“The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates are crazy, they desperately rushed into the sea and swam towards the only place leading to the execution table, are they ready to swim to the square just like that? This is simply impossible, the Navy has laid a large number of elite soldiers there, and there are countless cannons, how can it easily break through? ”

Robin is getting more and more into the state, and the live broadcast is getting smoother and smoother, especially the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates group are desperate to swim forward, and the tone reveals shock and incredulity.

The audience of the Chambord Islands is also very shocked, are the pirates crazy? Knowing that there are traps for the navy there, and rushing forward like this, is it really all dead?

The naval side is also strange, but more disdainful, they all feel that the Whitebeard Pirates have lost their minds, but it’s normal to think about it, in this case, retreating is also death, and there is a glimmer of hope to rescue Ace forward, and it is definitely necessary to rush forward, not to mention that this is still Whitebeard.

“The pirates have nothing to do, fire cannons, kill them.”

The rear admiral on the defensive wall roared loudly and directed his soldiers to fire at the pirates.


There are dozens of cannons around the encirclement wall, and the cannons are fired at the same time, and the lethality produced is extremely strong, even in the sea, countless pirates have been killed.

But even in this case, the pirates still ignored it and rushed forward frantically, so that the naval soldiers on the defensive wall were all stunned, are these pirates really not afraid of death? When they loaded the shells, the pirates were a little closer, and the pirates’ side did not panic, but the navy, which had an absolute advantage, was a little panicked.

“We must hold the gap in the encirclement wall, and we must not let the pirates rush in!”

“Rush, don’t flinch, keep rushing forward, you must rush into the square.”

The navy and pirates both have their own beliefs, one side believes that its own side will win, the other side is fearless, even if the pirate side has heavy casualties, but in the end the momentum is getting stronger and stronger.


Just as the pirates were swimming rapidly, the sea in the bay suddenly churned violently, and then under the shocked eyes of all the naval soldiers on the defensive wall, a huge warship rushed out of the sea, and the pirates on the sea suddenly shouted excitedly, pulling one by one, and quickly boarded the pirate ship.

Thousands of pirates climbed on the pirate ship, even if the navy side bombarded desperately, but this ship was an outer steamer, and the action was relatively convenient, and it quickly rushed behind Little Oz.

“Not good.” The faces of countless high-ranking naval officials changed drastically.

“Incredible, really incredible, the Whitebeard Pirates actually hid a pirate ship at the bottom of the sea, in this desperate situation, this pirate ship played an amazing role, the pirate ship rushed to the gap, wow, what did I see?”

Robin roared loudly in excitement: “Giant Oz actually lifted the huge pirate ship, sent it into the base square of the navy, rushed in, the pirates rushed in, they broke through the encirclement wall and rushed into the square, it was really incredible.” ”

The audience in the Chambord Islands is also stunned, this plot reversal is too fast, right? Before, they also felt that the Whitebeard Pirates were forced into a corner, but suddenly rushed out of such a huge pirate ship and sent most of the pirates into the square, which is very good-looking.

“It’s worthy of a whitebeard, haha, it’s really powerful, the navy made a mistake, right?”

There were also many pirates in the square, and when they saw the white-bearded pirate group rushing into the square, they were all laughing excitedly.

“A white beard is a white beard, and this situation can be reversed, powerful.” Reilly also sincerely admired.

Xia Qi was also amazed: “Who would have thought that Whitebeard still had this hand, the Navy originally used the ability of the red dog to melt the ice and force the pirates to have no place to stand, but it created an opportunity for Whitebeard, the Navy is really enough to hold back.” ”

Indeed, if the ice surface is not melted, this pirate ship will not be effective at all, but the ice surface is melted, and Little Oz or this pirate ship will immediately achieve the effect of turning defeat into victory.

“It’s time for the final showdown!”


Gu Xuan and the yellow ape quickly separated after touching again, Gu Xuan turned his head to look at the gap, the corners of his mouth also showed a smile, the white beard really did not let him down, finally rushed in, and then he can do his own thing.

The high-ranking members of the navy side were gloomy, and they put most of their weapons on the defensive wall and encirclement wall outside the square, and now that the whitebeard side rushed in, those weapons were naturally wasted, and the encirclement wall became a stumbling block that limited the navy’s play.

Whitebeard jumped down from the pirate ship, looked at the densely packed navy in front of him, suddenly swung the big beak knife, the power of the shock fruit was launched, and the navy soldiers in front were all split by his sword, opening up a large open space.

“The power of the Shock Fruit!”

Gu Xuan looked at the white beard, his eyes were fiery, his current strength is not weak, but it is the lack of super lethal moves, the development of the dark fruit is too difficult, his ideal small black hole, until now has no clue, so he can only think of other ways, and the ability full of explosive power like the shock fruit is exactly what he needs.

He completed a lot of tasks some time ago, and he used almost the same talent points, but the dark points were not used much, plus this war so far, he has accumulated more than 400,000 dark points.

The reason why he has so many dark points is not because of the mission gains, the rewards of all his tasks add up, including the tasks of the salted fish miscellaneous soldiers, and the dark points obtained are more than 100,000, and the reason why there are more than 400,000 dark points is completely because of Robin’s live broadcast.

“Hidden Mission: Live Streaming Can Become Stronger!”

“Mission Objective: Host or members of the Dark Pirate Group where the host is located, live broadcast the battle on top of Marin Fandor!”

“Mission reward: Every person who watches the live broadcast of the members of the Dark Pirate Group will be provided with a little dark point, and every time someone mentions the name of the host or the name of the Dark Pirate Group during the live broadcast, a little dark point will be provided!”

“Note: Hidden missions are unique and will not exist after being triggered once!”

Originally, Gu Xuan asked Robin to conduct a live broadcast, just wanted to pit a pit, but he didn’t expect to help himself a lot, and actually triggered the hidden mission of the system, this is the first time he triggered the hidden mission, and this was just a short time, and the dark points he got were more than the dark points he got in the past half a year.

If this continues, it won’t be long before his dark point can break through the million mark, this speed is simply dozens of times faster than doing ordinary tasks, the only pity is that this hidden task can only be triggered once, and only during the live broadcast can you get the dark point.

He is now even more dissatisfied with the Navy, why is there only a live broadcast in the Chambord Islands? If you come to a few more live broadcast scenes, the crowd will definitely be more, when the time comes, he will be a little more limelight, and he will be mentioned several times, the dark point is not a rubbing upward ah, when the time comes, get a few million dark points, all exchanged for consumables to enhance the body and will, who will be his opponent at that time?

Accumulating so many dark points, Gu Xuan’s goal is the ability of double fruits, although hundreds of thousands of dark points can buy dozens of small and large return pills, enhance dozens of points, the improvement will be greater, but the problem is that the goods in the system store are not infinitely purchased, but need time to refresh.

A few months ago, he encountered the red dog and bought three large return pills, and the system store has turned to the present, a total of four stocks, small return pills have five in stock, and the will-enhancing potion is only five in stock.

More importantly, when the physique and will are raised to thirty points, the elixirs and potions in the system store can no longer improve the physique and will, and his current physique has reached twenty-five, so it is not realistic to buy all the dark points to improve his strength.

For the various restrictions of the system, Gu Xuan was also helpless, but he also understood that if he could infinitely improve his physique and will, the role of talent points would not be particularly great.

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