If there is anyone who is the most leisurely person on this ship now, it must be Robin, she did not participate in the war at all, in fact, she could not participate in the war, her combat effectiveness was too far behind, she could not help at all, she could only watch the two groups of people fighting.

“If it continues like this, this ship will not last long.”

Robin looked at the battle between these two groups of people, although the material of the Black Pearl is very good, but the lethality of Gu Xuan and Ace is too strong, just for a while, part of the hull is destroyed, if it continues to fight, the Black Pearl will be scattered sooner or later.

It’s just that no matter how anxious she is, she can’t help at all, she can only hope that Gu Xuan and they can defeat the opponent as soon as possible, after all, even if it is her, she doesn’t want to change another pirate group so soon.

Gu Xuan was also surprised in his heart while fighting with Ace, he thought that with his current strength, he would definitely be able to defeat Ace, but after the real fight, he found that he was not as strong as he imagined, and Ace was not as weak as he imagined, he had exerted his full strength, but he still could not take Ace, even if his ability could restrain the ability, but Ace’s combat experience was extremely rich, and he was not given a chance at all, so it was difficult for him to find an opportunity for a while.

At this time, Gu Xuan also woke up, he still underestimated the heroes of the world, even though he got the dark fruit and system, strengthened his strength, but the heroes of the world are not weak, he has lagged behind too much before, so even if he has improved a lot, he still has not surpassed others.

For example, Ace in front of him, Ace’s strength is really strong, the anime says that he can compete with the admiral, and it is definitely not boasting, his strength may not be as good as the general, but it is infinitely close, not much worse than Marko, much stronger than the Klockdar he killed before.

Think again, even if Blackbeard defeated Ace in the anime, it was his best effort, so even if he is now, it is not so easy to defeat Ace.

“It’s really troublesome.”

It is indeed trouble, his strength has not reached the level of crushing Ace, and because of his friendship with Ace, it is destined to be impossible to kill, so it is even more difficult to defeat Ace.

Compared to Gu Xuan’s surprise, Ace is the real shock, he really can’t imagine that Gu Xuan, who he was able to beat with one hand a few months ago, can actually be equal to him at this moment, and even faintly suppress him, in just a few months, a demon fruit is definitely impossible for Gu Xuan to improve so much.

“What the hell is going on? How did he do it? ”

The more he fought, the more shocking he became, he had already used all his strength, but he still couldn’t defeat Gu Xuan, a scene he had never imagined since he chased and killed Gu Xuan.

Because of the appearance of Ace and Tichy, the Black Pearl stopped sailing, and the two sides went to war on the Black Pearl, fighting inextricably, but then something happened that neither of them expected.

“Boom, boom!”

Suddenly, the Black Pearl shook violently, accompanied by explosions, which made Gu Xuan and others who were fighting were shocked, Gu Xuan and Ace stopped almost at the same time, retreated in unison, and looked to all sides.

At this time, Robin, the only one who did not participate in the battle, eagerly ran to Gu Xuan’s side and shouted: “Captain, navy, it’s a warship of the navy.” ”

Without Robin shouting, Gu Xuan had also seen the naval warship, and saw that not far away, a huge naval warship was coming towards them, and the artillery fire just now was emitted by them.

“**, my raven mouth.”

Gu Xuan couldn’t help but scold secretly at this time, just now he just used the navy to scare Ace, but he didn’t expect that his words were really effective, the navy really chased them, he can be sure that this navy attacking them must not be an ordinary naval force, because he is notorious in the navy, and ordinary admirals dare not take the initiative to attack him.

“Stop it, stop me if you don’t want to die.”

Seeing that the battle over there was still going on, Gu Xuan roared angrily, “The navy has caught up, Tiqi, if you want to die, continue to fight.” ”

The Basshas three will naturally obey his orders, but Marshall S. D. Tichy is not under his control, so he can only threaten, he believes that as long as Tichy is not crazy, he will definitely understand the situation at this time.

Sure enough, after hearing Gu Xuan’s roar, Tiqi could only stop even if he was unhappy, he wanted to get Gu Xuan’s dark fruit, but he also knew that if they were caught up by the navy, they would definitely not be able to please, and then they might not get the dark fruit, but they would also be in danger.

“Bashas, you go and sail the boat, Robin, Rafitte, you go and assist him.”

The three of Bashas obeyed Gu Xuan’s order, quickly rushed into the wheelhouse, and regained control of the pirate ship.

Gu Xuan looked at Ace with gloomy eyes, “Ace, you have seen the current situation, the navy has caught up, they dare to chase me, it means that their strength will definitely not be bad, at least they also have the strength of vice admiral or above, are you sure you want to continue to fight with me, and then let the navy take advantage of the fisherman?” ”

Ace’s eyes were complicated, of course he didn’t want to let Gu Xuan go, but he also didn’t intend to fight with Gu Xuan here and lose both, and then be picked up by the navy.

“Tichy, what do you say?” Ace asked to Tichy, who was back beside him.

Tiqi looked at Gu Xuan with cold eyes, and he was unwilling in his heart, but he still said: “If the navy catches up, it won’t be so easy for us to leave, and if we let this bastard fall into the hands of the navy, we won’t have a chance to kill him again.” ”

“You mean, let him go?”

“No, I mean, run away with them, and then start when you are out of the navy.”

Although the voices of the two of them were very small, how could they hide it from Gu Xuan, but Gu Xuan did not entangle, and directly ignored them, but walked to the side and looked in the direction of the naval warship.

“Navy, it’s really pervasive.”

Gu Xuan was not surprised that the navy could discover its traces, because he was a key wanted object by the world government, and he was not like Monchi · D. Long hid like that, even Ace and they can find themselves, and the navy can naturally find out.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that things were really coincidental, and he was actually found by Ace and the navy at the same time, these two parties are not easy to mess with, and they appeared together, of course, he had a headache.

Fortunately, Ace came after him, and if it was only Tichy, he would definitely kill Tichy first, and then think of anything else.

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