Under Gu Xuan’s powerful domineering perception, it was difficult for all the life breath on the island to escape.

What surprised Gu Xuan was that where he saw and heard the domineering place, he didn’t feel much breath of life, as if the creatures on this island were extinct.

It wasn’t until he went deeper that he sensed the breath, but he didn’t know whether it was the breath of a human or an animal.

“Go here.”

Gu Xuan picked a direction, and then took Rafitte and the others deep into the island.

Looking everywhere, finally, Gu Xuan used the domineering aura of seeing and smelling, and sensed an extraordinary breath, countless times stronger than any breath he had sensed before, this breath was so powerful, even he had a solemn face.

“Is this guy Barrett?”

At the same time that Gu Xuan’s domineering swept over Barrett, Barrett, who was resting, suddenly opened his eyes.

Barrett is a real warrior, a man who grew up on the battlefield, he not only has a three-color domineering, but also has an unusually sensitive perception of danger.

Although Gu Xuan’s perception was already very careful, it was still keenly grasped by him.

Barrett is very tall and equally robust, with blonde hair, earmuffs, and a military uniform that does not show any country, looking very domineering.

“Someone landed on the island.”

This island is an uninhabited island specially selected by him, and it is also a base for him after coming out of the Advance City.

Ever since he escaped from the city a year ago, he’s been recuperating and looking for ways to prove himself.

In his life, he served only one person, that is, the One Piece Roger, after losing to Roger, he stayed on Roger’s pirate ship for a while, and then left Roger’s ship and wandered alone in order to be able to defeat Roger.

But before he could defeat Roger, Roger was publicly executed and died, which made him lose control instantly.

The out-of-control Barrett set off a bloody storm on the sea, and finally the navy launched a demon slaughter order, plus many pirates who attacked later, to defeat him, and finally was imprisoned in the city of Advance.

That’s twenty years.

It’s just that for others, being locked up in Advance City will only make them decadent and their strength decrease, but Barrett is different.

He was imprisoned for twenty years, but instead of declining in strength, he improved a lot, so that after he was released from prison, his strength instantly surpassed his original peak state and became the top powerhouse on the sea.

But now that Roger is gone, Barrett couldn’t find motivation for a while, and then thought for a long time, until Whitebeard died in the top war for his men, he strengthened his beliefs.

Instead of looking for his subordinates and forming a pirate group like others, he wandered alone, and he decided that only his own strength was the most important, and everything else was not important.

It has been more than a year since he was released from prison, and he accidentally rescued Festa who should have been eaten by the Aquaman class, and decided to use Roger’s treasure as bait to carry out his plan.

Of course, this is only the first step, in his plan, first get rid of most of the pirates, and then go to the four most powerful pirate emperors on the sea, use their blood to prove themselves, and become the world’s strongest pirate king surpassing Roger.

According to his plan, it should be some time before it can be implemented, and at this time, someone actually came to the door.

Barrett stood up suddenly, also using his domineering perception, he knew the island very well, quickly determined the location of the comer, and then rushed over at a very fast speed.

“Here it is.”

When Barrett rushed quickly, Gu Xuan also instantly grasped his position, and reminded Lafitte and the others with a solemn face.

Barrett’s speed was really fast, and in less than three minutes, he had already appeared in the sight of Gu Xuan and the others.


Barrett smashed heavily on the ground, and a burly and tall figure appeared in front of Gu Xuan and the others.

“Douglas Barrett?”

Gu Xuan didn’t know Barrett, but seeing the fierce momentum exuding from this person, he could already determine his identity.

Barrett ignored the others, his gaze fell directly on Gu Xuan’s body, and after seeing Gu Xuan’s face, his face was shocked.

“Gu Xuan of the Dark Pirate Group?”

Although Gu Xuan exposed his real name during the top war, people all over the world still called Gu Xuan’s name, not his original name.

“You’re here to avenge the guy I killed?”

After determining Gu Xuan’s identity, Barrett showed mockery, before he met Bashas, the other party’s arrogant attitude made him very dissatisfied, brazenly shot to destroy Bashas, he decided that Bashass was dead, and he did not mend the knife on the spot.

Gu Xuan’s eyes narrowed, and those who were familiar with him would know that he was angry.

“Barrett, I don’t care what kind of descendant of the devil you are, or what kind of member of Roger’s pirate group, if you dare to hurt me, you must pay the price.”

Barrett snorted coldly with disdain: “Boy, don’t think that with the title of the Four Emperors, you think that you are invincible in the world, compared to the white beard, you are far behind, when Laozi became famous, you were still a fart.” ”

Gu Xuan’s face was cold: “It’s not bad, you will soon know that today, you and me, only one person can live.” ”

He only had one purpose in finding Barrett, that is, to kill Barrett, and as for the rest, he didn’t care at all.

Barrett twisted his body, and there was a ‘click’ sound in the bones of his body, and his expression was fierce and excited.

“I haven’t done it for a long time, boy, I hope you can have some skills, don’t be easily killed by me.”

For Gu Xuan, the four emperors of the pirates, Barrett is disdainful, in exchange for Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, he is still a little jealous, but Gu Xuan, even if he performed during the top war, he shocked the world, and was called the strongest in the world by many people.

But in his eyes, Gu Xuan’s combat effectiveness was blown out, what he defeated was just a group of old figures in the navy, and he is now in the strongest period of his life, and this is still his territory, here, he is confident to defeat anyone.

“Ah, I also want to give this to you.”

Gu Xuan moved his hand to untie the cloak on his body, and at the same time waved to Rafaite and Van Oka beside him.

Rafayette and Van Oka did not hesitate in the slightest, and immediately retreated quickly, retreating a full kilometer away.

They have followed Gu Xuan for the longest time and know Gu Xuan very well, even if the opponent this time is Barrett, but compared to the top war period, it is far worse, they do not think that Barrett has the possibility of defeating Gu Xuan.


Barrett laughed loudly, the long-lost battle of the strong, even if it had not yet begun, made the blood boil, this feeling was still many years ago.

Barrett was even more crisp, directly tearing off the military uniform on his body, revealing his lean muscular body.

Barrett, who is in his forties, is at the peak of his life, full of muscles, exposed on the upper body outside, uneven, and covered with all kinds of scars.

Standing with the tall Barrett, Gu Xuan is really very small, but the combat power of this thing, not who is tall, who is stronger, since getting the dark fruit, Gu Xuan has not feared any opponent.

However, Gu Xuan is still vigilant, Barrett’s resume proves that he is by no means an ordinary person, the most important thing is that he does not know Barrett’s strength, and he does not know what kind of strong figure Barrett belongs to.

And his ability has been revealed a lot during the top war, and in this case, even if he has absolute confidence, he must maintain a certain guard.

Barrett didn’t think about it so much, he had experienced countless battles, and he had already developed a hard-hearted heart, and he would not waver in the face of any enemy.


Barrett took the lead, he disappeared in an instant, and the next moment, he appeared behind Gu Xuan, raised his fist and slammed down on Gu Xuan’s head.


His speed is fast, but Gu Xuan’s speed is not slow, his physique has already reached a terrifying level after the system has been added, whether it is strength, speed, or physical strength, it can be called a monster level.

In a flash, Gu Xuan came to Barrett’s side and smashed a punch on Barrett’s ribs.


This punch Gu Xuan used half of his strength, but it slammed into Barrett’s body, and he didn’t let the other party take half a step back.

“Such a strong body.”

Gu Xuan’s thought flashed, and then he found that Barrett smashed it with a fist, and immediately moved again.


Who knew that Barrett’s punch was a false move, his right leg suddenly raised, kicking the retreating Gu Xuan into the air, and the huge force kicked Gu Xuan out hundreds of meters away.


Gu Xuan slammed the ground, steadied his body, and his face became solemn.

Although Barrett’s kick did not hurt him, it was surprisingly strong, and it made him fly hundreds of meters, fortunately, his body was strong enough to take this move without injury.

“This guy’s physical strength is already comparable to Karp, and maybe even stronger.”

After a fight, Gu Xuan made a judgment that Barrett’s body was terrifyingly strong, and he was not weaker than Karp, but he didn’t know how his fist was compared to Karp’s.

While thinking, Barrett shot over like a cannonball again, and came to him in the blink of an eye.


The two faced each other for the first time, their fists slammed together, and the powerful force formed an amazing hurricane, shaking everything around them at any time.

“Bang bang bang…”

After contact, both of them were with super attack speed, fast attacks, you came and went, and no one took advantage.

In the blink of an eye, the two had already punched hundreds of punches, and in the process, Gu Xuan obviously found that Barrett was getting more and more excited the more he fought, the bigger and more excited.

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