Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 151 Mother Wei and the birthday banquet begin [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

Two days passed

Gao Jia, the Superintendent of Schools in Yangzhou,

The two ladies Wang Ruofu had seen were drinking tea in the main hall.

"You wouldn't know it from our previous dealings, but this Yanqi family can actually produce such a dowry." said the eldest lady who studied in Yangzhou.

The eldest lady from Laizhou asked: "Is their family related to the Qi family of the Duke of Bianjing?"

"I also asked, but their family didn't deny it. Maybe they just keep a low profile and don't leak money on weekdays. The eldest lady from Hong Zhizhou said how nice it was to be in Bianjing, but when I checked it out, I found it was not as good as the one from the Yan family. "

"Then, no news from the Sheng family?"

"Just two days ago, there was a post about their old lady's birthday! Could it be that she knew something? Or maybe she has decided to marry the second girl of the Qi family?"

"Then let's take advantage of the Sheng family's affairs and settle it with the Qi family at the banquet! If the Sheng family doesn't know, we can come back with a sigh of relief."


The snow that had fallen earlier was beginning to melt, making the road a little muddy.

Wei Yuyi and his wife, who came back from the canal, rubbed the mud on the soles of their shoes at the door of the house.

Wei Yuyi's man said: "Look at the footprints in the yard, someone else has been here."

"Maybe it's the big brother in the delivery shop."

After entering the earthen house, Wei Yuyi looked at his old mother with concern and said, "Mom, is anyone coming to our house today?"

The old woman with bad eyesight in the room hummed.

Wei Yuyi walked to the bed and touched the earthen kang, which was still warm. Then Wei Yuyi's eyes narrowed and he saw some red marks on the light-colored clothes sewn in the old woman's hands.

"Mom? What's wrong? Why is there blood? You have been doing needlework for so many years, why are you still pricking your hands?" Wei Yuyi asked anxiously, looking at the many needle holes in the old woman's hands.

The old woman said: "Yu'er, it's okay, mother is just worried."

Wei Yuyi's man also entered the room and said, "Mom, who came to our house and scared you? I'm going to find Li Zheng right now."

"It's okay, it's okay! It's a passing official, asking for a drink of hot water in the courtyard." The old woman said,

"Mom, I have asked for water before, but I have never seen you like this. You can prick yourself several times just by sewing clothes!" Wei Yuyi looked at the old woman after he finished speaking.

"That little official is a good man. He drank our hot water and gave us two copper coins. But what he said made me feel a little uneasy."

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Wei Yuyi asked, taking the needle and thread from the old woman's hand and helping her sew.

"The little official heard from me that your sister was a concubine in Tongxuan Mansion. He said that there was a lot of trouble in this high-ranking family. He had heard that the pregnant concubine was fed to her belly and when she gave birth, she had to be pregnant. If my mother-in-law's brother had not been there at that time, the concubine would have been killed and almost died." After finishing speaking, the old woman sighed.

Wei Yuyi stopped the sewing in his hand, was stunned for a moment and said: "My sister was fine when she gave birth to Ming'er. This is her second child!"

"At that time, she was far away on Fujian Road. She was thousands of miles away and beyond our reach. But didn't you also say that their housekeeper has now been changed and she is a concubine?"

Wei Yuyi hummed after listening to his mother's words and said, "The mother-in-law from the Yan family who came to give a thank you gift also mentioned that Yangzhou Tongpan Sheng's family is my mother's housekeeper."

The old woman sighed and said, "Ever since I listened to that man's words, the more I think about it, the less sure I feel."

"Mom, you can't let me go to Yangzhou now, can you?"

The old woman's tone was full of worry as she said: "Your sister will give birth in less than three months. Don't you think you will go to Yangzhou then? You will have to find out where the medicine shop and doctor are! You went to her Having a natal family makes me feel better."

At this time, Wei Yuyi's man also said: "Mother is right. Before I went home, a friend of mine from the salt village told me that I could take their boat if I go to Yangzhou."

On this day,

To celebrate the birthday of the old lady of the Sheng family,

Just arrived at Mao Shi

The Sheng family's large kitchen began to prepare ingredients and let the servants and maids have breakfast.

Mao hour and two quarters

Sheng Hong took Wang Ruofu and a group of children to kowtow to the old lady and pay her birthday.

The sons and daughters of the Sheng family, headed by Hualan, also prepared gifts for the old lady. Hualan gave a jade Ruyi, Changbai gave a handwritten calligraphy by himself, and Rulan gave a birthday peach made by herself. What Lin Xige gave as a gift was a gold-plated birthday peach.

After the first five children were taken away, only Minglan, the youngest, was left.

The old lady was in a good mood. She looked at Minglan kindly and politely and asked, "Sixth girl, what are you talking about?"

Minglan opened her big eyes and knelt respectfully in the middle of the longevity hall and said, "Grandma, this is a gift from my mother-in-law, an embroidery painting."

After that, Wang Ruofu took Hua Lan and directed the servants and maids in new clothes to decorate the Sheng family yard. They arranged the tables, chairs and benches that had been cleaned yesterday, and then placed the clean dishes and chopsticks on the long table next to the table.

Dried fruit preserves, pastries, etc. were also put on the table.

Water urns, copper basins, and water ladles were also placed at the door of the room, and a female servant arranged pieces of handkerchiefs on a tray.

Checked the status of various tea cups, tea leaves, and drinks,

The brand new futons and embroidered embroidery pieces prepared a few days ago were put in the courtyard of Shou'an Hall, and a lot of brand new purses for gifts for the children were also prepared.

The invited troupe was also preparing on the stage in the courtyard, carefully sorting out the album of songs that could be sung.

The courtyard of Shou'an Hall is not so busy.

But the fire wall was burning hot in the back room. When the time came, the old lady put on brand new clothes and expensive jewelry that she didn't usually wear. She talked to Hua Lan who had also dressed up and returned to Shou'an Hall. Waiting for the guests to come to pay their birthdays.

Tatsuki (after 8 a.m.)

Hot water was poured into the water urn at the door of the house, ready for guests to wash their hands.

Firecrackers were set off at the door of Sheng's house, and officials and gentry from Yangzhou began to arrive at Sheng's house. They were warmly welcomed in by the steward of Sheng's house, their names and gifts were registered, and they were placed on the table in the room.


Xu Zaijing wore new clothes and respectfully paid his birthday to the old lady. He got an embroidered pier and sat beside the old lady, leaning against Changbai and Changfeng.

Important guests began to arrive, and Sheng Hong and Wang also appeared at the door of Sheng's house.

The old lady of the Wang family in Runzhou personally came to the Sheng family with her whole family early to congratulate Mrs. Sheng, her in-law, on her birthday.

The Wang family entered the Shouan Hall, and Wang Ruofu led them from the front: "Mother-in-law, my natal mother is here."

Hearing the voice, Changbai Changfeng stood up quickly.

The old lady also got up quickly. Mrs. Wang, who had already entered the main hall, said quickly: "Ouch, sister, you are the birthday girl today, how can you come to greet me!"

"You are my in-laws, why can't you welcome me! Come on, come and sit here."

Wait until Changbai, Hualan and other Sheng family children called their grandmother and aunt.

Wang Ruofu smiled and said to Mrs. Wang and the others: "Mother, brother, sister-in-law, this is my mother-in-law's great-nephew, brother Xiao Wujing of the Xu family in Bianjing."

Xu Zaijing stood next to Mrs. Sheng, looking at everyone in the Wang family bowing and saluting: "Zai Jing, I have met all the elders!"

"Oh! Good boy! I have heard your name several times, old lady. You have appeared in front of the Holy One several times! Come on, come to me and let me take a look." Old Mrs. Wang smiled. said.

"The old lady is so complimentary." Xu Zaijing came to Mrs. Wang and replied.

Mrs. Wang looked at it carefully, then turned to praise Mrs. Sheng: "This is such a good boy!"

Wang Yan and Feng Shi also nodded and looked at Xu Zaijing with smiles in their eyes. Feng Shi interjected: "Brother Jing, from now on we will kiss more and more."

As she said this, Feng glanced at Hua Lan, causing everyone in the Shou'antang Hall to laugh knowingly, while Hua Lan blushed furiously.

Xu Zaijing also smiled and said: "That's what the lady said!"

After saying a few words, Wang Yan bowed to express his birthday wishes and then went to sit down outside the Shou'an Hall.

Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Feng and others all stayed in Shou'an Hall and talked. Mrs. Feng said: "Old birthday boy, this is a gift from my cousin. I brought it for him."

Mrs. Sheng said: "Is it the one from Jiangning Prefecture?"


"I thank him for the old lady."

"Mother, sister-in-law, you sit down while I go outside to greet the guests."

With that said, Wang Ruofu left the Shou'an Hall, and everyone was gossiping.

Soon Mrs. Peng of the Hong family in Zhizhou was brought in by Wang Ruofu. Perhaps it was Xu Zaijing's misunderstanding, but she always felt that Wang Ruofu's expression was a little subtle at this time. After Mrs. Peng bowed to celebrate her birthday, the children of the Hong family knelt down. I kowtowed to the old lady on the ground and said her birthday, and got a few pockets.

"Madam Peng, this is my mother and sister-in-law; this is Zai Jing, the third son of the Marquis of Tokyo."

Another introduction.

Mrs. Peng talked for a while in Shou'an Hall and then left.

Then there were the family members and children of Yangzhou officials, big and small.

Even the children of the Tixue Gao family came to see the ceremony. Although Hualan had a bad reputation because of their relatives' affairs, the post still had to be posted, otherwise Mrs. Wang Ruofu would not be so proud.

After that, Wang Ruofu was so busy that he couldn't even touch the ground. Xu Zaijing was also introduced to Wang Ruofu many times. When the guests were almost here, Wang Ruofu's voice came to the Shou'an Hall again: "Mother, Ningyuan Marquis The lady is here, madam, please come inside."

After hearing this, everyone in the Shou'an Hall stood up one after another.

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Shi appeared in Shou'an Hall with Pingmei.

"Old lady, the sun and the moon are bright, the pines and cranes are everlasting."

"Thank you, madam."

"Great aunt, Fu Hai and Shoushan."

"Okay, okay."

Mrs. Sheng smiled and asked Mr. Bai and others to sit down.

Afterwards, brother and sister Gu Tingye knelt directly on the futon and said auspicious words of birthday wishes.

Ms. Bai is today's final guest. There will be no other important guests after her, but it is still early before the dinner starts.

Wang Ruofu asked the children to play first, and she also went out to entertain the guests.

So Hua Lan took Ting Yi, Mo Lan and other girls, and Chang Bai led Xu Zaijing, Ting Ye Chang Feng and other boys out of Shou'an Hall.

The old lady's birthday banquet was held in the three large main halls of the north room.

At this time, Hua Lan happened to walk outside the house where the official girls were, and heard a girl's voice inside saying: "She has such good things as you said, so why haven't you decided on her?"

When the girls from the official family in the room saw Hua Lan's figure at the door, the atmosphere froze.

Hua Lan turned around and saw that the two girls from the Gao family of the School of Education were staring at the second daughter of the Qi family of the Salt School with some unpleasant expressions on their faces.

"Why don't you talk anymore? At the banquet in Wuyi Lane, I was not the only one who said she was an ominous person, but also..." As she said this, she looked at Miss Hong San beside her.

One more chapter

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