To Gu Xuan’s surprise, the pirate world did circulate the rookie pirates who rose in this year, and were called eleven supernovas, but the Straw Hat Pirates did not have Robin to join, naturally there was no experience in the battle with Justice Island, nor the experience of defeating the Qiwu Sea Klockdar, although Luffy was offered a reward of more than 100 million Baileys, but Solon did not reach as high as in the anime, so far only 66 million Baileys, naturally can not become a pirate supernova.

But even so, eleven supernovas still appeared, which was Gu Xuan’s surprise, because he was actually listed as a supernova, and it was also the strongest, the supernova with the highest bounty, and his bounty changed several times, and now it is as high as 820 million Bailey, the first person in this supernova.

This made Gu Xuan a little depressed, he had already been rewarded, but he didn’t expect that just because his name was too loud this year, the bounty rose too fast, and he was actually listed as a supernova, which can be regarded as a nameless little pirate to a well-known sea pirate in the world.

However, Van Oka, who also had a bounty of more than 100 million Bailey, was not counted as a supernova.

“Captain, you let the No. 1 area population auction house in our hall, but one of them will hold an auction tomorrow.”

When Gu Xuan went to meet with Marko, Rafaite and the others were not idle, and secretly began to collect intelligence.

“And recently the Chambord Islands can be described as very lively, countless people from all over the world have gathered in the Chambord Islands, even if this is very close to the naval headquarters, but there are still many pirates entering the Chambord Islands, among which the more famous is the more famous supernova recently, Captain you are the most powerful one.”

“As for the Straw Hat Pirates you mentioned, Captain, because we haven’t met them before and don’t know about them, we don’t know if they have come to the Chambord Islands.”

Gu Xuan knew about the Straw Hat Pirates, but Lafaite didn’t know it, because they were wanted themselves, so naturally they didn’t dare to show up casually, and it was already quite difficult to find out so much information.

“Is there an auction tomorrow?” Go and see first. ”

The next day, Gu Xuan and the others dressed up a little and went to the auction, but unfortunately, although this was also a population auction, it was not the auction that Gu Xuan remembered, so they left halfway.

Until the fourth day, the Straw Hat Pirates finally lived up to Gu Xuan’s expectations and appeared in the Chambordi Islands, but Gu Xuan did not make a move, he knew very well that the Straw Hat Pirates had always been watched by dragons, even on the Chambord Islands, there was Bartholomy Bear to support, otherwise, it would never have appeared so coincidentally in the anime.

Gu Xuan wants to catch the straw hat kid, not kill him, if you kill him, it is simple, with Van Oka’s ability, if you snipe from a distance, there is a high probability of killing, but unfortunately this is not their purpose.

Area One, one of the most famous auction houses, is hosting a grand population auction today.

Gu Xuan and the others got the invitation, disguised it, and entered the auction house according to the time.

As soon as he entered the auction house, Gu Xuan found that it was not ordinary, there were many people participating in the auction, and he also saw acquaintances.

“Captain, over there.”

At the back edge of the auction house, a group of people sat there, it was actually a group of heart pirates, as pirates, to participate in the public auction, naturally to be very low-key.

It’s just that when Gu Xuan and the others came in, Peibo, the panda man of the Heart Pirate Group, suddenly looked shocked, pulled his captain Trafalgar Luo, pointed to Gu Xuan’s location, and whispered.

Luo didn’t care much, but when he turned his head to look over, his face was suddenly shocked, and he said in shock: “Why is he?” ”

He had met Gu Xuan once by chance, and he had also refused Gu Xuan’s invitation, so he could recognize Gu Xuan in disguise at a glance.

It’s just that he was really shocked, Gu Xuan would actually appear in the Chambordi Islands, wasn’t he afraid that the navy would find out? He is a heavyweight criminal, unlike these pirates who are rewarded.

“He appears here, it seems that something big will happen, Peibo, and you, you must be careful later, don’t act rashly without my order.”

At the same time, at the end of the other side near the gate, there was also a group of people standing there, they had been watching the crowd entering the auction house, and when they saw Gu Xuan and them entering, the two people at the head were also shocked.

“Kidd, do you see that? That man, could he be Gu Xuan of the Dark Pirate Group? ”

The group was headed by two men, one of whom wore a blue-and-white striped mask with several small holes on his head and blond hair, as he said to another young man.

The other was young, looking like a teenager, with a red hedgehog head, goggles on his head, taller than the average person, and a dagger and a pistol in front of him.

This person is a supernova with a bounty of 315 million Bailey, and Captain Eustace Kidd is the strongest supernova this year besides Gu Xuan, and he also heard that there is an auction here, so he will come here.

After seeing Gu Xuan and the others of the Dark Pirate Group, Kidd was also shocked, but soon laughed excitedly: “It turned out to be him, it turned out to be him, the Dark Pirate Group, Gu Xuan.” ”

Seeing Kidd’s excited appearance, Kira, who knew him very well, suddenly said nervously: “Kidd, don’t mess around, that guy is different from ordinary pirates, but he can still survive under the pursuit and killing of the Whitebeard Pirates and the world government, and he is not yet something we can deal with.” ”

Kidd lowered his voice, “Of course I know how powerful this man is, I’m just excited, this man is also one of my targets, I thought it would take a long time to meet him, but I didn’t expect to meet him at such a small auction.” ”

“Captain, is that person really Gu Xuan? It doesn’t look special, is he really that powerful? ”

The pirates of the surrounding Kidd Pirate Group, seeing that the two bosses of their own pirate group said that Gu Xuan was powerful, and some people looked very puzzled, because from a distance, Gu Xuan really did not have anything outstanding.

Kidd said affirmatively: “Of course he is powerful, more powerful than many people know, just imagine, a man who was originally just an ordinary pirate in the Whitebeard Pirate Group, can defect from a force like the Whitebeard Pirate Group, and dare to rob the world noble Draco, forcing the world government to compromise, will it be simple?” ”

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