Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 167 A shocking change outside the view [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

Several children of noble families in Beijing also looked surprised.

Because when they saw their cousin and Xu Zaijing looking at each other, they didn't see Xu Zaijing make any move. The horse he sat on walked toward Han Chengyun's cousin.

The cousin with a stern face nodded his chin at Han Chengyun, meaning: Don't move, I'll give him a good look.

Then he glared at what he thought was a fierce look and looked at Xu Zaijing, who was walking over with a smile on his face. He opened his mouth to speak,


Suddenly he felt a thud in his chest, then pain and tightening, and there was an extra hand on his chest. He was trying to break away from Xu Zaijing who was grabbing him with his right hand, but before he could react, he felt his butt go empty, and there was something strange in front of him.

When he came to his senses, the 'cousin' found that he was on the right side of Xu Zaijing, but his horse was on the left side of Xu Zaijing.

And he was being raised in the air by Xu Zaijing with one hand. When he lowered his head, he saw that the soles of his feet were three feet from the ground.

Xu Zaijing looked at him calmly and said, "What are you looking at?"

Han Wulang and others wanted to come over, but Xu Zaijing glanced over with a threatening look, and everyone stopped for some unknown reason.

Feeling the unshakable power in his chest, his cousin was panicked. He didn't dare to look at Xu Zaijing. He wanted to turn around and ask for help, but Han Wulang and the others could not be seen.

He could only say: "I, I. I didn't look, Brother Xu, I"

"I just heard Han Wulang say that you have seen blood?"


"Have you ever done anything?"

"Move it, then... no, don't, it was someone else who moved it, I was watching from the side."

At this time, Rong Xian actually rode over and said, "Brother Jing, this is the brother of the Hou family in Zhongshan. He is a noble man."

Xu Zaijing looked at Rong Xian, who forced out a flattering smile.

"Okay. Don't look around, otherwise it won't be your collar that I mention next time." Xu Zaijing said and glanced at his neck.

"Yes, yes, brother Xu is right." The cousin in the air nodded.

Then Xu Zaijing put the cousin of the Hou family in Zhongshan back on the saddle with one hand, but it was in a different position from his previous riding position. He was sitting on the saddle with his legs together like a little lady.

Sitting on the horse like this was very unstable. He could only hold on to the saddle with both hands, squirming like a quail.

Xu Zaijing smoothed the clothes on his chest and patted him.

After Xu Zaijing returned to his horse and arrived in front of his car, the cousin of the Hou family in Zhongshan dared to jump off the horse, remounted the horse, pulled the reins and ran towards the west.

Han Wulang glanced at Xu Zaijing and shouted: "Cousin, wait for me!"

Then the group of people whipped their horses and left.

Rong Xian cupped his hands in appreciation and followed.

Seeing the person walking away, Qingyun released the riding whip in his hand, got on the carriage and followed Xu Zaijing. At this time, Xu Anmei faced Xu Zaijing in the car and said, "Xiao Wu, you did a good job."

As he spoke, the car and horse continued to walk towards Jinbo Temple.

Behind the Xu family's carriage, there is a carriage with a sign with the word "Hai" on it.

Hai Chaoyun's female envoy Baoxiu stood outside the carriage and witnessed what Xu Zaijing did, then boarded the carriage and entered the carriage.

In the carriage,

Hai Chaoyun sat at the very back,

The one in the middle was chattering. She first grabbed the clothes on Zhujian's chest with her hands and pretended to be Xu Zaijing, then pointed to her right side to let Zhujian pass, and then asked a question in a pretentious manner. ;

He then asked Zhu Jian to grab the clothes on his chest and pretend to be his cousin again.

Finally, she grabbed her clothes and sat on the bench in the carriage. She looked at Hai Chaoyun again and patted her chest a few times with her hand.

Suppressed laughter suddenly spread in the carriage.

They were laughing and talking and the carriage had arrived outside the Chici Shenbo Temple. After Baoxiu took out the curtain hat from the carriage and put it on Hai Chaoyun, the master and servant got out of the carriage together and walked around followed by the servants of the Hai family.

the other side,

Xu Zaijing bought a lot of delicious food for his sister, and also saw a lot of fun puppets and other things. He bought them and took them away to give to his unborn niece or nephew.

I walked around for half an hour.

Xu Zaijing was also following his sister at this time, and An Mei was also standing behind a group of people wearing a curtain hat, watching the performance on the stage.

Xu Zaijing discovered along the way that these juggling performances can actually be found in later generations, such as body jujitsu, magic that uses vision to make people disappear, kicking cylinders, shooting arrows with feet, etc.

There are also puppet shows that use different control methods. Every place where the performance is performed, there are people watching or walking around.

Of course, the most spectacular sights and performances are the two very tall flagpoles at the gate of the Imperial Palace.

The shape of this flagpole is similar to a super slim version of the Burj Khalifa, which is thick at the bottom and thin at the top. There are fixed ropes around it. Xu Zaijing made a rough estimate and found that it must be more than ten feet long. There is a horizontal wooden pole near the top.

On this wooden pole, someone is performing.

Now that the distance was close, Xu Anmei lifted up the curtain and looked up, smiling and said: "Xiao Wu, as expected, someone is breathing fire up there, ah!!!"

Xu Anmei suddenly screamed, and many ladies who looked up had the same reaction.

The men exclaimed.

Xu Zaijing was also watching, and he was worried for the performer, because the performer almost fell down and could only lie on the crossbar, shaking his legs in an attempt to get up again.

After more than ten breaths, the performer was able to climb up the crossbar.

The people below were staring intently at the performance above.

But with his super eyesight, Xu Zaijing saw that the performer actually had a leather rope tied around his waist. He just did this on purpose to attract everyone's attention.

Xu Zaijing lowered his head and glanced around unintentionally. He looked at it intently. Then he pinched a walnut from his hand and flew out with a little force. It happened to hit one hand, and the owner of the hand couldn't help but feel pain. Called.

This painful breath attracted Zhu Jian's attention. She glanced away and shouted: "Little thief, don't run away."

The servants of the Hai family who looked up to watch the fire-breathing show also reacted, but there were a lot of people around, so they were still run away by the little thief.

Baoxiu picked up the purse on the ground and said, "Girl, isn't this ours?"

Hai Chaoyun nodded, looked around and saw Xu Anmei eating walnuts in Xu Zaijing's hand.

After walking a few more steps,

Xu Zaijing, his sister, Qingyun and others also came to the flag pole, and then they saw someone below asking for a reward, and their tone was very sincere.

Many women, men, women, old and young, who saw what just happened like An Mei, dropped their copper coins and pieces of silver.

“So dangerous”

"not easy"

"Deserves reward"

Such voices came from time to time, both men and women, so the rewards from the common people and nobles became more and more, and it was like a rain of money.

After walking a few more steps forward, Xu Zaijing and others finally entered the courtyard where the Imperial God Protectorate was granted.

After lighting incense in front of the statue of Shenjun, Anmei also threw some sesame oil money and walked out.

The flow of people heading out is obviously much faster. After all, there is no need to queue up to offer incense, or wait for explanations from Taoists in the temple after asking for signatures inside.

Soon, Xu Zaijing escorted Anmei to the gate of the gate, preparing to return to his carriage.

The entrance of Shenbo Temple is much higher than the outside of the temple. When Xu Zaijing walked down with his sister, he discovered that there were many horses and carriages parked beside the thick ropes that fixed the flag poles.

In order to save trouble, some people directly tied the cattle and horses to the ropes that fixed the big flag poles.

When Xu Zaijing saw this scene, he quickly pointed it out to Qingyun. When Qingyun saw it, he said, "Sir, I'm going to find the street department guy right now."

"This is all outside the city. They won't care about it. Let's go and find the Taoist priest in this temple."

After saying this, Xu Zaijing returned to the Taoist temple with his sister. After explaining things to the Taoist, the Taoist in the temple was quite respectful and hurriedly followed Xu Zaijing out to take a look. After bowing and thanking him, he walked towards the outside of the temple.

My sister An Mei said from the side: "Xiao Wu, are you thinking too much? There are too many people here and there is no place to park the carriages and horses."

Xu Zaijing and his sister said as they walked: "You have to nip it in the bud, otherwise if something happens, it will be irreversible."

As they spoke, the two siblings walked out.

In the market outside the Imperial Palace, Han Wulang and his entourage were walking around with his sisters at home. His cousin Zhongshan Hou, who was very high-spirited before leaving the city, was in low spirits at this time.

"Fireworks! Fireworks! Fireworks made by Taoist Master Yunxiaguan!"



Listening to the cries, someone in the group including Han Chengyun and Han Wulang laughed.

The more he listened, the more uncomfortable he became. His cousin felt a little irritated. He walked to the vendor and looked at the fireworks on a table.

At this time, a customer was inquiring about the price, and the vendor hurriedly said:

"My guest, look at the fireworks at Yunxia Temple, set off at night, like silk yarn in the night sky!"

The guest asked: "What's your name?"

"Silk yarn!"

"Let me see one," the guest said.

"My guest, I would like to accept a favor of 200 yuan," the vendor said quickly.

The customer threw a bunch of copper coins, and the vendor hurriedly lit a firework aside and said with a smile: "Sir, please see if it looks like silk yarn.

"Suck something!"

Cousin Zhongshan Hou kicked away the fireworks that the vendor was holding and was about to set off.

The fireworks tube was spinning in the air.

"You!" The vendor just yelled one word, but looking at such a group of luxuriously dressed people and servants with fierce eyes, he did not dare to say anything.

"Whoosh~~~~" Fireworks flew out

"Bang!!!!" Exploded

"Xilulu~~~~~" came the horse's frightened scream.

Where Xu Zaijing saw just now, more than a dozen horses were frightened, struggled wildly, and then directly pulled out the ropes that fixed the flag poles.

Because there were many people in front and there was a bamboo fence, a dozen horses ran aside.

The huge force directly pulled the flag pole to a tilt.

The performer on the flagpole was no longer part of the show. The sudden incident caused him to hit all sorts of things on it. If it hadn't been for the rope around his waist, he might have fallen to his death.

The soldiers who were just here to eliminate hidden dangers under the guidance of the Taoist priest of Shenbo Temple were also frightened and hurriedly hid aside to prevent being trampled by the horses.

When the horse ran to the side, the Taoist leader shouted: "Don't let the guy over there who kicked away the fireworks get away!"

Hearing the shouts, the surrounding soldiers ran away.

Xu Zaijing and An Mei, who were about to arrive at their carriage place, were also turned back by the exclamations from behind. Looking at the panicked horses not far away, Xu Zaijing shouted: "Qingyun, protect my sister."

"Xiao Wu, what are you doing!"

Xu Zaijing didn't answer An Mei. He looked around, picked up a hatchet from the table of the blacksmith's stall, and walked quickly towards the horses that were running around on the ropes.

"Brother! Don't go, the horse is frightened and doesn't recognize anyone!" the blacksmith hurriedly shouted.

Hearing the blacksmith's cry, Xu Zaijing turned around and came back.

The blacksmith was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Xu Zaijing holding a wrist-thick stick used as a farm tool from his stall and running toward the group of startled horses with a knife in one hand and a stick in the other.

At this time, the flag pole at the entrance of Jinbo Temple had been pulled slightly tilted.

The crowd also began to commotion. Xu Zaijing knew that if the matter was stopped quickly, many people might not be killed if the flagpole fell, but if the crowd stampeded in panic, many people would die.

Thinking of this, Xu Zaijing continued to run faster towards the frightened horse. At this time, many people behind him seemed to realize something and followed him, but they were too frightened by the frightened horse to dare to approach.

They watched Xu Zaijing use the stick to drive or stun the horses steadily and quickly, and quickly ran towards the rope.

Then, with a knife, he cut off the ropes tied to the flag poles of the horses. The frightened horses quickly ran towards the woods opposite the crowd, and the tilted flag poles were stopped from tipping over.

"Come on, get out of here!" Xu Zaijing shouted looking at the direction where the flagpole fell.

However, it seemed that Jingma had loosened several other fixed ropes, and driven by the weight of the flag pole, it began to slowly fall down.

In fact, there is a lot to say. These things only happen in a few dozen breaths.

Soon the direction in which the tall flagpole with uneven force was tilted was determined and it did not fall towards the crowd. When the people breathed a sigh of relief.

A rope fixed to the ground did not completely lose its function. With a pull, the flagpole changed direction again.

He swept straight towards the side of the dazed crowd, including Hai Chaoyun and her maid.

Xu Zaijing moved when the flagpole started to fall. When he realized something was wrong, he hurriedly ran towards it.

Xu Zaijing relied on his keen reaction speed to hit the bamboo with the colorful flags on the top of the flag pole and the horizontal pole, which was as thick as an adult's calf, before it reached the crowd.



The sound of the bamboo tube breaking was heard, and everyone covered their eyes in panic. When they opened their eyes again, they saw Xu Zaijing throwing the wooden stick in his hand on the ground with some pain. The wooden stick as thick as his wrist had been beaten and hit. Somewhat deformed.

Moreover, Xu Zaijing's collision also slowed down the speed at which the performance crossbar fell down under the thick bamboo.

The man who performed the fire-breathing performance on the head of the pole got up from the ground tremblingly. He was still a little confused and couldn't believe that he could survive.

Only then did the people around him react.



"This is really divine power!"

"Has the true king appeared?"

The Taoist priest of Shenboguan who witnessed the whole process shouted: "Quick! Find the doctor!!!"


If there are any inaccuracies, please feel free to point them out.

It is said in Tokyo Menghualu that there are many people on this birthday of the gods. The flagpole at the door is dozens of feet high. In the Song Dynasty, one foot was more than 3 meters. According to the twenty-foot rule, there are 60 meters (twenty stories high).

The inside has been reduced a bit.

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