Van Oka’s marksmanship is extremely accurate, every shot must kill, and even can kill two birds with one stone, hesitant Gu Xuan has the ability to see and hear domineering and natural, so he is not afraid of Van Oka’s bullets at all, and the two cooperate very tacitly.

Gu Xuan was the main attack, Van Oka was exported remotely, and the two cooperated tacitly, for a while, even if the number of naval soldiers was large, it did not pose any threat to Gu Xuan, but left a corpse and blood stained the earth.

But this situation did not last long, because the navy people had already found Van Oka, as a sniper, naturally could not be easily approached by the enemy, so he could only retreat, fortunately at this time Lafayette returned, he covered Van Oka’s constant retreat.

But even so, several of them were caught in a bitter battle, and although there was no danger of fighting, they could not support Gu Xuan.


Suddenly, a sharp knife struck, Gu Xuan used armed color domineering to resist without thinking, blocked this knife, and in a blink of an eye, he saw a vice admiral wearing a suit and a naval justice coat, holding a katana, looking at him coldly.

“Another vice admiral?”

Gu Xuan’s expression was solemn, there were really many strong people in the navy, he had just defeated several vice admirals, and now there was another one, it seemed that it was no worse than the previous ghost spider.

“Vice Admiral, Stérez!”

This Lieutenant General Stérez was a simple person, seeing that Gu Xuan didn’t know him, he actually came to introduce himself.

“I don’t have the energy to remember your name, die!”

Seeing Stérez, Gu Xuan naturally lost interest in the other soldiers, and directly copied Stérez and killed him.

Stiron was not angry, holding a katana in his hand, launched a strong attack on Gu Xuan, the knife was wielded extremely fiercely in his hand, fortunately, Gu Xuan developed his armed color domineering to three stages, domineering can cover the whole body, otherwise he really can’t use such a domineering hard to fight.

Gu Xuan, whose physique reached thirty points and his armed color domineering reached three stages, was simply a humanoid beast, a monster, and Stéres’s proud swordsmanship had no effect on him, and was pressed and beaten by Gu Xuan’s strong brute force, several times in a row, the qi and blood of the beating surged, and he could only retreat embarrassedly, unable to make an effective counterattack at all.

“This guy is so difficult!”

The Warring States on the execution platform saw that Gu Xuan was so powerful, and his heart was as uncomfortable as eating Xiang, because according to what Guan Xuan said, he came to Malin Fando to seek revenge on him, it can be said that it was his own reasons that attracted Gu Xuan, so the more difficult Gu Xuan was, the more angry he was in his heart.

Several vice admirals who fought with Gu Xuan were all elite vice admirals of the headquarters, but they were easily defeated by Gu Xuan, even though there were countless soldiers surrounding Gu Xuan, forcing Gu Xuan to not move, but this is not a way.

As a marshal of the navy, Warring States was also a famous big man on the sea, and he knew very well the key to this huge war, and this top battle was not about the number of soldiers, but about the top combat effectiveness of both sides.

The navy is a big business, able to resist the Whitebeard Pirates at the same time, as well as those who appeared from the Advance City, but Gu Xuan was really a big accident, and he disrupted his plan at the beginning, not to mention now, watching Gu Xuan run amok there, no one can stop it, and the results of the battle are really very tired.

It’s just that now the three major admirals of the navy are fighting, and Karp has to guard the execution table, and he, the marshal, can’t do it himself.

“It seems that there is no other way.”

Sengoku’s face was tangled, but he finally opened his mouth and ordered the soldiers below: “Pass on the order, let them prepare, now is the time to need their strength.” ”

“Yes, Marshal of the Warring States!” The soldiers below immediately led the order to leave.

Warring States’ face became firm, and he said in a deep voice: “No matter what, Whitebeard and Gu Xuan can’t leave today.” ”

Through this war, it can be clearly seen that the biggest threat of the white-bearded pirate group is naturally Whitebeard, and in addition to the white-bearded pirate group, the biggest threat here is Gu Xuan, if you can’t get rid of Gu Xuan here, you will definitely become the biggest enemy of the navy in the future, and may even be more terrifying than the four emperors of pirates, this person’s growth rate is too amazing.

Ace was originally sad because of the casualties of everyone, but after hearing Gu Xuan’s words, he immediately stopped grief, and looked at Whitebeard and Gu Xuan with worry, Whitebeard was the father he identified, and Gu Xuan was not only once a companion, but now they are brothers with blood relations, these two people are extremely important to him, and he doesn’t want anything to happen to anyone.

He had the heart to shout and let Whitebeard and Gu Xuan leave, but he knew that this was simply not realistic, it was already at this time, he let everyone leave again, what did he think of everyone’s efforts?

“Marshal of the Warring States, Marshal of the Warring States, Lord Zefa has returned with his pirate hunting party and is rushing to the square at full speed!”

At this moment, suddenly a navy rushed over and shouted prayers to the Warring States.


The Warring States looked stunned, and then showed joy, this is indeed an unexpected joy, Zefa is a navy soldier of the same period as him and Karp, and his status in the navy is very high, he has been a naval chief instructor for decades, and his prestige is even higher than that of the admirals, and the three major admirals of the navy today were once his disciples.

This former admiral, originally known as the Navy Trident along with Sengoku and Karp, is the cornerstone of the Navy, and since he retired as a naval instructor many years ago, he has not been so enthusiastic about the power of the navy, and he only wants to nurture the next generation.

However, a few years ago, he led his students and was attacked by pirates on the sea, most of the students were killed by pirates, and even he himself had an arm cut off.

Since then, the navy, known as ‘not killing’, has changed its previous style and set up a pirate hunting team to launch a crazy pursuit and killing of pirates on the sea.

Because Zefa is old, and he is out with a pirate hunting team all year round, this time the Warring States did not regard him as a member of the top battle, but he never expected that this former comrade-in-arms would actually return at such a critical moment, which made the Warring States who were almost unavailable very excited.

This Zefa, who has a very high IQ and status, quickly rushed into the square, and immediately killed the Dark Pirate Group and others, and he himself even brought his subordinates to kill Gu Xuan, obviously he also saw the problem of the navy now, so he immediately took action.

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