In a short time, Moria’s body became several times larger, almost comparable to the little Oz before, so he suddenly became the focus of the square, and many people looked at him in horror.

“I’m going to kill you!”

The gigantic Moria, the roar was like thunder, and when he stepped on the ground hard, the entire square shook.

The huge palm slapped down on the position where Gu Xuan was, but it was obvious that the gigantic Moria consciousness was already a little confused, Gu Xuan was a natural ability, even if his physical strength was strong, if he did not use armed color domineering, it was impossible to cause damage to Gu Xuan.

The darkness slowly rose from the ground and turned into Gu Xuan, and then he suddenly burst out, jumped into the air, and raised his fist and smashed down with the gigantic Moria.


Gu Xuan smashed on Moria’s lower abdomen, and Moria hit a big burp, but did not hit the shadow, so he continued to punch, the gigantic Moria was too big, and the action was not as sensitive as Gu Xuan, so he was hit by Gu Xuan several punches in a row, especially the next few punches, all using armed color domineering.

The gigantic Moria, arrogant time to practice for less than a minute, was burst by Gu Xuan’s consecutive punches, spit out countless black shadows from his mouth, flew back to the original owner’s body, and then Moria’s body quickly became smaller.

“Huh? Why is this? ”

Moria shouted bitterly, after the shadow was gone, his consciousness was completely awake, knowing that he was defeated by Gu Xuan, although his strongest move has unrivaled strength, but the flaws are also obvious, when the consciousness is gradually out of control, the armed color domineering cannot be used, then it cannot cause damage to Gu Xuan, naturally he can only be beaten passively, Gu Xuan’s physique has now reached thirty points, and a few punches will burst him.

The defeated Moria looked at Gu Xuan with a terrified face, embarrassed and wanted to escape, but Gu Xuan chased after him in a few steps.

“What a waste.”

Seeing that Moria was defeated by Gu Xuan so quickly, Daoberman and the ghost spider both scolded, Moria just made such a big noise, and the result was a silver gun crayon head, which was hammered by Gu Xuan in two or three strokes.

“Go save him!”

Although they also looked at Moria unfavorably, but at this time, everyone was on the same front, and they also needed Moria to contain the pirates, so the two shot at the same time and rushed towards Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan naturally also discovered the attacks of these two people, but he didn’t care at all, just used the domineering color to predict the attack position of the two, and quickly used the armed color domineering defense, while he gave Moria a fatal blow without slowing down.

“I fought with you!”

The panicked Moria seemed to also feel Gu Xuan’s determination, and instead of running away, he reflexively fought with Gu Xuan.

Moria couldn’t defend at all, and was blasted down by Gu Xuan at once, as for the attack of Daobman and the ghost spider slashed at Gu Xuan’s body, it did not break his domineering defense, but barely left some scars, but Gu Xuan used the dark fruit to suck them over, and smashed them with one punch.

Quickly hit the three, Gu Xuan stepped on Moria’s head, and said coldly: “This is your own death, don’t blame anyone, but thank you for sending me experience.” ”

After speaking, the armed color domineering covered the feet, and with a full force, the ground was directly stepped out of a deep pit, as for Moria, he had no spare strength, and his head was stepped on by Gu Xuan at once.

“Three points of talent.”

After killing Moria, Gu Xuan was really satisfied, these three talents came too easily, Moria was really too weak, definitely the weakest one among the seven martial seas, not only reflected in strength, but also means that his sense of battle and other aspects are far inferior to others, and even inferior to Klockdar, who was killed by Gu Xuan before.

In fact, to be honest, Moria’s ability is not weak, he is just weak in his own body, and his pirate group was also a very powerful pirate group in the new world, but after losing to Kaido, his courage and will were greatly affected, and he was very decadent over the years.

Not long ago, he lost under the hands of the newcomer Straw Hat Kid, which led to the weakening of his spiritual will, and because the Shadow Fruit could control others, it caused him to ignore himself, too much with the help of others’ strength, and neglected his own moves, so after losing to Gu Xuan, he would collapse so quickly, in other words, anyone with his strength would not have such a collapse.

Killing Moria easily, the price paid was only a few scratches on his body, which was very satisfying for Gu Xuan, and the three points of talent were immediately available.

Moria’s death also surprised the navy side, and he was also a famous sea thief on the sea, one of the seven martial seas, but he didn’t expect to be killed by Gu Xuan so easily, and he was not even comparable to their vice admiral in the navy headquarters.

“This useless waste!”

The Warring States on the execution table are also gloomy, he still values His Majesty Qiwuhai, but this Moria obviously lives up to his expectations, it is really too weak, and the only effect of this war is to hurt Qiwuhai.

“This waste really lost the face of Qi Wuhai.”

Doflamingo in the crowd showed disdain, but when he looked at Gu Xuan, his eyes became extremely serious, from the fact that Gu Xuan defeated several vice admirals so quickly and killed Moria, it can be seen that Gu Xuan didn’t use his full strength when he just fought him, and Gu Xuan was more terrifying than he thought.

The more so, the more Doflamingo did not have the idea of doing anything, he came to Marin Fando just to play soy sauce, he didn’t think about working for the navy at all, Gu Xuan was so troublesome, if he wanted to kill him, he must do his best, this kind of thankless thing, he didn’t want to do it.

Killing Moriah did cause a lot of movement, but it was soon ignored again, because everyone’s eyes were attracted by Whitebeard, and Whitebeard once again became powerful.

In a short time, Whitebeard gave all the younger generation of the navy a realization of why he was called a legendary pirate and why he was able to dominate the sea for decades, all for a reason, not to be blown out.

Even if the three major admirals of the navy shot at the same time, they did not take Whitebeard, and now Whitebeard is fighting two generals at once, Red Dog and Yellow Ape have joined forces, even if Aka Dog shows his domineering attack, but in the face of Whitebeard, he is obviously still a younger brother, no matter how lethal his magma fruit is, he can never hurt Whitebeard.

But in the eyes of everyone, like the invincible white beard, in fact, is not very comfortable, although he was not seriously injured like in the anime, but his age is up after all, he is no longer at the peak, even if he is eager to save Ace, showing amazing combat effectiveness, but compared to when he was young, it is a lot worse.

And the red dog he faced was the strongest period, and it was a home battle, extremely powerful, plus there was a yellow ape on the side to help, so even in the face of Whitebeard, it was not vain, the task of attacking Whitebeard was on him, as for the other Admiral Qingheasant, at this time was being entangled by the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, and could not get out.

Whitebeard’s shock fruit is definitely one of the best among the superhuman demon fruits, but the red dog is also a violent temper, even if he knows that Whitebeard’s ability to be hard and rigid in the front, there is no intention of retreating, so he and Whitebeard frontal one-on-one hard fighting, at this time the power of the magma fruit is also shown, the power of the hard earthquake resistant fruit does not fall down, it is worthy of being the most lethal existence among the natural demon fruits.

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