Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 22 Xueyi and Master thank readers for their rewards. Monthly tickets, recommended tickets, a

The Cao family, the Sun family, including the Xu family of the Yongyi Hou Mansion, were all military generals. Whether they were in the army or serving as generals and supervisors, they all knew many craftsmen who made bows. Through their relationships, Xu Zaijing finally got a small bow. A small but powerful bow.

Its power is only slightly smaller than the bows and arrows used by normal adults.

This also made Xu Zaijing a little unaccustomed to using it for the first time. Before, it was as if a bow was stretched into a full moon with just a pull, but this bow required him to really use his strength.

Moreover, the feather arrows used in this bow are specially made carved feather arrows. The carved feathers do not use the most precious golden carved feathers, but ordinary flower carved feathers.

These days, Xu Zaijing has not asked the name of his groom master. He wanted to ask clearly when he was apprenticed, but the groom refused.

Xu Zaijing knew that this man must have been a great person in the past!

Because now the groom is teaching Xu Zaijing and his young servant Qingyun how to repair bows and arrows and how to maintain the embroidered feathers on the arrow tails.

If the carved feathers are damaged, how to repair them?

Feathered arrows like these are sniper bullets specially designed for high-precision snipers in modern times, and they need to be carefully made.

Different from modern times, feathered arrows not only need to be carefully made, but also need to be carefully maintained to ensure that the feathers do not split or break, so that the arrow body can be better stabilized in the airflow and accurately hit the target.

After the lesson was almost done, Xu Zaijing asked the servants in the mansion to make a doll as tall as Qingyun and placed it near the target.

His archery skills are not perfect yet, he can't point where to shoot, and he can't make fun of his own life.

Every time after practicing bow and arrow, Xu Zaijing's master not only nourishes his muscles, but also prepares some medicinal soup to improve Xu Zaijing's eyesight.

This kind of decoction is naturally very precious and costs money.

I don’t know where his master got these abilities from.

A sharp archer cannot live without a pair of good eyes, otherwise he will not be able to see clearly the target in the distance and the vital points of the target, and there is no point in killing him with one shot.

Under the strict guidance of a famous teacher, Xu Zaijing's archery skills improved by leaps and bounds. In about thirty steps, Xu Zaijing could shoot five arrows into an area the size of a copper coin.

At the same time, Qingyun was also held in front of the target. After the first day, he was so nervous that he was afraid that his son would kill him with an arrow. The next day, he didn't know whether he was numb or something, but he was able to eat melon seeds under the target.

When Xu Zaijing takes a break during archery practice, he always thinks about his master.

His father did not tell him his identity, and it was not easy for him to ask.

Asking Qingyun in private, Qingyun also knew very little about his uncle.

It’s just that his life was pretty good when he was a child.

A few years ago, he suddenly fell into decline. He was taken care of by a servant in the city of Bianjing for a long time, but the servant's family was a little poor, but he could not starve to death.

Xu Zaijing did not ask any more questions. His master knew marksmanship, archery, and horsemanship. He also knew so much about medicine.

If Xu Zaijing cultivated both literature and martial arts, he doubted whether his master would be able to teach him some skills beyond scientific examination and help him explain the key points in the saint's articles.

Xu Zaijing also asked Qingyun if he knew if his master had any wives or concubines.

Qingyun said that he didn't have much impression in his memory. He was still young at that time, and he vaguely remembered that when he was about to have an aunt, his family suddenly fell into decline.

In this way, Xu Zaijing naturally did not ask any more questions.

During dinner that day, Xu Zaijing's two sisters came very slowly. When Mrs. Sun was about to send someone to call them, Xu Pingmei and Xu Anmei came to the hall mysteriously.

"Mom, my sister and I prepared a gift for Brother Jing."

When Xu Zaijing heard that it was a gift for himself, he immediately became energetic.

"Sister, what gifts have you prepared for me?"

"Guess, if you guess right, I'll give it to you."

Xu Zaijing rolled his eyes.

"Hey, it's a bow bag, right?"

Xu Anmei frowned and looked at her brother.

"How do you know?"

"I saw Sister Sa'er next to my eldest sister secretly measuring my bow."

Xu Anmei turned around and said,

"Sister, didn't you say that my little brother doesn't know about this?"

A female envoy next to the eldest sister Xu Pingmei looked surprised and said quickly: "Second mother, I only went to measure when I saw Brother Jing was far away, and there were a lot of debris there at that time! Who knew Brother Jing He has such good eyesight."

Xu Pingmei also looked surprised

: "Brother, do you have such good eyesight?"

Xu Zaijing said proudly: "I am being pressed and applied with medicine by the master every day, so how can I look bad?"

Xu Anmei waved toward the door, and her personal maid Ye'er came over holding a bag sewn with leather and silk.

Xu Zaijing took the bow bag from Ye'er, and saw that the stitches on it were fine, and the embroidered patterns were of distant mountains and birds. The embroidery work was not earth-shattering, but every stitch and every thread was the love and care of his two sisters. Feelings.

Xu Zaijing looked at it very carefully, his eyes full of smiles.

"Thank you sister."

Mrs. Sun also had a smile in her eyes.

"Come on, let's all eat."

Pingmei: "Mom, where are the eldest brother and the second brother?"

"The teacher from their school took them to a poetry recital. He won't be back for dinner tonight. Jing'er, do you really want to perform at His Majesty's birthday?"

"Mom, when you have time, ask your uncles and uncles from the Cao family to talk to you. Can you see my archery skills? Those who are better than me are not younger than me, and those who are younger than me are not as good as me, hehe. "

"You little naughty boy, if you want me to be a lobbyist, then I have to check it for your uncles to see if you are that good."

"Mom, we have to check it too."


Xu Zaijing chuckled:

"Mom, sister, you better not be frightened by my archery skills."

"I'll brag about it."

After everyone finished eating, they went back to their own homes. Xu Zaijing also got his own house this year, which was closest to the Sun family. The people who served in the house were all Sun family's personal maids.

On the second day, after Xu Zaijing finished practicing his marksmanship and archery skills, his master took him aside and pointed at a few sparrows that were nodding and eating rice.

: "From now on, they will be the prey of your arrows. Today is the first day. You must shoot five sparrows."

Xu Zaijing nodded, quite unconcerned.

He quietly walked over with his bow and arrow, but before he could get close, the group of greedy birds flew away.

Xu Zaijing looked back at his master, but his master pointed at his arm, meaning that he couldn't give him a demonstration.

Accurate shooting at a fixed target is not a skill, but hitting a moving target with perfect accuracy is truly amazing.

Xu Zaijing, who was a little proud at first, had to devote himself to practice again.

Practice shooting sparrows when there are sparrows, and let Qingyun throw wooden balls to imitate animals when there are no birds.

Xu Zaijing drew his bow ten times, but only made one or two hits.

Xu Zaijing couldn't help but have some self-doubt.

"Is it really that difficult? Then my flattery plan will go bankrupt!"

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