Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 185 Father-in-law, I’m offended! 【Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

"Retreat from the DPRK"

The emperor suddenly stood up, and the chief minister on the side looked at the emperor who was a little unsteady and hurriedly supported him.

When all the officials in the palace bowed and saluted, the emperor waved his hand and walked out quickly.

Sixteen people were sitting in the back hall carrying a shoulder carriage. The emperor was restless on it and said: "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

After hearing the emperor's order, the officials under the shoulder trot started to run.

When they were about to arrive at the queen's bedroom, a female official came over. When she saw the emperor, she quickly bowed and said, "Your Majesty, Your Highness has been crying. The empress said that someone would call Wu Lang of the Xu family."

"What?! Fang'er is crying! Go quickly! Ride a fast horse!"

When they arrived at the entrance of the Queen's chamber, the emperor had already walked down before the carriage had stopped. When he came to the palace, there were several imperial doctors standing by the door.

Walking further inside, I saw Zhao Fang crying at the door of the bedroom where she gave birth.

"What's going on? Why is Fang'er here?"

The female officer was about to answer,

"Father, I'm here to pay my respects to my mother." As he said this, Zhao Fang started crying again.


The queen's cry of pain came from inside.

Zhao Fang was trembling with fright.

"Take the prince away."

After hearing the emperor's words, the female official on the side hurriedly walked to Zhao Fang, but Zhao Fang ignored him and instead took a few steps towards the door of the delivery room.

"Hold him and go!" the chief official said in a low voice.

The female officer knelt down and was about to reach out, but was pushed away by Zhao Fang.

"Father! I won't leave, I want to stay with my mother! Father! Woo woo woo."

When the female officer stood up and picked up Zhao Fang, Zhao Fang struggled violently in her arms.

"No! I won't leave!"

Zhao Fang looked panicked and cried.

"let me go!"


The female officer was afraid of hurting Zhao Fang, so she could only let go of her arm.

In the bedroom,

Hearing her son's cry outside the door, the queen in the room frowned. She endured the pain and said, "Tell Fang'er outside the door that the Xu family brother he likes is coming."

"Yes, concubine."

outside the room,

The emperor was also caught off guard by the fact that the queen gave birth and his only son cried bitterly.

The imperial doctor on the side quickly bowed and said: "Your Majesty, His Highness may be frightened, it is better to calm down!"

"How to calm the nerves?"

"Let someone come who His Highness likes or feels at ease with. The best one is the Empress, but"

"Okay, then let him come to me."

The emperor waved to Zhao Fang. At this time, the internal official had already placed the chair behind the emperor.

"Your Majesty, please sit down and take a rest."

Zhao Fang came to the emperor, cried and grabbed the emperor's clothes, and was hugged by the emperor into his arms.

Feeling the emperor's little body trembling slightly in his arms, the emperor held his little hand. At this time, the door was opened, and the female officer came out. When she saw the emperor, she quickly bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I asked the servant to tell your highness. , said that the Xu family brother he likes is coming soon."

The emperor sat on the chair and hugged his emperor and said, "Yes, just now my father sent someone on horseback to call brother Jing, Fang'er, don't cry anymore."

The most unforgettable and uncomfortable experience Zhao Fang has encountered since he was born was that time he was stuck.

And the most majestic moment was when Xu Zaijing presented him with a golden arrow for the first time.

So after hearing the words of his father, the emperor and his mother, Zhao Fang looked at the emperor and stopped crying.

"Father, is your mother in pain?"

The emperor didn't say anything, just said 'hmm', and then watched people carrying hot water and handkerchiefs coming in and out of the palace.

The imperial doctor also walked out and came to the emperor, carefully reporting his diagnosis.

Three fast horses galloped out of the palace gate,

The knight on horseback shouted loudly: "The emperor's life is on my side! Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Drink!"

The sound spread far away, and the people on the road quickly got out of the way and watched the fast horses gallop away.

Jiying Lane

The concierge of the Sheng family was cleaning the door.


The sound of whipping horses and the sound of horse hooves came from far away. The porter turned his head and saw three horses galloping to the door.

On the horseback were two panting Imperial Guardsmen and an internal official who was about to collapse from the cold.

The three of them got off their horses and asked hoarsely:

"Is Xu Kagoro inside?"

The concierge nodded.

"Take us to find him, Your Majesty summons us!"

In the lecture hall, Zhuang Xuexue was waving his folding fan and listening to Xu Zaizhang's understanding of the topic.

Suddenly a voice came: "Xu Wulang! Please come out quickly!"

Xuexue Zhuang frowned and looked at Xu Zaijing. Soon the door curtain was opened, and two imperial soldiers and internal officials walked in.

This turn of events shocked everyone in the lecture hall.

"Who is the Fifth Lang of Yongyi Houfu?"

Xu Zaijing stood up in the last row: "What do you want from me?"

Xu Zaizhang also stood up and said: "What do you want from my little brother?"

The internal official hurriedly raised his hands and said: "Wu Lang, the Queen and His Majesty are calling you into the palace urgently. Please move on if you have any specific matters."

Qingcao at the back quickly came to Xu Zaijing's side with his big cloak in his arms.

Upon hearing this, Xu Zaijing hurriedly bowed to Zhuang Xuexuu, and Zhuang Xuexuu also waved his folding fan, signaling Xu Zaijing to hurry up.

After leaving the lecture hall, Xu Zaijing said: "Internal officer, can I say something?"

"Wu Lang, His Highness is always crying. Your Majesty wants you to enter the palace as soon as possible."

"Huh? I didn't ride a horse today."

"Goro, you ride our horse. Hurry up!"

After leaving the gate of the Sheng family, one of the Imperial Guards soldiers let the horse out, and the three of them whipped their horses at full speed again.

At the gate of the palace, when the three of them were about to dismount, a captain of the imperial army asked: "But Xu Jiawulang?"

"he is!"


After hearing the reply, the Imperial Guard Lieutenant said: "Xu Jiawulang, Your Majesty has a decree, don't dismount, ride in."

As he spoke, the palace door opened.

Xu Zaijing stood at the door and said, "I don't know the road! Let them lead the way!"

"Your Majesty's decree, only Wulang can ride in."

The internal officer who had already dismounted hurriedly walked to Xu Zaijing's side and said: "Wu Lang, you go first"

"Father-in-law, I'm offended."

"Ah?" Xu Zaijing grabbed him before the officer could react.

"This doesn't count as riding!"

Saying this, Xu Zaijing asked the internal officer to lie on the horse and rode in.

The Imperial Guards soldiers on the side did not speak.

"Guide the way!"

In less than half a quarter of an hour, in the surprised eyes of the palace people, the official who delivered the order slipped off the horse.

The internal official at the door also hurried in to report.

After Xu Zaijing put the reins in the hands of the inner officer who had slipped down, he straightened his appearance as he walked.

The emperor's chief minister led him to the palace. As soon as he entered, he heard a cry of pain from the queen in the palace.

Xu Zaijing knew in his heart that the queen was giving birth, so he stepped forward and bowed: "See your majesty, your highness."

Zhao Fang, who was in the emperor's arms, poked his head out with tears in his eyes, and wiped away his tears when he saw Xu Zaijing.

"Well. Come on."

The emperor ordered.

After Xu Zaijing came to the emperor,

The emperor said to Zhao Fang: "Go."

Zhao Fang left the emperor's arms and walked towards Xu Zaijing. The emperor, who was sitting on the chair, shook his sore arm covertly.

"Brother Jing, will the queen be okay?"

"Your Majesty is so blessed that everything will be fine."

"But I'm still worried about my mother."

"Your Majesty and Your Majesty are also worried about Your Highness, otherwise they would not have summoned me to the palace."

The emperor smiled when he heard this. In fact, Zhao Fang stopped crying in his arms just now. Xu Zaijing came more to make Zhao Fang feel at ease and calm down.

"But how can I help my mother? She has been in pain for a long time."

Hearing Zhao Fang's words, Xu Zaijing looked at the emperor. The emperor frowned and looked at the door of the inner room and said, "Brother Jing says it's fine."

"Your Highness, please stop crying. You will be able to help your Majesty by not worrying her!"

"Well! Fanger stopped crying! But how to let the queen know?"

inside the room,

The queen's head was sweating, and she was in severe pain.

The female doctor on the side shouted: "Mother, push harder!"

At this time, a child's voice came faintly.

The queen was stunned, thinking that Zhao Fang was crying again.

"Don't talk yet!" the queen said tiredly.

The room fell silent.

‘The clouds turn into rain, and the dew turns into frost.

Gold is born in Lishui, jade comes out of Kungang

The female official on the side said: "Mother, it's Your Highness!"

The Queen nodded and said softly:

"Good boy."

At this time,

The queen gives birth to a princess.

Holding the swaddling clothes handed over by the female officer and looking at the baby girl inside, the emperor smiled at the queen.

Caressing Zhao Fang's little face, the queen whispered:

"Your Majesty, why not give our daughter a nickname."

The emperor looked at the queen and smiled and said: "As long as the moon is constant and as high as the sun, it might as well be called 'moon'."

Second on the list, Zhiyue.

The previous nine monthly passes amounted to a thousand months.

A small thank you to the author.

In addition, thank you to 20180304072104322 and Chunan Swordsman who voted for 10 monthly votes. I just saw it today.

Thank you also to the other book friends who voted!

Thanks to alan35 for the 1500 reward

253 tips from depressed patient w

Small code number 100

100 of the cool breeze and setting sun

100 of Book Friends 20230911134008028

Thank you everyone!

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