Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 297 There is someone above us [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】


"Ziteng, go for Yunmu!"

Yunmu, who was walking out, turned around and looked over.

"You guys get out too!"

After hearing Chai Zhengzheng's words, the other female servants in the room bowed and walked out of the room.

Only the master and the servant were left.

"How's the matter that I asked you to inquire about?"

Yunmu stood in front of Chai Zhengzheng's table and whispered:

"Girl, this servant has heard about it and the rumors are true! The Xu family has been robbed!"

"There are rumors in the capital that several vassal kings were responsible."

Chai Zhengzheng frowned and nodded: "Well, is there anyone in his family that we can help with?"

Yunmu shook his head and said:

"Girl, no!"

"The Xu family is also a Hou family, with many relatives! Lian Guogong's family is also related to the Xu family! How can we help you?"

Seeing Yunmu's hesitation, Chai Zhengzheng asked:

"What's wrong?"

Yunmu said:

"On the street, my servant heard that the Kaifeng Mansion's police officers were busy looking for traces of thieves. They found one and were rewarded with hundreds of silver coins!"

"A reward of silver?"

Chai Zhengzheng rolled his eyes, waved to Yunmu and said:

"Go and get this girl's change book."

The Spring Festival is approaching on the streets of Bianjing,

As in previous years, it was full of vendors selling peach charms, door gods, and hanging paintings.

Most of the best-selling New Year pictures are those with doors full of gold ingots, or ones with donkeys and carts pulling a cart full of treasures.

Amidst all kinds of shouts,

There are still Kaifeng government officials holding knives and holding portraits to question passers-by.

The government officials had just finished asking a vendor,

When he looked up, he happened to see a familiar rogue from Bianjing holding a few pieces of paper in his hand.

Seeing the yamen officer looking over, the rogue idler quickly raised his hands and said hello.

"Let me tell you, Bao Si'er, you didn't hear any valuable news two days ago. Aren't you feeling cold because you can't say it?"

The idle man smiled flatteringly and said:

"This is not a reward from Master Cheng. He said that from today on, as long as he gets the hundred guan of silver rewarded by Kaifeng Mansion, he will add another 50 guan!"

"Youngster wants to have a good year too!"

The detective frowned and asked, "Which Mr. Cheng?"

The idle man cupped his hands and said: "My ancestor Cheng Guogong is now the Second Master Cheng in the Inspection Department. If you guys get the reward, you can go find him!"

Several detectives looked at each other, and one of them said:

"Okay, I got it! Bao Si'er, there's really news. Don't just think about money! Be careful!"

The idle man cupped his hands.

On New Year's Eve,

At the beginning of Si Shi (9 a.m.)

The emperor was wearing a grand and formal dragon robe, sitting on a chair, looking at the post in his hand.

Prince Zhao Fang was also wearing brand new clothes, standing next to the queen who was holding her sister and sitting on the embroidered pier.

The Kaifeng Mansion was openly investigating the culprits, while the Imperial City officials, under Zhao Zilong's arrangement, focused on investigating those who had not returned since the morning of the incident.

In particular, the information provided by Zhaotaifeng to the Imperial City Division came from what Jin Chuihuan said in the room of Bai Gaoguo's building, "the person who sneaked into Bianjing in the past six months."

With these two conditions, the Imperial City Division's investigation was very fast.

The emperor placed the post on the table:

"Yes, we were able to investigate so many things in this short period of time!"

"Hurry up and fix these loopholes! People, they should be dealt with and don't leave any future troubles!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

At this time, the chief minister, who was dressed differently than usual, said at the door:

"Your Majesty, the Nuo Ceremony is about to begin!"

The emperor nodded, stood up, came to the queen's side, stretched out his hand,

Zhao Fang quickly led him up.

A group of four people walked towards the outside of the palace.

Outside the main hall,

Standing were several burly and majestic palace guards wearing shiny armor.

There is also a copper mask on his face.

At the bottom of the steps were palace maids, men and women dressed as gods such as the Great Zhou God, immortals, earth gods, etc. Some of them were still covered in dust.

It seemed like it was rolling on the ground.

The chief minister, on the other hand, stood beside the emperor, empress, princes and princesses, waving a special fly whisk, chanting words to dispel diseases and drive away evil spirits, and then turned around a few times.

Holding the whisk in his hand, he walked to the crowd at the foot of the steps.

Afterwards, the group of almost a thousand people walked towards Xuandemen.

On the way out of the palace, from time to time someone pretended to run out of the crowd, and then was pushed back into the crowd by the golden-armored warrior.

Soon, everyone arrived outside Xuande Gate, the south gate of the imperial city.

After the door is opened,

The people of Bianjing who were beside the imperial street made a noise.

When everyone leaving the palace was beating drums, gongs, and bamboo boards while walking down the imperial street,

The wealthy people of Bianjing, as well as the distinguished officials and officials, also stood on the roadside, patting their clothes and chanting words of prayer for good health and elimination of disasters.

I saw someone kneeling by the roadside holding a child.

People pretending to be gods came out of the palace, and some of them would wave weapons or vibrate their robes and pass by the kneeling people, taking signs that would bring blessings and take away disasters.

From Xuandemen to Nanxunmen in the southernmost part of Bianjing Outer City,

The road was full of people. When the team of the golden-armored gods passed by, some followed, while others simply dispersed.

After leaving Nanxun Gate, there were still many people on both sides of the road.

After walking forward for a while, there was a pool. The people who came out of the palace threw their dirty clothes beside the pool. Some of them pretended to be gods related to fire and set them on fire.

Finally, the ashes were thrown into the pool, and everyone went back.

The pond is not far away,

There are several noble princes from Bianjing who are dressed luxuriously.

They were all riding horses, or wearing cloaks, or wearing ear protection.

Xu Zaijing, who was riding a Liju, looked at the child in front of him and said, "Zezong, that is Zhuanlongchi!"

Liju's horse has a high back, and the young Lu Zezong can see clearly what's ahead without raising his neck. He raised his head and said crisply:

"Brother, I've always heard from my mother before, but today is the first time I've seen him!"

"Brother Zong, if you want to see anything next time, come to me and I will take you there!" Zhang Fangling shouted at the side.

Lu Zezong said crisply: "Okay, cousin."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Zaijing, Gu Tingye, Liang Han, and Qi Heng all laughed.

With Mrs. Wu's help, the wedding date of the fourth son of the Duke of Guo was also set. He was a cousin of the Duke of Lian, and Lu Zezong wanted to call him his cousin.

"We've finished reading the Great Nuo Yi. It's still early? Why don't we go back from Xinzheng Gate?"

Liang Han looked at the mounts of the other people, pulled the white scarf on his face and said, "I'll take the first step! Ha!"

With that said, his horse ran away.

Gu Tingye reacted quickly, shook the reins, and the horse he sat on obeyed and ran out.

Qi Heng put on his ear protection and said, "Brother Jing, I'm leaving too!"

Seeing that all the servants around him were leaving one by one, Lu Zezong raised his head, turned around and asked:

"Brother, don't we chase him?"

Liju walked slowly,

Xu Zaijing wrapped his cloak tightly around Lu Zezong, leaving only his eyes exposed and said:

"Let them run for a while, otherwise they will lose ugly."

Xu Zaijing fixed Lu Zezong under the cloak with one hand, and shook the reins lightly with the other hand:

"Let's go!"


Liju suddenly stood upright.

After Lu Zezong exclaimed in shock, Li Ju started running slowly and accelerated with all four hooves on the ground.

Lu Zezong was the only child in Lian Guogong's family. As grandparents, the old Lian Guogong and his wife were really afraid that it would melt when they were held in their mouths, and they were afraid of falling when they held it in their hands.

For the young Lu Zezong to ride a horse was something that had never happened before.

Lu Zezong's father is no longer alive. He has never ridden on horseback, but mostly in carriages.

However, the carriage cannot see the scenery on horseback.

As the horse's speed became faster and faster, young Lu Zezong's eyes became more and more excited.

Xu Zaijing looked down at his cheap adoptive brother. Looking at his appearance, he patted Li Ju's neck again.

Liju understood what Xu Zaijing meant and sped up.

Bianjing Outer City

On the tall city wall,

A group of Imperial Guard soldiers were patrolling above with their spears under their arms, led by the custody officer.

When passing by the Imperial Guards comrades who were facing out at the crenel,

From time to time they heard people exclaiming, which made them very curious about what was outside the city.

Finally, they reached the foot of a city gate. Under the command of the custody officer, the group of off-duty soldiers broke up and prepared to enter the city gate to warm up.

Some people came to the city wall in small steps and looked outside.

When greeting his colleagues, the noise attracted everyone in the building.

The city wall is more than four feet high, and it feels like you are on the fourth floor of Fan Tower. In addition, the weather is nice and you can see far.

In the sight of the Imperial Guardsmen,

I saw a black horse running very fast on the official road around Bianjing outside the city.

The knight's clothes on horseback were blown behind him,

In front of the black horse, there is also a horse running at a slow speed.

But they were still surpassed one by one by this dark horse.

Na Dutou sighed:

"Hey! This horse looks like it's coming to our Xinzheng Gate! Come on, let's go down and have a look!"

Today is New Year's Eve, there are very few people passing by outside the city, and it is near Bianjing. The official road is flat and wide, and Liju is running very happily.

When Xu Zaijing and Lu Zezong in his arms saw Zhang Fangling's back,

Zhang Fangling was looking back when he noticed Li Ju,

"Drive! Drive!"


The sound of whipping horses reached their ears far away,

When I was about to catch up, I had already arrived near Xinzheng Gate.

The flow of people out of the city on the road has increased.

Zhang Fangling slowed down his horse, and Xu Zaijing also pulled the reins.

After walking a certain distance, the horse turned into a slow walk.

The horse they were sitting on was panting and puffing out white breath. Zhang Fang led:

"I thought it would be Gu Erlang chasing after me, but I didn't expect it was you two!"

"Brother Zong, is it fun to ride a horse?"

Lu Zezong, whose face turned red from the blow, nodded vigorously: "Cousin, it's so fun!"

Zhang Fangling raised his eyebrows.

After waiting outside the city for a short while, after a few others followed, everyone entered the city through Xinzheng Gate.

Before leaving the cave,

Several Forbidden Army military attachés were waiting at the door.

The first thing they all did was feast their eyes on Liju.

Then he looked at the first two noble boys, but he didn't recognize any of them. When he saw Gu Tingye,

His eyes lit up,

After bowing his hands to Zhang Fangling and Xu Zaijing, he looked at Gu Tingye behind them and said:

"My subordinates have met Erlang! Erlang has auspicious Spring Festival and everything goes well!"

Gu Tingye was stunned for a moment, but after looking at the military attaché's attire and making a rough distinction, he nodded.

Seeing this, everyone raised their chins towards Zhique:

"Reward! Everything goes well for you too."

The imperial guards who received a piece of silver all turned their heads towards Zhique and saluted again.

After everyone had gone away, the imperial guard turned to his subordinates and said:

"Du Tou, whose noble son is that?"

Nadu put away the money, gathered his clothes and said:

"The second son of the Gu family of Marquis Ningyuan! I met him before following the commander to the Marquis' Mansion for New Year greetings!"

Looking at the probing eyes of his subordinates,

The military attache, who had received the reward and face, turned around and walked towards the stone stairs beside the city wall, saying as he walked:

"The commander's uncle died in the war with Gu Zhongkai, the second master of the Gu family of Marquis Ningyuan. Every year he goes to the Marquis' mansion to pay New Year's greetings."

Another subordinate nodded quickly:

"Then our relationship with the commander is strong enough!"

"That's right! Work hard and you'll have a chance to go there in the future!"

They all climbed up the city wall. When he entered the city gate tower, the people outside the building looked at each other and dispersed.

Xu Zaijing and others walked slowly along the street and entered the inner city from Yiqiu Gate.

When walking towards the imperial city, because it was New Year's Eve, everyone began to take shortcuts and go back to their homes one by one.

It was still early when Xu Zaijing returned to Quyuan Street.

But on the roadside, children from the old home of the Hou Mansion like Chu Zhan were already playing.

The most common action he made was to raise his index finger to his mouth to signal to speak quieter.

After entering the gate,

Looking at Lu Zezong's personal maid from Lian Guogong's family who had been waiting at the concierge in worry, he did it again and pointed at the cloak.

Grandma was also smart, so she immediately softened her movements and did not shout.

At this time, Lu Zezong had retreated into his cloak and fell asleep leaning in front of Xu Zaijing.

Xu Zaijing didn't even wake up when he carried him off the horse.

After Xu Zaijing dismounted, a crack was exposed, allowing the personal nurse to take a closer look at Lu Zezong, who was sleeping soundly.

Then he carried him back to Sun's courtyard.

When the female envoy in Sun's courtyard saw Xu Zaijing's actions, she also understood that there was someone under the cloak and hurriedly entered the room to spread the word.

When Xu Zaijing entered the room, the voices inside were much lower. He placed Lu Zezong on the hot bed,

When they were taking off his clothes, he woke up for a moment, and closed his eyes again under the words of his nanny, "Go to sleep, go to bed."

After covering Xu Zaijing's nephew with a quilt, Mrs. Sun turned to look at the Lu family's nanny and said:

"As soon as he sleeps, he won't be sleepy at night!"

Mammy smiled and said: "That's what the madam said!"

In the hall, Xu Zaijing's cloak was being held aside by Hua Xiang and put away.

Xu Zaijing stood aside and whispered to his sister Anmei.

"Xiaowu, I heard that the Lu family sent firecrackers? You must let me light two, no! Three!"

Xu Zaijing nodded and said: "Well, the firecrackers belong to you, and the fireworks belong to me!"

"What? There are also fireworks!"

An Mei asked in a low voice.

Zai Zhang on the side turned his head and looked over:

"How old are you? You're going to be a lady next year, why are you still so playful!"

An Mei pursed her lips, changed chairs, walked to Hua Lan and sat down.

Zai Zhang: "Ahem, Xiao Wu, leave one firework for me."

Xu Zaijing's eyes were full of question marks.

"Your sister-in-law said she didn't let it go."

Xu Zaijing, who was fed all at once, shook his head and said:

"Brother, just pamper your sister-in-law! How big her belly is!"

"Let her...? Be ridiculous! Let's talk about it next year!"

Hua Lan on the side seemed not to hear and continued talking to An Mei.

It's getting dark,

South Lecture Hall Alley near the palace wall,

Rong Feiyan stood in the yard wearing a blue cloak.

"Ho ho ho!"

Rong Xian, who screamed like a monkey, jumped to Rong Feiyan's side, but he hadn't spoken yet.



A sky-piercing monkey flew up and exploded behind him.


Rong Feiyan and the female envoy behind him exclaimed.

Rong Xian said with a proud look on his face: "Look at how you have never seen the world."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and changed his expression:


It turned out that a big firework exploded in the palace.

Fireworks rise one by one,

Amidst the sound of firecrackers exploding,

Rong Xian said next to Rong Feiyan: "Sister, do you know who I saw when I came back in the evening?"

Rong Feiyan looked at the beautiful fireworks without knowing what she was thinking. When she heard what Rong Xian shouted, she shook her head.

"The young man from Lian Guogong's family, he and I are cousins, he said."

"Bang! Bang!"

Firecrackers and fireworks rang out in the imperial city again.

"He said that Mr. Zong from Lian Guogong's family is staying at Xu's house tonight!"

Rong Feiyan was stunned. Amidst the noisy firecrackers, she raised her voice and said:

"Ah? Brother, what did you say?"

"They are two sworn brothers. Duke Lian Guo personally said that he would let Brother Zong stay here tonight. That boy came back to report Brother Zong's situation!"

Rong Feiyan nodded.

When Rongxian spoke,

The little boy in his mouth is talking in the Hall of Justice of the Integrity State.

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