Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 308 My share belongs to Brother Jing [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

Bianjing of the Great Zhou Dynasty,

From the outside to the inside are the Dragon River, the outer city, the inner city, and the imperial city.

For example, Xinzheng Gate, Ansu Gate, Nanxun Gate, etc. all belong to the outer city.

After entering the city from Xinzheng Gate, walk straight along the street and enter the inner city through Yiqiu Gate.

The place where Korean Gong Jiawu Lang took action "with justice" was on the street between Xinzheng Gate and Yiqiu Gate.

The carriages of several noble families had already passed the place where the people were watching.

After the scoundrel who made things difficult for a good girl was kicked in the butt by Han Chengyun, he hurriedly squeezed through the wall of onlookers and slipped out amid the cheers of the people of Bianjing.

"I wonder which family this young master is from?"

Hearing someone in the crowd asking questions, Han Chengyun waved his hand and said nothing, preparing to get on the carriage and leave.

At this time, someone in the crowd said:

"I saw the brand on the car, it seems to belong to the Zhennanhou family!" (both surnamed Han)

Upon hearing this, Han Chengyun, who was getting into the carriage with his head held high, staggered at his feet. Fortunately, he had quick eyesight and quick hands to hold the carriage.

Someone else said: "I heard this servant call him Wu Lang, he should be from the Korean public family!"

After the man finished speaking, the Han family's servants bowed their hands to him, followed the Han family's carriage, and walked towards Yiqiu Gate.

"It seems that it belongs to the Korean public."

Amid the discussion, the people dispersed.

After the Han family's carriage entered Yiqiu Gate, it stopped in front of a restaurant. About a quarter of an hour later, someone came to the carriage and said:

"Sir, the money has been dispersed, and this matter will definitely be spread among idle people."

"When the Chai family's carriage passed by, was my voice loud enough?"

The person beside the car said: "Sir, I can hear you clearly, it must be enough!"


Before Han Chengyun finished speaking,

There was a commotion outside the carriage. He opened the curtain and saw that a group of people, including Xu Zaijing, were passing by on horseback. Behind him were flatbed carriages pulling sundries.

And his cousin, who was nominally from the Zhennan Hou family, was smiling and talking to Gu Tingye.

The carriages of Korean public servants are naturally very luxurious and different from those of ordinary people. They are very eye-catching when parked on the roadside.

Xu Zaijing and other distinguished disciples who were passing by on horseback looked over naturally, but all they could see was the swaying curtain behind the car window.

Not far away yet,

Gu Tingye and Zheng Xiao next to him looked at each other and laughed.

What happened today, if nothing else, Han Wulang and the others would probably have to take a detour when they encountered Xu Zaijing and Gu Tingye.

The provincial one was asked, ‘Mr., why did you leave so early on the third day of junior high school? It's not because you're afraid, right?'

Of course, it's possible that they were too shameless to admit it, but they probably weren't that shameless.

Thinking of this, Xu Zaijing chuckled and shook his head.

When they waved to leave at the intersection, Xu Zaijing heard Gu Tingye discussing with Zheng Xiao how to ridicule Han Wulang and the others next time they met.

Continue walking towards Quyuan Street,

The three brothers Lu Junyi and Xu Zaijing were still traveling together, whispering a few words behind them from time to time,

When we arrived at the intersection of Quyuan Street,

Everyone said goodbye on horseback, and Zai Zhang had already led people into Quyuan Street.

Under the urging of his two junior brothers, Lu Junyi gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Wu Lang, please stay."

Xu Zaijing looked back at the three of them, then lightly pulled the reins and walked back.

"Three of you, what's wrong?"

Lu Junyi took a deep breath and asked in a low voice:

"Wulang, today we are entertaining the envoys of the Kingdom of Jin at the polo ground, but we have to deal with Beiliao."

Xu Zaijing thought for a moment and then said: "Today is just to entertain the envoys, it's nothing."

Lu Junyi nodded and bowed his hands.

Xu Zaijing nodded in return and rode back to Quyuan Street.

Looking at Xu Zaijing's back, Lu Junyi and the others continued walking towards Panlou Street.

Luan Tingyu on the side said:

"Senior brother, which prince's house should we vote for? This brother from Xinguo Gong's family has also expressed his intention to recruit me."

"The Duke's Mansion is one level higher than the Marquis' Mansion!"

Lu Junyi was silent.

Wu Song on the side said: "I still want to go under the command of Marquis Yongyi."

Lu Junyi said: "Why?"

Wu Song said: "I heard Master say before that Yongyihou's army is stationed at the junction of the Three Kingdoms, whether it attacks Bai Gao from the west or Bei Liao from the east."

"Besides, I was able to go to the polo ground this time only because of Wulang's invitation. It doesn't feel good to just turn around after being invited by the Duke."

Luan Tingyu on the side nodded and said: "Xiao Song is right, I was wrong."

Lu Junyi looked at the busy streets, thinking about what he had learned before, and said: "Then, let's tell Master and go vote for Marquis Yongyi!"

Yong Yi Hou Mansion,

When Xu Zaijing came to the racecourse,

Alan and the others were putting the last few things on the flatbed carriage into the utility room nearby.

After getting off his horse, Xu Zaijing walked into a small hut nearby, where his master was warming himself up by the fire.

Xu Zaijing turned around and closed the door.

The two masters and apprentices were talking, and Xu Zaijing just said that he would fight against the Jin Kingdom warriors. Qingyun at the door opened the door and came in and said:

"Young Master, the internal officials came to the palace and delivered an oral order, saying that the Young Master should enter the palace immediately."

The master raised his hand and said in a hoarse voice:

"I can ask a few of them, go ahead."

Xu Zaijing cupped his hands and walked out. Just as he was about to go back to the courtyard to change clothes, Qingyun on the side said: "Sir, the internal officials said there is no need to change."

Xu Zaijing was stunned and said: "So urgent."

As he said that, he changed direction, turned around, took Li Ju's reins, mounted his horse and walked towards the gate.

The internal officials who came to deliver the oral edict also came on horseback.

On the way to the palace, Xu Zaijing asked a few questions, and the officials spoke out without any hesitation.

It turned out to be the brother of An Guogong's Tan family. This guy woke up on the way back from the polo field to the Duke's mansion, howling in pain all the way.

The Tan family invited an imperial doctor, and after a diagnosis, they said that the bones were broken and the internal organs were also shocked.

The youngest son, the eldest grandson, the lifeblood of the old man.

As the eldest grandson of the Tan family, Mrs. An Guogong was so hurt by this injury that she went to the palace to complain without saying a word.

Moreover, when the old lady was a girl, she had a very good relationship with the mother of the current empress, and she could speak well in front of the emperor and empress.

The internal officer only stated what happened, but did not add his own evaluation.

Xu Zaijing nodded after listening.

Arriving outside the palace,

Xu Zaijing threw the reins to Qingyun and quickly followed the imperial officer into the palace.

When they arrived outside the Queen's Hall, Huaibao, an internal official whom he had met several times, was standing at the door. After seeing Xu Zaijing, he led him in.

On the way into the palace, Huaibao said:

"Brother Jing, the Queen Mother said that the old lady of the country is a bit hasty. Please be more patient."

Xu Zaijing nodded and said he understood.

Walking along the corridor in the hall to a room with an open door, Xu Zaijing heard crying and what seemed like sighs coming from the front door on the left.

The internal official preached at the door:

"Your Majesty, Madam, Xu Jiawulang is here."

"Let him in!"

The internal officer made a gesture of invitation.

Xu Zaijing stroked his clothes and walked forward. After turning left and crossing the threshold, he could clearly see everyone in the room with a glance.

The emperor and empress sat at the top,

On the lower side is a British princess with a Zhang Fang collar whom she has seen several times. The British princess has a stern face and an ugly expression.

On the other side is an unfamiliar old woman with her mouth lowered and wiping away tears. She is probably Mrs. An Guogong.

Seeing Xu Zaijing come in, he immediately gave Xu Zaijing a disgusted look.

There were four women standing behind her. One of them looked at the youngest, looking at her a little differently from the others.

Xu Zaijing's mind changed and he made a guess about this person's identity.

Xu Zaijing bowed his hands and said:

"I have met Your Majesty, Your Majesty, and the Duke's wife."

The emperor cleared his throat and said, "Sit down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Xu Zaijing looked on both sides and sat down under Zhang Fang's leadership.

Then, there was a sudden silence in the hall.

When Mrs. An Guogong opened her mouth to speak, the chief minister beside her whispered:

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, the prince has just woken up and is crying to find your Majesty."

When the emperor heard this, he sat up straight and said, "Ah? This"

The British princess stood up and said, "Your Majesty, the prince is the most important thing. Please go and take a look."

The emperor nodded and left the hall.

The queen waited for the emperor to go out. After sitting down, she raised the teacup to Mrs. An Guogong. Then she looked at the British princess and said, "Drink tea."

Before Xu Zaijing took a sip of tea, the cry of a child came from the side.

The queen's personal female officer said: "Your Majesty, the princess must have woken up."

The queen pretended to be surprised and said, "Ah? I'll go take a look."

Everyone stood up again, respectfully saw the queen off from the hall and took their seats.

After the emperor and the empress left, the British princess drank tea by herself, as if there were no members of Duke An Guo's family in the palace.

Mrs. An Guogong looked at Xu Zaijing sideways and said:

"Are you from the Xu family?"

"When you go to that polo ground, are you and the Zhang family advising His Majesty?"

"What kind of military exchange between the two countries is going on?"

Xu Zaijing said: "Yes."

"Then when you were wrestling, you defeated two Jin warriors in a row?"

Xu Zaijing: "Yeah."

Mrs. An Guogong said sarcastically:

"Hmph! It's really awesome!"

"Then my grandson's injury must have been caused by you!"

Xu Zaijing was stunned, shook his head and said:

"No. Why did the old lady say this?"

The old woman stared, and just wanted to slam the table out of habit.

But suddenly he thought that this was the palace, so he endured it and gritted his teeth and said:

"No? If you hadn't defeated the Jin Kingdom warriors in a row and made them angry, why would they vent their anger on my grandson!"

Xu Zaijing smiled and said:

"Your grandson told you this?"

"He didn't say he kicked someone in the crotch while they were wrestling?"

The old woman stared and said:

"Then it's a duel! Naturally, you have to be steady and ruthless, using one or two dirty tricks. It's also to win and to serve the country with all your loyalty."

"If you hadn't won twice in a row, which made them accumulate resentment! How could my grandson be treated like this when he won! That's a fool!"

Xu Zaijing stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Your tutor is really weird!"

The old woman waved her hand, pointed at Xu Zaijing and said:

"Don't flatter me!"

"You, Xu Wulang, fight in Bianjing City and are brave and fierce. Do you think that the old lady doesn't know your reputation in the back house?"

"You have harmed my grandson like this! Do you think you can get over it by just saying a few nice words?"

"You, the Zhang family, don't even think about getting away! It's like anyone else is not a prince of the country!"

Although this old woman is old, she speaks very fast. It seems that she has been used to training her daughter-in-law at home.

Xu Zaijing looked at Mrs. An Guogong sincerely and said:

"Old madam, if your grandson wins, he will serve his country with loyalty. Then, I will win too!"

Mrs. An Guogong glared: "You are so brave and fierce, who knows what you have in mind!"

Xu Zaijing sighed and said:

"The old lady is dedicated to serving the country. She must have a strict upbringing and respectful brothers and sisters! When she goes to the battlefield, she will risk her life to save her brothers if they see something happen to them!"

Mrs. An Guogong said: "That's natural!"

Xu Zaijing then asked:

"Then, if your eldest grandson is so insulted by the Jin Kingdom warriors, the other brothers of the Tan family will surely rise up to take revenge, right?"

"I'll think about what happens next!"

The old woman said: "That was after they made a plan! Do you think they acted recklessly like you?"

The tea cup held by the British princess squeaked, and she took several deep breaths.

Zhang Fangling shook his head and clicked his tongue!

Xu Zaijing sighed and said:

"What the old lady said is that it's all the boy's fault!"

Mrs. An Guogong looked slightly brighter and said, "That's pretty much it!"

Xu Zaijing said:

"Brother Tan is injured, and I can't blame him! So what should you do if you keep thinking about me?"

Mrs. An Guogong said: "I apologize! Apologize!"

Looking at Xu Zaijing who was shaking his head, Mrs. An Guogong said: "What? No?"

Xu Zaijing shook his head and said:

"no no."

"Young man, I'm thinking that I have caused Tan family brother to suffer so much, how can I just apologize!"

"Why don't we let all the healthy Tan brothers come here, there is no limit to the number of people!"

"Fight with me! There are many brothers from the Tan family, so they will definitely give me a good beating! This is how you can relieve your anger!"

"This is also the kid's apology attitude!"

With that said, Xu Zaijing bowed.

Zhang Fangling on the side also stood up, looked at Anguo Gong's family and said, "My share belongs to Brother Jing."

Xu Zaijing bowed again:

"Count it on me."

"Then, boy, shall I go ask His Majesty for an edict?"

Mrs. An Guogong stood up, pointed at Xu Zaijing and said: "You!"

Xu Zaijing: "Me? What's wrong, kid?"

The old woman said: "You know it yourself!"

Xu Zaijing bowed and cupped his hands:

"Of course the boy knows it!"

"I will never turn black into white and implicate others without reason."

"I won't say that if I win, I will serve my country with all my heart, and if others win, I will have evil intentions."

"We won't describe a coward who is timid before fighting as a good pillar who acts after making a decision!"

After speaking, Xu Zaijing said to Zhang Fang:

"Fourth brother, if you fall on the field, you won't dare to go up until it hurts at most! What will happen if you go to the battlefield?"

Zhang Fangling lost his smile and said:

"When you go to the battlefield, you have to face life and death. A coward like this might wet his pants!"

Xu Zaijing shook his head and said:

"No, no, no, it's more likely that he is the same as the brothers from the Jinxiang Hou family."

The British princess asked in confusion: "What Jinxiang Marquis? From the Ma family? What happened to him?"

Xu Zaijing looked at Mrs. An Guogong and said, "If anyone else says a word, he will kneel down and beg for mercy to the Jin warriors and admit defeat."

Xu Zaijing said again as if he suddenly realized:

"Old madam, I remember that your two brothers did not avenge their brother and left with this Ma family brother."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, make a decision before taking action!"


After saying that, Xu Zaijing cupped his hands and said: "Old madam, the boy is right here! Will you please?"

Mrs. An Guogong said angrily:

"They can't beat you!"

Xu Zaijing: "It's not my fault!"

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