Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 178 The people in the south are looking forward to it [Thank you for your support! Goodbye!


Zhuang Xuexue had meals in the lecture hall and assigned homework before leaving.

Zhuang Xuexue did not show up in the afternoon after the lunch break.

In the lecture hall, only Qi Heng and Chang Feng were reciting scriptures and books in low voices, while Xu Zaijing and Gu Tingye were doing academic questions.

Mo Lan was copying the copybook carefully. After copying, she found a few lines in the poetry collection.

‘Red beans give birth to the southern country’

‘Enter my lovesickness gate’

After writing it on the paper, I looked towards the sky outside the school.

Ru Lan seemed to have not slept enough, so she lay on the table and put her arm under her chin.

Ming Lan also copied copybooks like Mo Lan.

But when she looked at the strokes on the white paper, it looked like the polo swing skills her grandmother had mentioned.

When the time came, the servants of the Sheng family came to the lecture hall to announce the time, and everyone left the table one after another.

Inside the gate of the Sheng family, Cuichan saw the two brothers Xu Zaijing approaching. She hurriedly saluted and said: "Brother Zhang, it's the beginning of autumn and the weather is getting cold. My girl has embroidered a forehead mop and a cloak. In this baggage, .”

The courtyard where Hua Lan lives,

Cui Chan stood behind Hua Lan and said, "Girl, I gave the things to Brother Zhang."

"How did he say?"

"He didn't speak."

"Huh?" Hua Lan turned around in surprise.

"Brother Zhang didn't give the thing to the boy, so he held it in his arms."

Cuichan said with a smile.


"Girl, there is also Miss Yanran from Master Yu's family who sent a message saying that she will come to our house in a few days to ask for advice on embroidery skills."

After the beginning of autumn,

Shengjia Book School basically still goes to and from school on time every day.

Except for the Hungry Ghost Festival on July 15th,

At noon, Zhuang Xuexue left his studies early.

Back home, in the evening, Xu Zaijing listened to his elder brother who returned home from outside the city. Today, the Taoist temple in the city burned a huge mountain of paper money. The scene was very spectacular and solemn. This was to commemorate the soldiers who died fighting for the country during the Great Zhou calendar year.

In some mass graves outside the city, Taoist monks from major temples are offering salvation to lonely souls and burning paper money.

On the second day, when Xu Zaijing drove to Sheng's house, there was still the smell of burning paper in the air.

However, it rained for two days and the air became fresh again.

The weather is also getting cooler.

time flies

Half a month later it was August,

When I went to study at Sheng’s house,

You need to wear something thicker in the morning and evening to block the cool breeze.

And Xu Zaizhang has put on a new cloak and cherishes getting in and out of the carriage every day.

When returning home from Sheng's house that day, Xu Zaizhang and Xu Zaijing both felt that the atmosphere in the house was strange.

Only when Xu Zaijing entered the inner courtyard did he know that his sister-in-law, Mrs. Xie, had been helped into the bedroom by the midwife as soon as she arrived in Youshi today.

Xu Zaijing and his second brother hurriedly came to the yard of his eldest brother Xu Zaiduan.

Xu Zaijing saw his father and mother already sitting on chairs in the yard, and the mother's cries of pain could be heard from time to time.

Xu Zaijing and Zai Zhang went to comfort their restless eldest brother. Sun on the side said: "Don't wait here. This is your sister-in-law's first child, and she won't be born in four or five hours."

As she spoke, Sun's mother, who was in charge, came to her side and said, "Madam, Viscount Xie and Madam are here."

Mrs. Sun quickly got up and walked towards the second gate with Xu Minghua. Before they reached the second gate, they saw their in-laws, who were older than them, arriving with people.

"I've met Xu Hou."

"What did the in-laws say? Come on, come and sit in the yard. The child has just been in for less than half an hour. He still has a lot of sleep to do tonight."

When the Xu brothers saw the Xie family, they hurriedly saluted and said hello.

The eldest lady of the Xie family looked at Xu Zaiduan, who was a little restless, and nodded slightly in her heart. This meant that her second daughter was relieved and worried.

Viscount Xie and his wife looked at each other.

"Brother Xie, you have been in the south before. I thought you had not returned to Beijing." Xu Minghua said.

"I'm counting on her coming back. I just arrived in Bianjing yesterday."

“I heard before that the Nong people in Guangyuan Prefecture surrendered to Jiaozhi.”

Xie Zijue nodded and said: "What Marquis Xu said is true, but Jiaozhi is greedy and exploits the Nong people very hard. Before I return to the capital, the Nong people have submitted to the Zhou Dynasty! Only in this way can I have time to return to the capital."

"That's good. It can be regarded as a contribution to King Yong."


Just after Hai Shi (after 11 p.m.)

Xu Zaiduan walked in front of the bedroom door countless times, and suddenly felt a bit cold in the night breeze. He hurriedly came to the Xie family and said:

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law, it's late at night, go wait in the house."

Mrs. Xie stood up holding Xu Zaiduan's arm with a worried look on her face and walked towards the house.

In the quiet night, Xu's wife still screamed in pain from time to time in the delivery room.

Xie Zijue looked at the Xu brothers who had not returned in the room, and said with relief in his heart: "You have to go to the school tomorrow, so go back quickly."

"Shibo, it's okay." Xu Zaijing said, while Zai Zhang nodded.

Waiting for Xu's kitchen to deliver the pastries for the night.

Another hour passed,

The sound of telling the time came from Quyuan Street.

When he was already ugly, Xu Zaiduan stood at the door and wished he could get into the delivery room when he heard his eldest wife's screams of pain getting louder.

Finally, a cry made everyone in the yard stand up.

Mrs. Xie's wife held her official tightly.

Xu Zaijing's ear was outstanding and he heard the lady praying secretly: "Boy! Boy! Please God! Boy!"

Soon, a midwife shouted from the door with joy from the bottom of her heart: "Master Hou! Madam! I'm so happy! It's a brother!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Sun looked at each other, their eyes full of happiness.

"Reward! Big reward!"

Xu Zaizhang and Xu Zaijing looked at each other and smiled. They had a nephew.

The delivery room was quickly cleaned up.

It was difficult for the Xu Zaizhang brothers to enter.

However, Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Xie looked at their eldest grandson happily. Anmei, who was called from the boudoir, also joined in the fun.

But Xu Zaiduan was already squatting in front of his wife's bed, holding Xie's hand with a look of concern on his face.

Mrs. Xie looked at her grandson, and then at her son-in-law in front of her daughter's bed. She held Mrs. Sun's hand with emotion and said, "Sister, I think I have to prepare a generous gift for Mrs. Wu. Thank her for giving my family to my family." The waiter has found such a good marriage."

Sun said: "Sister, what you said is that I have to prepare one too."

Everyone said a few more words and then left the place one after another.

After Mrs. Sun arranged all the matters for the Xie family and his wife, he left the yard.

Only Mrs. Xie was left in the room. Looking at her daughter who was a little tired but with a proud look in her eyes, Mrs. Xie smoothed her second daughter's hair around her ears and said, "You have a son, and your mother's heart is also in it." In the stomach."

Ms. Xie smiled: "Mom, don't worry. Even though I don't have a son, my mother-in-law treats me very well."

"Well, it can be seen that I don't come to your house very often. But this time you gave birth, I can see that everyone sincerely cares about you. Your official didn't look at his son at the first time, but came to It’s up to you.”

"He has always been considerate." Xie said with warm eyes.

Then he was tapped on the forehead by his mother.

Seeing the confused look in her second daughter's eyes, Mrs. Xie said, "You must never yell at home just because you have the eldest grandson of the Xu family!"

"Mom, how could my daughter do this?"

"Hmph, I'm warning you in advance."


"Mom~~~ Go and have a rest!"

On the second day,

Yongyihou Mansion, Quyuan Street,

Returning home from school,

at dinner,

In the disgusted eyes of Xu Zaijing and An Mei, Xu Zaizhang carefully handed a small baggage to Sun and said: "Mom, this is. Hualan asked someone to bring it to me, saying it was for My nephew’s underwear.”

Goodnight everybody!

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