Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 116: Thunder Strike has arrived in Chuzhou [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

Chapter 116 Arriving in Chuzhou·Thunder Strike [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

While talking, everyone came to a warehouse on the shore.

Xu Zaijing understood clearly in his eyes and said: "If the Bai family didn't take the lead to set a benchmark, the rest of the salt merchants would naturally be able to pay taxes according to their own wishes!"

"Yes! Cut down the benchmark! Fill your own pockets! Well, the Japanese warriors are here."

Looking at the height of the courtyard wall between the two of them, Xu Zaijing asked: "How many?"

"Thirty-one. Wulang, go to this roof and watch for us on the ridge." Zhao Meifeng said.

Hearing the number of people, Xu Zaijing nodded.

Qingyun, Gao Yuhou, Scarface's soldiers, etc., plus Xu Zaijing and Zhaomei Feng, there are ten people.

The comparison is not huge, so everyone has begun to take out the covered weapons and shields in the car.

Qingyun also held the sword and shield in hand, and handed the quiver of feathered arrows to Xu Zaijing. Xu Zaijing took it and stuffed the flying ax into the belt around his waist.

Xu Zaijing looked at the height of the roof, stepped back and stepped on the wall to help, and then jumped directly up.

Then he hung up the bow string on the roof, looked at the stunned people below, and raised his chin to signal.

Zhao Meifeng recovered from his surprise and raised his shield three times towards the gong and drum team following from a distance.

Soon, the deafening sound of gongs and drums sounded near the canal gate, and a group of Chuzhou idlers surrounded the gongs and drums team and started cheering there.

Help cover up the noise here.

Xu Zaijing also slowly came to the ridge of the roof and looked at it from a high place. It was a rectangular courtyard with the courtyard gate on the left.

The house under Xu Zaijing's feet is not connected to this courtyard. There is a house opposite him and a house on the right. The enemy is in these two places.

At this time, to the lower left of Xu Zaijing, Zhu Qinghu, Gao Yuhou and others also arrived at the entrance of the small courtyard.

The thin knife carefully opened the door latch.


The Japanese warrior in the courtyard who wanted to make a sound was directly nailed to the ground by an arrow from his mouth.

Unfortunately, someone happened to walk out of the door and saw the man lying on the ground.

"Taike is dead!"

This shout instantly startled the Japanese warriors in the yard.

Warriors armed with swords and guns and wearing bamboo armor rushed out.

Qingyun, Zhu Qinghu, and Scarface Soldier formed a small triangle in front.

The soldiers of the Gu family poured in behind them.

These are all battle-hardened. Zhu Qinghu shouted from below: "Look at our left! Look at our left!"

Xu Zaijing was on the ridge of the roof, holding four feather arrows in his hand, and his bow was like a thunderbolt. The two Japanese warriors who had just left the house on the left side of the soldiers were directly pierced through the gourd.

But everyone in the room still rushed out, because they knew that if they were surrounded in the room, a fire would send them away, so they all rushed out with all their strength.

Two more Japanese warriors crashed out of the window, and they cooperated to climb the wall and escape.

Xu Zaijing drew his bow and shot an arrow.


The warrior by the wall was directly nailed to the wall.


On the other side of the wall, a bloody arrow protruded from the wall.

The one who was short and helping also fell to the ground. Another arrow came over and nailed his thigh to the ground, causing him to scream in pain.

Xu Zaijing held four more feather arrows in his hand, and only shot the fastest ones. The arrows he shot were fatal.

There were also crossbow arrows shot out of the house. Xu Zaijing turned his head slightly to dodge, and then shot back the long and thick carved feather arrow in his hand.

In the room where the people were hiding, the heavy wooden table was pushed up and used as a shield. The crossbow arrows were fired from behind.

At this time, the three-foot-long feather arrow used by Xu Zaijing shot out.


On the upright table, only the tail of the eagle feather was exposed, and the person hiding behind was shot through the head.


A muffled sound in the room opposite made Xu Zaijing's heart tighten.


He saw a thumb-sized hole in the shield of the Scarface soldier.

There was another sound, and Zhu Qinghu's shoulders shook, and it was obvious to the naked eye that he could no longer use his strength.

Xu Zaijing was shocked.

"Horse riding! How come there is such a thing!"

Zhu Qinghu shouted loudly and in warning: "There's more! There's more!"

Xu Zaijing understood what he meant. He saw threats, and threats!

He immediately carried the quiver on his back and drew his bow while walking, and ran quickly to the right.

'boom! ’

There was another sound, and the tiles outside Xu Zaijing flew up.

Xu Zaijing cursed secretly: "Cao!"

Soon he came to the roof on the right, not paying attention to the enemies in the house at his feet. He continued running, jumped, and came to the opposite side of the roof where he was just now.

"Get it in Ai!"

"Get it in Ai!"

Xu Zaijing didn't understand what it meant, but he kicked him hard.


A big hole appeared in the roof.


Another one appears.

There were people talking in the room, as if they were urging something.

After kicking four or five big holes, Xu Zaijing drew his bow again.

Glancing at it, I instantly saw the rough tube that someone was holding up below.


The two blows just now seemed to have exhausted the luck of the people below. At this time, nothing came out of the tube.

Xu Zaijing kicked him again, and the hole in the roof became even bigger.

At this time, the Japanese warriors in the courtyard were wailing all over the place, and most of the ones who could move were in the room at Xu Zaijing's feet.

After a tube of arrows was used up, Xu Zaijing saw someone in the room below busy filling the tube. He felt cruel, took out the throwing ax from his waist, and jumped down.

When Qingyun saw this scene, he panicked, thinking that Xu Zaijing had fallen, and shouted: "Young Master!"

The soldiers hurriedly divided into two teams, one team blocked the front, and the other team raised their shields and charged towards the house on the left.

After fifteen breaths, the crowd dragged a man in silk clothes out. The enemy in another room was also blocked inside, begging loudly for mercy.

Xu Zaijing went up to the roof again, took his hard bow, jumped into the yard, pulled out the arrows nailed to the people in the yard, and called everyone in the other room.

Soon, there was fighting in the yard, but now there is no more.

After that, the wailing ones were healed one by one.


Zhu Qinghu, who had been resting for a while in the yard with nothing to do, skillfully arranged the corpses in a row beside him.

Zhu Qinghu counted the numbers and said, "This is obviously forty-five!"

Zhaomei Feng held the tube in his hand and looked at the inscriptions on it and said: "The navy in the east will also be punished."

The others didn't say anything, just wiping away the blood or checking their injuries. Fortunately, no one was killed.

Then two people were left to guard him, and everyone carried the man in silk clothes and continued walking towards the river.

"Point to me which is your boat." Zhaomei Feng said to the person who had just been captured alive.

"That one! The one with the Hao flag!" the captured man said quickly.

"There are such objects on the boat. Let's not get close. I'll ask the gatekeepers to drag them away from the river with ropes. Later I'm going to stab those Tao soldiers from the Imperial City Division to support me?" Zhaomei Feng said.

"Forget it, this is your Imperial City Department's matter, I won't interfere! Qingyun!" Xu Zaijing shouted.

Qingyun came over, and the projectile that had penetrated Scarface's shield just missed his arm and flew away. His clothes were torn, but he was fine.

"Take off the waistcoat inside and give it to Brother Zhao." Xu Zaijing said.

"Yes, sir."

Then Qingyun took off his waistcoat and put it in Zhaomeifeng's hand.

"Cousin, ask this person about the Bai family."


At this time, the group of people who had just played gongs and drums came to them with mustaches and small eyes.

One of the men raised his hands and said, "Boss, these two saw the clues about us. We were about to run away when we were held down by our subordinates."

"Where's the big fish?"

"Boss, don't worry, Big Fish didn't see them being caught."

Hearing Zhaomeifeng's voice, the mustache, who was very unruly just now, was stunned for a moment.

Then the mustache looked carefully at the group of people covered in blood, and then took a closer look at Zhaomeifeng, who knelt directly on the ground.

The mustachioed man said in a trembling voice: "You're all in trouble, I'm trying to save my life. I know I was wrong."

"Tell me where the person named Song is, and I'll give it a try, okay?" Zhao Meifeng said in a sincere tone.

Xiaoyan'er, on the other hand, couldn't stand still and his feet were all wet.

"Prefer not to say?"

"I said, I said. Asi was near Yan's house in the city. He said he was waiting for chaos here at night. If someone escaped, he would definitely go to Yan's house to take refuge, so Asi went to Yan's house and said it was Keep the net open."

"How many people did he bring?"



"Left from the main store in front of me just two-quarters of an hour ago."

at this time,

Yan family.

Lu Yan is tall and strong. He came here to serve as the Xuanfu envoy during the previous confrontation in the north. Although it has ended, he has not returned to Beijing yet.

Lu Yan listened intently to Master Yan's words, with a look of horror on his face. He looked around the front hall. Sitting here were the director of the Qianju Division, the Chuzhou County Lieutenant, and the chief of the Baojia Division. They were all on the same line as military attachés. If something happens to your honorable noble, don't even think about getting promoted. You don't even know if you can become an official. .

At this time, the sound of hurried footsteps came,

The porter boy who had come in to report before ran in again, panting heavily and whispering: "Master, just now the old steward said that there was a thief pretending to be a noble, and he stopped him at the door to please the Master for his decision."


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