential, his heart became murderous.

These four people must not stay!


He will become a disaster in the future!

The biggest difference between a ghost and a physical body is that it has no entity and its actions are unpredictable.

Yinfeng escape is the magic method.

As soon as the magic power was urged, the figure had already crossed several feet, the five fingers were protruding, and the ghost claws enveloped the four directions.

The shadows of the claws were heavy, instantly drowning the four of them.

"Sword array!"


The sound of drinking sounded, and four sword lights rose against the trend, like a snow mountain towering between the sky and the earth, proudly not falling down.

Jian Guang broke through the claws of the ghost, swept across the air, and the air flow rolled, sweeping across the land of more than ten feet.


Yin Shanjun shouted lowly, his body didn't dodge or dodge, and he slapped out in the air.

palm out.

The wind suddenly picked up.

A strong gust of wind gushed out from his palm, tearing the ground apart, and brazenly collided with the sword light.


The two terrifying forces collided in the air, and the air was like boiling water, splashing endless energy in all directions.


The soil on the ground rolled, the surrounding houses collapsed, Shen Qiu and others even rolled and flew out.

The deafening roar was still raging in my ears.


Yin Shanjun stomped on the ground with one foot, the ground cracked open, and he also rushed into the sword array.

With a wave of his sleeves, fists, palms, claws, and fingers all came out, and thirty-six blows were blasted at the four people in an instant.

Martial arts and techniques are integrated in his hands, and his terrifying energy is like a black dragon racing wildly.

The power of the real person is fully displayed.

Sword array.

In an instant, it was overwhelmed.



The sound of sword clanging.

Tianshan Three Divine Swords!

Xu Yunfeng's face was cold and serious, the long sword in his palm was like a fairy flying from the sky, gently grazing the attack force.

When the sword falls, all dharmas die.

Sky Feather Strange Sword!

Xia Houren's eyes were fixed, his sword fluttered like a bird's wings, his feathers flew high, and he pointed at the opening with every move.

Snow Mountain Flying Dragon Curse!

Unlike the others, Ma Tingting's martial arts skills are sparse, but she is the one with the strongest spells among the four.

This is to pinch the formula and recite the mantra, and the spiritual light suddenly appears, like weaving a net, integrating the energy of several people into one and complementing each other.

Sun Moon Wheel!

The little sword demon Bai Liang is extremely talented, and the martial skill he has learned is the Sun Moon Sword Wheel that no one in the Tianshan School has cultivated for nearly a hundred years.

The swords form a ring, intertwined and layered.

The four of them went all out to form the Tianshan Sword Formation, which actually suppressed the people in the field in one fell swoop.

"Good junior!"

Yin Shanjun's face was cold, and his murderous intent was even stronger.

These juniors are indeed not weak, but his Su Hu's great name was not given for nothing.

While the figure was flashing, he made a knife with his fingers, swung it forward lightly, his sleeves fluttered in the wind, and the Yinfeng knife exploded out.

The Yinfeng Knife danced vertically and horizontally, congealing but not dispersing.

But in the blink of an eye, there are more than ten Yinfeng knives raging wildly in the sword formation, expanding outwards continuously.

The saber energy is vertical and horizontal, and it suddenly flourishes.

"Break it!"


The sword light collapsed, and the saber energy was colorful.

Amidst the loud noise, the ground cracked open, sending mud flying in all directions.

The Four Swordsmen of Tianshan also let out a muffled snort, and retreated violently.

Yin Shanjun showed a sneer on his face, and was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, when his complexion suddenly changed, and a warning sign appeared in his heart.

A chill came to my heart.

not good!



Two streams of masculine vigor suddenly emerged, one from the left and the other from the right, attacking him.

Before the palm arrived, there was a roar.

The pure yang strength that covered all directions blocked all his dodging possibilities, and had the ability to restrain ghosts, and its power was even stronger than the combination of the four swordsmen of Tianshan.

Innate palm!

It's the second elder of Yunshan!


Yin Shanjun raised his head to the sky and roared furiously, and the Endless Yin Wind Knife exploded like a mine and flew towards the sides.

The two elders of Yunshan are existences with the same reputation as him, and they are also real people.

Although fighting alone is not as good as Yin Shanjun, but the two of them teamed up can not lose the wind.

Now, they actually took advantage of the emptiness and sneaked in to carry out a sneak attack!

These two old men who lived nearly a hundred years old really lost all face today in order to kill themselves.

"Despicable?" A white-haired old man appeared in the field at some point, and he punched out a series of fists:

"Mr. Yinshan, dealing with people like you is doing justice for the heavens. It doesn't matter what kind of means you use."



While drinking, the two brazenly broke through the saber energy in front of them, and slapped Yinshan Junping flatly.


In a radius of ten feet, the ground trembled.

The next moment.

Countless soils shot up into the sky, then poured down again, and the hurricane force pushed them away.

"You guys go!"

Ma Tingting yelled coquettishly, and shook her hands to roll the purple sparrow and vermilion silk, sending Shen Qiu and others far away.

The four of them stared at the battlefield.

Lord Yinshan's difficulty was beyond their expectation.

But with Yunshan's two elders making a move, even a sudden attack, there should be no accidents in this battle.

as expected.

There was a mournful howl in the arena, Yin Shanjun was blown away by the Xiantian palm like a piece of rag, and the ghost body also appeared unstable.


The backyard of the county government.

The Saintess of Nansong and Ji's Qingxuan walked in the corridor, admiring the scene of a hundred flowers blooming.

"Sister Qingxuan is very elegant."

Bending down to caress a purple orchid, the Nansong saint smiled and said:

"This backyard is like spring all year round, with hundreds of flowers blooming. It is so beautiful that people really don't want to leave."

"It's just a dry bone in the painting, covered in a skin." Qingxuan shook her head, her expression cold:

"It's all magical magic. It's okay to deceive others, but if you want to deceive yourself, you can't get past the hurdle in your heart."

"Well..." Nan Song straightened up and looked at the other party with a smile:

"Sister Qingxuan seems to be depressed?"

"I teach a secret method, which can relieve the distress in the heart, and can remove all worries in the heart. I wonder if my sister is interested?"

"No." Qingxuan sat down on the stone pavilion, waved her plain hand lightly, and tea immediately appeared on the stone seat:

"Luo teaches the secret method, I have heard it for a long time, but I am born as a human being, it is precisely because of these worries."

"Without them, what's the point of living?"

Then, he shook his head lightly again:

"Now, I'm afraid I'm not qualified to say these things."

"Sister, why worry." Nan Song sat down gracefully at the side:

"Senior treats you as before, in order to protect your ghost, he will not hesitate to swallow the yang energy of a living person to prolong your life..."


Qingxuan clenched her hands suddenly, her pretty face was cold:

"do not talk."

"Yes." Nansong raised his eyebrows, and nodded with a half-smile:

"Stop saying such nasty things."

"I heard that my sister was from the Ji family in the capital city in her early years. There is also someone in my teaching who is somewhat blood relative to my sister."

"Really?" Qingxuan's beautiful eyes drooped slightly:

"I'm no longer a human being. I don't have any blood relatives. It's Miss Nansong. I heard that you went to Wanhua Temple in Beijing in the early years?"

"Not bad." Nansong nodded:

"It's the same as before. Talented men and beautiful women pair up, which is enviable. It seems that my sister is the senior I met there."

"Yes!" Qingxuan's beautiful eyes flickered, and her face was in a trance:

"After the scientific examination every year, many tourists will go there. It just so happens that Su Hu and I took the examination in the same year."

"I haven't, he has..."

Thinking of the past years, she couldn't help showing a foolish smile on her face, and then sighed softly again.


"No pity." Nan Song said with a smile:

"The two are still a fairy couple, making people..."


Before she finished speaking, she suddenly frowned, and even turned her head to look in the direction of entering the courtyard, with doubts in her eyes:

"what happened?"

At this time, Qingxuan also sensed something was wrong:

"Someone is coming!"

"Who are you? This is the county government office. No one is allowed to enter without Madam's permission."

"court death!"


The screams came one after another.

Nan Song frowned, puzzled.

Could it be that besides the Four Swordsmen of Tianshan, there are demon-killers who have entered this Yinshan County?


Coming directly to this county government office is really courting death!

Shaking his head, he heard the roar getting closer and closer. There was obviously a ghost servant shouting, but there was no sound of fighting.

as if...

After those ghost messengers shouted, they all disappeared.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer until a figure walked into the backyard.

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