Mrs. Shoushanbo relented.

She was worried about her brother's health, so she said, "Don't worry too much. I asked Uncle Shoushan to inquire before coming."

Yuan Bingkai looked at his sister and hummed.

"Has your office been busy with the horses of the Tianwu Army recently?"

"Well, the Tianwu Army was reorganized by Marquis Yongyi two years ago, and all the sentry horses were misappropriated. Now we have to give them to them again. This was the most urgent matter a year ago."

"But Deputy Ambassador Du is in charge?"


"Both of these uncles have paid a visit. Marquis Yongyi said frankly that he would intercede for you. Deputy Ambassador Du also said that no matter what happens, he will keep your official position."

After hearing this, Yuan Bingkai's whole figure slowly stretched out like tea leaves being brewed.

He no longer looked as heartbroken as before.

In the hall, Mrs. Zhang's knees were hurting, and they were moving uneasily. After hearing this, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law instantly became happy.


"Kneel down." Mrs. Zhang and Yuan Wenchun, who were just about to get up, were restrained by Mrs. Shoushanbo's words.

Yuan Bingkai said: "Thank you, sister."

"So, what about the two of them? What are you going to do with them?"

Yuan Bingkai closed his eyes and said: "After all, I am here to give birth to children for the Yuan family. Sister, it is not good. Even if there is something. As long as the official position is there, the younger brother can do his best."

"Brother Chun, what about you?"

"Aunt, she is pregnant, I"

"Oh, finally."

Mrs. Shoushanbo stood up.

He looked at his younger brother and said, "I'm an outsider no matter what, and a member of the Huang family. Since neither of you is willing, then I won't get involved in your family's affairs."

After saying that, Mrs. Shoushanbo stood up and said,

"Oh, by the way, since you still want to go to Yangzhou, this is what I want."

Place a banknote on the table.

"Don't give me away. You are in good health. I won't be annoying."

"elder sister!"

Mrs. Shoushanbo waved her hand.

Walking towards the second door of Yuan's house, before getting on the carriage, she looked at her brother standing at the door of the main hall, and waved her hand for him to come in.

After entering the Huang family's carriage, her upright figure bent down.

"A good woman will prosper three generations, but an unworthy woman will harm three generations! Come on, go back home."

When Mrs. Shoushan Bo left the Yuan family.

Uncle Yuan ignored Mr. and Mrs. Zhang and went straight to see Yuan Wenshao with the help of a servant.

There are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkeys have begun to dominate.

Mr. Dazhang sat where Mrs. Shoushan Bo was sitting just now, looked at the female envoy outside the hall, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Who replied just now?"

At this time, the tea soup for Shoushan Bo was worthy of being served. Mrs. Zhang picked up the tea cup and


The maid outside the door came in, bowed and said:

"Madam, it was my reply."

"Come in!"



The teacup was thrown out, breaking the tea and splashing on the little maid. Fortunately, it was cold and her clothes were thick, so she didn't get burned.

"You little maid, kneel down!"

"Someone slap me!"

The female envoy knelt down in panic and said, "Madam, I, madam, forgive me!"

The nanny next to Dazhang walked over.

Started slapping.



"Oh, madam, please spare my life, I don't dare to do this anymore."

"If you still dare to speak, keep fighting."

This is to let out all the anger I just received.

The sixth day of the lunar month,

The holiday for the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty has come to an end.

Everyone in Bianjing was discussing what punishment the Yuan family would receive.

And the dandy boys in Bianjing, such as Lu Sanlang, Han Wulang, etc., have heard such things from their family members or servants.

The sarcastic remarks about this changed the topic,

Qiyun Tower,

Lu Sanlang, the Duke of Lingguo, said in a low voice: "I have asked the disciples of Ma Zheng who are familiar with me, and I heard that they said that the thing is the juice extracted from some herbs that are often eaten by livestock."

The hairdresser of Fu'anhou's family hurriedly asked: "Brother Lu, that thing works for animals, but wouldn't it be more effective if people used it? Why don't you go get some and make the brothers happy?"

As soon as these words came out, many of the ignorant young men around him were eager to give it a try, jokingly saying that they would give it a try and convince the girls in Qiyun Tower or Guangyuntai.

Many girls in Qiyun Tower looked at each other and prepared to leave. If they were caught and held here and couldn't run away, they might not be able to get out of here.

Han Wulang threw the empty wine glass hard into Wei Faqi's face, which shocked Wei Faqi.

When he saw everyone looking over, Han Wulang said: "You guys, do you want to die? Want to try it? Don't do it at my group's cocktail party!"

Hearing this, the girl in the room looked at Han Wulang, her eyes full of gratitude. If something happened to one of the children in the room, they would not be in a good position. .

Everyone looked at each other,

Or Lu Sanlang said: "Brother Han, fifth, what do you mean by this?"

"You know, Yuan Wenshao and Yuan Erlang, he is older than us. It is when he is the strongest and the most angry. I heard that he exercises every day! He was so drugged that he could only stand up and talk to his father. He spoke, and then he collapsed on the ground and fell unconscious!"

Taking the new wine glass filled with fine wine handed over by the girl from Qiyunlou, he said, "You guys? Are you afraid that you will die slowly after eating it?"

Wei Faqi and others hurriedly raised their wine glasses and said, "Thank you Fifth Brother for reminding me. I appreciate it."

Han Wulang raised his glass and drank.

Gu Tingbing from the Gu family said with a smile: "People say that this romantic thing is like a pig urine bubble. If you blow it too much, it will explode. I wonder if Yuan Erlang can still get hard?"



"Brother Bing, what you said is so true, hahahaha."

Everyone burst out laughing.

"Is he going to die?"

"Who knows!"

At this time, Qin Chihan from Dongchanghou's family came to Han Wulang and said a few words into his ear.

After hearing what he said, Han Wulang's eyes lit up, he said something to the boy next to him, and the boy left.

After two cups of tea, a young man walked in,

The young master upstairs looked at this man and looked at Han Wulang with doubts.

Han Wulang said: "I have disturbed the enjoyment of my brothers, brother, I will compensate you."

After he finished speaking, he raised his chin and asked, "Did you sign the book of risking your life?"

"Sir, I signed it."

"Okay, drink."

After saying that, a bowl of wine was handed to the man. The young man looked at the bowl, made up his mind and drank it with his eyes closed.

Wei Faqi asked: "Brother Han Wu, what is in this wine?"

Han Wulang took the wine glass and said: "What you want to see, Madam, please call in a few more girls who can resist. We are here to enjoy ourselves today and we will not let you down. Watch it!"

"Oh ho!"

"Watch it!"

"Watch it!"

Gu Tingbing was still confused, but when he saw the man tearing at his belt with red eyes, he understood.

Later, about two hours later, a man who was almost paralyzed was carried out. It was said that he died a few days later.

This group of noble disciples also dispersed.

When they left, they all said, this thing is really not for humans to eat!

A human life only gives them, the noble children, something more to talk about.

A few people even whispered: "It seems that Yuan Erlang is in trouble."

On the second day, many girls stayed at Qiyun Tower.

【No more updates】

In the previous article, Xiao Zhang is the niece of Dazhang, which has been revised.

Thanks for the reminder, book friends

Chapter 5 today, 10,000 words, the author also fainted.

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