Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 306 Aunt Chang’s Mouth [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

The ladies watched the two fierce battles,

The time is just two quarters past noon (11:30 noon),

The winter sun is shining brightly at this time,

Under the sunlight coming in from the window,

Zhang Jiawu Niang put the tips of her white index finger and thumb together with the tips of Rong Feiyan's two pink fingers.

Lifting the distance between Rong Feiyan's fingers a little wider, Wu Niang pursed her lips and said:

"To be honest, it's only that big."

Seeing Wu Niang's actions, the ladies around them all held handkerchiefs, lightly covering their mouths and laughing.

"Wu Niang, you are quite fair."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The atmosphere here is lively.

The girls from the Tan and Han families on the other side of the window were a little deserted. Looking at the people here, someone muttered:

"If you win, you will be arrogant. What's the point of being proud of!"

Gu Tingyi turned his head and looked over and said, "If you don't laugh when you win, will you cry?"

When the other party was about to speak,

Aunt Chang, who followed Gu Tingyi, held the handkerchief in front of her belly with both hands, and shouted from the side:

"Girls! Get ready for dinner."

Gu Tingyi pointed to the polo field, but before he said anything, Grandma Chang said again:

"I asked just now. The guys in the polo field also need to eat at this time."

Wu Niang also took a look at the polo field and said:

"Let's go, those brothers have withdrawn their troops and returned to their accounts."

As she walked towards the third floor, Wu Niang said crisply:

"Mother Fan! Quick! Take out the frozen autumn pears we brought from home and let them sit for a while. Let the sisters have a taste later."

"Yes, girl."

The ladies upstairs talked and left the window.

The female envoy from Wu Tower who was standing by came forward and closed the window.

Between the ladies on both sides, the curtain blocking the view was lowered.

There was no room for cold air leaking upstairs, and the third floor quickly became warmer. The ladies sat at the table and the conversation gradually turned to female celebrities and their parents' filthy ways.

Of course, they are all talking about a certain girl on the other side.

On the side of Mr. Anguo’s Tan family and the head of Jiacheng County,

Rong Feiyan, a girl whose ancestors was a mason, has been mentioned many times.

From time to time, words like foxy, charming eyes, fair skin, pretending to be pitiful, etc. are deliberately passed on.

Behind the outspoken Rong Feiyan, the female servant Ningxiang standing by the curtain was breathing heavily. Just as she was about to go over to argue, she was pulled by Xinbu, who whispered:

"They didn't mention her by name, so why don't you just go and identify yourself?"

Rong Feiyan also shook his head at her.

Gu Tingyi, whose mother was a merchant, has been mentioned many times.

'What a despicable merchant family', 'What a lucky person it is to be so lucky', 'It's not long before they are instigating a family split', 'The one in the side branch house is pitiful'

Listen to these words,

Grandma Chang, who was still smiling just now, her face became more and more ugly. While she was accumulating anger points,

Seeing Grandma Chang's appearance, Gu Tingyi hurriedly came over and said, "Mammy, don't get angry with them. Just treat it like a chicken, a cat, or a dog barking."

Grandma Chang patted Gu Tingyi's hand and said, "Miss, what are you talking about? Besides, the old lady knows the importance."

Nowadays, Gu Tingyu is being reused as a martial artist, and Ningyuan Marquis Gu Yankai is leading troops in the north.

Mrs. Bai had a royal title and had a wide circle of friends. Aunt Chang, who followed Mrs. Bai, often heard about the bad things going on in the honorable family in Bianjing.

So after clearing her throat, Grandma Chang pointed at Ningxiang and shouted:

"That maid by the curtain, stay away from there to avoid getting the dirty smell."

Grandma Chang shouted out loudly, and there was silence on the other side of the curtain.

"And next time you see the maids and mothers over there, especially the good-looking ones, you have to be more respectful!"

Xibu was stunned for a moment, then quickly answered: "Mommy, why did you say this?"

Grandma Chang raised her chin and said:

"Why do you say that? That's because, how do you know that the beautiful daughter-in-law and little maid next to me will not be attracted by the elder master of the family?"

"If you are taken away from the concubine and the house is taken away, you are not allowed to show respect?"

Xinbu turned his eyes and said:

"What are you talking about! Why haven't you heard of it?"

"Those are our ancestors and fathers. Why would we attack this young girl or the female servant next to our daughter-in-law?"

Aunt Chang said: "Oh, you don't know much, I just heard about it"

Grandma Chang's voice has become almost inaudible. Silence here is better than sound.

Then the girls from the Rong family, Gu family and others started to wonder and question after hearing the secret, and then laughed.

"Ah? Still using my wife's dowry? Really."

Across the curtain, it was still quiet.

The Lord of Jiacheng County and other noble ladies could not help but look towards the girls from the Han Gong and Ling Guo Gong's families.

The girls from the two families had not yet reacted. The girl from An Guogong's Tan family suddenly stood up when she felt the gazes around her, and walked a few steps quickly to the curtain.

He opened the curtain and pointed at Gu Tingyi, An Mei, Chai Zhengzheng and others in a fierce voice, and said in a sharp voice:

"what are you guys saying?"

The fifth lady of the Zhang family slapped the table and stood up with a straight face:

"What are we talking about?"

"What? Want to fight?"

As Wu Niang spoke, she started to roll up her sleeves.

Gu Tingyi, An Mei, Rong Feiyan and Chai Zhengzheng also stood up and stared at the girl from An Guogong's Tan family who was speaking.

Chai Zhengzheng said softly: "Speaking of which, my family is also a merchant."

As he said that, Chai Zhengzheng was thinking about the moves Mrs. Zhou had given her, just in case she could use them later.

The girl from Anguo Gong's family lost her momentum after being stared at. When she looked back, she saw that the girls here were all sitting very firmly.

She didn't show any sign of getting up. With a look of urgency in her eyes, she said to the girls from the Han family and the Lu family:

"They scolded you that the Han family was greedy for money and used their daughter-in-law's dowry, and they scolded you that the Lu family took over the house and received the daughter-in-law's personal maid, you..."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the ladies on both sides of the curtain changed.

On the Zhang family's side, the fifth lady of the Zhang family nearly burst out laughing, her face unsteady. The other girls also had smiles in their eyes and shook their heads in disbelief.

A basin of muddy water was left here and no one had touched it. The girl from the Tan family poured it on the Han and Lu families without saying a word.

On the Jiacheng County Lord’s side,

The girl from the Han family argued anxiously: "What? What about my family? What nonsense are you talking about!"

The girl from the Lu family was more direct:

"What are you talking about! It's obviously your family, but didn't An Guogong accept a female envoy from your sister's side?"

The girl from the Han family hurriedly added: "Yes, your third brother kept an extra wife with the dowry of your third sister-in-law who was a merchant!"

As soon as the girl from the Lu family said these words,

The girls from the Jiacheng County Lord, Jinxiang Houma's family, Fu'an Houwei's family, Zhongshan Housha's family, and the female envoys all stared with wide eyes and looked like they were eating melons.

Well, the muddy water has been thrown back again by Heli.

Grandma Chang waved her hand, and Ningxiang and Xibu hurriedly closed the curtain.

There was a tinkling sound on the other side of the curtain, as if something had been swept to the ground.

During the meal that followed, it was much quieter on the other side of the curtain.

after meal,

Gu Tingyi, Rong Feiyan, Chai Zhengzheng, An Mei and others sat around the table and praised Wuniang for her performance just now, which made Wuniang very happy.

Wu Niang said solemnly: "Humph, we don't cause trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble! Come, sisters, eat frozen pears."

Everyone in the polo field naturally didn't know what happened in Wu Tower.

Xu Zaijing was eating with everyone in the tent and discussing a few words from time to time.

When he was almost full, Gu Tingyu came over and sat on the seat given by Gu Erlang and said:

"How did it feel to compete with this Jin Kingdom warrior this morning?"

Seeing Zhang Fangling eating something in his mouth, Xu Zaijing said: "Very strong!"

Gu Tingye and Zheng Xiao nodded.

"I just chatted with the envoy from the Kingdom of Jin for a while and gained some insights."

"You guys will also discuss this later. Brother Jing and Brother Ye, you both should write a post to me."

Xu Zaijing and Gu Tingye nodded.

Zhang Fangling swallowed what was in his mouth and said, "Brother Yu, remember to give me one."

"That's natural! You continue to eat,"

With that said, Gu Tingyu stood up and left the tent.

Seeing his eldest brother walking away, Gu Tingye scratched his head and said, "I still have a few pieces of academic homework to finish, so eldest brother is giving me extra work."

Gu Tingyu left the tent of the Xu family and came to the tent where the envoys of the Kingdom of Jin were. At this time, a servant of the Tan family of Anguo Gong came in and said:

"My lord, the girl at home said she didn't feel well, so she went home first."

In the words of Duke An Guo's reply, Gu Tingyu came to the Marquis of Xiangyang who was waving to him.

The elderly Marquis of Xiangyang looked at Gu Tingyu and said:

"Good boy, your promotion speed is much faster than your father's."

Gu Tingyu smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Shibo, my nephew has never been on the battlefield. How do you always look after this Jin Kingdom warrior?"

The Marquis of Xiangyang stroked his beard, looked at the Jin envoy in the tent and said:

"They are all elites! One by one, the elite soldiers of the Forbidden Army will not fall behind, but when there are more people, it is hard to say."

"Speaking of which, they are equivalent to the generation of our Gu family ancestors who were granted the title of marquis. They are not easy to deal with."

Gu Tingyu nodded and discussed a few words with other old marquises from the Liang family and the Zheng family who had gone through the battle.

after lunch,

The sun is just right,

The chairs and embroidery pillars in the tent were moved to the polo field.

The princes of An Guogong, Ling Guogong and other families also got a chair to sit on for the sake of these princes.

Xu Zaijing and other noble young men of the Zhou Dynasty did not continue to wear armor. Instead, they wore casual clothes and sat on polo court chairs with the Jin warriors, preparing for a wrestling match.

But before going on the field, you have to hand over something of your own as the winner's trophy.

The warriors of the Kingdom of Jin are guests from afar, so they choose their opponents first.

I went to the Xu family tent in the morning, and a middle-aged warrior with scars on his face stood aside.

He was talking to the young Jin warrior who was tied up for drinking in Qingfeng Tower and was about to appear:

"Yes, that's the handsome boy who once helped you. I've seen your uncle carefully. During the war, he would draw the bow on the side!"

"He has never had a head-to-head confrontation with us. He must be afraid of getting close! You choose him! If you win, you will get the big sword he has."

Young Jin Kingdom Bushido:

"Uncle, my silver flagon has been given to the young man who owns the polo field. There is nothing left to give."

"Besides, I think he won two games this morning, which is a bit easy!"

The middle-aged samurai lowered his head, looked at the sword on his waist, took it off ruthlessly and said:

"How tiring can it be to just draw a bow?"

"You throw him to the ground and tell him to let him practice his close-quarters martial arts! This is how we return his favor!"

The young warrior nodded, then walked to Wanyan Zongjun's side with his saber in hand.

After placing the knife on the table, he pointed at Xu Zaijing, who was talking to Gu Tingye, and the sword on Xu Zaijing's waist.

This action made the disciples of Zhou Xungui shake their heads, laugh, and whisper to each other.

This scene made the young warrior look at Wanyan Zongjun in confusion. The Dazhou translator next to Wanyan Zongjun said:

"They're saying you picked the best of them all."

The young warrior nodded, made a gesture of drawing a bow, nodded and said:

"He is a good bow-stringer."

The translator smiled politely.

Xu Zaijing took off the big sword from his waist and placed it on the table next to the Marquis of Xiangyang.

He walked to the field while rolling up his sleeves.

"Yo ho!"

After a burst of cheers,

He held Xu Zaijing's sword in his hand and looked at it. Before he could draw the sword and look at the blade, the Marquis of Xiangyang suddenly turned dark in front of him.

The Marquis of Xiangyang raised his head and asked doubtfully, "Ah? Is it over?"

Xu Zaijing nodded: "Take your time and take a look."

He said and returned to his seat.

The young Jin warrior over there shook his head, dusted himself off and stood back to his uncle's side.

The middle-aged samurai patted his shoulder and said, "You made a mistake! My sword."

The warrior next to Wanyan Zongjun placed his sword on the table next to the Marquis of Xiangyang.

Another Jin warrior, who was as tall and strong as Qingyun, took off a quilt with gold ornaments from his waist and placed it on the table next to Wanyan Zongjun.

When he was about to choose his opponent, his eyes fell on Qingyun.

Marquis of Xiangyang: Oh! The big sword was partially pulled out.

The Marquis of Xiangyang turned the sword and examined it carefully.

The lines on the sword made the warrior's eyes light up, and he didn't know who to choose.

He glanced at the saber, and the warrior turned and pointed at Xu Zaijing.

Xu Zaijing pointed his index finger at the tip of his nose:?

The warrior nodded.

Xu Zaijing shook his head and stood up. He came to the court again, but he didn't fight as quickly as before.

After several trials, Xu Zaijing discovered that this tall and strong warrior was as agile as Qingyun.

After struggling for a while, Xu Zaijing stood in the middle of the field, carrying the Jin warrior who was slightly larger than him on one shoulder without falling.

The Jin warrior also understood and did not struggle on Xu Zaijing's shoulder. He stood firm and walked back after Xu Zaijing let go.

At this time, the Marquis of Xiangyang nodded in approval and put Xu Zaijing's big sword back on the table.

The next Jin warrior came on stage. He was much shorter and thinner than Xu Zaijing’s opponent just now. After looking around Xu Zaijing, he didn’t choose anyone.

After turning around, he walked towards the children of An Guogong and Han Guogong, and pointed at the children of the Tan family.

The two of them put away their things,

After a confrontation,

The result was surprising. The Jin warrior was seen kneeling on the ground in pain, covering his crotch.

The children of the Tan family who fought shook their heads and smiled, and proudly raised the bar with the children of the Han family, Lu family, Sha family and others, celebrating their victory.

Seeing this scene, when the Jin warriors were about to go up and beat someone, Wanyan Zongjun shouted angrily in Jin dialect. The Jin warriors gritted their teeth and backed away to their seats while supporting the injured man.

Xu Zaijing and Zheng Xiao, Zhang Fangling and Gu Tingye looked at each other, and they all had feelings in their eyes.

The Tan family member smiled and sat back in his chair. Before he could sit firmly, a Jin warrior appeared in front of him, pointing his finger directly at him.


This young man from the Tan family wanted to repeat his old trick, but the Jin warriors saw through it. They held his thigh with one hand and his butt with the other, pushing his chest with their shoulders. After lifting it up, he fell heavily to the hard winter ground. on the ground.

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