Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 112 Closing the network before arriving in Yangzhou 3 [Thank you for your support! Goodbye!

Chapter 112 Before arriving in Yangzhou 3·Closing the network in advance [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

at night,

The Caobing Guards Station in Xiayi, Yingtian Mansion, beside the Bian River,

The man who appeared where the mustache and the little eyes were was came to the door.

It was hard to see clearly at night, but there were still a few leaves that had not been swept away from his head.

The guard station was heavily guarded at night. The visitor explained his intention, but the cavalry soldiers on the wooden building only said that they were all out drinking and not at the guard station.

The person downstairs couldn't reveal his identity, so he could only say:

"Please also tell Huyan Dutou that there are future relatives of the Huyan family on that boat, so be sure to take good care of them!" the man said.

"We will definitely tell you: There are relatives of the Huyan family on the three ships, so be sure to take good care of them!" said the Cao soldiers on the wooden building.

"Okay, time to work!"

The man walked into the night, the cold wind blew by, and all he could hear was: "You don't even want to ask me to go in and warm myself up. I don't want to do this job of the Imperial City Secretary with my butthole between my legs for a whole day!"

I found a shelter from the wind, blew out the fire stick in my arms and looked at the writing deeply burned on the bamboo slips with a soldering iron:

"Straight mother-in-law! I have to inform the Yamen here. If it weren't for my next critical situation, Chuzhou!"

Maybe it was because he couldn't speak when he was in ambush and disguised, and he stayed in ambush for a very long time, so he was a bit chatty at this time: "You will definitely be popular if you join the gang! It's hateful! It's hard for a teacher to do something!"

After the fire was cooked, the man disappeared into the darkness.

"As soon as this matter is over, I must be promoted to an official position. Hiss! It's cold!"

Shortly after leaving.

Late at night, a group of people arrived at the gate of the guardhouse.

The camp door does not open at night.

The drunk people were dragged to the wooden building in a big basket with their heads shuddering.

After hearing what Cao Bing said, Hu Yanzhao waved his hand and said: "I already knew it. Go and make some sobering soup. The steward in the Marquis Mansion is really good at drinking it!"

"Also! Tomorrow morning, order twenty people to follow the three official ships and guard them."

"Yes, Dutou!"


On the second day,

The ship weighs anchor,

Tatsuki (around 9 a.m.)

A cavalry speedboat followed behind.

After sailing for half a day,

At noon, the three official ships were still sailing in the Bianhe River.

The scar-faced soldier of the Xu family sitting in the last boat was eating the food sent by the boat in front with Zhu Qinghu.

Stuffing a steamed bun into his mouth and eating a mouthful of meat, he muttered with a scarred face: "Looking at it in the daytime, these cavalry soldiers are really good. They are worthy of being from the Huyan family. They are very fierce. Could it be that the imperial army retreated?"

Zhu Qinghu said: "It's possible. The Huyan family is now in charge of Bianjing's Tiger-wing Navy. It makes sense that some of them are capable."

The two watched as a small boat tied to their boat was sailing over to deliver meals provided by three noble families.

The scar-faced soldier continued: "After their mission is over, they will definitely receive rewards from the three families."

Zhu Qinghu smiled and said: "It will definitely be indispensable."

Qingyun came to the boat and frowned slightly because he smelled something unpleasant.

"This little brother is a reckless man in the army. Please forgive me, forgive me." The leader, Oshi, said with an apologetic smile.

"It's okay. I'm being too modest. This is the craftsmanship of a master brought from Tokyo on the ship. Please don't dislike it, brothers."

The sailors on the ship seemed to be stunned for a moment because of the meal, but after the commander shouted, everyone hurriedly bowed and thanked him.

Qingyun also bowed in return, got on the small sampan, and frowned, obviously suffering from the smoke.

In this warship, many soldiers did not eat immediately. Instead, they pushed out the thinnest one, and the commander said: "Eat!"

Qingyun returned to the official ship, and Xu Zaijing was standing at the stern of the ship looking at Qingyun, frowning at him and asking: "How?"

"It tastes great!" Qingyun replied.

Xu Zaijing looked at the leader of the warship behind him who was bowing to him and wanted to salute. He also bowed his hand with a smile on his face.

In the evening, an old steward of the Bai family once again delivered the prepared food.

That night, midnight.

The official ships connected in a row were suddenly brightly lit. There were servants waving lanterns at the stern, and there were also servants holding torches to pull the boat, and they ferried two horses to the shore.

"Hey, hey, hey, it hurts! Hey, hey, hey." The old man's moans came from afar.

The warship with the guards on the side heard the movement, and the soldiers on the ship were also a little restless.

Fortunately, I quickly received a boy sent from the official ship, saying that the steward was seriously ill and wanted to be quickly transported to a nearby city on horseback.

Let the sailors of the ship calm down for a while. Listening to the steward's painful groans, the leading officer said he hoped the steward would recover soon and returned to the cabin.

Soon, the sound of horses galloping could be heard on the dark river bank, which was quite loud in the silent night.

When it was daylight, three official ships had arrived at Yongcheng on the Bian River, four hundred miles away from Yangzhou and sixty miles away from the next larger canal town, Chuzhou.

A small boat was sent to the official ship again, and it was said that the nobles on board were going to the shore to see the steward who was seriously ill last night, and the ship was about to dock.

After a hard day's work, the soldiers of this boat were invited to go ashore to have a good time.

But the captain on the cavalry boat actually said that he would guard on the river.

The three official ships slowly docked at the river bank.

Above the Bian River, water transportation is busy, but it is still early and there are not many ships.

But slowly the number of ships began to thin out, and finally there were only a few fast boats wandering around.

At this time, the head guard of Yongcheng also came to the highest boat on the bank of the river.

"Yongcheng Guards Station Huyantai, I saw Wulang and Erlang!"

"I've met Brother Taiwan!"

"Don't worry, everyone, we have navy soldiers who have retreated from Jinming Pool, and none of them will be able to escape."

Xu Zaijing looked at the stern of the boat and saw that the river was almost clear. He shook his head at the warship, as if he was denying some ideas, and then said: "Brother Taiwan, please ask the guards to send troops. We can arrest a few first."

On the boat, Huyantai waved the flag in his hand.

on the river,

"Dong dong dong" came the sound of drums.

A row of oars instantly appeared on both sides of two of the clippers that had been wandering on the river just now.

As the drums beat, the oars row faster and faster! Accelerating and hitting the troop transport ship following Xiayi.

There are also seven or eight fast boats cruising around, preparing to 'fish'

Hearing the sound of drums, several people rushed out of the warships coming from Xiayi. Looking at Xu Zaijing who was watching the battle in the distance, the leading officer looked pale.

Then he turned around with a fierce expression and shouted: "Hit me on the back, the bird-bearing hozen of the Xu family has already seen through us, brothers, fight with them!"

Zhu Qinghu looked at the battle on the river and shook his head: "This is a scam. Where are the thieves?"

Then I saw that the warship was directly knocked over, and the thieves wearing thick clothes in the boat went directly into the water.

After the thieves in the water were almost frozen, the Yongcheng cavalry soldiers who had drank the warm-up liquor took off their clothes, shirtless, and jumped into the river with a knife in their mouths. Then the river gradually calmed down.

On the other two official ships, Bai sent Grandma Chang over to ask what was going on.

Gu Tingye replied: "Mommy, that's the guard station catching the bandits."

"Okay, then I will report back to the madam."

In less than two-quarters of an hour, the Yongcheng cavalry soldiers, shirtless and steaming, dragged the last bandit who had drank enough of the cold river water onto the boat. Regardless of whether he was fainted or dead, he was directly tied up with a strong rope.

Then he quickly wrapped himself in clothes and moved closer to his comrades to warm themselves by the fire.

One more chapter.

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