Marko reacted the fastest, and after being shocked, he immediately knew that this was an excellent opportunity, and he suddenly shouted: “Don’t run away, the marshal of the navy is dead, now is our best chance, our opportunity to fight back is here, rush to kill, go back to rescue daddy, kill the navy.” ”

Marko’s loud drink woke up the pirates in shock, and many pirates had already run to their pirate ships, but after hearing Marko’s roar, they suddenly stopped and quickly turned back.

“Captain Marko is right, the Warring States are dead, our opportunity is coming, kill ah, kill all the navy, kill all them.”

“The opportunity to avenge the dead brothers has come, kill.”

“Kill, kill, kill!”

The pirates who were chased and killed by the navy before were woken up by Marko, and they all turned back to fight excitedly, and they fled before because their situation was very bad, and they could only die if they did not escape.

But now it’s different, even the marshal Sengoku was killed, Karp was also injured, even the three major generals were not happy, and the other vice admirals also died a lot, and although their pirate side also suffered heavy casualties, even the captain was killed in battle, but there was still a lot of combat effectiveness.

More importantly, Gu Xuan, who belonged to the pirate side, killed the supreme commander of the navy, the Warring States, which greatly increased the morale of the pirate side, and on the contrary, the morale of the naval side instantly fell to the freezing point.

The situation was instantly reversed, and the pirates who had escaped from the bay actually pursued and killed the pursuing navy, and the previously fierce navy was killed and retreated one after another.

“Don’t retreat, don’t retreat.” The leaders of the naval teams roared with excitement, but they still could not change the status quo.

Chambord Islands! Square!

The center of the square, which was still boiling just now, was really silent at this moment, and it lasted for a long time before anyone spoke.

“I, I’m not mistaken, am I?”

“Ah, you are not mistaken, I am not mistaken, the naval marshal Warring States was really killed, killed by the pirate Gu Xuan.”

“The kind of offensive just now, even through the big screen, you can feel the terrifying power in it.”

“This trip really didn’t come in vain, it was really exciting, too exciting.”

“Unbelievable, if I’m not mistaken, the Navy has been established for hundreds of years, and it seems that it is the first time that a marshal has been killed, right? And still on their own territory, the base of the headquarters of the Navy was beheaded. ”


After the silence, an unprecedented sensation immediately broke out, no matter how fierce the previous war was, no matter how sensational the incident was, there was definitely no shock this time, as the navy with the strongest military force on the sea, their marshal was actually killed, and in front of so many people, it was killed in Marin Fandor, how terrifying is this?

“Hahaha, it’s really incredible, so exciting.”

Kidd laughed excitedly, the death of the Warring States fundamentally changed this war, it should have belonged to the defeat of the pirates’ side, since the death of the Warring States, the situation has immediately changed dramatically, didn’t you see that the pirates have fought back.

Kira was also shocked: “I thought that this war was almost over by now, but I didn’t expect that such a thing happened, even the marshal was killed in battle, this stock Xuan, it really is…”

He really couldn’t find any words to describe Gu Xuan.

“Today’s battle, the pattern of the sea will soon undergo great changes, but now that the war is not over, I am afraid that there will be more surprising things, the navy will definitely not be willing to let Gu Xuan leave, everyone else can live, but Gu Xuan, the navy side will definitely kill, it depends on whether they have this ability.”

Kidd said faintly, this war is really ever-changing, and every time it develops in a direction that everyone dares not imagine.

“It’s really unexpected, you say yes, old fellow.” Xia Qi reached Renly on the side and said.

“It really did it, he actually killed the Warring States.”

Even if he saw it with his own eyes, Renly was still shocked, he and the Warring States are a pirate of the same era, and he still knows the strength of the Warring States very well, perhaps the Warring States are old, the combat effectiveness is not in its heyday, but it should not be much weaker than the admiral, especially there is a stronger Karp beside him.

In this case, it was actually achieved by Gu Xuan, in the naval headquarters base, killing the marshal of the navy, to put it bluntly, it was simply more difficult than killing Whitebeard, but Gu Xuan still did it.

“His appearance changed the world, and what will happen next, no one can be sure.”

“Aside from other things, this war is indeed very exciting, a once-in-a-century event.” Xia Qi sighed.

“The first glimmer of life of the Whitebeard Pirate Group really came from Gu Xuan.”


Gu Xuan couldn’t manage other things, the most important thing for him now was to do other things under the power of the outbreak of the Death Gate.

“I need enough talent points!”

As soon as his figure moved, Gu Xuan suddenly rushed to the other direction of the square, and his speed was unbelievably fast.

Gu Xuan, who had always been the focus of everyone, was immediately discovered as soon as he moved, especially the direction Gu Xuan rushed towards.

“Damn, why did he rush this way? He’s going to kill me? ”

Doflamingo looked horrified, should Gu Xuan rush in the direction where he was, which made him extremely frightened, his strength is probably not as good as the Warring States, but the Warring States was easily killed by Gu Xuan, if Gu Xuan wanted to kill him, he probably couldn’t resist.

Without anything to fight with, he immediately fled quickly, if he still had the courage to fight Gu Xuan before, then now, he had no guts left, he just wanted to escape Gu Xuan’s sight immediately.

But he soon found that Gu Xuan was not coming at him, because Gu Xuan fell in front of Hawkeye, which made him immediately stop and look over in surprise.

“Hawkeye, I’m going to beat you here today.” Gu Xuan said to Hawkeye.

Hawkeye looked confused, what is the situation? Didn’t Gu Xuan just kill the Warring States? Why didn’t he go to kill the other navies, but ran over and said that he wanted to defeat him, was it because he had just participated in the siege operation, so he came to take revenge? But Gu Xuan doesn’t look like that kind of person, and the current timing and situation are not right.

Gu Xuan’s sudden challenge not only made Hawkeye stunned, many people were also stunned, but Gu Xuan didn’t care about them, what he needed most now was talent points, and defeating Hawkeye was the choice that could get the most talent points.

The mission of the King’s Path can provide him with ten talents, and if he can kill Hawkeye, he can also get five additional talents, which adds up to fifteen talents, which is the easiest and fastest opportunity to get a large number of talent points in addition to killing Karp and Whitebeard, as well as Admiral.

But Karp and the admiral are not so easy to kill, he now has less than two minutes left, so to make the most sure choice, killing the vice admiral is also an option, but those vice admirals are distributed, killing one by one is too time-consuming, and easy to be besieged by the navy, he now has to consider the situation after the eight-door dunjia state.

Suddenly rushed towards Hawkeye, now he has opened the state of the door of death, the speed has reached the limit, even if it is because of full concentration, he can still only use the black knife to block in front of him.


The huge force slammed on the black knife, even if there was the resistance of the black knife, but Hawkeye was still blasted away by this punch, and Gu Xuan chased after him.

“One foot!” “Foot!” “Three-legged!”

Exactly the same attack, exactly the same attack as the Warring States just now, even if Hawkeye is the world’s number one swordsman, but in the face of Xixiang’s unsolvable attack, he is also unable to resist, but he is a little stronger than the Warring States, and he can still use slashing attacks to resist when he is attacked, even if there is not much room for resistance.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, Gu Xuan’s body suddenly stopped, he wanted to kill Hawkeye, but the severe pain in his body made him unable to continue, his blood qi was basically evaporated, turned into blood-colored steam, and in this case he was able to vomit blood, which also showed that his state was very bad.

“Still overestimating yourself?”

Previously, he estimated that he still had less than two minutes to go, but after another all-out attack, he found that he had overestimated himself, and he was almost to the extreme.


Hawkeye spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, his face was also pale, but his eyes were unprecedentedly bright, after so many years, after he became the world’s number one swordsman, it was the first time that someone could beat him like this, or even higher, if he hadn’t exerted his full strength, I’m afraid it would have been the same ending as the Warring States.

“Gu Xuan, if you can take this sword from me, then I have lost.”

Hawkeye is a very crisp person, although I don’t know why Gu Xuan chose to make a move on him at this time, but Gu Xuan’s strength at this time made him very interested, so he would say such words.


Gu Xuan nodded, just as he liked, his state at this time was very bad, killing Hawkeye was only his first choice, he had other plans, so he couldn’t delay Hawkeye here for too long.

After responding, he immediately took action, only to see that he exerted all his strength and quickly rotated around Hawkeye, because the speed was too fast, turning several times a second, and everyone could only see endless dust smoke and red figures, and they couldn’t see Gu Xuan’s specific movements at all.

Hawkeye ignored his internal injuries that were beaten out, and also ignored Gu Xuan who rotated around him, raised the black knife with both hands, and slashed at the position in front of him, although he didn’t know how Gu Xuan would attack, but he concluded that his attack would not go wrong, this was his instinct as a swordsman, and he believed in his ability.

The incomparably amazing sword soared into the sky, this is Hawkeye’s twelve points of strength, his strongest slash, he is confident to kill any enemy.

Gu Xuan in this state cannot be elementalized, and he wants to defeat Hawkeye, so naturally he will not dodge, and constantly accumulating power during high-speed movement, he gathers all his strength on his right leg, and after Hawkeye cut out that knife, he also kicked the strongest kick.


The astonishing loud noise erupted, even stronger than when they attacked the Warring States before, and everyone didn’t notice what the situation was, and they saw a blood-red figure rushing away, and they all recognized it as Gu Xuan.

I saw that Gu Xuan actually gave up Hawkeye after a blow, and instead rushed towards the crowd of navies, and where he passed, no navy could stop him.

“His goal is Zefa-sensei, protecting Zefa-sensei.”

Seeing the direction Gu Xuan rushed over, suddenly a sailor shouted nervously, it turned out that Gu Xuan’s target turned out to be Zefa, Zefa was taken to the back for treatment after being seriously injured by him before, and did not leave the battlefield, now Gu Xuan’s state does not last long, can not find too strong opponents, so he immediately targeted the seriously injured Zefa.

The navy’s reaction was still slow, Gu Xuan’s speed was too fast, even if a vice admiral rushed over to block it during the process, it was quickly blasted by Gu Xuan, and Zefa, who was seriously injured, couldn’t even struggle, and was easily killed by Gu Xuan.


Seeing that Gu Xuan killed several people in a row, even Zefa was also killed, countless people were shocked, what is it to kill one person in a thousand miles, Gu Xuan’s current performance let them see, even if there is an enemy in front of him, no one can stop him.

After Gu Xuan killed Zefa, his body suddenly became very weak, surrounded by many navies, the blood-colored steam on his body had disappeared, and what was even more terrifying was that Gu Xuan’s body had undergone amazing changes, like a burned tree, showing pitch black, not seeing the slightest bit of blood, like a person about to die.

Seeing that Gu Xuan had such a shocking change, and his aura was extremely weak, and in the end, he was not much stronger than an ordinary person, and the navies around him all looked at each other, but no one dared to move, because the pressure that Gu Xuan had just given them was too great.

“Lieutenant General Karp.”

At this moment, Karp suddenly walked over with a grim face, and the naval soldiers quickly gave way, and shouted respectfully, but Karp didn’t seem to hear it at all, and walked towards Gu Xuan step by step, until he was more than ten meters away from Gu Xuan.

“Although he has all kinds of mistakes in the Warring States, he is my most important partner, you killed my most important partner, and you must not let you leave Marin Fando alive, otherwise you will not be able to comfort the spirit of the Warring States in the sky.”

“Ha, you can feel this pain too? You are just a companion dying in front of your eyes, while I have seen my parents and unborn siblings die tragically in front of my eyes, how? On the side of your Navy, revenge is a matter of course, and when it comes to us, civilians, revenge is an unforgivable crime? What a ridiculous theory, ha, ahem. ”

Gu Xuan’s face was full of mockery, but in the end, he suddenly coughed violently, and his face also became black, as if a dark cloud was shrouded from top to bottom, and anyone could see how miserable his state was at this time.

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