With the Yellow Ape and Daubman and other high-ranking naval officials one by one, the war between the two sides officially began, but it is still obvious that the navy was completely suppressed by the pirates, because the navy was not prepared at all, so even if they took precautions, the momentum of the dark pirate group and the white-bearded pirate group was too amazing, and they couldn’t stop it at all.

The pirates quickly rushed to the naval headquarters base and launched the most fierce fight, and both sides showed the momentum of fighting for their lives at the beginning, frantically attacking each other.

“It’s finally started.”

Gu Xuan had a happy smile on the corner of his mouth, this big war was something he had considered for a long time, in addition to the world government, the major forces in the new world now are the four emperors of pirates and the naval headquarters, and the rest of the three emperors are deeply rooted, even if they want to start, it is not so easy, so Gu Xuan aimed at the navy.

It just so happened that the Navy had just moved into the New World from the first half of the Great Voyage, and even though it had the support of the World Government, it still had to start from scratch after all, so he seized this opportunity and wanted to give the Navy headquarters a heavy blow.

As for pulling up the Whitebeard Pirate Group, it was entirely because the other party had enough strength and the interests were the same, and from the current situation, it was no different from what he expected.

Because Gu Xuan wanted to end the battle as quickly as possible, the pirates under his command all obeyed his orders and went all out to fight with the navy, not to mention the white-bearded pirate group on the other side, when the war was on, their father and countless companions died tragically at the hands of the navy, so with this excellent opportunity for revenge, of course, they would not waste it, and the madness was even more terrifying than the alliance of the dark pirate group.

“I’m going on too.”

Seeing this fierce scene, Gu Xuan was very excited in his heart, this is the war he caused, although it is not as powerful as the battle on the top, but this time he has the certainty of victory, this time he must step on the face of the navy under his feet, and he must press it hard.

When Gu Xuan made a move on the naval headquarters base, the high-level of the world government far away in Mary Joa, the five old stars and others also received a signal for help from the naval headquarters base.

“Messing with things, it’s that little devil again, it’s him again.”

In the palace of the five old stars, the five old men were full of anger, and when they learned that Gu Xuan had led the Dark Pirate Group and the Whitebeard Pirate Group to attack the naval headquarters base together, they couldn’t believe their ears.

A pirate, even the four emperors of pirates, it is impossible to attack the naval headquarters base so rashly, you must know that even the whitebeard only chose to do it when he was forced to helplessly, but Gu Xuan was good, and he took the lead, this is no longer provoking the navy, but hitting the face of the world government.

“Since more than a year ago, this Gu Xuan appeared. One after another, he has taken action against our world government, and his hatred for us is far greater than that of other pirates, and this person must not let him go, and he must be sanctioned. ”

The bald old star, one of the five old stars, was very violent and roared angrily.

Of course, the other four people also want to get rid of Gu Xuan, but when Gu Xuan has not yet grown up, they have not yet been eliminated, and now Gu Xuan has fully grown up, one of the four pirate emperors of the world, even if they want to eradicate it, it is not so easy to eradicate, not to mention that the other party also took the lead in knocking on the door, indicating that he is not afraid of them at all.

The white-haired old star said in a deep voice: “In any case, this time the naval headquarters base cannot be lost, and the pirates cannot be allowed to be so rampant, let the air lead the troops, go to the naval headquarters base at the fastest speed, and must stop Gu Xuan and others.” ”

The world government is indeed the largest force in the world, but even so, it is not so easy to mobilize a large number of troops in a short time, not to mention that their opponents are not idiots, if Gu Xuan is not prepared to make a certain preparation, how can he make a rash move, so they can only do their best to save the losses now.

“That kid has become a climate, just with the red dog them, plus the air, I’m afraid it will be difficult to keep him, and then let CP0 move, since he sent him to the door, then don’t let him escape again.”

“Yes, you must get rid of him, he is more dangerous than the whitebeard of yesteryear.”

Although Gu Xuan’s debut time is far worse than Whitebeard, the speed of his rise is really incomparable, only the original red-haired Shanks can be compared, but Gu Xuan is different from Shanks, his ambition is much greater than Shanks, people like this, if they can’t be eliminated in time, the threat will only grow.

“Five old stars, five old stars.”

Just as the five old stars were discussing how to deal with Gu Xuan, suddenly a person rushed into the palace and shouted loudly: “Five old stars, the CP has sent intelligence, the revolutionary army has moved, and they launched an uprising in the three world government countries of the Great Route at the same time, and the momentum is unprecedentedly huge, as if even the dragon has personally appeared.” ”


The five old stars exclaimed at the same time, their expressions were very shocked, even more shocked than when they learned that the Dark Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates attacked the naval headquarters base, because in their eyes, the revolutionary army was the biggest enemy of the world government.

Gu Xuan’s move shocked them, but Long’s action made them feel frightened, in the past, although the revolutionary army often moved, but the action was not big, but this time it actually moved against the three world government allied countries at the same time, this is the first time in history, this is obviously planned and conspiratorial.

“Damn, how could the dragon strike at this time? Could it be that there was still a connection between him and Gu Xuan? ”

Gu Xuan and Long shot at the same time, and the five old stars inevitably wondered if there was a connection between the two of them, so they would act so consistently, and strike at the same time, making it difficult for them to decide which side to deal with.

The white-haired old star pondered for a while and said: “Gu Xuan wants to get rid of it, and the dragon must not be let go, let the army people deal with the dragon, if they can be captured alive, if they can’t be captured alive, try to get rid of him.” ”

It wasn’t a day or two that the five old stars wanted to get rid of the dragon, but the dragon was too shrewd and cunning to have no chance at all.

“Hurry up, order it down immediately.”

After the five old stars gave the order, they still felt not very relieved, because this time the matter was too weird, even if the five of them were the rulers of the world government on the surface, but there were bigger big people behind the scenes, so they felt that such a big thing happened, and they had to ask the big people behind them. _

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