Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 299: Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】



"Sister, why are you smeared on your face like a monkey's ass!"

Marquis Fuchang and his wife happened to come from behind at this time. When they heard Rong Xian's laughter, Mrs. Marquis Fuchang scolded her with a straight face:

"Xian'er, how could you say that about your sister!"

"What monkey butt?"

Rong Xian pointed his finger at Rong Feiyan and said, "Mother, see for yourself."

While talking, the couple walked up to Rong Feiyan.

Mrs. Fuchang Hou tilted her head, looked at her daughter with heavy makeup, frowned and said:

"Yan'er, you! Here! Why are you wearing so much makeup? Are you painting the walls?"

"And these clothes, why are they so complicated?"

"How do you two do things!"

Ningxiang and Xibu behind Rong Feiyan did not dare to argue, and quickly lowered their heads to admit their mistake.

Rong Feiyan's pink face was full of doubts and she asked:

"Mom, doesn't it look good?"

"You silly girl, at your age, no matter how much makeup you put on, you still look better than your mother and I."

"Go quickly and help her change her makeup and clothes."

Ningxiang and Xibu hurriedly responded.

Seeing Rong Feiyan walking quickly in, Mrs. Fuchang Hou turned to look at Rong Xian, who was wearing a bright red brocade robe.

He walked over and straightened the golden crown for him, then took a closer look and said:

"My son really has a beautiful face, that's right! I will definitely make the girls who come into the palace look favorably upon me today."

"Mom, keep a low profile! It's not good for too many people to like you!"

Marquis Fuchang on the side yawned and said:

"Get in the car and wait!"

Back to the snowy courtyard,

Rong Feiyan closed her eyes and sat in front of the bronze mirror, letting Ningxiang wipe her face with the warm handkerchief.

The small step on the side is carrying a set of jewelry and placing it on the dressing table.

"Girl, if you change your clothes, let's use the jade hairpin that matches this set of plain butterflies and fallen flowers."

Rong Feiyan opened her eyes and took a look before nodding.

Ningxiang and Xibu had a clear division of labor. They quickly changed Rong Feiyan's clothes into a set of clothes, and finally put a cloak on her. The master and servant walked out.

After getting on the carriage, Mrs. Fuchanghou nodded and said:

"That's right!"

Rongxian in the car nodded: "Yeah! It looks much better than the monkey's butt just now."

Rong Feiyan hit Rong Xian hard.


Rongxian pretended to be in pain and screamed.

Because it is very close to the palace wall,

So after walking on the street for a while, the Chai family's carriage and horses arrived at the Donghua Gate on the east side of the palace.

When the family got off the carriage,

There was another rumbling sound from behind,

When everyone in the Rong family turned around, sharp-eyed Rong Xian laughed:

"Father, mother, what a fate. It's the Chai family's carriage! Behind it is the Lu family's carriage."

With that said, Rong Xian said to Rong Feiyan who got off the carriage:

"Sister, look at my clothes. Are there any wrinkles or anything?"

Rong Feiyan rolled her eyes at her brother, looked at it carefully, shook her head and said:


When Rongxian was getting ready, the Chai family's carriage had already driven over. After the tall carriage pulled by three horses stopped,

The boy next to the car quickly put the golden nanmu car seat in place.

Madam Fuchanghou grabbed Fuchanghou who wanted to enter the palace. Seeing Fuchanghou's confused look, she said:

"Master Hou, wait a moment!"

The three men of the Chai family walked down first, followed by Chai Zhengzheng and Mrs. Chai.

When the Chai family leader and brothers Chai Jin and Chai Bo saw the Rong family, they quickly raised their hands in greeting:

"I have met Marquis Fuchang and Mrs. Marquis, and Xian brother and Miss Feiyan have a happy Spring Festival!"

Everyone in the Rong family returned the gift one after another.

Marquis Fuchang stepped forward, extended his hand to the Chai family, and prepared to walk towards the palace gate.

However, the head of the Chai family said something, and the two of them stood aside and looked at the carriage of Lian Guogong's family.

Two ladies and two families of children followed.

After Rong Xian and the Chai brothers saw each other, they cupped their hands and said, "I've met Miss Zhengzheng. I wish you a happy Spring Festival."

Chai Zhengzheng gave him a blessing.

Chai Jin stroked his temples and said, "Brother Xian, let's go!"

Chai Zhengzheng looked at his mother who was talking to Mrs. Fuchanghou, then turned to Rong Feiyan and smiled:

"Sister Feiyan, happy Spring Festival."

Rong Feiyan looked at Chai Zhengzheng's silver-white cloak embroidered with red peonies and gave him a blessing:

"Sister Zhengzheng, wish you a happy Spring Festival."

When the two families were chatting,

People also began to get off Lian Guogong's carriage.

After everyone from the Lu family came over, the Chai and Rong families hurriedly saluted. The heads of the Chai and Rong families walked in front accompanied by Lian Guogong.

In the middle are the eldest ladies of the Chai and Rong families, accompanying the old lady and the eldest daughter-in-law of the country, walking in the middle.

Behind are the girls, um, several golden flowers from the Prince Consort’s family are also there.

Only the second roommate of the Lu family was missing.

Everyone passed through the door and entered the imperial city.

On the way to the harem, the eldest girl of the Lu family poked her head, looked to the left and said:

"Hey, I don't know how Brother Zong is doing at Yongyihou's house!"

Upon hearing this, Rong Feiyan didn't think anything of it. After all, she knew about it last night.

Chai Zhengzheng looked over with interest:


Looking at Chai Zhengzheng's appearance, the second girl from the Lu family said:

"Isn't my younger brother and the fifth brother of the Xu family sworn brothers? During the Chinese New Year this year, my grandfather personally told him to go to the Xu family to celebrate the New Year."

"However, I think the younger brother should have a lot of fun with the Yongyihou family. Last night I heard from my aunt and mother that brother Jing and the younger brother were racing horses outside the city!"

Chai Zhengzheng nodded.

At this time, the young Miss Lu Wu said childishly:

"Father said that when we get married, we will have to rely on brother Zong to protect us."

Upon hearing this, the girls covered their mouths and laughed.

Miss Lu said: "Little sister, you want to get married as young as you are, don't you be ashamed!"

"Why are you so shy if you want to get married? Sister, didn't you always say you like Chai?"

After Miss Lu glanced at Chai Zhengzheng next to her, she quickly covered the little girl's mouth and threatened:

"Besides, I won't buy you anything delicious and fun!"

The little girl nodded before being let go.

After walking for a while,

The heads of the three families all walked south to the outer court.

The female relatives of the three families came outside the harem palace.

After the announcement, everyone entered the warm hall. There were not many people in the hall.

Only the family members of several princes, such as King Hui, King Kang, and King Tan, sat down.

Neither King Yong nor King Jing came.

Everyone saw the ceremony, and the Rong family sat next to Concubine Rong.

The elderly Mrs. Lu sat down, with her eldest daughter-in-law standing behind her.

The Chai family sat at the bottom not far from the Queen.

The girls who came in from behind were greeted one after another, but they had no seats and could only stand beside the adults.

Everyone talked for a while,

The queen, who was sitting at the top, looked at the Lu family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who were always looking outside. She whispered to the female official beside her:

"Go and see where the Yongyihou family is!"

"Yes, concubine."

Zhao Fang on the side raised his head and said, "Thank you to my mother, how do you know what I think?"

The queen was stunned, then smiled and touched Zhao Fang's little face.

After a while, Princess Pingning came in with Qi Heng with a smile: "Queen Mother! My son, I wish you a happy new year."

The queen smiled and said: "Okay! Come and reward me! Brother Heng, what a good boy!"

Princess Pingning thanked her and sat down, Qi Heng stood behind her,

Princess Pingning was talking to Mrs. Chai beside her, looking at Chai Zhengzheng from time to time.

Then Princess Pingning said:

"Zhengzheng, what are you looking at?"

Chai Zhengzheng looked back and said:

"Princess Princess, no, I didn't see anything. I just heard from the fifth mother of the British family that our young Zhou Dynasty bravely fought against the clans of the two countries, and this is where we are. So..."

Princess Pingning smiled and said, "Oh, I didn't sit like this back then."

Princess Pingning spoke in detail, Qi Heng added a few words from time to time, and Chai Zhengzheng kept nodding.

During this period, several more family members from the Prince's Palace came in.

Soon, the outside of the hall was filled with nobles from various families in Bianjing of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The leader was still the British princess.

The female officer said a few words in the queen's ear,

Then, amid the voices of the inner officials, everyone began to enter the hall.

When several princes and their wives came in with their children to pay New Year greetings, the queen would say a few words.

Soon we arrived at Ningyuan Houfu.

The queen looked at Mrs. Bai and said with a smile: "Madam, how is your eldest daughter-in-law?"

"Thank you for thinking about me, your Majesty, everything is fine!"

The Queen smiled and nodded: "Okay, next year it's time to bring your grandson to show me."


Looking at Mrs. Bai, the queen looked at the Gu Tingye brothers and sisters behind her and said:

"They are all good children! Madam, please take a seat!"

After Mrs. Bai and the noble family members beside her nodded, they sat next to Madam Zhongjinghou.

The atmosphere in the entire hall was relaxed, so Gu Tingyi looked at each other from time to time with Zhang Jiawu Niang, Chai Zhengzheng and others.

"Xuan Yongyi enters the palace!"

After the official at the door of the palace shouted,

Like Mrs. Lian Guogong, she stopped talking because she was worried about her grandson.

The eldest ladies of the British Princess, Tuoxi Marquis, Zhongjing Marquis, and Ningyuan Marquis did not speak because the heads of these families were all on the northern front.

Mrs. Chai liked Xu Zaijing too much.

There are also other honorable people who stopped talking to show respect because Xu Minghua is now in the right position.

Anyway, the hall became slightly quiet.

Soon, Mrs. Sun walked in with her brothers Xie, Xu Zaijing, and Lu Zezong. Hua Lan did not enter the palace because she was pregnant.

Zhao Fang, who was beside the queen, looked at the little boy next to Xu Zaijing with confusion and whispered:

"Mother, who is next to Brother Jing?"

"That's the eldest grandson of Duke Lian's family, the one Brother Jing saved in the Taoist Academy!"

Zhao Fang nodded.

Mrs. Sun took her family to celebrate the new year, and the queen said:

"Now Marquis Xu is still guarding the border for the country. Thank you for your hard work, Madam."

"Your Majesty, that is the duty of the Marquis as a minister."

"Brother Xiao Zong, how about staying at your adopted brother's house?"

After hearing the queen's question, Lu Zezong nodded and said:

"Come back, my dear, okay! Riding a horse is so fun!"

Listening to Lu Zezong's words, the ladies in the palace laughed softly, especially Mrs. Lian Guogong and the eldest lady,

Seeing Lu Zezong's appearance, both of them felt their hearts go back to their stomachs.

The queen looked at Xu Zaijing, who was already as tall as Zai Zhang, and she smiled and said:

"Brother Jing, are you as tall as your brother?"

Zai Zhang and Zai Jing bowed and Xu Zai Jing said:

"Back to your Majesty, yes."

"You grow up very fast. When I met you, you were only this tall."

The Queen smiled and compared Princess Ping Ning with her, then looked at Concubine Rong again.

Princess Pingning and Concubine Rong also smiled and nodded.

Rong Feiyan stood behind Concubine Rong and looked at Xu Zaijing blatantly, with a smile on her face. When she turned her head, she found that her brother Rongxian was also smiling,

But why did she feel that her brother's vision was a little crooked?

Xu Zaijing nodded with brothers Qi Heng and Chai Jin. When he looked at the Chai brothers, he inevitably looked at Chai Zhengzheng who was looking at him.

Looking at the smiling girl with flowers on her eyebrows, Xu Zaijing also nodded slightly.

Then everyone in the Xu family went to sit down.

As he followed his mother towards the seat, Rong Xian was wearing a bright red brocade robe, which really caught people's attention. Naturally, Xu Zaijing also looked over, and then was burned by the gaze of a certain girl.

However, the girl's eyes only burned for a moment and she didn't know where to hide.

Because her sister An Mei suddenly stopped and stood in front of Xu Zaijing. Although An Mei was only as tall as the tip of Xu Zaijing's nose, the effect was still very obvious.

An Mei said a few words to the fifth lady of the Zhang family, and then followed her without realizing what she had done.

Lu Zezong went straight back to everyone in Lian Guogong's mansion, talking happily to his family in front of his grandmother and mother.

In the past few years, as the Queen has had children, the atmosphere of visiting the palace on the first day of the Lunar New Year to pay New Year greetings has become more and more harmonious.

Seeing that no new nobles entered the palace, the queen gave instructions, and the noble family members began to walk around the palace and whispered,

When the emperor came in with his distinguished ministers, everyone returned to their seats.

Everyone shouted to the emperor, queen and prince to pay their New Year's greetings.

The emperor did not take the queen away to the back as before,

Instead, he watched the noble family members leave the hall and continue to discuss the state affairs of the Zhou Dynasty with other noble ministers, looking very energetic.


Standing in front of the emperor was Xu Zaijing's eldest brother-in-law Gu Tingyu.

When Gu Dalang was looking at a detailed map of the northern part of the Zhou Dynasty, he first pointed to a place with the word "Xu" written on it.

When he pointed to a certain place within the territory of Bai Gao Kingdom,

Xu Zaijing was talking to other distinguished disciples from various families who were walking out of the hall.

There are not many opportunities for people to gather like this today.

Listening to others talking, Xu Zaijing asked in surprise: "Fourth brother, why don't you go to work under the British Duke and go to my father's place?"

Zhang Fangling nodded and said, "Yes, it will be over after we get married."

Hearing Zhang Fangling's words, Gu Tingye, Zheng Xiao and others all around them stopped talking.

"At that time, there may be a few children from Chengguo Gong's family."

As Zhang Fangling spoke, he looked in the direction of Cheng Guogong Feng's family not far away, and nodded towards the young men who looked over.

"There is also a man from the Liang family, but he is not going to work under your family. I heard he is going to work under General Gan."

Gu Tingye, who was on the side, pulled Xu Zaijing's arm and said, "Brother Jing, do you think we should do it too?"

As soon as Gu Tingye said this, Qi Heng, Liang Han and others on the side looked over.

Xu Zaijing said: "Erlang said it's okay, you guys are so big, why are you looking at me?"

After finishing speaking, Xu Zaijing glanced at Zhang Jiasilang, then at Gu Tingye and said:

"Erlang, do you think this is a war to destroy the country?"

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