Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 312 Zhengzheng: So generous! 【Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

The night sky in the distance is dark blue,

It is also dotted with seven or eight stars,

Under the eaves of Jin'anzhai, lighting lanterns have been hung.

Xiaodie stayed with Wei Shuyi, looking at the fireworks rising not far away, turning her head and saying:

"Mom, the fireworks in Bianjing are better than those elsewhere."

With a smile on his face, Wei Shuyi continued to look expectantly at the place where the fireworks were rising, and said:

"Wouldn't you see more clearly when we go out to play?"

Xiaodie shook her head and realized that Wei Shu did not look at her. Xiaodie said, "I won't go out."

Wei Shuyi glanced at her sideways and said:

"In Quanzhou before, the person who snatched your lantern had good intentions and didn't expect to scare you."

Xiaodie curled her lips and said:

"Mom, that's my favorite lantern! She wore makeup and snatched it from me late at night, and even told me she wished my family a prosperous life. Who would believe it!"

Wei Shuyi held the hand warmer, rubbed it, felt the warmth of the hand warmer, and said:

"I heard from Mother Liu that it's because the pronunciations of the words "deng" and "ding" are similar in Quanzhou. Hanging lanterns, lanterns, and if the lanterns are robbed, they all call out "deng."

"It is also called Chu Ding, and getting it means the prosperity of the population."

Xiaodie said oh.

Wei Shuyi looked at the night sky not far away for a while, and said with some regret: "Are you going to let it go?"

At this time,

Under the lantern at the entrance of Jin'an Zhaiyuan, the female envoy Caihuan came over with a lantern and said with a smile:

"My dear, happy Lantern Festival! The eldest lady and the old lady asked you to come over and say they want to eat glutinous rice balls together."

"Okay! I'll be there right away! Please excuse me, Miss Caihuan."

"What are you talking about, little girl?"

Before Wei Shuyi left, he took another expectant look at the night sky.


A huge firework exploded in mid-air, which was very gorgeous.

Across the courtyard,

Wei Shuyi came to Shou'an Hall,

In the hall, Wei Shu bowed with blessing.

"This Lantern Festival, please stop standing, Suqin!"

As the old lady spoke, she glanced at Fang's mother. Fang's mother smiled and moved an embroidery pier over.

Wei Shu glanced at Wang Ruofu, who was sitting at the bottom. Wang Ruofu smiled and blinked, saying nothing.

It was Liu’s mother behind Wang Ruofu who smiled and nodded,

Wei Shuyi then sat on the embroidered pier below Wang Ruofu's head, smiling as she watched Sheng Changzhu climb up the Arhat bed behind the old lady. Behind him was Cui Ruan's mother Cui Ruan, who was protecting her with open hands.

Wang Ruofu stroked a piece of material on her leg and said:

"I'm sorry, you are so skillful!"

Hearing Wang Ruofu's overly affectionate address, Wei Shuyi looked at Wang Ruofu with some surprise, and then looked at the old lady.

It was Wang Ruofu's mother Liu who was still next to her and said with a smile: "My dear, my parents and grandson like the puppets you made for me, so I sent someone to send a thank you gift."

While talking, Liu's mother took the materials from Wang Ruofu's raised hand and placed them in the hands of Wei Shuyi who stood up.

Wei Shu caressed the material, and said with surprise in his eyes: "This, this silk material is too precious. I can only do it because the eldest lady gave me permission. I deserve it."

Wang Ruofu withdrew his eyes from the material and said very helpfully: "Take it!"

Mother Liu smiled and said: "My dear, take it! The Hou Mansion also gave Madam a set of Mr. Otamagawa!"

Hearing the words 'Mr. Dayamachuan', the corners of Wang Ruofu's mouth turned up uncontrollably.

Her eyes were filled with satisfaction for this gift, which really came to her heart.

Wei Shu turned around and Xiaodie hurried over, took the ingredients and stood aside.

At this time,

Mother Fang came over with a tray. On the tray were steaming glutinous rice balls in a bowl, with a spoon on the side.

Putting it down next to the old lady and Wang Ruofu, Wei Shuyi stood up again and took the soup bowl.

The old lady waved her hand and said:

"Eat it!"

After saying that, the old lady scooped out a glutinous rice ball, cut it on the plate to dry for a while, blew it on to test the hot and cold, and then handed it to Sheng Changzhu's mouth with a spoon.

Wang Ruofu ate the glutinous rice dumplings in a somewhat incomprehensible manner and said, "Mom, the taste of this year's glutinous rice balls is a little different from last year's."

The old lady smiled and nodded.

Wei Shuyi had just eaten her first glutinous rice dumpling at this time, and her eyes froze after eating it.

Mother Fang looked at the people eating glutinous rice dumplings with concern. After hearing Wang Ruofu's words, she said:

"Madam, this glutinous rice dumpling is based on the cooking method near Chuzhou. Does it taste good?"

Wang Ruofu nodded and said, "Well, it doesn't have a special taste."

"Little girl?"

Wei Shu said: "Okay."

After speaking, he looked gratefully at the old lady and Fang's mother.


A huge firework exploded in the air,

Qi Heng took a distant look at the window and said:

"Brother Jing, it should be His Majesty who has arrived at Xuande Tower."

After hearing this, Rongxian nodded and said, "Oh, watching the lanterns in Xuande Tower is much more beautiful than here!"

Qi Heng nodded,

Outside Xuande Tower, many gate tower lanterns are actually facing the imperial city tower. They are mainly for the emperor to see. No matter how you look at them from the side, they will lose some flavor.

"Sir, the eldest sister at home said that she is going to see the lanterns, and she wants you to accompany her."

After hearing what the boy at home said,

Zheng Xiao, who was a little bored at the side, suddenly jumped up.

He quickly arranged his clothes, held up the silk flowers in his hair, waved to Xu Zaijing and walked out.

Gu Tingye on the side asked in confusion: "What's wrong with Zheng Xiao?"

Xu Zaijing and Qi Heng looked at each other and followed without saying a word.

Several people walked to the door, stuck their heads out and looked outside. They saw Zheng Xiao coming to the stairs. His niece, Zheng Jun's eldest daughter Zheng Ni Zhengfu, bowed.

Zheng Ni's demeanor is very similar to Mrs. Zheng's, and she is serious in speech.

Next to her was Wu Niang, who was dressed up. She was waving to Zheng Xiao and asked, "Brother Xiao, where is the brother of the Shen family?"

Zheng Ni, who was beside Wu Niang of the Zhang family, no longer smiled solemnly, but patted Wu Niang with some embarrassment.

Zheng Xiao slapped his forehead in annoyance, then turned around and walked over.

Xu Zaijing and others immediately retreated. After Xu Zaijing looked around the room, he pulled Shen Herui over who was discussing knowledge with Chang Bai and said:

"Brother He Rui, sister Zheng Jiani is here."

As soon as Xu Zaijing said these words, there was laughter all around.

Afterwards, Shen Herui was held by Zheng Xiao's arm and walked out, and their servants hurriedly followed.

Xu Zaijing and Gu Tingye came to the window and looked out.

After a while, four figures appeared on the street downstairs, followed by carriages from their respective homes.

Rongxian lay on the third floor window and blew a cheering whistle.


The fifth lady of the Zhang family stopped, pinched her waist, and pointed to the window on the third floor.

The window was soon empty of people.


"Brother Xiao, let's go, let's follow."

after awhile,

The fifth lady of the Zhang family looked at the lantern in Zheng Ni’s hand with envy, which she got from solving lantern riddles.

Zheng Xiao walked to Shen Herui and whispered: "Herui, help, help! Help me guess the lantern riddles."

On the third floor,

One after another, sons and daughters were called away by their sisters to accompany them to watch the lanterns.

By the window, Rongxian was blowing cold wind,

He stared blankly at the Xuande Tower surrounded by lanterns in the distance, thinking about the day when he would be able to go downstairs with Chai Jin or Chai Bo.


At this time, Xu Zaijing patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother Xian, let's go. Let's go see the lanterns too."

Because we are classmates in school,

So when we went down this time, Xu Zaijing went down with Gu Tingye, Qi Heng, Chang Bai and others.

When going downstairs, girls from several houses were chattering. Xu Zaijing relied on his outstanding ear skills.

I heard 'young master' no less than five or six times,

There were also ‘Gu Erlang’ three or four times.

Although we went downstairs together and walked towards Xuande Building in the north,

But when walking on the street, the ladies stopped walking and stopped when they saw their favorite lanterns and riddles, and gradually dispersed.

The six girls of the Lu family, surrounded by servants and envoys from Duke Lian's mansion, followed Lu Zezong.

And Lu Zezong followed Xu Zaijing, and Xu Zaijing also had Qi Heng beside him.

Under the crisp requests of the six girls of the Lu family, Qi Heng guessed a lot of lantern riddles and helped the girls get the lanterns.

Otherwise, he always followed Qingyun, running back and forth one after another.

Everyone continued walking towards Xuandemen. On the roadside, there were not only stalls for guessing lantern riddles and selling lanterns, but also colorful booths for other Bianjing opera performances.

The closer you get to the imperial city, the more luxurious the colorful sheds become.

There were also many Bianjing people watching the show in front.

From time to time, performers would lead the audience into shouting "Long Live the Mountain". This was not for nothing.

Often, officials from the palace would come to the stage with rewards.

It means that His Majesty in the Xuande Tower heard the call and received everyone's kindness.

Therefore, the closer you get to Xuandemen, the denser the flow of people will become, almost to the point where you can't even move.

Of course, Xu Zaijing and others did not join in the fun. They just watched a fire dragon dance performance on the side and then turned around.

Xuande Building,

The emperor was wearing luxurious winter clothes and sitting on a dragon chair at the door.

Looking down from a high position, the south side of Xuande Tower is full of elaborately crafted huge lanterns.

Between the huge lanterns, there is a "slowly flowing" river of lanterns, which is the movement of the dark people of Bianjing.

Farther away is the wide Imperial Street. From both sides of the Imperial Street, the sound of mountains shouting "Long Live the Mountain" can be heard from time to time.

"Long live the saint! Long live the emperor!"

"Long live the saint! Long live the emperor!"

Hearing this call, the emperor on the dragon throne smiled and stretched out his finger: "Well, reward! A big reward!"

The chief minister on the side identified it and said: "The one next to the flagpole is a colorful shed with red fish lanterns. Give it a try!"

After saying that, the little internal official who was listening on the side took the Imperial Guards soldiers in golden armor down to the gate tower and crowded towards that side.

The emperor stood up, glanced at Zhao Fang in the queen's arms, and waved.

Zhao Fang walked to the emperor and said,

"Fang'er, take a look, we'll reward whichever one you like!"

Zhao Fang was small and couldn't see clearly after he poked his head around. Then, with the horrified eyes of the chief minister, he stood directly on the dragon chair where the emperor had just been sitting and continued to check.

The emperor saw this and said with a smile: "Fang'er is really smart!"

"Father, are these lantern sheds built by the Yongyi Hou family?"

The emperor was stunned and looked at the chief minister at the side inquiringly.

The chief minister hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the carp lantern jumping around under the golden archway, which means the carp leaping over the dragon gate, was jointly organized by several families, including the Xu family and the Qi family."

Zhao Fang, who was wearing a small golden crown, his eyes lit up and said: "Then, let's reward that one!"

The emperor raised his chin.

Zhao Fang got down from the dragon chair and walked inside. After returning to the queen's side, he struggled to pick up Princess Yue'er, who was wearing thick clothes and looked a little round.

Under the queen's seat, there were several other members of the emperor's family, including concubines and the eldest lady of the noble family.

Princess Pingning smiled at Princess Yue'er in Zhao Fang's arms, tilted her head and looked out and said:

"Zhengzheng and Miss Feiyan, after staying outside for so long, they are not afraid of the cold!"

The queen smiled and looked at Concubine Rong, and said:

"Ping Ning, what you said is that I don't know who went to Xuande Tower for the first time when he was a child and almost got cold from the cold."

"No matter how hard the female officer tries to persuade her, she can't come back."

Princess Pingning was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook her head: "Mother, this happened so many years ago, and I have even forgotten it!"

There was a burst of laughter in the room,

Rong Feiyan and Chai Zhengzheng, who were standing outside, looked back curiously, and then continued to look south.

"Sister Zhengzheng, look, the fire dragon dance is being performed in the colorful booth over there!"

The spectacular scene on the Xuande Tower temporarily dispelled Rong Feiyan's depression.

Rong Feiyan was so excited that she stretched out a hand from her cloak and pointed in the direction of Yujie.

Chai Zhengzheng looked over and said, "Yes! It's like he's alive!"

This dragon dance has a lantern in its body. Although it is a little far away, it can still be seen clearly from upstairs.

Of course, the two girls' eyesight was not as good as Xu Zaijing's, so naturally they couldn't see who was standing next to the colorful shed.

Then, Rong Feiyan quickly retracted her hand and secretly glanced at Chai Zhengzheng. When she saw Chai Zhengzheng looking over, she immediately turned her head and looked downstairs.

Chai Zhengzheng looked at Rong Feiyan curiously,

When Chai Zhengzheng came upstairs just now, he saw that Rong Feiyan was wrapped tightly in his cloak and thought it was Rong Feiyan who was afraid of the cold.

But what's going on with this evasive look and a somewhat guilty look?

At this time,

The queen's personal lady came out from the side door, came to the two of them and said:

"You two girls, I asked you to go in and warm yourself up before you come out and take a look."

Rong Feiyan felt like she was being pardoned and hurriedly said: "Okay, let's go in now!"

Saying that, he walked towards the inside.

Chai Zhengzheng behind him was a little confused, frowned and thought for a moment, and then followed.

Entering the room from the side door, the light is much brighter than outside the building.

Concubine Rong felt a little distressed when she saw her sister wrapped tightly in her cloak, and waved to Rong Feiyan.

When Rong Feiyan came closer, Concubine Rong put her hands into her cloak and shook Rong Feiyan's somewhat cold hand.

Before Rong Feiyan could react, her hand had already been on the tie of Rong Feiyan's cloak and she untied the cloak.

He took it into his hand and handed it to the female officer behind him, then took off his thick cloak and put it on Rong Feiyan.

It was a smooth move in the first place, but Concubine Rong looked at her sister's slightly troubled expression and said, "What's wrong, Feiyan?"

Chai Zhengzheng, who was following behind, glanced at Rong Feiyan and understood clearly,

Looking at the eyes of the Queen and Princess Ning in front,

Chai Zhengzheng walked forward a few steps quickly:

"Sister Feiyan, I didn't expect that you actually made the color matching of the clothes we discussed that day!"

"You're actually hiding it from me."

Rong Feiyan looked over shyly in surprise,

Seeing the "generous" gesture in Chai Zhengzheng's eyes, she was almost moved to tears.

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