“God is invincible, since you guy calls himself a god, he must be very confident in his own strength? Since this is the case, then let’s gamble, you and I are singled out one-on-one, the winner is king, and the loser must obey the command of the winner, how? ”

Anilu suddenly mocked with disdain: “You are a small human being, what qualifications do you have to single out God?” Let the power of God destroy you. ”

After speaking, I saw that his wrist shook, conjured a straight line of lightning attacks, and shot towards Gu Xuan and the others.

Several other people quickly retreated, only Gu Xuan stood in place, allowing the thunder and lightning to slash, but at the last moment he turned into darkness, although the thunder and lightning were terrifying, they did not reach the level of being able to destroy the darkness, so naturally they could not hurt the elemental Gu Xuan.

“Huh? It seems that you still have some skills. Anilu obviously did not realize the crux of the matter, and he was only slightly surprised to see the darkness on Gu Xuan’s body.

“Since it doesn’t make sense, I’ll beat you until you obey.”

When he came to the empty island, he was not prepared to make sense in two or three sentences, so after seeing Anilu make a move, he did not worry, and the darkness suddenly rushed towards Anilu.

“Small human beings, never want to use the status of God.”

Anilu looked at Gu Xuan who rushed over, with a sneer on his face, his face full of disdain, and the thunder flashed on his body.


Anilu’s arrogance did not last long, and the next moment his face changed, and he was actually blasted by Gu Xuan’s punch for more than ten meters, and it was accompanied by a mouthful of blood spurting out.

“How is that possible?” After Anilu stopped, he looked at Gu Xuan in disbelief.

“Weihahaha, looking at the dazed face of this empty island native, I can’t help but want to laugh, I’m afraid he doesn’t know what armed color domineering is, Weihahaha.” Bashas laughed excitedly.

Van Oka’s said lightly: “Therefore, this is also the weakness of the able, thinking that if you have obtained a strong ability, you neglect to exercise in other aspects, so that after the ability is restrained, it is crushed and defeated by the opponent.” ”

“Hey, Oka, don’t forget that the captain and I are also capable people, you say so, is it really good?” Rafaite asked.

After the initial shock, Anilu quickly reacted, he looked at Gu Xuan’s blackened fist and asked, “Is that why you hit me?” Although he didn’t know the specific principle, it was a fact that Gu Xuan was able to hit himself.

“Don’t think that if you have the ability of the natural demon fruit, you are really a god, in front of me, you are still a little close.”

The unexpected blow was very effective, and one punch injured Anilu not lightly, but unfortunately he didn’t have a few more punches just now, maybe he could defeat Anilu in one fell swoop.

“Dare to insult God, and there is no forgiveness for sin.”

Anilu was furious, only to see him raise his golden stick and open his heart.

“30 million volts Thunderbird!”

I saw Anilu suddenly hit the taiko drum on his right shoulder, showing the thunder and lightning he created from the taiko, forming a phoenix-shaped thunderbird, which shot towards Gu Xuan at a super fast speed.

Gu Xuan still did not move, let the thunder attack himself, although the thunder and lightning can also produce light and heat, but it cannot eliminate the darkness, so his attack has no effect on Gu Xuan, several consecutive lightning attacks are like this, which makes Anilu frown, on this empty island, he is a god, this situation has never been encountered, so for a while he didn’t know how to deal with it.

“This guy’s abilities are actually similar to mine.”

It was precisely because he knew the characteristics of his ability that Anilu was even more puzzled, he thought that only he was special, but he didn’t expect to meet the same special Gu Xuan, he didn’t know how to attack at all.

On the contrary, Gu Xuan quickly approached Anilu as an element, but he also encountered a problem, because his speed could not keep up with Anilu at all, and the speed of lightning was too fast, even if he tried his best, he could not catch up.

So the situation that appears now is very strange, Anilu will not be armed with color domineering, can not hurt Gu Xuan, and Gu Xuan can not catch up with Anilu, even if he has armed color domineering, and can restrain the ability, there is still no way to take Anilu.

But this situation did not last long, and Anilu saw that he had never been able to hurt Gu Xuan, and immediately changed his strategy.

“60 million volts Thunder Dragon!”

Tapping the taiko drums on both shoulders, thunder and lightning appeared from the taiko, and then formed a huge thunder dragon, roaring and rushing out, but instead of attacking Gu Xuan, it rushed towards Robin and the others in the distance.

Because there was no preparation in advance, coupled with the extremely fast speed of the thunder dragon, so that the four Robin could not react, the faces of the four changed greatly at the same time, they were not like Gu Xuan who could ignore the lightning attack.


A violent explosion sounded, even Gu Xuan jumped his eyebrows, this Anilu really did not play according to the routine, after seeing that he could not hurt himself, he actually attacked Robin and the four.

“Two hundred million volts Thor!”

Anilu did not stop after the blow, but used his strongest attack, releasing all the 200 million volts of thunder and lightning in his body, and wrapped the thunder and lightning on his body, thus transforming into a huge thunder god posture, rushing towards Gu Xuan at an extremely terrifying speed.


What shocked Gu Xuan was that this time, although Anilu did not use armed color domineering, he really hit his entity just with the power of thunder and lightning, no, to be precise, it was the lightning that forcibly dispelled the darkness and forced him to show up the entity, thus giving him a heavy blow.

With Gu Xuan’s physical fitness, after being hit by this blow, a large mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face became extremely ugly.

“I really underestimated this guy.”

The natural ability can ignore not only physical attacks, but also elemental attacks to some extent, but this time Anilu’s thunder power subdues his darkness, so it can seriously injure him.

And when Anilu saw that his attack worked, he was also immediately shocked and rushed towards Gu Xuan again.

“Dark water!”

Gu Xuan knew that his speed was not as fast as Anilu, so he was not prepared to gamble at all, even though he knew that if he was attacked again, he was likely to be directly seriously injured, but he still quickly used his ability and was ready to wait for Anilu to approach.

Unaware, Anilu quickly approached Gu Xuan, and the two shot almost at the same time, Gu Xuan saw that he was domineering, seized the last opportunity, and suddenly grabbed Anilu’s right fist and activated the ability.

In an instant, Anilu was horrified to find that the thunder and lightning on his body actually disappeared quickly, not only did his attack not work, but even the body of the Thunder God that used 200 million volts quickly collapsed, became his own body, and then used the ability again, but the thunder and lightning appeared and quickly disappeared.

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