Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 114 We have arrived in Chuzhou and report to the official first! 【Thank you for your support

Chapter 114 Arrive in Chuzhou, report to the official first! 【Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

north wind blowing


No time (around 2:30 pm)

Because the boats of the Gu family and the Xu family had been parked on the shore all morning, the boat of the Earl of Yongchang raised its sails and sailed far away taking advantage of the wind.

At this time, the Yuan family's ship stopped at the Chuzhou Great Water Lock. The Yuan family's servants inquired about it and returned to the ship.

"Reporting to the Lord, there are still two days before the gate can be opened."

Yuan Wenchun said: "You didn't tell them that we are from the Yuan family of Zhongqin Bo in Bianjing? Just give them some money to feed them!"

"The villain has tried it, the gatekeeper said. He said that they have seen a lot of noble people, like ours." The servant did not go down any further.

Dazhang glanced sideways and said: "What a despicable thing, you dare to say that we are shameless!!!"

"No, no, no, they say we are ignorant," the servant said quickly.

"You! Your voice is mute due to the poison? You can't even speak a word! Get out!" Dazhang said.

Yuan Bingkai said nothing, stood up and walked outside the cabin. There were more than a dozen passenger or cargo ships parked in front of him, all of which were already moored on the shore.

Yuan Bingkai looked into the distance. Most of the berthed ships had long wooden boards stretched out, and people boarded or disembarked from time to time.

Chuzhou is an important gate on the canal. Whether it is the previous river weir or the current river gate, many merchants will be temporarily stranded on weekdays. Officials and merchants who have long sensed business opportunities have built various courtyards and pavements here. Selling some Chuzhou specialties.

There are also people who built Yazi here to collect the children who were sold or the female servants who were punished.

Yuan Wenchun came up behind Yuan Bingkai and said cautiously: "Father, we have been detained on the ship for half a month. Both mother and your daughter-in-law don't look very good. There are still two days until the ship leaves. I ask my father to allow us to go to the shore to rest."

"Well, go ahead and take care of the servant girl."

"Yes, father." Yuan Wenchun returned to the cabin with a happy face, and soon the Yuan family master and his wife came ashore.

After Yuan Bingkai glanced at the female servant who was following him, he turned to admire the scenery of Chuzhou.

Looking at this scenery, Yuan Bing still felt as if a huge boulder was falling in his heart. He thought now that he might as well just write a letter in Bianjing, saying that his second son was ill and apologized to the family for avoiding the wedding.

But he remembered what Mr. and Mrs. Zhang had said to him. The Sheng family's concubine was the housekeeper. Maybe the Sheng family didn't know about it.

When the Earl Yuan family arrives in Yangzhou, what will the people of Yangzhou dare to say in front of them? !

And with this boatload of betrothal gifts, their family could stay humble and keep themselves small, which might just give enough face to the Sheng family! As long as the lottery is accepted and the status is determined, and the Yuan family returns to Bianjing, maybe other things will happen, and the Yuan family's matter will be over.

Thinking of these, Yuan Bingkai sighed.

Yuan Wenchun took his servants ashore and found a shop on the shore. Everyone walked in, although Uncle Zhongqin was just a small earl in Bianjing.

But in Chuzhou, he is still a great honorable person.

All the people who serve customers in the store are discerning.

After seeing the clothing fabrics and jewelry worn by everyone in the Yuan family, they all started to serve them respectfully and invited them into the largest room in the store.

The reason why Dazhang came ashore was not because she was a specialty of Chuzhou, but because she felt uncomfortable being shaken on the boat. When she came to the shore to rest, she raised her eyes and looked at the nanny beside her.

Mammy understood and said: "Shopkeeper, are there any singers in the store who can sing Southern tunes or Huangmei tunes?"

"Mommy, of course there are some." The store owner lowered his head and replied.

"Then invite the best. Don't worry, money will be needed."

"As ordered, please wait for a moment."

After a while, a troupe of singers nearby were invited into the wing. Mrs. Zhang and her uncle frowned as they listened.

Seeing his wife's frown, the grandma hurriedly said: "Stop, stop, stop!"

Xiao Zhang tugged on Da Zhang's sleeve and glanced at the female envoy next to her. Da Zhang nodded.

Yuan Wenchun walked out, and the room began to sing again.

Two young men followed, walking on the bank of the Chuzhou sluice. The prosperity must be different from usual, after all, it was still the first month.

There were cheers and cheers from the front,

At this time, Yuan Wenchun also saw a group of people gathered in front of him, and a few well-dressed people who got off the boat were also watching.

Yuan Wenchun showed no concern about his brother's marriage and took a leisurely walk, secretly thinking that it would be better for his brother to marry the least capable village woman.

Then Yuan Wenchun rubbed the jade pendant around his waist and went up to see what the fuss was about.

Two servants of the Yuan family separated the onlookers from the front.

Mustaches and Xiaoyaner were also watching here, and suddenly they felt themselves being pushed aside.

The servants of the Yuan family came to this remote place from Bianjing. Naturally, they were arrogant and glared at him when they saw his little eyes.

Xiaoyan, who was used to being brave and aggressive, looked directly over. Just as he was about to curse a few words and draw a knife, his arm was pulled by the horoscope.

"Brother, you're just a fat sheep, why are you teasing me!"

"This matter is a big one, don't create any complications."

After the two of them finished speaking, they walked around the crowd and found a place with few people and looked inside.

Yuan Wenchun thought it was some kind of excitement, but it turned out that a woman with a black and yellow face in a Jingchai sarong was playing hut here. The people around her were cheering because a young man dressed as a wealthy man was giving up.

Yuan Wenchun patted the people next to him and said, "Is this woman very powerful?"

"Hey, Hui Guiren, that's awesome. She has lost three people in a row! Look, look at the wooden sign behind her."

Only then did Yuan Wenchun realize that there was a wooden sign stained with straw paper behind the woman, with the word Sheng San on it.

Yuan Wenchun smiled, patted the servant on the shoulder and said: "Go back to the boat and bring our set of throwing pots."


Yuan Wenchun turned back and continued to look at the throwing pot, and whispered to the servant who stayed behind: "She is relying on her familiarity with arrows. Let's see me beat her later."

After saying that, Yuan Wenchun squeezed forward again.

When Yuan Wenchun entered the crowd, a group of people dressed as guards passed behind them.

Most people were focused on watching the pot throwing, and at most they only glanced at the gatekeepers.

before this,

A quarter before noon (11:30 a.m.),

Xu Zaijing and his party had already arrived at Chuzhou on horseback, but in order not to scare off the enemy, they entered the Chuzhou official residence at a slower pace.

The guide sent by Huyantai led everyone directly to the door of Chuzhou Zhizhou's house.

"Sir, this is the house of Master Yan, the governor of Chuzhou." the guide said.

The steward at Master Yan's door was about to go out when he suddenly saw a group of more than a dozen horses, which were tall horses, and there were people pointing at them. He immediately said to the boy: "Go, hurry up and report the news! Run!"

The boy looked at the steward's face and ran towards the back house.

"My lord! There are more than a dozen horses coming and going outside!"

The eldest lady of the Yan family, who was having lunch with Zhizhou, said:

"You kid can't count! Can you see more than a dozen horses in Chuzhou? Or are they horses?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the steward at the door ran over panting heavily.

The steward came directly to the backyard of the second gate with two exquisite greeting cards sprinkled with gold in his hand.

Madam Yan frowned, but before she could say anything, the steward hurriedly bowed and said, "Master, madam, people from two marquis mansions are here."

"What? Have you found out?"

"My lord, I have checked carefully and found that they were sent by Lord Huyantai in front of me. I also looked at the brands on their horses. They must be from the Hou Mansion!"

I forgot about the time.


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