Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 34 The eldest son of the Gu family

Xu Zaiduan knew that the uncle in front of him was really talented and learned, and he had won the Jinshi.

Sheng Hong slowly stopped studying the ink.

He took out a brush from the pen holder, picked four pieces of paper on the table, and then moved his wrist to move the brush across the paper.

Sheng Hong finished writing one piece in one go, and Xu Zaijing saw that it was the words "cultivating the clouds and planting the moon".

Xu Zaiduan helped Sheng Hong take out the written paper.

Sheng Hong moistened the brush in the inkstone and continued to write like a dragon.

‘Curling Autumn Moon’

‘Dharma noble and innocent’

‘Drink to Cexun’

The three characters are also written with just one stroke of the pen.

Xu Zaijing looked envious. Not to mention Sheng Hong's poor character, these words are really beautiful.

His two older brothers, who had already entered school, were even more excited to see it.

When looking at Sheng Hong, his eyes were filled with admiration.

When Sheng Hong finished writing, Xu Zaijing hurriedly greeted him and offered him a handkerchief.

"Brother Hong, I've got to help you. Xiaozhu, go to the city quickly to find the framing master and bring me the best materials!"

Mrs. Sun could tell that Sheng Hong put a lot of effort into writing these words.

Sheng Hong smiled slightly, revealing the dimples on his cheeks.

Regardless of whether Sun's words are true or false, at least he attaches great importance to his handwriting.

On the side, Mrs. Sun secretly thought, no wonder her aunt stubbornly wanted to marry that Tanhua Lang.

Apart from anything else, with this appearance and temperament, any noble lady would not be confused.

Of course, this is also from the perspective of appreciation.

Xu Zaijing also saw Sheng Hong's grace.

No wonder the Wang family was reluctant to marry the Sheng family at first.

But after Mrs. Sheng brought Sheng Hong to visit, Mrs. Wang fell in love with him at first sight.

He is handsome, has good calligraphy, is a Jinshi, and has a lot of wealth in his family.

But Xu Zaijing, who knew Sheng Hong as a person, knew that this was at most a qualified official and a scapegoat.

Being a son, a father, and a lord are all unqualified.

If there wasn't an old lady sitting in the house,

Either the reputation of the children in the family being harmed by Lin Sushuang will be completely lost;

Either he caused a big disaster and Sheng Hong was exiled, and Lin Sushuang took Xinruan and ran away;

Or he would be stepped on by Lin Sushuang and fly to other high branches to become a good noble mother-in-law.

At Xu Zaijing's age and seniority, naturally he couldn't say much.

Sun said:

"Brother Hong, everything will go smoothly when you return to Beijing this time."

"Back to my sister-in-law, thanks to the respect of all the officials in the civil service department, my experience this time is not bad. I will be moved to Yangzhou soon. I have not been promoted, and I am still a small general judge."

"Yangzhou?" Mr. Sun looked surprised.

Sheng Hong thought Sun was surprised that he didn't return to Beijing and was about to say something.

Sun said, "Gu Hou's wife Bai is also from Yangzhou."

Sheng Hong: "Oh? That's what my sister-in-law means."

"Sister Bai and I hit it off immediately. In the past few days, we have invited our brothers and sisters to play on the boat."

Sheng Hong was stunned, still smiling, but his heart was churning.

Except for him, his brother-in-law, Mr. Kang, once said when he was drinking with him that when he arrived in Yangzhou, he must establish good relations with the big salt merchants.

Especially the Bai family.

He had quite a background before, and now he is an in-law of Ningyuan Houfu.

Sheng Hong was just thinking about how to break the situation, but he actually had this kind of connection with the Bai family today.

"Brother Hong, you are about to go to Yangzhou to take up a post. I heard from my sister from the Bai family that her natal father is in Bianjing. Maybe you can pay a visit."

Sheng Hong quickly stood up, bowed and said, "Thank you very much, sister-in-law. I'm just worried that no one can help me."

The situation is not as serious as Sheng Hong said. As the future second-in-command in Yangzhou, as long as he arrives in Yangzhou, there will naturally be people who want to fawn over him.

Several big salt merchants will not show any airs.

Many friends mean many paths, and they don’t want one more wall.

Sheng Hong said this, but it seemed that what Sun said was of great help to him. This would make Sun feel bright and helpful.

"Brother Hong, why bother? We are all relatives."

"What my sister-in-law said is that we are all relatives."

In this way, almost everything that happened a lifetime ago is in the past.

In the future, the Xu family and the Sheng family can slowly interact with each other. When they talk about it in the future, they can also be said to be Mrs. Sheng's natal family.

The Xu family is a noble family and was born as a military general.

Although the Great Zhou Dynasty did not emphasize culture over military affairs, there were no large-scale wars, and military generals had relatively few paths to promotion.

It wouldn't hurt to have some civilian help.

Therefore, Sun is willing to use the available connections in his social circle.

On the other hand, it is also a good thing for the Bai family to have a future Yangzhou Tongpan as a friend.

Sheng Hong, who wanted to return to Jiying Lane as soon as possible, had to be patient.

I went to the racecourse with Sun family member Xu Zaijing and other Xu family members.

As a concubine, Sheng Hong had never been back to the Xu family since Mrs. Sheng was sensible, so he had never been here.

At this time, Sheng Hong couldn't help but sigh at the yard of his aunt's mother's house. It was really big.

"Only in such a big yard can we cultivate my mother's polo skills."

The young boy Qingyun entered the stable and took out the Li colt.

Sheng Hong has also seen good horses, and there are many in the Sheng family stables.

But this horse is also the only one I have ever seen.

"What a horse, what a horse! Brother Jing is also very capable."

"Thank you Uncle Shi for your compliment."

When everyone returned to the main room, Ms. Sun also carefully asked the girl from the Sheng family. With her mother-in-law's past experience, Ms. Sun would naturally not talk about the marriage.

Moreover, through conversation, Mrs. Sun also knew that the eldest girl of the Sheng family was not too old, and Sheng Hong could only pay attention to children of appropriate age.

Mrs. Sun sent Sheng Hong out of the Hou Mansion, watched Sheng Hong's car leave Quyuan Street, and turned around to go back to her home after losing sight of it around the corner.

On the way back to the hospital, Mrs. Sun also asked about the framing master and planned to frame Sheng Hong's four paintings as soon as possible.

It looks great no matter where it is hung.

"Madam, the Lord's personal soldiers have just returned to report. They said that the Lord will be back in a few days." Xiao Dan, the female envoy, said at the side

Since Xu Minghua appointed the actual commander of the Western Army and took the children of the Xu family in Daizhou to take office, he has been home less often.

The last time Xu Zaijing went home was when he got the gift of a bow and arrow.

Hearing Xiao Dan's words, Sun's face instantly showed a smile.

"Okay, did you tell me when you will get home? How many people are accompanying you?"

"The eldest brother of the personal soldiers said that it will be in the next day or two. There are fourteen or five in total, seven of them are the children of our hometown Daizhou, and a few are the personal soldiers selected by the Lord. The eldest brother who came back is our Bianjing He’s grown up.”

"Go to the front yard and explain to the steward that these are the men who will fight with the Lord on the battlefield in the future. Don't treat them lightly."


Mrs. Sun returned to the backyard and talked to her children, who naturally cheered again.

Xu Zaijing returned to his yard after being happy. He was still looking forward to what surprises his father would have when he came back.

In the past few years, he has also obtained a lot of good leather or jade of good quality.

He was so old that he only had one servant, Qingyun, and the rest of the people who did the washing, sewing, etc. were the female servants and mothers around Sun.

I practice archery and horse riding every morning, and then start studying literature and calligraphy in the afternoon.

In this era without mobile phones, TVs, or tablets, you can still play pot throwing at home.

If he went out to listen to music like his eldest and second brothers, Xu Zaijing didn't want his palms to suffer.

The afternoon of the second day.

Xu Zaijing was practicing the word "Yong" when Qingyun came to the door

"Sir, the eldest son and the second son of the Ningyuan Hou family have come to our house."

"Ah? Where are they?"

"They are all in the eldest master's study."

"Let's go and have a look."

With that said, Xu Zaijing put down his brush and walked out.

When I arrived at Xu Zaiduan's yard, I walked into the study and saw Gu Tingyu writing on Xu Zaiduan's desk with a brush.

"The words Shandaren are really well written. I am too young to write the character of it."

Gu Tingyu put down his pen and shook his head.

Gu Tingye seemed to understand, but when he saw what his elder brother said, he nodded in agreement.

"Brother Jing!" Gu Tingye suddenly became happy when he saw Xu Zaijing.

"I've met Brother Yu and Brother Ye."

Gu Tingyu, who was behind the desk, also put down his pen and bowed his hand.

Gu Tingyu is not old enough to hide his emotions.

Although he was speaking, his brows were furrowed.

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