Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 335 Sister Xiaodie [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! ]

"Why does this slave look like something is wrong?"


Wang Ruofu, who was sketching with a brush, was stunned when he heard what Liu's mother said.

With a sideways glance, Wang Ruofu clearly saw the words written on the paper!

"Are these just profits?"

As he spoke, Wang Ruofu quickly put down his brush, picked up the letter paper wrapped with banknotes with both hands and shook it with a look of disbelief:

"Could it be that we gave Hua'er an extra banknote that day?"

Mother Liu, who was handling the matter, also doubted herself a little, and said with a look of memories in her eyes:

"Madam, I'm sure I didn't give you too much! Because that's the only large amount of money left at home at that time!"

Wang Ruofu nodded, looked at the banknotes in his hand, and said doubtfully:

"What kind of business is this? Making money like this?"

"Isn't this girl Hua'er trying to make her look fat?"

Mother Liu held her handkerchief and affirmed:

"Madam, Sister Hua is not such a child!"

"If there is really any loss, Sister Hua can just tell you. There is no need to do this!"

Wang Ruofu nodded and picked up the brush, ready to continue writing other things in the account book.

The pen tip stopped when it touched the account book. Wang Ruofu quickly raised his head, looked at Mother Liu beside him and said:

"What did those ladies say yesterday?"

"What about the things from the south that make them enough money in just a few months?"

Mother Liu said:

"Yes, listen to Fu Fu. It should be for the sake of Princess Pingning, each of them invested four to five hundred coins!"

"I heard that I will be able to share some money in the future!"

"Madam, are you saying that Sister Hua also voted for this?"

Wang Ruofu said bitterly:

"This stinky girl has a really tight mouth!"

"If we had known this, we would have given her more money!"

Mother Liu patted her thigh with some regret.

"Madam, I remember that day, our old lady gave me the most!"

Wang Ruofu stood up suddenly, turned his eyes and said:

"Go, send someone to wait at the door of the school! Invite Chang Bai and my uncle after school!"

Mother Liu bowed in response, turned around and walked outside the house.

At this time, Caihuan at the door came over, said with a blessing:

"Madam, Sister Xiaodie from Anzhai is waiting outside the courtyard today, and she said she would bring out the right cards for the door."

"It is said that Miss Wei asked for your instructions this morning."

Wang Ruofu sat back in his chair, looked at the account book and said, "Give it to her. This lady of the Viscount's Palace is really leisurely!"

Caihuan gave a blessing, walked to the table, took out a pair of cards.

outside the house,

Xiaodie held the bundle on her arm and smiled when she saw Caihuan coming out:

"Sister Caihuan, I'm sorry to bother you!"

"If you want to tell me sister, please take it."

Holding the right sign to go out, Xiaodie got on the carriage outside the side door of Sheng's house.

After saying where to go, Xiaodie sat in the carriage, lowered her head and touched the bundle in her arms.

The sound of cars rumbling,

The carriage left Jiying Lane, and it was okay to drive in the alley. As soon as the carriage turned onto the street, the noise around it became louder.

Listening to the a cappella singing of the flower vendors on the road, Xiaodie opened a corner of the carriage curtain and smiled slightly as she looked at the bustling scene on the road.

As we approached the Wei family's house in Bianjing,

Xiaodie, who was sitting on the carriage, opened the curtain again. At this time, a flower seller happened to be walking alongside the carriage carrying a pole full of flowers at both ends.

Looking at the flowers in the florist's bamboo basket next to the carriage so closely, Xiaodie patted the carriage and shouted:

"Uncle Chamber, stop!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Flower seller, don't leave!"

A little more than a quarter of an hour later, Xiaodie, holding a flower basket, got off the carriage in front of Wei's house.

After another quarter of an hour,

Mother Wei, who has an eye problem, helped Liu Xiaodie to the door with the help of an envious little girl.

at this time,

Liu Xiaodie was already wearing a brand new silk spring shirt and had jewelry on her hair.

On the back of Xiaodie's spring shirt, from a distance, you can still see a huge Ditang flower faintly embroidered.

The burden on my arms is also much smaller.

Xiaodie said to Mother Wei:

"Auntie, when Mrs. Wei comes back, remember to tell her that this money was earned by the eldest sister of the Sheng family who married into the Hou Mansion and her younger sister!"

"Just use it with peace of mind!"

Mother Wei nodded and said, "Okay, I understand! Second girl, why don't you eat at home?"

Liu Xiaodie glanced at the little envoy beside Mother Wei and said, "Auntie, I still have some things to do."

"oh oh!"

"Then I won't stay!"

Xiaodie got on the carriage,

After waving in the car and letting Wei Mu in,

Xiaodie lowered the car curtain, looked at another flower basket in the car, and took a deep breath nervously.

It has been two years since Xiaodie came to Bianjing. She mostly buys small things from the vendors outside the side door of Sheng's house.

Sometimes I would go out to help Wei Shuyi buy some silk threads, satins, etc., but other times I would rarely go out.

Because Xiaodie doesn't go to many places, and has never been to the west side of Bianjing, so Xiaodie looks out of the car much more often than when she goes to Wei's house.

Amidst the shouts and shouts, the Sheng family's carriage drove onto a bridge.

Xiaodie looked along the canal under the bridge. On both sides of the canal, among the green willow trees, there were many pedestrians. Farther away was the towering inner city wall of Bianjing.

The carriage got off the bridge, and Xiaodie lowered the curtain with some lingering thoughts.

After walking for a while, Uncle Qian, who was driving the car in front, said, "Miss Xiaodie, Xishui Gate is coming!"

Xu Zaijing's maternal grandfather's house was located near Xishuimen, but it was in the outer city to the west of the inner city wall. Further west was Wanshengmen Nei Street, and the nearby Xiaoya Lane was Zhu's cousin's natal home.

The place where Xiaodie got off the carriage was in the inner city near Xishui Gate.

When getting off the carriage, Xiaodie looked around from a distance. There was a very grand mansion of unknown family in the distance.

Beside the carriage, Xiaodie lifted the baggage and flower basket on her arm and looked up at the plaque with the word "Zhu Zhai" hanging on the door.

Best wishes to the Viscount’s house,

reception hall,

Several athletic women who looked like they were practicing martial arts were standing at the door.

Six or seven women dressed as women were sitting there, some were eating tea, and some were cracking pumpkin seeds.

While talking, laughter could be heard from time to time.

This place does not have the dignity of the mother-in-law of a wealthy family, but more of the excitement of the market.

There were two girls beside them, talking about something.

One of the girls' face was still a little red when she heard the women's laughter.

In the gap between talking,

A woman looked at the hairpin on Ni Qiqiu's head and sighed: "Sister Ni, I have never seen the style of your hairpin!"

Upon hearing this, Ni Qiqiu took off the hairpin and handed it to her:

"My aunt gave this to me when I went to the Hou Mansion during the Chinese New Year!"

"It was said that it was sent by Mr. Lu, the adopted brother of Brother Xu Jiajing, from his maternal grandfather's family."

After hearing the conversation between the two, someone next to me said, "Isn't that the Li family? I heard they are in charge of the Institute of Arts and Sciences of the Ministry of Industry!"

"That's right! Nowadays, one or two lottery prizes in Jinming Pond come from Wensi Academy!"

Then everyone began to talk about how many wealthy households in Bianjing spent a lot of money to buy one and put a flag on the small dragon boat in the past few days, competing for the lottery spot.

Ni Qiqiu took the hairpin handed back by the woman and said:

"By the way, Sister Jin, you told me before that your uncle asked you to handle the matter for his apprentice. I contacted a relative of the Cheng family in the Inspection Department, and the matter will definitely be handled."

"Oh, that's good! Sister, you don't know that my uncle's apprentice's surname is Li. He works as a catcher in the yamen and has changed his job several times, all so that his apprentice can stay away from the place of right and wrong!"

Ni Qiqiu nodded:

"Sister Jin, this master has really good intentions!"

"To tell you the truth, my master used to do rocking exercises for my mother-in-law, and he took me with him every time. At that time, I didn't understand what she meant!"

The 'Sister Jin' nodded with emotion.

The women talking in the hall,

They are the eldest ladies in Zhu Qinghu's robes.

He had made great contributions with Zhu Qinghu before, but now he is serving as a minor official in the Forbidden Army.

They had been seriously injured in Pan Lou before. If it weren't for Yu Huguang's presence, they would have been somewhat disabled.

After these few entered Bianjing, most of the women they married were the daughters of Bianjing's imperial military attachés.

Ni Qiqiu has the most noble status here. After all, she is the wife of a viscount.

But although she comes from a scholar's family, she has been visiting homes since she was a child to earn money for her younger siblings.

I also had a lot of conversations with the ladies around me who were former military attachés.

When everyone was talking about how much money it would cost to hire a navy soldier to compete, a little envoy said at the door:

"Madam, the Liu family girl is at the door."

Upon hearing this, the women's eyes lit up.

Xiaodie, as the biological sister of their official Paoze, has come to Bianjing again, so there are some things that they naturally have to worry about.

I heard that this girl was finally persuaded to go out and show up at the Zhu family. Naturally, these ladies wanted to come and see each other.


With that said, Ni Qiqiu stood up and led everyone outside.

Upon hearing the arrival of today's rightful owner, the two girls following behind murmured:

"I heard that this girl is still working as a maid in someone else's house?"

"Yes! I heard that the waiter is still a girl."

"I don't know what she looks like!"

While they were talking, everyone left the hall, and the two girls following behind heard the exclamations from their sister and sister-in-law in front of them.

"Ouch! This."

"Is it Sister Xiaodie?"

"Looking is a sign of good looks!"

Madam Jin asked, "How come I haven't seen this style of clothing before?"

The two girls who heard this also looked over, and then looked at each other in surprise. One of them said:

"Are all the maids in this house dressed so beautifully?"

"She must be beautiful!"

At this time, Ni Qiqiu had already led everyone to Xiaodie.

Xiaodie saluted everyone and said:

"I've met Mrs. Ni. Good luck to all ladies."

"Sister Xiaodie, come on, let's go in."

Entering the hall, everyone took their seats, and Xiaodie handed the flower basket to the female envoy.

Ni Qiqiu just held Xiaodie's hand and looked at her with fondness.

After the maid served tea to Xiaodie,

Xiaodie stood up again under the gaze of everyone, handed the baggage in her hand to Ni Qiqiu, and said:

"Madam, this is a little bit of my thoughts. My little wife said that you ladies are worrying about me, so I should be grateful."

"Please don't dislike me, madam."

Ni Qiqiu and several other people sitting in the hall looked at each other with a smile and said, "Xiaodie, what's inside?"

"A few handkerchiefs I embroidered myself."

After hearing Xiaodie's words, the two girls looked at each other and curled their lips in disbelief.

Ni Qiqiu put the bundle on his lap. The bundle was not tied tightly. After opening it, Ni Qiqiu's eyes lit up, he raised his head and smiled:

"Several sisters are at my house today, so I will choose first!"

As he said that, he took out a handkerchief from his baggage.

"How can you say that? Shouldn't our guests choose first?"

Talking and laughing, a few handkerchiefs were passed around in everyone's hands.

The two girls who were noncommittal just now were holding a handkerchief together and stroking the vivid flower branches embroidered on it, their faces full of surprise.

They have naturally seen the material of handkerchiefs, but they have never seen such good embroidery work!

If you want to sell it in a brocade and silk shop in Bianjing, you have to start with five strings.

The handkerchief in Ni Qiqiu's hand was embroidered with one of the cute pictures that Xu Zaijing once drew for Minglan. She said she would pick first, which was just a joke.

Everyone looked at Xiaodie's embroidery and saw a few poems embroidered on it. Ni Qiqiu asked curiously:

"Sister Xiaodie, do you still know how to read?"

Xiaodie nodded and said, "Yes, I followed my mother when I was a child, and she taught me how to write."

The lady named Jin asked curiously:

"Sister, how many do you recognize?"

Xiaodie replied: "Thousand-Character Essay, hundreds of families can read and write."

Listening to Xiaodie's words, the ladies in the hall looked at each other in surprise. Are all the female servants of the civil servant family like this?

Following Xiaodie's few words, the ladies looked at her more and more kindly.

Behind Zhu Qinghu is the Yongyi Hou Mansion.

Although they were also thinking about Ni Qiqiu's little sister, looking at the way the Ni brothers were studying, it was almost certain that the little girl was going to marry high.

Don't even think about military attaches like them.

And what about Xiaodie?

She is a civilian by birth, but her appearance can be called beautiful!

Not only is he literate and good at embroidery, but he is also able to run a household and support his family.

What's more important is that Ni Qiqiu, the eldest wife of the Zhu family, treats this girl as a younger sister.

They were at home, but they often heard from their officials how good the relationship between Liu Xiaomao and Zhu Qinghu was.

You have to carefully select the outstanding children in your family when you return home!

Ni Qiqiu looked at the people in the hall and could guess what they were thinking. She looked sideways at Xiaodie beside her and smiled slightly.

At noon,

Xiaodie had lunch with all the ladies again.

Seeing Xiaodie eating in a carefree and unpretentious manner, all the ladies became more and more satisfied.

At the end of the day (3 p.m.)

Xiaodie walked out of Zhu's yard.

After bidding farewell to Ni Qiqiu and others, he got into the carriage.

Watching the carriage go away, Ni Qiqiu and the others returned to the yard.

Xiaodie breathed a sigh of relief while sitting in the carriage, then opened the curtain with some melancholy and looked outside.

At this time, the carriage came to the bridge that it had passed in the morning.

Looking at the flower vendor selling flowers on the side, Xiaodie patted the carriage again. After the carriage stopped, Xiaodie got off the carriage.

In order not to block the road, the carriage moved forward a little.

Xiaodie stood by the bridge, carefully picked out a dozen flowers for her little girl, and made money with the flower seller. Xiaodie happily held the flowers, and when she turned around to walk towards the carriage,


Xiaodie was knocked to the ground, and flowers were scattered all over the ground.

Qian Bo, who was looking at the carriage from the side, shouted: "Hey! Don't you, a young scholar like you, watch the road?"

The flower seller woman also said: "This flower is broken, you have to pay for it!"

Ni Tengyue, who was holding a book in his hand, raised his hands in a panic. He wanted to help someone but retracted his hand.

He looked at the girl who got up and hurriedly checked the girl's new clothes, as well as the stains and damage on the girl's new clothes.

The flower seller woman said: "You have to pay for such a beautiful dress!"

Xiaodie also looked at this blind passerby with hatred!

Ni Tengyue said quickly:

"This girl, I'm very sorry. My brother-in-law's house is right in front!"

"I'll pay for it!"

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