Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 287 Maybe they got the wrong script [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

On the way back to Quyuan Street,

"Dried little fish~here~"

Among the noisy sounds of various markets,

The melodious singing voice of the small fish vendor continued,

The maid who walked to the Xu family's carriage said, "Madam, the dried fish that the girl ordered has been bought."

"Well, let's go."

There are many people on the road.

Seeing the big horse-drawn expensive carriage starting, passers-by gave way.

After walking for two quarters of an hour,

An Mei felt the car stop and said, "What's wrong?"

"Girl, look, there is a nobleman in front of you taking a concubine, and the team has blocked the road."

Hearing the words of the servant girl outside,

Anmei opened the corner of the car curtain and looked outside, and heard the voices of passers-by:

"Which noble family is this, taking a concubine in such a grand manner?"

"What honor? This is the old prince of Prince Kang's house taking a concubine!"

"Brother, you must have said it wrong. It should be Prince Kang! How old is Prince Kang now!"

Someone next to me interjected:

"That's the old prince, he is getting stronger with age! I heard that the girl is just sixteen years old this year, and someone in the family is an official in the north!"

"Tsk tsk. This is for official career, right?"

The passers-by continued to talk,

An Mei, who lowered the car curtain, looked at each other with her mother and sister-in-law.

This Prince Kang is older and older than His Majesty, so His Majesty still has to give face to some things.

Soon the team passed by, the intersection became clear, and the Xu family's carriage continued to move forward.


A young man surnamed Luan who had driven to Bianjing was happily choosing ear protection on the roadside. However, the styles he saw were all on the cute side, so he was probably buying them for a woman.

After arriving at Quyuan Street,

From time to time, the old man from the Hou Mansion would say hello to the motorcade.

After entering the gate,

When they arrived at the racecourse, the women of the Xu family in the carriage heard the roar of several horses passing by outside the carriage.

When An Mei got off the carriage, she saw five or six noble young men and their servants riding horses in the racecourse.

Seeing the Xu family's carriage approaching, the horse team slowed down at the side.

After walking the horse,

The young men on horseback greeted Sun and other female family members with their hands raised.

Mrs. Sun also got off the carriage, waved her hand and said, "You continue to play, and have dinner at my house tonight."

"Mom, they and I will go to Qingfeng Tower for dinner tonight, so you don't have to worry."

Sun nodded and said, "Then, stop drinking!"

"I got it, madam!"

After Liang Han finished speaking, he and Zheng Xiao looked at each other, and they continued to ride in the field, adjusting the pace of their mounts from time to time, hoping to reach the same point as Xu Zaijing's mount.

Looking at the people running away, the eldest lady smiled and shook her head and said: "A bunch of children are not too cold."

An Mei on the side took the raccoon slave from Qingcao's arms and said, "Why is it here today? How dare it stay with Xiao Wu?"

"Girl, it went to the yard to catch fish again."

Anmei went back to the children's room in the backyard.

Put the dried small fish bought by the servant girl into the bowl of the raccoon slave.

Looking at the raccoon slave who was eating very enthusiastically, he said: "Remember which store you bought it from, and it will eat from this store in the future!"

"Yes, girl!"

In the racecourse,

"Qingyun, go prepare some hot water."

Just as Qingyun was about to respond, Zheng Xiao on the side said: "Brother Jing, let's go directly to Qingfeng Tower. It won't be too late to wash our hands and face when we get there!"

Liang Han smiled and said, "Yes! If we don't go, Qiao Jiu, the host, will become impatient."

Xu Zaijing glanced at Zhang Fangling, the fourth man of the Zhang family next to him: "Fourth brother?"

"Let's go to Qingfeng Tower!"

"Let's go!"

In Bianjing City,

The Bianhe River, which is eight or nine feet wide, is covered with ice.

There are still traces of the previous heavy snowfall on the ice. Near the shore, there are some snowdrifts that have been cleared and melted.

Covered in ice and snow, the color of the Bianhe River is brighter than its surroundings.

Next to the Bian River is Qingfeng Tower, one of the famous restaurants in Beijing.

Although it is already dark,

But the area around Qingfeng Tower was still bustling with people.

In front of Qingfeng Tower, like Pan Tower, there are colorful towers and lanterns hanging.

Customers come and go from time to time under the lanterns. There are many vendors hanging small lanterns on both sides of the colorful building, and they also bring food and drinks from the stalls into the building from time to time.

In front of the stall, there were also many Bianjing people who came out to buy food.

"Alas! Your rabbit meat with green onions is ready."

The vendor handed the steaming dishes to the paying customers, but the customers did not reach out to take them. Instead, they looked sideways at the group of people coming off the bridge.

"Outside of the staff?"

"Oh! Come upstairs later to get a bowl!"

The guest paid, took the dish in the porcelain bowl, and looked at the group of distinguished young men coming on horseback, chatting and laughing.

Walking to the front of the building, by the light of the lantern at the door, the foreigner saw a long sword hanging on the side of the young men's horses.


The member outside took a breath of the scent of rabbit meat.

Everyone got off their horses, and each family led the horses into the side yard.

Xu Zaijing and others entered Qingfeng Tower.

The inside of the building was much brighter than the entrance, and there was a lot of excitement amidst the noise of voices.

Liang Han asked for warm water to cleanse his hands at the door.

Then he and Xu Zaijing and the others, each holding a tall sword in their hands and preparing to go upstairs, still attracted the attention of many people.

The member who had just bought rabbit meat followed Liang Han, placed the porcelain bowl on the table, glanced at Liang Han and said, "Yamen, this sword looks like it is a big sword?"

Hearing this, Liang Han curled his lips, walked up to the officer in two steps, half-drawn his long sword and said, "Take a look?"

Under the wide eyes of the other party members, Liang Han sheathed his sword and followed the pace of the people in front of him.

"Really! It's true!" The member shouted with envy.

"Brothers are finally here! Let's go inside!"

On the stairs, the young Qiao Jiulang responded,

He happily looked at the swords in everyone's hands,

"Brother Jing, his roasted mutton and wine are top notch!"

Xu Zaijing handed the sword in his hand to Qiao Jiulang on the stairs. Qiao Jiulang instantly smiled from ear to ear:

"I knew my brothers loved me."

"Let's go, go inside and take a look!"

At this time, Xu Zaijing went up to the second floor. Looking around, in the corridor on the second floor, there were many female maids and servants in extravagant clothes standing at the door.

Qingfenglou is different from Panlou. Generally speaking, the consumption level is lower than Panlou.

Because there are no Qiyun Building, Jiaofangsi, etc. near Qingfeng Building, it is very troublesome for guests to call a female musician or musician.

But there is also an advantage, that is, it is relatively clean, and there is nothing wrong with the female relatives.

This is also the reason why you can't hear the sound of wind instruments, silk and bamboo after entering the door.

Led by Zhang Fangling, a group of noble young men entered the house. Before entering, Liang Han said to the young man from Qingfenglou who was following him:

"There are also two seats prepared at the door, waiting for the boys to come up and sit there."

Everyone washed their hands in the room, eating roasted mutton and talking.

For Zhang Fangling, the legitimate son of the Duke of Guo, there is actually no shortage of big and tall swords in the palace, but he is a good swordsman and all the good swords are used by his father and brother. It is not his turn yet. Now he has the opportunity to get one for himself. , will naturally take action.

Qiao Jiulang stroked the long sword in his hand. The Qiao family also had money, but they were not rich enough to spend thousands of dollars to buy him a sword, so Qiao Jiulang paid Xu Zaijing in "instalments", of course, without interest.

Talking in the room,

Qingyun, Diaoche and other servants were also sitting outside today, eating roasted mutton and drinking lightly.

After drinking four or five glasses of wine, listening to the laughter of the gentlemen in the room,

The boy led by Zhang Fang touched the wine cups with Qingyun.

At this time, a gorgeously dressed female servant with a beautiful face followed the waiter from Qingfenglou to the table with a meat dish in her hand.

"Gentlemen, I have a guest to add some food to you."

After speaking, the waiter stepped aside, revealing the female servant behind him.

The female envoy gave a blessing and said:

"My master said that seeing how a few petty officials met each other, it may be your first time here, so he sent your servant to bring you this Qingfenglou's signature dish to try."

After finishing speaking, she looked around everyone with doubts in her eyes.

The young boys sitting there had all stood up at this time, and their faces were also confused.

"We don't know each other, so let's forget it. Thank you for your kindness, master."

Qingyun cupped his hands and said.

"My master is right there, and some of the officials may be able to take a look."

The young men present turned around and saw a plump woman standing not far away with a small dog in her arms and a female servant behind her.

Seeing everyone looking over, the woman squatted for a moment.

Diao Che turned around and looked at Qingyun, who was a head taller than him and had broad shoulders and a broad back. He then looked at the woman not far away.

After looking at each other with the other boys, he hesitated to speak, and finally burst into laughter.

The boy from the Zhang family asked with a smile: "Go, go, we don't want the food! I'll come back after you find out your identity!"

After saying that, everyone started laughing again.

Still Qingyun smiled and bowed his hands and said: "Thank you for your kindness, master!"

After the female envoy stared at Qingyun, she bowed and turned to leave.

Qingyun smiled and shook his head, and sat down again with the other boys. Just when he was about to raise his glass to drink, the female envoy came back and said:

"My master said"

Qingyun stopped laughing, stood up and stared at the female envoy, saying seriously: "Please respect yourself."

The female envoy was stunned for a moment, then turned and left.

At this time, the waiter in the building came to add meat and charcoal and fished in the driveway: "Whose family does that person just come from?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the female envoy who was leaving.

The waiter said, "Oh! That's the wife of the blacksmith Zhang's family, a wealthy family nearby."

Hearing this, the servants raised their eyebrows.

The waiter continued:

"I heard that because her husband's family sold the Dagao sword she had as a dowry, she just returned home with Li in the second half of the year."

"When they divorced, all eight of her brothers died. But the Dagao Sword can never be redeemed."

After serving the food, the waiter shook his head and left.

Qingyun and the others sitting together looked at each other and said, "Did we misunderstand something?"

As he said that, he looked at the young man fishing cart who was lowering his head to eat vegetables.

"Come on, don't think about it anymore!"

The young man from the Qiao family raised his wine glass. When everyone put down their wine glasses after drinking,

A man's shout erupted from the private room not far away,

After the noise subsided, there was a burst of animal chirping,

The young man from the Zheng family looked back at the room where the sound came from, then turned around and said:

"This deer's call is quite similar to what it imitates."

Just finished,

Over there came the call of the night bird again,

"Could it be that the ventriloquist from Vasheli is eating? Okay! I'm done here. I can't drink any more. I have to go back with the young master later!"

After the Zhang family boy finished speaking, Qingyun and others nodded, put down their wine glasses and stopped drinking.

Two quarters of an hour later,

Xu Zaijing hugged Qiao Jiu and Liang Han at the same time and came out of the room.

Seeing this, the boys hurriedly came over. Xu Zaijing said: "Let's go, take them to change clothes."

After the boys took over, Xu Zaijing followed them without any problems.

When passing by the door of the room where the noise just occurred, the waiter at the door was very puzzled and said to the person inside:

"Sir, do you want a rope?"

A person who looked like a translator said: "Yes! They want a rope!"

Xu Zaijing glanced inside and saw a big man with shaved hair and wearing furs in the room.

Some of them were holding wine jars and drinking, while others were eating meat.

When I came back from changing clothes,

Liang Han and Qiao Jiulang woke up a little.

Following Xu Zaijing,

Qingyun told Xu Zaijing what had just happened: "Master, I guess, does the Zhang family want to buy a sword?"

Xu Zaijing nodded.

When passing by the door of the room where I just asked for the rope,

There was a banging sound from inside the door, as if someone was banging on the door with their body.

Xu Zaijing and Qingyun looked at each other,

Qingyun said hesitantly:

"Sir, will something happen inside again?"

Xu Zaijing: "How can there be so many things for us to encounter?"

Qingyun pursed his lips and said, "I haven't encountered many of you."

As they were talking, everyone happened to pass by the door.

At this time, the door was opened, and a tied Jin warrior appeared behind the door.

After he staggered out, he sat on the ground leaning against the pillar at the door. He obviously drank a lot.

the second,

The third,

Soon there were three or four warriors at the door. After someone rolled on the ground a few times,

The rope on his body became loose for some unknown reason.

At this time, Liang Han and Qiao Jiulang happened to be passing by with the young man. After drinking, he accidentally knocked the drunk warrior with his foot.


The Jin warrior let go of the rope and grabbed Liang Han's ankle.

With a pull, Liang Han almost fell down.

Just when he was about to curse, Liang Han felt his eyes spinning. He was already lying on the ground.

Immediately, his body sank, and the Jin Kingdom warrior was already riding on him. Then his neck tightened, and in his blurred vision, a man was coming towards him with a fist raised.


Liang Han felt a light touch on his neck and body, and the person riding on him had disappeared from his sight.

Qiao Jiulang, who was following at the end, looked at the black shadow flying past him in confusion, but he still hadn't realized what was going on.

At this time,

In the room where the samurai came out just now, other people who heard the noise came out,

Eight or nine people walked fairly smoothly, but they smelled very drunk.

A young man in the lead quickly ran to the warrior who was kicked away by Xu Zaijing, touched his neck and shouted something that Xu Zaijing could not understand.

The seven or eight people who came out were breathing heavily.

The fishing cart quickly pulled Liang Han aside. Liang Han looked at the situation and said urgently: "Go, go and call someone."

The group of powerful Jin warriors gradually approached Xu Zaijing.

Qingyun clenched his fists, and Xu Zaijing was also ready to fight.


These seven or eight majestic Jin warriors stopped and

Caress your breasts,

Bow down,

He shouted in a muffled voice:


"Clam Tower Arm!"

The person at the door of the room translated: "Little official! They said thank you! Later they apologized to you!"

Xu Zaijing:? ? ? Why don't we talk about it without a fight?

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