Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 289 The Troublemaker [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

The laws of the Zhou Dynasty prohibited crossbows but not bows.

The reason,

First, it takes a long time to train for the lethality of a bow, but for crossbows, ordinary people can train for one or two days.

Second, the power of the crossbow is too great. Usually people in the Zhou Dynasty can draw a bow of about one stone to be a leader, but Zhang Nu uses all his strength, so a big crossbow can easily take more than two stones.

And the powerful crossbows used by the Great Zhou Forbidden Army were even more powerful!

This is why the crossbow nailed Prince Yong to the pillar.

Qingfeng Tower

second floor,

Zheng Xiao threw Liang Han to the ground. After looking around, he immediately figured out what happened.

He held the scabbard tightly and walked towards Prince Jing angrily.

"Ru Xie Niang!"

After shouting and cursing, he walked up to Prince Jing. Zheng Xiao even raised the scabbard of his sword, but after dancing a few times, he didn't smash it down!

Zheng Xiao threw away the scabbard, grabbed Prince Jing's clothes with both hands, lifted him up, and looked downstairs again.

However, Prince Jing was eventually thrown to the ground on the second floor.

Then he walked up to the two guards, slapped them hard, and cursed angrily:

"You thief! How dare you bring out such a sharp weapon in the army?"

"Qian Xie Niang!"

Zheng Xiao is not so much venting his anger as he is venting his fear.

As a noble son, he knows the power of this crossbow.

If Xu Zaijing hadn't helped him just now, he would have been penetrated through the chest!

On the other side, Zhang Fangling also had some chills on his head. He frowned at all this, pointed at Qin Chihan who turned around, and shouted angrily: "Don't let them run away!"

As soon as Zhang Fangling's voice came out, Qin Chihan ran faster.

Seeing this, Xu Zaijing took off the jade pendant from his waist. He originally aimed at Qin Chihan's head, but after thinking about the power of his throw, he changed his aim to his knees.


The jade pendant hit Qin Chihan's knee, and Qin Chihan fell to the ground. After a few moments of reaction, he hugged his knee and groaned.

When all this happened,

A young and short boy from Prince Tan's Mansion dressed in black,

He stared blankly at the hair that had fallen down in front of his eyes, and then looked at Prince Yong who was screaming in the distance, and fell into the servant's arms with his legs weak.

In front of him, Lu Sanlang, the Duke of Ling's family, was letting the attendants of the Duke's palace look at his neck, shouting:

"Is the injury serious? Will I die!?"

"Don't worry, Saburo, it's just a scratch!"

After hearing the words of his entourage, Lu Sanlang closed his eyes and took a breath for the rest of his life.

The most seriously injured Prince Yong, who was nailed to a pillar, was still howling:

"Quick! Save me! Xu Wulang, how dare you shoot me with your fucking bow! I want my father to kill you!"

Then he yelled at the servant: "You dog slave! Ah! Find a way to save me!"

Just now, Prince Yong had his back turned to Xu Zaijing and his party, and he had no idea what was going on!

Looking at Qingyun walking past, the Korean official Han Chengyun standing next to him swallowed his saliva and said:

"Prince, no, it's not him, it was Prince Jing who shot it with the crossbow we played with!"

The temperature in the restaurant was still high, coupled with the pain, Prince Yong's face was already sweating.

But Han Chengyun's words made Prince Yong stunned for a moment, and then he frowned in pain and asked: "What the hell did you say!!?"

Han Chengyun said in embarrassment: "Your Majesty, it was Prince Jing who shot you with a crossbow."

"What a fucking idiot! Me, you, Han Chengyun, please find a way to save me! It hurts so much!! Ouch!"

As he spoke, Prince Yong began to cry.

When the two of them were talking,

Qingyun had already grabbed Qin Chihan's collar and dragged him over. The attendant of Dongchang Houfu wanted to step forward, but Liang Han pointed at him.

The attendants around Prince Yong looked at Qingyun's approaching figure and said, "You, you, I'm going to find the doctor!"

Qingyun looked at Xu Zaijing and Zhang Fangling,

Zhang Fangling looked at the blood flowing down the arrow shaft and nodded.

Qingyun nodded, dragged Qin Chihan to the pillar where Prince Yong's son was, and said to the entourage of Prince Yong's Mansion: "Please."

Immediately, the two walked outside.

Seeing Qin Chihan, the painful Prince Yong kicked him without saying anything.

This movement stretched his wounds, causing him to cry out again,

After calming down for a while, he spit out the water and shouted: "Playing with your mother's crossbow, you are so stupid!"

Hear the noise,

Wanyan Zongjun and other Jin warriors who were about to leave just now returned to the building.

Looking at the scene on the second floor, several warriors laughed muffledly.

Wanyan Zongjun left three of his companions who were interested in the drunkenness, and the others walked closer together to have a look.

The people who were so arrogant just now are now standing or leaning in the corridor on the second floor in disheveled clothes.

There were several people in the middle, rolling around in pain and wailing.

Then, Wanyan Zongjun and the others saw the powerful crossbow thrown aside by Prince Jing.

He glanced again at the crossbow arrow that had penetrated into the floor.

When the Jin warriors were about to take a few steps forward to pick it up, a figure appeared in front of them.

Xu Zaijing shook his head at them, and Zheng Xiao, who was questioning the guard with a crossbow, also turned around and stood next to Xu Zaijing.

I saw the strongest guard of Prince Jing’s Mansion just now, lying on the ground.

However, both Xu Zaijing and Zheng Xiao had no injuries on their bodies.

He took another look at Xu Zaijing, who had no trace of nervousness or excitement in his eyes and looked extremely normal.

Wanyan Zongjun smiled and was about to retreat.

"Barbarians! You guys, beat them to death, gold? Silver? Women? Whatever you want, I will never answer back!"

The miserable Prince Jing looked at the majestic Jin warriors, followed their eyes, laughed, and said:

"Crossbow? Do you want a crossbow? Okay! Crush them both and I'll give it to you!!!"

"Translator, what the hell are you looking at me for? Talk to these barbarians!"

Prince Jing, who was throbbing in pain, shouted angrily.

Wanyan Zongjun said in some bad Zhou dialect: "Is he a roe deer?"

Hearing this, Zheng Xiao turned his head and looked at Xu Zaijing in confusion. Xu Zaijing said: "Roe deer, you are stupid."

The translator on the side raised his chin, but glanced at Prince Jing who was watching beside him and did not click on it.

Wanyan Zongjun glanced at Prince Jing, nodded to Xu Zaijing, smiled, and then walked down with the others.

After going down the stairs, there was a Jin warrior who looked back upstairs and then stood next to Wanyan Zongjun and said in Jin dialect:

"Mr. Lang, that weapon can actually shoot arrows deep into the wood. It's extremely powerful! You should give it a try."

Wanyan Zongjun looked at the somewhat embarrassed translator beside him and said:

"It is not good to use force at this time! Just pray to His Majesty the Emperor of Zhou to grant me the Kingdom of Jin."

"Besides, that boy gave me the feeling that he was too dangerous."

When they were talking and going out,

A group of government officials were walking in.

Upstairs, Xu Zaijing took off the crossbow string and handed it to Zheng Xiao.

He walked a few steps and squatted down next to the guard of Prince Jing's Mansion whom Qingyun had just destroyed.

Seeing the guard's sweat dripping from Rejia's pain and his eyes full of hatred,

Xu Zaijing carefully recalled the battle outside Yangzhou City before.

He looked at the guard's face and said doubtfully:

"Hey, in my memory, you do look a bit like that gangster. What's your relationship?"

"It doesn't matter, he is just a villain who betrayed the palace! What he did has nothing to do with the palace."

Xu Zaijing said with disbelief.

Looking at the government servant walking up the stairs, Xu Zaijing saw a familiar face and nodded with a smile.

The few government servants who were following Li Mubai looked at the bloody scene but it was fine.

However, this group of richly dressed noble men made them a little nervous.

Afterwards, Agent Li forced out a fake smile and began to command his subordinates.

After arranging the gatekeeping, finding witnesses, and clearing the Yamen, the eyes of the last Yamen servant behind Li Mubai were filled with admiration.

The yamen servant whispered:

"Boss Li is awesome! You are so calm and composed."

"By the way, Mr. Li, how often have you seen this kind of scene in Pan Tower and Fan Tower before?"

Li Mubai shook his head with a straight face and said, "Not much."

"So, how many times have you seen it? Which one was the bigger scene?"

"Go, go out and see if the doctor is here."

"It's Mr. Li."

Xu Shizhong (8 p.m.)

Near Qingfeng Tower,

It soon became lively,

In the cold winter, after hearing the footsteps of soldiers and the sound of cavalry running outside, many people looked through the cracks in the door.

I also saw soldiers holding torches, but they didn't drive them away fiercely. There were some lively ones on the second floor of their homes, or climbing on ladders and peeking out from the courtyard wall to watch.

There were also passers-by on horseback who stopped and said after seeing the carriage inside:

"Hey! What happened? Our Lord Yin Gu of Kaifeng Prefecture is here."

Although Mr. Gu's surname is Gu, his ancestral home is Yuezhou and has nothing to do with the two princely houses.

Inside the Qingfeng Building,

Kaifeng Governor Gu Lin and his officials came to the second floor with frowns.

Looking at the order in the building, the second-rank official of Great Zhou asked: "Who was the first to arrive here?"

"My lord, this is a humble position."

"Well, good job!"

"Thank you for the commendation, sir!"

After speaking, Gu Lin turned around and looked at the crossbows and crossbow arrows on the ground and narrowed his eyes. Although there was no emotion or anger on his face, the officials behind him lowered their heads slightly.

Walking forward and looking at the crossbow arrows stuck on the floor, Gu Lin pondered for a moment.

He looked up and saw that the injured person sitting on the chair on the second floor had been bandaged by the doctor, either on the shoulders, neck, arms, or even the whole body lying on the ground.

Gu Lin sighed deeply and said:

"Shiro, the British public servant, come and tell us what happened!"

Zhang Fangling bowed and bowed his hands and said:

"Sir, I heard this from the boy next to Liulang of the Liang family in the room."

After listening, Gu Lin nodded and said:

"You can also tell me about the Korean government."

Han Chengyun:

"Sir, I went upstairs with the two princes and Prince Tan's son. It was just a joke. I didn't expect the Wulang of the Xu family."

Gu Lin waited for him to finish speaking and then nodded to the official beside him, "Have you written it all down?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Xu Kagoro, what about you?"

Xu Zaijing bowed and said:

"Sir, I was also joking with my boy. There was a group of thieves in Yangzhou with a vain attempt."

"Seeing Prince Jing raising his crossbow again, Wan Xue threw the dagger for the sake of everyone on the second floor."

After hearing this, Gu Lin's expression softened a little, and he nodded:

"Well, it can be considered as eliminating harm for the people!"

I don’t know who the ‘harm’ is, but the princes and young masters from the families of King Jing and Duke Guo all looked embarrassed.

"Are you studying in Laozhuang's bookstore now?"



"Take the college examination after the year."

"Yeah! Don't slack off."

"Yes, sir."

After Gu Lin finished speaking, he turned back and looked to the side and said, "Aren't the masters who are responsible for the case of Zong Zhengsi and the Secretary in front of the palace and pushing the case here yet?"

The official next to him glanced downstairs and replied: "Sir, Mr. Zongzheng Sihui has just entered the building and is coming over."

Gu Lin nodded.

"Sir, my eldest son is seriously injured. Why don't we let my eldest son recover from his injuries first?"

As soon as the servant spoke, Prince Jing on the side shouted in pain and said, "Let's go! Find Grandpa Hui Wang!"

Gu Lin narrowed his eyes and said:


"What? The prince has been staying in the domain for a long time?"

"You think that since you have a grandfather who is a great general who helped the country, I can't control you?"

Prince Jing was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Gu Lin: "You! Okay, okay, then I'll wait for Grandpa Hui Wang to come over."

As he spoke, he tapped Gu Lin with his uninjured hand.

Zong Zhengsi Si Zhenghui, the old prince, panted up to the second floor. When he saw Gu Lin standing up, he hurriedly bowed his hands in greeting.

After listening to Gu Lin explain the situation clearly in a few words, Prince Hui looked angrily at the juniors of the two palaces and said:

"When I was young, I had many fights with the Lu family, his Zhang family, your Han family, and your Lu family!"

"But I have never lost! I have never used such a military weapon. What do you want to do? Can't you kill people?"

Hearing this prince say ‘never lost’,

Zhang Jiashilang quickly lowered his head, hiding his eyes. This was not what his father, the British father, said before.

"You are just like your father!"

Prince Jing lowered his head, his eyes full of dissatisfaction and impatience.

At this time,

Outside Qingfeng Building

All the princes and nobles related to this matter gathered outside the building at this time.

Although each family kept asking, the soldiers and yamen who maintained order just stopped them and refused to let them in.

Finally, the governor of Kaifeng came out of the building and said:

"My lords and madam, I will go to see Your Majesty in a moment!"

"How to deal with the princes and young masters of each family? Please go outside the imperial city to listen to His Majesty's orders."

After finishing speaking, the Kaifeng governor ignored the voices around him and went straight to the carriage.

The government servants who maintained order still did not retreat, but waited for the noble princes from various families in the building to help, carry, or walk out on their own to follow Mr. Gu's carriage.

When the sons of Dongchang Houfu and Hanguo Gongfu came out with their legs lame and their necks wrapped,

The female relatives of both families came

‘Son! What’s wrong with you! ’

"Sir, are you okay?" he shouted, as if crying in mourning.

The boys from the two families shouted a few words quickly, and the mother of Duke Lu Sanlang immediately started to scold Sang and Huai.

The princes Yong Wang and Jing Wang who were carried out even made the family members and retainers of the two palaces sway against the government officials who maintained order.

"His Majesty, what happened to him!? Speak!"

People in the palace shouted loudly and asked,

The attendants of Prince Yong's Mansion hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty, he was pierced in the shoulder by Crown Prince Jing with a crossbow, and he bled a lot!"

"The eldest son of our family had his legs broken by the Zheng family and the Yongyi Hou family! His arm was also stabbed! He was also thrown!"

Upon hearing this, Prince Yong's Mansion and Duke Lingguo's Mansion got into a fight. There were already servants pushing and shoving, and a fight was about to begin.

At this time, Xu Zaijing walked out while talking to his friends.

The retainers and servants of Prince Jing's Mansion no longer guarded Prince Yong's Mansion, but shouted at Xu Zaijing and Zheng Xiao:

"It's a crime to hurt someone!"

"It's even more sinful to injure a clan member!"

Xu Zaijing, on the other hand, mounted his horse as if he had not heard anything. The Kaifeng Mansion Yamen servant led the horse towards the imperial city.

On the way, Xu Zaijing bowed his hands to Zai Zhang and Gu Tingyu who were coming over.

British Duke Zhang Jiasanlang looked at Silang and nodded, then shouted to Zheng Xiao:

"Don't worry, I will tell your sister-in-law that you are fine!"

Zheng Xiao hurriedly said:

"No, no! Third brother, don't say anything! It's not like you don't know my sister-in-law's temper."

After all the people were gone, the government officials and soldiers who maintained order and the families followed.

There were also idle men in Bianjing who had good things to do. They went to the hotels along the road to shout and watch the excitement. Those idle men were rewarded with some copper coins.

On the road leading to Xuandemen,

Although there are many merchants hanging lanterns on the Royal Street, the light is still a bit dim. From time to time, people are asking each other which young master is riding the horse.

"It sounds like the bus companies in South Korea are all suffering!"

"Well, that Xu Jiawulang, he is the one I often see in the morning."

"Sitting so firmly, it seems like nothing is wrong!"

Rongxian, who had just arrived here, came to the front through the gap between the tall servants, jumped on his feet and shouted:

"Brother Jing! Why didn't you call me?"

"Yo! Fourth Brother Zhang!"

When someone walked over, Rongxian shook his head and said:

"Oh, how much excitement I have missed!"

"Go and wait at the gate of the imperial city, and find out what happened!"

The two servants beside him hurriedly responded.

Afterwards, Rongxian got on the sedan next to him and said, "Go back, our home is close to the palace."

There are servants who can run fast and get the whole story from the idle man who calls for help, and explain it clearly on the way.

Back to South Lecture Hall Lane,

Rongxian came to Huixueyuan,

In Rong Feiyan's anxious look, he finished the matter at a speed that was too fast.

Rong Feiyan stomped her feet bitterly and said, "He, he is such a troublemaker!"

In the palace,

The emperor looked at the memorial from the governor of Kaifeng and said,

If something was unclear, the emperor asked a few more questions,

"Well! Just don't let them enter the palace! The ones who do it are right at the entrance of the palace, one person with ten sticks!"

"Hit me hard!"

"Check carefully where the crossbow came from and tell me tomorrow morning!"

After the governor of Kaifeng resigned,

Looking at the guards who were ordered to carry out the execution,

The emperor sighed and said, "Go and get the secret report from King Jing's domain."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Two quarters of an hour later,

Zhao Zilong was summoned to the palace,

"Zilong, what are you talking about here, saying that I was torn apart by you?"

"Your Majesty, it's just crazy rumors!"


"My lord, I dare not say anything."

"I forgive you for not being guilty"

"The secret report said that in King Jing's vassal territory, someone said, 'This prince will not live long.'"

The emperor's movements stopped for a moment.


The extremely valuable incense burner on the imperial desk was swept to the ground!

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