Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 230 Brother Bao is in high spirits [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

"Xu Zaijing! Close this door!"

Hearing Yelu Falcon's voice, Xu Zaijing pulled Liju to a stop. He looked back at the blindfolded, sitting, tied-up, and broken-legged thief in the village.



The wooden door of the cottage was closed.

However, Xu Zaijing stayed on the wall of the village, and Li Ju was eating fine food comfortably under the wall of the village.

When Qingyun, Yelv Falcon and a dozen other people came to the foot of Jinyang Mountain,

Xu Zaijing drew the strong bow in his hand,

The arrow shoots out,

The surviving thief, whose mouth was covered with a piece of cloth, began to wail in great pain.

"Don't move! If you dare to move again, I'll shoot you in the head!"

A group of thieves, sweating profusely because of the hot weather and the pain of broken bones, nodded hurriedly when they heard Xu Zaijing's words.

After waiting on the wall for about three quarters of an hour, Xu Zaijing stepped off the wall.

After feeding Liju some water, one person and one horse slowly left the place.

After walking far away, Xu Zaijing rode on Liju.

After going down the mountain, Liju's speed picked up.

When he caught up with the convoy, Qiu Jing's buttocks were so bumped on the carriage that it almost split.

Look at the sun, it’s not even Chen hour (before 9 a.m.)

Xu Zaijing waved his hand and the motorcade slowly stopped.

"Yeluxun, you and I will go back to Bianjing first. Qingyun, you take Alan to search for books, and the Gao brothers will follow quickly. Don't worry about the horse power."

"It's young master."

Qingyun and Alan handed over their hands.

After hearing Xu Zaijing's words, Yelu Xun explained to the guards in Beiliao dialect.

Naturally, some people are worried.

"He wants to kill me and you, there's no need to lie to me!"

Alan was beside Xu Zaijing, translating the conversation between the four of them.

Xu Zaijing said: "Yes, he is a sensible person."


Liju, Liju's son, two Northern Liao dragon colts, and four horses were let out. Xu Zaijing and Yelv Falcon were one person and two horses. After bringing some refined grain and water found in the village, they headed west to whip their horses lightly. And go.

Because the two of them were lightly dressed and did not carry armor or weapons on their horses, they were still riding two horses.

So, no time (after 2 pm)

The two men had already entered Bianjing Xincaomen on horseback along the inns along the way.

Although the four horses were all handsome and strong, they had only rested twice in the past three hours, and they were a little overwhelmed. When they arrived outside Donghua Gate, all four horses were sweating profusely.

Xu Zaijing held up the token given by the queen and led Yelv Falcon into the palace from Donghua Gate.

"Please inform the internal officials and the Imperial City Department that the matter I am reporting to you has something to do with the Imperial City Department, as well as the people from the Northern Liao Kingdom's embassy."

Hearing Xu Zaijing's words, the internal official quickly waved his hand to a junior internal official to pass on the message.

It was already the hottest time, and the lips of Xu Zaijing and Yelv Falcon were a little dry.

In the cool palace,

The emperor was taking a nap on the couch,

The Grand Chamberlain came over with light steps and said softly: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

"Huh? Is it time?"

"Your Majesty, the time has not yet come. The queen has brought someone here. She said yes. She said yes. Brother Jing has brought Yelv Falcon from Beiliao."

The emperor took a deep breath and sat up with the help of the chief minister.


The emperor stretched halfway and stopped:

"Who did Pohou bring here? Beiliao? What else do you know?"

"Your Majesty, I don't know much about this. I only know that Brother Jing and Na Yelv Falcon arrived outside the Donghua Gate."

In the cool palace,

Prince Zhao Fang of the Great Zhou Dynasty saw Xu Zaijing as soon as he arrived.

Later, Yelv Falcon looked at Xu Zaijing who was talking relaxedly with Zhao Fang, and his heart was slightly shocked.

At the same time, he was also considering how much benefits his identity would be obtained from the Northern Liao Dynasty by the Zhou Dynasty.

The queen of Dazhou glanced at Yeluying, smiled kindly, and waved her hand. The female officer gave Yeluying another glass of ice-cold, sweet and thirst-quenching drink.

Then, the queen continued to look at Xu Zaijing with a smile.

Zhao Fang, who was beside Xu Zaijing, wrinkled his little nose and sniffed, and asked in surprise:

"Brother Jing, what do you smell like?"

"Your Highness, it smells like sweat."

In addition to rushing and beating people, he hadn't taken a shower for almost two days, and there might be blood spots from the enemy on his body and face, so the smell was indeed stronger.

"Sniff, hey, it smells really good."

Xu Zaijing glanced at the Queen embarrassedly.

Also, the female officials and maids serving Zhao Fang were all carefully selected by the queen. They usually bathed in incense in the cool palace, so Zhao Fang could not smell the stench of sweat.

"Fang'er, what smells good?"

Before he finished speaking, the emperor walked over from the inner room.

At this time, there happened to be a breeze blowing through the hall, and the sour smell almost made the emperor suffocate. Then he saw two young men in the hall who seemed to have not washed their faces.

The emperor glanced at Xu Zaijing angrily, and Zhao Zilong also entered the palace under the guidance of the internal officials.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, I took a big ship from the Kingdom of Jin to the Zhou Dynasty. They thought that the young king did not understand the Zhou language. The person who collected the money claimed to be the Bao family of the Ruyang Marquis Mansion."

After Yelu Falcon finished speaking, Xu Zaijing said:

"Your Majesty, I was afraid that King Yan would use some dirty trick, so I thought about going to Yanzhou. Firstly, I could eliminate harm for the people, and secondly, I wanted to tell others that I am not someone to be trifled with! I didn't expect that."

After listening to what the two said, the emperor said:

"Zilong, this guy said that Yanzhou Imperial City Division has been deceived by King Yan. Do you think this is possible?"

Zhao Zilong hurriedly raised his hands and bowed deeply, pondered for a moment and then said:

"Your Majesty, I have neglected my duty. The most important thing for the Imperial City Department of Jingdong East Road right now is to help Zhaomei Peak on Huainan East Road. We are short of manpower!"

Xu Zaijing nodded approvingly. Fortunately, the old man didn't say it was Jiaogou Jin Kingdom. There was a Northern Liao royal family here.

"Your Majesty, Sir Zhao, there are elite soldiers wearing Da Zhoubu armor in the Jinyang Mountain stronghold, and there is Qiu Jing, a retainer of Prince Yan's Mansion, on the road."

Zhao Zilong hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, please go to the pigeon house and ask the officials of Qizhou Imperial City to go to Jinyang Mountain immediately."

The emperor waved his hand and said: "Draw up the decree and ask the Yasi to issue a post and send the cavalry to pick up the group of people escorting Qiu Jing, no matter how hard it is!"

The Hanlin bachelor in the main hall quickly licked the ink from his brush and wrote quickly.

"Is there someone from Marquis Ruyang who is joining the Fourth Army?"

"Your Majesty, yes! I will be promoted to the commander of the left wing of the Tianwu Army in the near future."

"Well, the people related to him have been tied up and awaiting disposal."

"Keep Prince Yan's Mansion under my watch, no one is allowed to leave, and another Prince Yan is summoned to the capital."

"Draw up the decree."

Hanlin scholars continued to write vigorously.

Looking at Xu Zaijing who quietly pushed Zhao Fang away with his hand, the emperor took a deep breath, smiled at the queen and said:

"Rinse these two people clean for me, and then bring them over to see me."

After saying that, the emperor looked at Yelv Falcon meaningfully.

Imperial City Division,


The capable officials of the Imperial City Department put the hastily written note into the bamboo tube on the pigeon's feet.

In the direction of Qizhou, Zhao Zilong released at least ten pigeons at once.

"Where is Mei Feng now?"

"The boss should be on his way back to Beijing."

"Well, let's release twenty homing pigeons along the way. We must let him reach Jinyang Mountain tonight."

After saying this, Zhao Zilong turned around and left the dovecote, and then walked towards the palace where the emperor was with high spirits.

Regardless of what King Yan had said in advance, Yelu Falcon brought back by Xu Zaijing this time was the most worthy person to dig up information about.

Outside Donghua Gate,

A hundred-strong Forbidden Army and Horse Army, equipped with light armor and sharp swords, galloped toward the east of the city, one man and two horses, without any regard for the scorching sun.

This caused the people of Bianjing to look sideways and speculate about what happened.

Another group of fifty soldiers commanding Zuoban on horseback galloped out from outside Xuande Gate and left the city through Xuanhua Gate in the southeast.

Tianwu Army station,

This team of royal guards showed their tokens and rode straight in.

After the gathering drums were played,

I heard that the decree came from the palace.

The leader of the Bao family came to the big tent with some excitement.

"I've met Mr. Pei."

Pei Yuanchen looked at the general of the Ruyang Hou family with a serious face and unfolded the imperial edict in his hand.


After finishing reading, Pei Yuanchen raised his chin and said, "Take it."

And this kid from the Bao family knelt on the ground in disbelief, staring blankly at Pei Yuanchen, not realizing what was happening!

The powerful guards removed his armor and weapons and tied him up.

He was going to take another step forward and be promoted to the commander of the left wing of the Tianwu Army!

"Master Pei, am I making a mistake? Please stop teasing me."

"take away."

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