Do Novel Heroine have their Own System?

Chapter 955 Unexpectedly succeeded

"I will try to help you tentatively. I don't know if there will be any good results. You stay here and don't move.

Bo Ran still felt a little confused when he heard these words. He didn't know what was going on. He always felt that things were a little different.

What exactly is this to express? Is it because you want to do a lot of bad things?

After Su Mobai died, he began to gather everything around him, planning to unite everything together, and try to avoid other things.

Bo Ran felt the seemingly systematic abilities in his body. I didn't feel it before, such a powerful force rushed into my body.

Bo Ran only recovered half of the system, but he didn't expect to feel such a powerful ability now.

"What the hell are you doing? Why do I feel like my body is soggy? What the hell is going on?" Bo Ran asked suspiciously.

Su Mobai is currently concentrating all his powers in the same place. If you get a little distracted, it will not have a good effect.

Su Mobai immediately said: "You still shut up, don't talk, I'm currently trying to restore the ability of your system, because I feel some residual aura here, I don't know if it will have any effect~!"

You have to try it out, if it doesn't work, then you will recognize it. But if it works, then this-everything is pretty good.

All of Su Mobai's actions are mandatory. It is very serious to try to deal with these things better.

Su Mobai himself is relatively clear and understands the situation. Many things are obviously serious. This is not a random mess.

After hearing what the other party said, Bo Ran sat down seriously, just looking at the other party's situation, he probably understood the phenomenon.

This is really a very good situation. Bo Ran has already felt that his strength has gathered more.

If we continue, Su Mobai thinks there should be good results. Even if it has reached such a critical point, Su Mobai is still insisting on it, hoping that all this can be properly handled.

…Seeking flowers 0.

After the real experience, you will know how different these things are. These situations have never been casually joking.

It didn't take long for Bo Ran to feel more powerful energy. It was really powerful. This was never a joke.

The mandatory recovery has now reached the most struggling step. Bo Ran can be said to feel almost uncomfortable, but he still clenches his teeth tightly.


Those powers return to the body after being taken away from the body, so I can know the influence of this thing even more.

Su Mobai finally felt that everything should be almost done. He just checked carefully and found that everything is suitable.

"Finally, everything has reached the right level. I really didn't expect to be able to succeed in this place." Su Mobai said unexpectedly.

I really didn't expect things to develop in this way. Su Mobai was really surprised today. He came here by chance, but he didn't expect to have such an effect.

"How is it a lot stronger? Isn't it really amazing!" ー,

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