Do Not Seek Fairy Fate

Chapter 483 Gun Castle

Chapter 483 County City

"It's just a few years older and seeing more, it's nothing." Mo Qiu shook his head lightly, speaking in a calm voice:

"On the contrary, the Six Heart Sutras handed down by Mr. Zhuang's family, which integrates martial arts and techniques into one, has created a new way, which is amazing."

It is different from the tense atmosphere and deployment of troops in the state capital.

Lingjun, the core of the vortex, is not different because of the addition of Taiyizong monks.

inside the house.

The atmosphere was not tense, but harmonious.

As the lord of a county, Zhuang Henyu sat upright, held the junior ceremony, and poured tea and water on his own initiative.

The Tian siblings, Chen Minghe, sat opposite.

"Don't dare to do it." Zhuang Henyu shook his head:

"The Zhuang family was prosperous in the previous dynasty for a while, but the ups and downs are not as good as before."

"Even the exercises..."

"Not perfect either."

As he spoke, he sighed softly, with emotion on his face.

"En." Mo Qiu nodded:

"The Six Heart Sutras are quite exquisite, but some of the tricks are not complete. The original exercises should have more than five levels."

"Is it the eighth floor?"

"Da..." Zhuang Henyu's expression froze, she didn't even notice that the flagon in her hand had fallen:

"What the senior said is true, the Six Royal Heart Sutras were originally eight layers."

"However, according to the elders of the family, the eighth layer of the Six Royal Heart Sutras is only deduced by the predecessors, and no one has completed it."

"Really?" Mo Qiu's eyes moved slightly, and he nodded slowly:

"It's also normal."

"Senior." Zhuang Henyu's throat rolled, and said:

"I don't know if the ability of the senior can restore the Six Heart Sutras?"

"Zhuang is not greedy for martial arts, but this skill is the painstaking effort of the Zhuang family, which has been inherited for dozens of generations..."

"Hmph!" Tian Qi, who was on the opposite side, sneered and interrupted her:


"Your own family's kung fu is broken and incomplete, so why do you ask seniors to make it up? I owe you?"

"This..." Zhuang Henyu's expression froze, he paused, gritted his silver teeth, and said:

"Senior, I have three yin and cold jades here, which are treasures of cultivation, and can be used as a reward."

"Heh..." The corners of Tian Qi's mouth curled up slightly, and she continued to sneer:

"Just three pieces of jade can be exchanged for your family's martial arts. Do you look down on your own family's martial arts, or do you think seniors are easy to talk to?"

"You..." Zhuang Henyu's eyes changed, and she was about to get angry, but she finally shook her head and endured it:

"Miss Tian is right, three Yinhan Jade is indeed not enough, but there are still many spiritual objects in the county mansion."

"I am willing to dedicate them to the seniors, many of which are accumulated by Ling County for decades."

"The things in the county mansion belong to the imperial court, what do you say?" Tian Qi looked surprised.

"Of course." Zhuang Henyu looked numb, as if he didn't want to pay attention to her:

"Lingjun, Zhuang has the final say now!"

"Hmph!" For this, Tian Qi didn't mean to praise at all, instead she was full of contempt:

"No wonder people in the world say that the Great Zhou Dynasty is about to fall. As parents and officials, you don't want to share the worries of the court and serve the people. Instead, you search for the people's fat and anointing for your private treasury."

"It seems to be true."

Zhuang Henyu's eyes narrowed, but she didn't react to it. She just clapped her hands lightly and asked someone to send a spiritual object.

These things are already somewhat shady, and it is very appropriate to show them to sell favors now.

Don't mention and make up for Qi's family-inherited exercises.

After getting closer, if you fight against him in the future, you can also let the other party spare your life.


Now the entire county government office is under the control of this person, so what does it matter if you take it or not?

In the end, favors are paid by the imperial court, but they can take advantage of the cheap ones themselves.

Not long.

The room is full of glory.

Mo Qiu stretched out his hand to pick up a piece of cold jade, as soon as the kung fu was turned, all the spiritual energy in the jade was plundered.

"Wash rustling..."

The indestructible jade has turned into dust and fell down.

Seeing this, several people all jumped in their hearts.

The cold jade was icy cold, but it needed a special meteorite iron box to put it in full bloom. After opening it, the whole room was like an ice cellar.

This time, is it so fragile?

"Not bad." Mo Qiu nodded:

"The Six Imperial Heart Sutras are not troublesome. As far as I'm concerned, it's just a little effort. I shouldn't receive such a generous gift, but Momou just needs spiritual things, so thank you."

"Should be, should be." Zhuang Henyu said with a courteous expression:

"Senior, if you have spare time, just think about the Six Royal Heart Sutras. If you don't seek to make up for it, it is a great kindness and great virtue to make progress."

"There's no need to be so troublesome." Mo Qiu shook his head and pointed a little.

Point out that everything is silent.

Zhuang Henyu's mind was empty, and she watched the finger lightly tap her forehead.


If hit hard.

Her body trembled, the sea of ​​consciousness rippled suddenly, and some indescribable thoughts came to mind immediately.

The first layer of the Six Royal Heart Sutras,

The second floor, the third floor, the sixth floor...

and even.

The eighth floor!

I don't know how long it took, Zhuang Henyu slowly came back to his senses, picked up the wine cup with difficulty, and said with a dry smile:

"Thank you, senior."

The Six Royal Heart Sutras on the eighth floor have already been acquired.

Not only to start with, but also to pass the method through the other party, and even the first few layers of methods have been optimized.

All the inconsistencies and confusions during the practice were answered one by one.

Even that was only the eighth floor deduced by the predecessors, and it completely appeared in my mind.

Zhuang Henyu can be sure.

Even if it is the complete version of your own, it is definitely not as strong as the other party's wonderful method.

You know, the eighth layer of the Six Royal Heart Sutra claims to be qualified to touch the way of the celestial master.

As for the dealer, let alone a celestial master, even real people are rare.

The unexpected method did not make her heart elated, but instead made her feel cold.

How can this be?

In just a short period of time, just listening to my own dictation once, I can deduce the complete method.

and even……

Go one step further!

Looking at Mo Qiu again, a sense of powerlessness suddenly came to mind.

Originally thought that the news had been passed on successfully, and soon someone from the state capital would come to kill the demons.

Now, she is at a loss.

for a while.

Zhuang Henyu suddenly understood why the court was so afraid of Taiyizong, and even after so many years, those high-ranking real people and celestial masters were unwilling to mention the past.

what this man did...

It has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people!

"Master Zhuang." Mo Qiu smiled lightly and raised his glass to invite:

"Share a drink?"

"Yes, yes." Zhuang Henyu came back to her senses, only to feel that her back was icy cold, her clothes were drenched in cold sweat, and she hurriedly toasted to drink, because she was in a hurry, she spilled a lot of wine.

This also made Tian Qi on the other side sneer again and again, but right now she couldn't care less about it.

"Unexpectedly, the unfinished business of my banker for dozens of generations is now settled in the hands of Mr. Zhuang." Zhuang Henyu sighed softly, and raised his glass again:

"Thank you, senior."

"Everyone takes what they need." Mo Qiu looked indifferent, and with a light wave of one hand, all the spiritual objects in the field disappeared.


Zhuang Henyu's eyes flickered, he examined Moqiu carefully, and suddenly his heart moved, and he asked tentatively:

"Senior has a noble character, he was able to kill the Yinshan Lord who caused harm, and he never bullied the weak."

"But it's completely different from the rumored Mozong monster. Is there a misunderstanding here?"

Hearing this, even Tian Qi, who had been finding fault, couldn't help raising her ears and looked over.

"Misunderstanding." Mo Qiu nodded:


"Senior said so." Zhuang Henyu narrowed his eyes and said:

"But as far as this junior knows, the demon... the Taiyi sect back then was a demon sect that killed countless people."

"I am a practitioner who seeks longevity and happiness, so I will not be contaminated with murder for no reason." Mo Qiu thoughtfully:

"Perhaps, there is indeed some misunderstanding."

"I think so too." Zhuang Henyu said with joy on his face:

"Seniors and other people are definitely not evil monsters. How about letting Zhuang and the court clarify the misunderstanding."

"You want to escape, right?" Tian Qi said from the opposite side.

Zhuang Henyu's face darkened, and she secretly gritted her teeth. If she could, she would like to tear Tian Qi's mouth open.

This woman is really hateful!

"It's ok." Mo Qiu never thought about it, but his face was calm:

"Miss Tian said it as a joke, Mr. Zhuang, don't mind, Mo Mou is just staying here temporarily, and never thought of trapping that one."

"Master Zhuang wants to go out, he can leave at any time, Mo will not stop him."


Zhuang Henyu was taken aback.

But it suddenly occurred to her that the other party had never said that she wanted to hold her hostage to threaten others.

Everything is her wishful thinking.

Look no further.

This person is ordinary in appearance, but he has an extraordinary bearing, adding to his Taoism and immortality, he is not like ordinary people.

Such a fairy character, there is no need to make life difficult for a layman like himself.


Zhuang Henyu opened his mouth in admiration:

"It was Zhuang who judged the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

The sound falls.

My heart suddenly relaxed.

"Since senior has no intention of becoming an enemy of the imperial court, why don't we clear up the misunderstanding and form a friendship with both hands?"

"The misunderstanding can be cleared up." Mo Qiu smiled lightly and said:

"However, someone needs to explain what happened to the disciples of the Taiyi Sect. Does Mr. Zhuang think so?"


There was a sudden silence in the field.

The face of Chen Minghe on the opposite side was cold, and his eyes were cold and serious. He would never forget what happened to him back then.

Zhuang Henyu also twitched slightly, forced a smile and said:

"Senior, could it be that you want to be an enemy of the world?"

"What is the world?" Mo Qiu shook his head:

"Mo Moumou is a person who seeks immortals and asks questions. He doesn't like ordinary trivial matters, but karma is entangled, and there must be an end."

"The junior doesn't understand." Zhuang Henyu frowned.

Do you want to fight, or do you want to make peace?

I don't want to be an enemy of others, I want to be free and easy, but I want to investigate the past, is it possible that I want people to turn themselves in?

"It doesn't matter." Mo Qiu took it lightly:

"Times have changed, and Mo Mou is not very clear about what happened back then, so there is no need to rush."

"It's getting late, let's get back!"



When everyone stood up, they should have retreated.



Zhuang Henyu walked out of the county government office, looked back, and couldn't help showing surprise on his face.

it turns out……

Really didn't stop?


The shadows in front of him shook, and the scribe appeared in front of him, with a look of surprise on his face:

"You are out."

"En." Zhuang Henyu nodded, with a solemn face:

"Who is here this time, take me there, maybe we can have a good talk with him."

"Talk?" The scribe was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head:

"Master, now is not the time, we have to leave here quickly and find a safe place."

"What do you mean?" Zhuang Henyu opened her beautiful eyes.

"It's time to start!"

"But..., there are still people in the government office."

"I can't control that much anymore, I will pay more attention at that time, and the rest will be in peace."

Saying that, the scribe made a tactic with one hand, and the spiritual light enveloped the two of them, and they fled towards the distance.


county government.

Many bats with fangs appeared at some unknown time, and their bodies fell down under the eaves.

The ground squirmed, and eerie ghosts poked their heads out quietly.

In the sky, at some point, a dark cloud floated over, covering up the bright moon above.

A streak of ghost smoke rose from various places in the city and sneaked towards the former county mansion.

In the dark alley, big men holding crossbows and longbows are ready.

Several figures quietly appeared on the long street.

far away.

One monk came side by side.

Kang Jinlong, holding a double mace, appeared on the roof of a restaurant at some point, squinting his eyes and looking into the distance.

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