“Playing pathetic?”

Gu Xuan laughed and said loudly: “I will even have a day when I am said to be pretending to be pitiful, and the reason why I tell you this is to let you die and understand who the person who killed you is.” ”

“Now that the nonsense is over, let’s see if you killed me or I destroyed your navy!”

“Speak loudly!”

The red dog burst out: “Just because you are a pirate, you dare to say that you will destroy us, I will slaughter you with my own hands!” ”

Gu Xuan turned his head and said to the person behind him: “Although I want revenge this time, it is also an opportunity to strengthen our pirate group, do you want to go with me?” ”


Bashas laughed and bombarded his fists, “Of course I have to follow the captain.” ”

Lafaite said with a smile: “Such an exciting thing, how can there be no me?” ”

Van Orka didn’t speak, just straightened his monocular telescope and picked up his sniper rifle.

“We are all rescued by you captain, we will do whatever you let us do.”

Qiang Balu and Bill, who were rescued by Gu Xuan from the auction house, also said firmly, if there was no Gu Xuan, both of them would still be slaves now, and it would be better to die in battle than to be slaves.

The Evil King smiled strangely: “I didn’t expect that just escaping from Advance City, I could participate in such a fierce war, which is really interesting.” ”

Katerina Deppen is also smiling gloomy, although she is a woman, but when it comes to the degree of viciousness, it is also incomparable to ordinary pirates, how can people like her be afraid.

The other few people, except for the old man, Norris Will, who was very nervous, did not have the slightest fear.

“Then, I’ll go first!”

Gu Xuan suddenly jumped from the Ark Proverbs, this war, no matter what, he must use all his strength, not only for revenge, but also for the system’s mission reward, this time is a golden opportunity.

More than a dozen people from the Dark Pirate Group jumped from the Advance City and rushed towards the naval soldiers not far away.


Before encountering a real opponent, Gu Xuan would not exert his full strength, his short knife was held in his hand again, easily solving a naval soldier, just after he killed this naval soldier, the system actually appeared a new task.

“Mission: Salty Fish Miscellaneous Soldiers!”

“Mission Objective: The road to victory is often accompanied by countless salted fish miscellaneous soldiers, killing naval soldiers and officers of different ranks!”

“Mission Rewards: +5 Dark Points for each Navy Rankless Navy Soldier killed, +10-100 Dark Points for each Captain killed, +100-300 Dark Points for each Colonel Officer killed, +500 Dark Points for each Commodore killed, +1000 Dark Points for each Rear Admiral killed!”

“Note: The crew of the same Dark Pirate Group, for every Navy soldier killed by the colonel, the host will receive half of the reward.”

Originally, I didn’t want to kill a lot, I just wanted to fight with officers above the level of vice admiral, but I didn’t expect that such a task appeared, although there is no reward for talent points, but the rewards of dark points are also very rich, if he kills more, he may not be able to get hundreds of thousands of dark points.

What’s more impressive is that this task is not only to determine him alone, even other people in his pirate group, killing naval soldiers, can also be rewarded, although the reward is half later, but it is also very amazing, and he does not have to do it himself, after all, one person kills, how can it be comparable to so many people killing at the same time, more than ten people shot together, the efficiency is much higher than him.

Thinking of this, Gu Xuan’s killing intent was even worse, constantly harvesting the lives of one naval soldier after another, and no navy could stop Gu Xuan, and for a while, there were dozens of naval soldiers who died in his hands.

Seeing that the dark pirate group only had a dozen people, but in a very short time, the formation of the navy besieging the pirates was torn apart, and the Warring States as the marshal finally came to his senses.

I saw the Warring States roaring angrily: “Stop him, stop Gu Xuan.” ”

Without him shouting, someone in the navy rushed to Gu Xuan and others, but the average admiral could not get close to Gu Xuan, all of them were stopped by Bashas and others, these people around Gu Xuan, the weaker Bill, Qiang Balu and others, can also fight against commodors, colonels and the like, stronger ones such as evil kings and others, there is no big problem to deal with vice admirals, ordinary people really can’t stop them.

The Warring States on the execution platform looked gloomy, and the few people that Gu Xuan found out from Advance City were all very strong in combat power, which was completely comparable to the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, and if they really rushed to kill, they could completely destroy their formation.

“Borusalino, let the pacifists come to their aid, be sure to stop them.”

The general combat power can not stop Gu Xuan and them, then you can only choose a stronger combat power, the rest of the vice admirals have already fought with those captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, and there are Jinping, Ivankov and Straw Hat Kid, who escaped from the advancing city, the strength of that group is not weak, so most of the navy’s forces have been used, and in a short period of time, it is really impossible to free up more powerful combat power to deal with Gu Xuan and them, and can only let the pacifists who surrounded and suppressed the pirates on both wings to deal with it.

The red dog who spoke before wanted to participate in the encirclement and suppression of Gu Xuan, but he still held back, because he had a more important role next, and if he went to deal with Gu Xuan and them at this time, the next plan would not be realized.

“Let you jump for a while, and then it will destroy you.” The red dog stared fiercely at Gu Xuan in the fight.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

Gu Xuan took the lead, just advanced not far away, suddenly one after another laser shot towards them, Gu Xuan’s face changed, immediately dodged to the side, the others were also quickly scattered, the laser bombarded the ground, produced an amazing explosion, extremely lethal.

“A pacifist in the Navy?”

Gu Xuan saw pacifists cloaked in Batholomy bears surrounded them.

“What kind of monster is this?”

The evil king dodged the explosion area and immediately cursed, the pacifist attack was indeed very amazing, even he, a veteran pirate, was very shocked, and several other people who had just escaped from the Advance City were also very shocked.

Gu Xuan explained: “This is a war weapon secretly made by the world government, pacifists, monsters built according to the model of Qiwu Hai Bassolomi Bear, their attack method is imitating the fruit ability of Admiral Yellow Ape, although it is not as good as the yellow ape, but the lethality is very amazing, more powerful than ordinary cannons, and their defense is also very strong, you have to be careful.” ”

He has watched anime and has seen pacifists in the Chambord Islands before, so he still knows better.

Pacifists are indeed very perfect weapons of war, except that they do not have their own thoughts, they are programmed robots, whether they kill or are destroyed, there will be no change, compared to humans, this is a very perfect weapon.

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