“Although the Whitebeard Pirates have rushed into the square, but it doesn’t seem to have the advantage, Whitebeard was besieged by the three major admirals of the Navy, the situation is critical, the other pirates of the Whitebeard Pirate Group are also besieged by the Navy, and they can’t approach the execution platform at all, in addition to the Whitebeard Pirates, the straw hat kid who escaped from the advancing city, including the cadre of the revolutionary army, Saab and others, although they also showed a strong impact, but it is obvious that they are still too weak compared to the navy.”

“Even Marko, the captain of the first team who was just about to rush to the execution table, was beaten down by naval hero Karp.”

Live broadcast Internet celebrity Robin also entered the square at this time, holding the phone worm to constantly shoot, on her side, Qiang Balu and Bill are protecting her, pirates naturally will not interfere with them, the navy to interfere with them has also been knocked down by the two of them.

Robin continued: “At this time in the war, the hole cards of the Whitebeard Pirates have been fully out, but it is difficult to say whether there are any hole cards on the naval side, according to my on-site observations, if the Whitebeard Pirates are only like this, it is almost impossible to rescue the fire fist.” ”

This was her supervisor’s judgment, and although it was transmitted through the live broadcast, those viewers in the Chambord Islands were not dissatisfied, but the vast majority of them nodded their heads in agreement.

Yes, through Robin’s live broadcast, although I didn’t see the panorama, I also saw probably, even if the white-bearded pirate group rushed again, but in fact, the threat posed was not great, and it was impossible to approach the execution table, only the fastest Marko before was about to rush to the execution table, but unfortunately, he was hammered down by the naval hero’s Karp.

With the defense of naval hero Karp, the chances of the pirates are even slimmer.

“Although this little girl is right, the whitebeard is dangerous.”

Reilly sighed, although he was not at the scene, but through the live broadcast, he could also see a big problem, and the situation of the Whitebeard Pirates was indeed becoming more and more critical.

Xia Qi said: “Whitebeard’s hole cards have been fully out, but I am afraid that the Warring States still have hole cards, and there was such a big fuss before the public execution, I don’t believe that those old guys in the world government will not be prepared at all, I just don’t know what extent they will do it.” ”

Those viewers in the Chambord Islands, but most of them also have similar ideas to Renly, they all feel that the hope of the Whitebeard Pirates is not great, and many pirates who regard Whitebeard as a target have clenched their fists, and such a legendary pirate is afraid to fall in Marin Fandor.

“Damn pirates, they should have died earlier.”

There are also many people who hate pirates, and they are very happy with the execution of the Whitebeard Pirates, hoping that the navy can eliminate all pirates.

Robin’s narrative continues: “According to the current situation, if you want to rescue the fire fist, or even change the battle situation, and defeat the navy, there seems to be only one possibility, that is, it falls on the captain of the dark pirate group, Gu Xuan, who has just been mighty, killed the vice admiral in a row, and even killed Moonlight Moria, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, his strength is definitely no worse than Whitebeard, the navy just sent these people to deal with him, obviously underestimating his strength, and they will soon regret it.” ”

Saying that, she switched the picture to Gu Xuan, who was fighting with Zefa and a group of naval soldiers at this time.

“Go, is this going the old way of Bucky the Clown?”

Hearing Robin’s words, the audience couldn’t help but start complaining, Bucky is self-boasting, and Robin is Gu Xuan blowing, although the blow is not as obvious as Bucky, and it is not so annoying, but it is really boasting about the Dark Pirates and Gu Xuan.

“Don’t say that, I think what she said makes some sense, that Gu Xuan is indeed a big variable.”

“Hey, do you think that way? I also think that this Gu Xuan is very powerful, when he just killed the sea thief Moria, the crushing momentum is not something that ordinary people can do. ”

“Yes, he killed several vice admirals in a row, a large group of navies were fought by him, in this war, he is the brightest pirate except for Whitebeard, and the navy has no way to take him.”

“What’s not to do? That’s because the admiral did not target him, if the admiral fought him, he could still be arrogant until now? ”

“Hehe, what you said is really interesting, but why did I see several pictures before of Gu Xuan and the admiral fighting? What’s more, now he is also fighting with Gu Xuan, former Admiral Zefa, didn’t he also take him? Is it interesting for you to blow the navy like that? ”


Because the situation is now a little stable, so the audience of the Chambord Islands began to talk about it, Gu Xuan’s origin and experience made him have a large group of fans, many people agree with him and sympathize with him, but more people can’t see his identity as a pirate, so the two parties actually started a quarrel for Gu Xuan, making the square noisy.

Gu Xuan is fighting with Zefa, so there is no time to care about anything else, otherwise if he looks at the system, he will find that his dark point is growing rapidly, and in a short period of time, it has increased by more than a hundred thousand, because of Robin’s intentional propaganda, the most talked about in the Chambord Islands during this period of time is him, and his name is naturally constantly mentioned.

I have to say that Gu Xuan did encounter a lot of trouble, Zefa is worthy of being a former admiral, even if he is old, his strength is still very strong, especially the domineering of the other party, the strength is amazing, he has been promoted to the third stage of armed color domineering in front of Zefa, and he can’t take advantage of it at all.

Since he defected to the Whitebeard Pirates, he has encountered many powerful opponents, and the admirals have fought several times, but the Zefa in front of him is definitely the most perfect one he has ever seen, and the use of armed color domineering, even the Admiral Red Dog and the Yellow Ape are not comparable to Zefa.

The domineering of the red dog and the yellow ape is very strong, but they are stronger is the ability, the red dog is better, the domineering will not be weaker than Gu Xuan, but the yellow ape this guy, from beginning to end is the ability to use, Gu Xuan has never seen him use domineering, so it is impossible to judge, but the domineering of the yellow ape will definitely not be stronger than the red dog, and it is impossible to compare with Zefa.

If Zefa is just armed and domineering, the key is that this Zefa’s mechanical arm is made of sea lou stone, can fight close combat and attack from a distance, and can also restrain those who can restrain the ability, so that Gu Xuan’s ability does not dare to use it easily, and even when he just used the ability to suck Zefa over, he actually hit the wall, and did not suck Zefa, the distance between the two was very close, but he was stunned that he did not suck Zefa.

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