Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 327 A young man in the spring sunshine [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! ]

In the blink of an eye, March 1st has arrived.

As usual,

The Imperial Garden Jinming Pool in the west of Bianjing City is in full bloom.

Both noble officials and ordinary people in Bianjing can visit and fish in the park.

Therefore, there was an endless stream of people heading west in Bianjing City, making the area around Shuntian Gate and Xinzheng Gate a little crowded early in the morning.

Quyuan Street

Yong Yi Hou Mansion

Alan walked out of the stable with a dragon colt in each hand.

At this time, Li Ju's 'son' trotted over. Before he got too close, Long Ju, who had been raised by Alan since childhood, shook his head and started kicking.

For a moment, 'Little Liju' couldn't get close.

Alan was stunned by this action, and then he hurriedly comforted the dragon colt. While looking down, he put his hand on the horse's belly.

After feeling Alan's hand for a while, his eyes became full of surprise.

He patted Long Ju's neck, and then shouted several times happily towards Uncle Yin on the side of the racecourse.

When Xu Zaijing's master Yin Bo heard this, he limped over with surprise on his face. He first put the bridle on the 'Little Liju' and tied it aside.

Then he walked to Longju, who was being taken care of by Alan. After some investigation, Uncle Yin also laughed and said:

"Don't let her go out! You have to take good care of her!"

Alan smiled and nodded.

At this time,

Xu Zaijing walked over from the aisle with sisters Qingcao and Huaxiang.

Come closer,

Looking at the scene in the racecourse, Qingcao asked curiously: "Uncle, why is this little Li colt tied up?"

Uncle Yin explained a few words while putting the bridle and saddle on the dragon colt that he had raised by searching for books.

After listening to Uncle Yin's words, the three little envoys looked at each other in surprise.

The little Li colt tied by the wooden fence barked a few times and raised its front hooves from time to time, seeming quite proud of it.

A quarter of an hour later,

Xu Zaijing rode another dragon horse out of the Xu family gate.

A carriage followed behind.

Seeing Xu Zaijing coming out, Chu Zhan quickly bowed his hands.

After Xu Zaijing's horse and carriage passed by, Chu Zhan walked a few steps quickly, jumped onto a carriage, and said with a smile: "Uncle Ren, let's follow!"

Ren Xiaoqiang, a middle-aged man driving the flatbed carriage, flicked his whip and the carriage started to move.

Several old ox carts from the Hou Mansion also followed behind.

When we came to Shuntianmen Street, there was a bustle of people and traffic.

However, Xu Zaijing did not meet the emperor's chariot this year. Listening to the words of passers-by, it turned out that the emperor's chariot had passed.

On the carriage, Chu Zhan sat aside with some sadness and said:

"Oh, Uncle Shu's aunt will not give birth sooner or later. She had to give birth last night!"

"It's better now, Uncle Shu and Brother Qingyun can't go to Jinmingchi!"

Uncle Ren, who was driving the carriage, straightened up, looked forward, then gave him a sideways glance and said:

"Xiao Chu, I see you are not feeling sorry for Shu Bo and Qing Yun, but are you lamenting that you can't sit on Qing Yun's horse like you did last year?"

Chu Zhan was stunned for a moment, then nodded his head and said:

"Uncle Ren, didn't I just yell at you last year? Why do you always tell the truth!"

"Besides, the difference in vision is really huge!"

Following his young master, the two of them talked and quickly left the city.

As the crowds of people left Xinzheng Gate and crossed the Hulong River,

Turn at the intersection and walk towards the gate of Jinmingchi.

In the Xu family carriage,

Through the curtains opened by Hua Xiang and Yun Xiang, Qingcao saw the road turning around. There were many colorful sheds tied up on both sides of the road.

In her opinion, the contents of this shed are similar to those of every festival.

But sisters Hua Xiang and Yun Xiang watched with gusto in the carriage, and even exclaimed when they saw the fire-breathing performance.

After the two sisters finished cheering, the sister Hua Xiang by the car window looked at the grass and said:

"Sister Qingcao, do you really not want to see it?"

Qingcao shook his head and said with a smile: "Just take a look."

She had followed her young master for so many years and had come out so many times. She really had seen enough.


After asking, the two sisters continued to look out of the car through the gauze on the car window.

The two sisters had been living in the Marquis' Mansion in Xiangyang since they were young. Although they had no worries about food and clothing, they were learning women's life skills every day. They were said to be more valuable than the daughters of ordinary officials.

But after all, they are slaves, and they have no chance to come out to watch festivals over the years.

In other words, after being sent to Xu's house for more than half a year, and going to and from school with Xu Zaijing, I got to know more about the city, and I was able to go out with him during festivals to watch the excitement.

They had only heard of the scenery of Jinming Pond.

Outside Jinming Pond,

The common people and noble officials and their families entered separately.

Although there are two lanes for the noble officials and their families walking in side by side, it is actually a bit crowded. It is obvious that they have to wait for a while to get in.


The surroundings were filled with the sounds of people talking, shouting and saying hello.

The BMW carved cars on the two 'lanes' stopped and stopped from time to time, following the speed of the imperial guards who maintained order.

In front of Xu Zaijing, for some reason, the speed of release almost stopped;

The carriages and horses on his left hand side were walking forward one by one.

At this time,

An exquisite and luxurious carriage stopped at the left rear of Xu Zaijing.

A woman's voice came from the luxurious carriage:

"This curtain has never been lowered during your entire journey!"

"Those who know know that this is your first time to see Jinming Lake. Those who don't know would think you are looking for someone!"

"Why did you suddenly stop looking?"

Another familiar crisp girl's voice said:

"Mother, no, nothing."

The woman's voice said again:

"Oh? Nothing?"

Listening to the voice, Xu Zaijing felt a line of sight falling on him.

"Huh? Brother Jing?"

Hearing this, Xu Zaijing looked to the left rear.

The curtain of the carriage had been opened at the rear left, and Madam Chai looked at Xu Zaijing, who was wearing a bright silk spring shirt, with a kind smile.

Dragon Horse moved a few times because of Xu Zaijing's somewhat puzzled movements, and Xu Zaijing hurriedly patted its neck to comfort it.

Afterwards, Xu Zaijing bowed slightly on the horse's back and nodded, smiling:

"Madam, Chunan!"

Looking at Chai Zhengzheng who was looking out from behind Madam Chai, he nodded and smiled:

"Miss Zhengzheng, your makeup is well."

Chai Zhengzheng nodded in the carriage as a return gesture.

Looking at the young man riding a horse, who seemed to be shining in the bright spring sunshine, Chai Zhengzheng looked up at him and smiled.


feeling the young man's gaze at her, she lowered her eyebrows and looked at the silk patterns on the inner wall of the carriage.

I don't know why, maybe it was the sun, anyway, Chai Zhengzheng's face was a little hot.

Oh, the sun can't shine in the carriage.

"Jing'er, good boy, wait until you enter the garden, come to my tent to play with Dalang and Erlang in the back!"

Mrs. Chai smiled and looked at the handsome Xu Zaijing in the sun, and she was more and more satisfied.

How to say it,

Riding a horse and years of exercise made Xu Zaijing tall and straight, with a masculine and heroic spirit;

But Xu Zaijing has been reading all the time, whether in the Xu family or the Sheng family, and he still has a lot of bookish air,

and his eyes are even more neutral and peaceful when he looks at people.

Mrs. Chai likes it no matter how she looks at it, especially Xu Zaijing accidentally saved her precious daughter.

Xu Zaijing nodded in agreement.

Mrs. Chai looked at Xu Zaijing with a smile and curiosity, nodded, and lowered the curtain.

At this time, the carriage in front of the Chai family started to move, and the Chai family carriage also moved forward.

The two brothers Chai Jin, who were following behind, looked at the horse Xu Zaijing sat on with great envy,

patted each other on the shoulders, and followed.

When Mrs. Chai and Xu Zaijing were talking,

in a carriage not far behind the Chai family, a woman dressed as a noble lady knocked on the carriage door and said:

"Why is it not moving again?"

"My lady, the Chai family in front is talking to the noble family on the right."

"Whose family?"

"I can't see the nameplate hanging in front of the carriage, but the horse this noble man is sitting on is very handsome!"

The noble lady lifted the curtain and looked forward with her head tilted, but her vision could only see the rear of the Xu family's carriage, and nothing else.

"Handsome? Can it be more handsome than our horses?"

The two girls beside the noble lady looked at each other and said:

"Mother, handsome horses? A few days ago, when we returned to Beijing and met with the sisters of Chengguogong for the first time, we heard them say that the Xu family of Yongyihou had two horses."

After the two girls finished speaking, the noble lady glared at them, tapped their foreheads angrily, and said:

"If you two hadn't been dawdling, why would I have to wait here? I would have followed your father in."

Hearing their mother's words, the two girls were embarrassed and didn't say anything.

The carriage continued to move,

The noble lady opened the curtain and looked out curiously.

Then she saw Xu Zaijing who was still "stuck" there.

Looking at Xu Zaijing riding on the back of the dragon horse.

The noble lady in the carriage: "Hiss! This kid!"

As she said that, she looked at her two girls in the carriage.

As the carriage moved, the lady said, "Wait for a moment at the place where the Chai family stopped just now."

"Yes, madam."


the carriage stopped next to Xu Zaijing.

The curtain of the carriage had not been lowered, and the lady looked at Xu Zaijing who was gradually approaching, and her eyes kept scanning him.

Xu Zaijing looked over with some curiosity, and nodded politely at the lady in the carriage with her hair full of pearls and jade and her eyes full of scrutiny.

"Good boy! This horse is really good!"

Xu Zaijing nodded and said, "Madam, you are too kind! May I know where your family is?"

Looking at the lady in the carriage who pushed her daughter's head aside, Xu Zaijing smiled slightly.

The maid following the carriage said, "This young man, our family is the Dou family of the Fuguogong!"

Xu Zaijing looked at the lady in the carriage and nodded, "Oh! The Duke's Mansion, shouldn't you have followed His Majesty into the garden long ago? What is this?"

The lady turned her head and glared at her daughter again.

The maid smiled awkwardly and said, "My wife, there's something going on."

Xu Zaijing nodded apologetically.

The noble lady was about to say something else when she saw two identical and very beautiful girls flash by in the carriage behind Xu Zaijing.

Looking at the beautiful girl in the opposite carriage, the noble lady glared and lowered the curtain and sighed:

"Hiss, this pair of little vixens! This boy is so lucky!"

The girl from the Dou family came to the window: "Mother, where are they?"

Looking at her two average-looking daughters, the noble lady said:

"Don't look at them, so that you won't ask me for clothes and hairpins again."

"Let Mrs. Wu of the Liang family go and ask in a few days. If it really works out, we must drive these two vixens out."

Seeing the curious expressions of her two daughters, the lady opened a gap in the car curtain.

The two girls from the Dou family looked over.

Seeing her two daughters' eyes widening in surprise, the noble lady closed the curtains and whispered:

"Forget it, let's go to Princess Pingning and ask about it first!"

"Your father and Duke Qi are classmates, and Princess Ning and I have grown up together, so we should be able to ask some questions."

At this time, Xu Zaijing finally started to move forward.

Soon everyone entered the Jinming Pond.

Xu Zaijing saw a pool of water stains at the entrance, and a faint smell of wine was floating around, as if the wine brought by a certain family had been thrown.

This is also the reason why this road is congested.

Jinmingchi Garden, which has not been opened for a year, is bustling again.

After taking a few steps inside,

Not far ahead, a Forbidden Army lieutenant with flowers on his hair and a red cloak outside his armor was riding on a horse surrounded by several infantry.

Who is it but Rongxian who seems to be maintaining order at the entrance!

Seeing the Chai family's carriage passing by, Rong Xian immediately dismounted after giving a few instructions, and walked over with a smile.

Arriving in front of the carriage, Rong Xian's eyes were full of hope, and he looked into the carriage from time to time.

But in the end, Rongxian still had some disappointment, regret and reluctance on his face, and chased the Chai family's carriage away with his eyes.

Then Rongxian turned around and got on the horse. When he saw Xu Zaijing, a smile instantly appeared on his face.

When the horse came over, it happened to be blocked by the carriage of the Dou family of the auxiliary state.

Looking at the girl from the Dou family who opened the curtains in the carriage and looked out, her eyes were surprised after seeing him.

Rongxian rolled his eyes very proudly,

After scoffing, he said:

He has seen this look too many times! Don't you just covet his handsome appearance?

Can you stop looking at his skin and make him feel more free and easy on the inside?

How come no one can see it?

Who can understand the sorrow in his heart!

besides! These two girls were average-looking. If they were prettier, he would actually be able to covet them.

Rong Xian thought about this, sighed, held the hairpin in his bun, and continued to ride towards Xu Zaijing with a smile.

When they got close, the two of them walked side by side.

Xu Zaijing and Rong Xian smiled and cupped their hands on horseback, saying: "Brother Xian, this outfit is really good!"

"Goro, you have a discerning eye!!"

"Hey, let me touch it! Oh, my little sweetheart."

Saying that, Rongxian touched the very smooth hair on Long Ju's neck lovingly.

Xu Zaijing said dumbfounded:

"I said, brother Xian, can you stop that squinting look of enjoyment on your face!"

"I can't accept it a little bit, because this is a true reflection of my heart."

Reluctantly leaving Long Ju's neck, Rong Xian looked back,

"Huh? Wulang, why are there only a few of you today? Where is Qingyun?"

Xu Zaijing cleared his throat and said, "Qingyun's mother-in-law, she just gave birth to a son last night. He and his wife have to take care of him."

Rongxian raised his eyebrows:

"Qingyun's father-in-law is getting older and stronger."

After looking around, he whispered: "Brother Jing, does Qingyun's father-in-law have any secret recipe?"

Xu Zaijing looked at Rong Xian dumbfounded and said, "Yes!"

Rongxian's eyes lit up: "Oh?"

Xu Zaijing: "I heard from the young man in the carriage behind that Uncle Shu loves oysters the most!"

Rongxian: "Oh!!!"

He patted Xu Zaijing's arm again: "Good brother!"

Next to the Rong family tent beside Jinming Pond,

Rong Feiyan, accompanied by two female envoys, looked towards her brother with a fan in her hand.

Looking at her brother who was talking very affectionately to Xu Zaijing, Rong Feiyan pursed her lips in a depressed manner.

"What are they two talking about!"

"Seeing my brother smiling so happily, it must not be a good thing!"

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