“Captain, you are really a genius, if even the revolutionary army participates in the battle, the battle in three days will be too lively.”

The content that is being discussed around the world is naturally leaked by Gu Xuan, this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing, so it is natural to do it with practice and will not be discovered by anyone, even among the dark pirate group, only Rafaite and Van Oka know.

Gu Xuan said very calmly: “It is unlikely that the navy will publicly execute the straw hat kid, and the possibility of the revolutionary army appearing is not great, so don’t expect too much.” ”

“If that’s the case, why would you go out of this way to do something like this?” Van Oka’s puzzled question: “If you do this, it will inevitably make the navy and the world government take more precautions, it will only enhance the combat effectiveness of the navy, and the plan to destroy the navy will not be more difficult to implement?” ”

Lafayette was also puzzled, both of them thought that Gu Xuan’s purpose in doing this was to attract the revolutionary army, but now Gu Xuan himself did not have much confidence, the revolutionary army would not come, but the world government would take precautions, wouldn’t it be more difficult for them to succeed?

“The dragon of the revolutionary army will not appear, but it does not mean that others will not appear, I only have one purpose in doing this, to completely disrupt this battle, so that everyone is suspicious of each other, the more chaotic the battlefield, the more beneficial it is for us, I have a hunch, I will get a report beyond imagination in this battle.”

Gu Xuan is very confident, according to the urine nature of the system, the battle on the top is such an important battle, how can there be no new tasks born, he believes that as long as he participates in the battle on the top, there will be many tasks, the more chaotic the battlefield, the more beneficial it is for people with ulterior motives like them.

He thinks that the probability of the dragon appearing is relatively low, but nothing is absolute, and the key character Saab will definitely appear, and even more people will participate, such as the red-haired Shanks, the man who appeared in the battle at the top in the anime, I am afraid that this time he will move faster.

He never had to rely on the plot to reap the benefits, and this time even more so, he wanted to completely disrupt the battle on top, and the more chaotic the battlefield, the more beneficial it would be for him.

“Get everyone ready, we’ll be moving in three days.”

If he didn’t take Anilu, he would need to use other methods to achieve his goal, but with Anilu, especially with Anilu’s Ark Proverbs, he could act more conveniently.

Two days passed quickly, and on the last day before the public execution, the whole world was quiet, and many people were waiting for tomorrow, even in the sea, there were many people looking forward to it, this is the first time since the appearance of the four emperors of pirates, they will face the navy head-on, and the biggest of the four emperors.

The legendary pirate, Whitebeard, this dozens of pirates standing in the sea, but can compete with the existence of One Piece King Roger, but everyone who has heard of the White Hu, no one dares to underestimate it.

One of the most lively is the Chambord Islands, which are close to the headquarters of the Navy, which is the closest to the headquarters of the Navy, so it is qualified to broadcast the Marin Vando live broadcast, and above the largest square in the Shangdi Islands, there are a total of six large screens that can broadcast the situation of Marin Fandor from multiple angles.

It is precisely because of this advantage that people from all over the world gather in the Chambord Islands to see this great war.

The Whitebeard Pirates have disappeared for many days, and the Navy headquarters has been in formation for many days, and even put down such a formation to broadcast live in the Chambord Islands, it can be imagined that this war is bound to break out in the eyes of both of them.

Such a protracted war, people all over the world are eagerly awaited, and more eagerly, they have come to the Chambord Islands from far away, because only here can you see the battle situation of Marin Fandor from all directions.

Because the live broadcast signal is the video phone worm of the Unicom, if you want to watch it, you naturally need a ticket, it is no exaggeration to say that the Navy has made a lot of money for this, but everyone who wants to watch the live broadcast needs to pay a certain fee to be able to watch close to the square, even the most marginal position, have been sold at a high price, but even so, there are still countless people who squeeze their heads and want to go in.

Today’s Chambordi Islands is definitely the most lively in recent years, the flow of people has skyrocketed, the forces of all parties, intricate, but no matter who it is, it will not make trouble at this time, even those arrogant pirates, are very low-key.

“The Chambord Islands are really lively enough today, Captain, when do we start moving?”

Bashas circled outside, because the Navy’s attention has been all on Marin Fando, and at this time, he can’t care about Gu Xuan and these pirates, so as long as everyone is not too high-profile, basically no one will care about them.

Gu Xuan closed his eyes and did not open his eyes, and said: “Wait, wait until tomorrow, Anilu, then I will need your strength.” ”

Anilu snorted coldly and said, “Got it, don’t bother me.” ”

“Hey, you guy.” Bashaston shouted dissatisfied, but it was a pity that Anilu didn’t care about him at all.

Gu Xuan also had a little headache, these crew members of his, only Anilu was uncontrolled, even he didn’t know how to deal with Anilu, but fortunately, Anilu kept his credit and did not make a rebellion.

At this time, the most nervous side belongs to the naval headquarters, since the disappearance of the Whitebeard Pirates, they have not found the slightest trace of each other until now, even the Warring States are very nervous, he does not know when Whitebeard will attack, this feeling of not controlling makes him very uncomfortable.

But now he can only hold back his urgency, he still has important things to do, this matter is also extremely important to the top battle in the near future, and he must go in person.

Tomorrow is the day of the public execution, the navy is naturally ready, there are no problems, and now there is another very important issue, that is, the handling of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

This time, due to the strong recruitment of the navy, all of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai were summoned to the headquarters of the navy and wanted to participate in tomorrow’s big war, but these Qiwuhai were all unruly, so the Warring States had to hold another meeting with these people on the last day, so that they could not think about anything else. _

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