Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 18 Gambling and receiving gifts again

Xiao Dan's mind also moved quickly. She replied:

"Sanlang, look at the attire of this female envoy. She is the legitimate daughter of the second wife of your Duke's family."

Xu Zaijing could see clearly that just now the little boy was playing pot with Gu Tingye with a jade lock, and was beaten to pieces. The jade lock was already the trophy in front of Gu Tingye.

The Duke Ling's Mansion in my memory did not appear in the TV series, but it was mentioned in the original book:

Both Sheng Hong and Sheng Wei had studied in this private school in the Duke's Mansion.

However, there were a lot of bad things going on in this private school, so they left early.

Moreover, none of the Duke's relatives are promising.

There is even a shabby story about the father-in-law wanting a female servant by his daughter-in-law's side.

Many people in Beijing have heard a lot about this.

This makes the prince's children look like this, except for those who want to climb high branches,

No decent family would marry their family.

Soon a shrewd-looking middle-aged lady came out,

Xiao Dan whispered beside Xu Zaijing: "This is Mrs. Gu from the eldest house of Ling Guogong. That young master is also from the eldest house."

After Xiao Dan's introduction, the middle-aged lady had already arrived at the stall where the children were playing and throwing pots.

She looked at Gu Tingye and lowered his head and whispered: "As expected, you are from a merchant family. He knows how to deceive and deceive. Return the jade lock that you defrauded my family! Otherwise, others will beat you."

Gu Tingye's face was red, he stared at this middle-aged lady like a calf and shouted

: "I won this by throwing pot, I didn't lie!"

"You just lied. You are so good at hut and you still play with me. You just lied to me!" The little boy next to the lady shouted.

"Admit defeat!" Gu Tingye shouted.

"Bah, you just lied." The little boy shouted, and he looked at the children who lost things while shouting.

Some of the children who had lost something saw the support of adults and stood beside Duke Lingguo's Mansion and shouted to help. There are also some people who admit defeat and speak fair words, but after all, Gu Tingye was too ruthless and won too much.

Therefore, there were very few people who supported him, only a few young men from British noble families who were older than him.

In an instant, Gu Tingye changed from a winner to a person being criticized.

The children participating in the game started making noises around Gu Tingye. Some wanted to get things back, while others clamored for Gu Tingye to compete again.

Gu Tingye was a master who couldn't stand his anger, and in Ningyuan Hou's mansion, Gu Hou really trained his second son who was as healthy as a calf.

This makes Gu Tingye stronger than those children from ordinary noble families who do not practice kung fu.

It only took a few pushes to make a few children take a few steps back, but there was strength in numbers, and he was soon surrounded by others.

Some people were already crying out in pain, but I didn’t know who was being beaten.

There was a commotion for a while. Seeing this, the female envoys went to report to their eldest ladies.

Taking advantage of the chaos, the eldest lady of the Duke's palace glanced at the trophy behind Gu Tingye, and then pushed her boy.

The boy was also smart. He avoided the crowd, crawled like a dog and started to collect his sister's jade lock, and also took a few valuable pendants.

At this time, the ladies from various families who were having a banquet came over to see their children.

Just now it was Gu Tingye who was throwing pots and killing everyone, but now he has become the little liar in the mouth of those children who is trying to deceive them.

This commotion made the children of civil servants in the pavilion next to them laugh and murmur, and many sarcastic words were passed around.

Xu Zaijing watched the whole process from the side. When Gu Tingye was besieged, he was about to move, but was pressed down by a hand.

Bai's voice came:

"Good boy."

Princess Pingning also came to the yard with the support of the female officer.

The British duchess in the crowd looked at her son in the audience and shouted sharply: "How unbecoming! You guys haven't pulled them away yet."

With that said, the servant girl and the servants started to take action one after another, and soon the children were separated.

Although Gu Tingye's hair was messed up and his face was stained, he didn't look like he was giving in. He was panting like a calf.

Several children had bloody noses and red eyes. They didn't know who had been beaten.

The Bai family doesn't have much face in front of everyone, because several of the people here are the wives of the princes and have official orders.

She was an old lady with a business background, and she really had no role to speak, so she could only pull Gu Tingye into her arms.

He asked softly, "Ye'er, does it hurt?"

Gu Tingye looked stubborn and said nothing, but tears and snot flowed out, but he didn't cry out.

"They are unreasonable and they obviously lost to me!"

Gu Tingye cried.

The British duchess did not give Bai a good look, but she also looked at Ling Guogong's wife with a bad look.

Everyone asked the servant girl in the yard and found out what was going on.

Some are reprimanding their children for not following the rules, while others are talking about the Yin Yang Bai family's origins.

But the boy who caused this incident, Ling Guogong, hid in the crowd and happened to be in front of Xu Zaijing. He pretended to be nothing and looked at the people in the center of the crowd, holding several precious jade locks in his hands behind his back. .

Xu Zaijing looked at Sun behind him and saw his mother looking worriedly at Bai in the field.

At this time, the eldest wife of the Wang family of the Kang family was saying to a noble family member next to her:

"Playing such a big gambling game at such a young age, I don't think it is a good thing when you grow up."

A group of people were killed in one sentence, and the Duke of Ling's family turned away with a blank stare.

The other nobles also had bad looks, but Mrs. Wang's biological father died of illness in office and was a civil servant worthy of the Ancestral Temple, so they did not dare to offend him casually.

The scene suddenly became awkwardly quiet.

Xu Zaijing saw the right opportunity and kicked the child of Duke Lingguo in front of him on the butt.

The little kid couldn't stop immediately, staggered a few steps, and fell to the ground. The injury was not serious, but the pain made him grin and cry.

The valuables in his hands were also scattered, and he didn't have the time to pick them up.

"Oh, wow~~~~"

"Isn't this my brother's jade pendant? Why is it in this kid's hands?" Mrs. Wang of the Kang family shouted in a high voice.

Immediately, Mrs. Guo Gonggu's face turned red and white. She glanced at the girl in the second room and then at the child crying on the ground. She slapped the girl in the second room on the shoulder.

"Your brother is crying and he doesn't know how to help him."

Seeing this scene, Gu Tingye in Bai's arms burst into laughter.

Mrs. Sun looked back at her son and covered her mouth with a handkerchief to prevent her smile from appearing too obvious.

At this time Princess Pingning came over, squatted slightly and saluted:

"It's because I didn't take good care of you. Please move on. Today we have the opera "Wealthy Changchun", which is a famous Nanqu Qingchun class in Beijing."

Princess Pingning gave her the steps, and everyone no longer hesitated. They all smiled and talked, as if what happened just now had never happened.

When everyone had almost left and went to the courtyard where the opera was held, Princess Pingning glanced at the female official next to her.

Wait until the guests have left,

The female officer had already ordered the servants at home to escort the female servant who was on duty in the yard today. She didn't know whether she was beaten or sold directly.

Soon the Nanqu troupe started singing babblingly.

When it was Shen time, the guests at the Duke of Qi's mansion began to leave.

It was cold and Princess Pingning couldn't stand at the door, so her sister-in-law saw off the guests on her behalf.

At this gathering, the ladies and officials exchanged a lot of Beijing gossip while having a banquet and listening to music.

For example, which prince's house has a concubine again, whose legitimate son is no longer motivated, and whose daughter is uneducated.

Which concubine in the palace is favored? Which concubine in the palace has a bad family background?

Which eldest lady of the prince's family wants old clams to produce pearls, and so on.

No one knows whether they have become gossip in other people's mouths.

In the Xu family's carriage, Mrs. Sun looked at the exquisite wooden box held in Xiaozhu's hand. Inside was a little golden horse given by Princess Pingning.

A little golden horse made of gold.

Mrs. Sun looked at her son and said to herself: "Jing'er, the gifts these ladies give you are much more valuable than what we give out."

Xu Zaijing glanced at his mother and laughed.

Isn't that right? The jade weapon and the four treasures of the study given by the Bai family are still the gold and jade longevity bracelet she took off; the jade lock given by Princess Pingning still has this little golden horse.

Some time ago, Mrs. Wu gave Mrs. Sun a gold necklace, which she also said was for Xu Zaijing.

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