“Look, everyone, ‘Fire Fist’ has appeared.”

“Is this ‘Fire Fist’? Being so young, being able to become the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates at such a young age, shows that he has great potential, no wonder Whitebeard and the Navy will start a war because of him. ”

“It doesn’t look like a bad person, but I didn’t expect it to be the notorious ‘Fire Fist’.”

“Didn’t the newspaper say that in addition to the ‘Fire Fist’, the Straw Hat Kid, the son of the revolutionary dragon, would also be publicly executed? Why is there only one person in Fire Fist now, Straw Hat Kid? ”

“yes, why didn’t you see the straw hat kid? What the hell is the Navy doing? ”

“Gee, it seems that the navy is also afraid, if the two are publicly executed at the same time, it will definitely attract the two major forces of the Whitebeard Pirate Group and the Revolutionary Army, with the strength of the navy headquarters, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist, so they will make such a decision.”

“I think it’s possible, after all, it’s not certified by the official newspaper of the world government, it’s likely just a rumor.”

“That’s a pity, speaking of which, that revolutionary dragon is more mysterious than Whitebeard, and this time there is no chance to see it.”

“The headquarters of the Navy has already put up a position, now it depends on when Whitebeard appears.”

Those spectators watching the battle in the Chambord Islands Square were all surprised to see that only Ace appeared, many of them believed the content of the previous newspaper, and thought that the navy would execute Ace and Luffy at the same time, but now it seems that they really think too much.

“It seems that Sengoku is still sane.” Reilly said with a serious face.

Xia Qi said: “Of course he has to be rational, the Monchi kid is not only the son of the revolutionary army dragon, but also the grandson of Karp, he wants to publicly execute the Monchi kid, but also depends on whether Karp agrees or not; But his choice is indeed correct, dealing with a whitebeard is easier than dealing with whitebeard and a dragon at the same time, but, how did the Monchi kid get caught by the navy? ”

Renly was also puzzled: “It’s really strange, at that time, Bartholomy Xiong had already explained to me that he was trying to save Luffy, how did he get caught by the Navy in a blink of an eye?” Forget it, with Karp here, it’s not our turn to care about him, and now the key is when Whitebeard will appear. ”

Whitebeard will appear, which Renly is very sure of, the key is when Whitebeard appears.

There are many people who think the same way as Renly, the Navy is ready, just wait for the Whitebeard Pirates to appear, and only if both sides appear, the big war will begin.

In addition to those in the Chambord Islands, there are countless people waiting in the rest of the Great Voyage, in the New World, and even in the four seas, and although they cannot see the great war directly, they still expect the appearance of Whitebeard.

Of course, the vast majority of the people are standing in the sea, after all, the pirates belong to the evil side, and the navy is justice, justice eradicates evil, which is the knot that the vast majority of people want to see.

Even the soldiers of the Navy headquarters had different expressions when they saw that they were sent to the execution table, and many of them were the same as those spectators in the Chambord Islands, why was there a fire fist?

“Is he the man who might move the world to war?”

Ever since Ace was sent to the execution table, he has been in the spotlight, and the video phone worm prepared by the Navy has been filming him, focusing all eyes.

In the midst of various discussions, the Warring States, as the marshal of the naval headquarters, slowly ascended to the execution table.

Seeing the appearance of the Warring States, many people showed surprise, this is the execution platform, it stands to reason that the Marshal of the Warring States should not appear here, he should stay in the rear to command, so even Ace himself was surprised by the appearance of the Warring States, and looked at the Warring States with cold eyes.

Sengoku didn’t care about those eyes, after boarding the execution table, he stood next to Ace, let people take the phone worm, and then faced the phone worm, his face solemn, and looked ahead.

“Before everything begins, there is something I want to convey to you in advance, Portcas M. D. Ace, about the significance of this man’s death here today. ”

After a pause, Sengoku suddenly ordered Ace, who was locked on the side: “Ace, report your father’s name.” ”

Ace’s numb expression changed, and then he raised his head, looked at the Warring States, and was silent for a moment before he said firmly: “My dad is a whitebeard.” ”

As soon as the words fell, the Warring States retorted categorically: “That’s not right! ”

Sengoku’s rebuttal made Ace like fried hair, and roared angrily at Sengoku: “My dad is Whitebeard, and there is no one else except him.” ”


Everyone was stunned, looking at Sengoku and Ace on the execution table strangely, what the hell are these two doing? The question of the Warring States is very confusing, and Ace’s reaction also makes people feel very strange, except for a very small number of people, no one knows what they are talking about, how did a good public execution become a greeting to the father?

But fortunately, the Sengoku quickly gave the answer.

Sengoku stood on the execution table, staring ahead, and said with a serious face: “Back then, we opened our eyes and searched desperately for that man’s child that might be left on an island, and we only relied on CP’s intelligence and possibility to screen all the babies who were about to be born and newborn, as well as their mothers, but we didn’t gain anything. ”

“It’s no wonder that your birth was bought back by your mother with her life, it can also be said that your mother has ulterior motives, she deceived our eyes, no, the eyes of the world, in the South China Sea, there is an island called Bataila.”

“Ace, your mother’s name is Portcas. D. Lujiu, this woman’s actions are far beyond our common sense, she is a great mother, in order to protect you, she even let the pirates stay in her belly for twenty months. ”

Hearing this, Ace was already trembling, enduring the pain, and couldn’t bear to listen to it anymore, while the other people who listened to the Warring States narrative were still very confused, and they didn’t understand what the Warring States wanted to say, even if it was to execute the fire fist, there was no need to explain his birth history, right? Could it be that his origins are remarkable?

However, many people are very shocked to hear that Ace was born to his mother after twenty months of pregnancy, what kind of will can let the child stay in his womb for twenty months before being born?

“It’s incredible.”

This is the voice of many people, this is really beyond imagination, it turns out that ‘Fire Fist’ actually has such a origin. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,

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