Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 356 The bustle in front of Xuande Building [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! ]

The east gate of the imperial city, Donghua Gate.

The street market outside the palace gate is more lively and prosperous than the ones in other directions.

Listening to the hawking, shouting, bargaining and other sounds coming from the street outside the door, Rongxian, who was wearing armor, sat on the high chair in the doorway and yawned.

The internal official who went shopping outside the palace walked into the city gate, carrying a bamboo basket containing fresh fruits and vegetables in his hand.

The internal official bowed and said:

"I've seen Brother Xian!"

"Hmm! What did the officer buy?"

"A few tender gourds!"

Rong Xian stood up and walked over, looking at the things in the bamboo basket and nodding: "Tsk! It's so beautiful! The color looks like jasper!"

"Brother Xian is right! These gourds cost me four thousand dollars!"

Rong Xian smiled and said: "The nobles in the palace are happy today. Seeing such a good-looking gourd, they will definitely reward the officials."

"Excuse me!"

Hearing the sound of horse hooves outside the door, the official looked back and whispered with Rongxian: "Concubine Rong said, let you think more about how to celebrate such a happy event for the country."

Rongxian looked indifferent: "It's just setting off firecrackers, giving out porridge, and throwing some money, I understand!"

After speaking, he waved his hand.

The internal official bowed and said, "Brother Xian, just understand! Then you are busy!" After that, he walked towards the palace.

Soon, a Forbidden Army cavalry dismounted and walked to the doorway. The knight who had shouted all the way said with a hoarse voice and cupped his hands: "Commander, the humble duty is back."

Rong Xian stretched his body and said, "I'm tired. Come off duty and accompany me to Fanlou to have a good time!"

The knight smiled: "Yes!"

After a quarter of an hour,

During this period, several Forbidden Army knights returned to Donghuamen one after another.

When one of them came to Rongxian, he took out a few apricots from his chest and said:

"Commander, I met Mr. Qi, Erlang Gu and Wulang Xu on the street outside Jiying Lane!"

"This is a reward from Wulang for humble positions."

Rongxian took an apricot and asked doubtfully: "Why, they don't go to school?"

"Looking at the direction those few are walking in, they are leaving from the Sheng family. They may be taking a break!"

Rong Xian's eyes lit up and he nodded: "Okay! Then we won't go to Fan Tower and go to find Brother Jing and Gao Le! You go and change your clothes first and find out where they are playing!"

"Yes, command!"

Then, Rong Xian, who was standing in the doorway, looked at the bustling market outside the palace gate, shook his head and said, "It's so annoying to have to give out porridge and throw out money!"


british government


The front hooves of the horse under Wu Niang's seat flew into the air and hit the ground heavily.

Wu Niang was dressed neatly in polo clothes. She sat on a horse and waved her polo club. She smiled at the mother who was in charge of the field and said:

"Mother Fan, what's wrong?"

Mother Fan, who was frightened by the standing horse, looked at the smiling Wuniang with some annoyance and said: "Girl, Miss Zhengzheng has sent someone to deliver the post!"

Wu Niang’s eyes lit up

"Is anyone gone?"

"not yet!"

Wu Niang turned aside, dismounted gracefully, and said: "Mother Fan, please invite us here. I will have a few words with Zhengzheng's female envoy."

"Yes, girl."

After a while, Fan's mother led the little girl Fu Yi to the side of the racecourse. She looked at the noble girl sitting on the chair and gave her a blessing:

"I've seen the fifth girl!"

Wu Niang nodded with a smile, waved to Fu Yi and said, "Come closer!"

Fuyi walked up to Wuniang, who waved to Fan's mother again.

Mother Fan stepped aside helplessly.

Wu Niang looked at the female envoy in front of her, then glanced at Mother Fan a few feet away, and whispered:

"Xiao Fuyi, I heard that your eldest son has a female singer? Have you seen it? Does it look good?"

Fuyi hurriedly lowered his head, hiding his eyes: "Uh, I don't know."

Wu Niang thought for a moment, seemed to have figured it out, and nodded:

"That's right. You, a female envoy from the inner court, can't see these things."

"Give me the post!"

Taking the post in Fu Yi's hand, Wu Niang looked at it for a few times and said, "Go back and tell your girl that I will wait for her at the southeast corner of the imperial city tomorrow."


Seeing Mother Fan glance at her sideways as she was sending Fu Yi away, Wu Niang rolled her eyes, shook her head and said to herself, "Can Mother Fan not hear what I'm asking from this far away?"

Thinking of this, Wu Niang stepped on the stirrups and mounted her horse, looking at the Zhang family's fairly large racecourse: "Ha!"

The horse started running again.

The Chai family's carriage turned around after coming out of Xingguofang and headed eastward.

The maid sat in the car with her clothes on, looking out through the gauze on the window.

After passing the wide Imperial Street, the carriage slowed down when it reached Panlou Zheng Street.

Fuyi opened the car curtain and asked in front of the car: "What's going on?"

"Girl back to Fuyi, there are a lot of people in front, it seems like there is something going on!"

"Go around!"


With that said, the carriage was about to turn away.

At this time, Fuyi saw the noble young men with bright clothes and horses on the road. She was stunned and hurriedly shouted:


"Go ask what's going on!"

Chai family

Autumn Sound Garden

in the hall,

Chai Zhengzheng stood and stretched out his hands, letting Yunmu measure her shoulder width and hand length with a soft ruler, looking ahead and saying:

"Fuyi, please tell me again, what did those families say when they were giving away things."

Fuyi repeated what Xu Zaijing said before, "Let's have fun together."

"Are they going outside Xuande Building?"


Chai Zhengzheng put away his hands and said with a smile:

"Go, get two thousand guan, and buy more fruits, sugar cane, sugar and meat buns!"

"Get a few sets of pens, inks, paper and inkstones from the store and give them to Xu. Just say this is the Chai family's intention to celebrate my great victory in the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"Yes, girl."

Donghua Gate,

The current commander of the Forbidden Army Camp, Rong, showed his worthiness. He and five or six of his personal subordinates took off their armor, changed their clothes, and walked out.

Get on the horse outside the door.

One of his subordinates said: "Commander, I went to Qiaoji Aquatic Products Store and bought some good oysters! Then you and some other officials will come and give them a try."

Rong Xian's eyes lit up, he looked at his subordinates nodding with satisfaction, and said: "Sensible!"

"I am commanding you to lead by example."

Rongxian: "Hahahaha~"

Looking at the exquisite carriage parked on the side of Donghuamen Street, Rong Xian stopped smiling.

He raised his chin towards his subordinate, who walked aside.

Rong Xian rode his horse to the carriage and said, "Sister, why are you here?"

The curtains of the carriage were opened, and Rong Feiyan, who was becoming more and more beautiful, turned her head and looked at Rong Xian, saying, "Brother, it's not a good idea if you don't go home all the time!"

Rong Xian said anxiously: "Me!!! I won't agree!"

Rong Feiyan said softly: "Brother, after all, she is also the legitimate daughter of the Fuguo family. Didn't you agree well from the beginning! Why?"

Rong Xian tilted his head to the side, folded his hands on his chest, and said angrily: "Who, who knew that the legitimate daughter of a dignified prince looks like this?"

Rong Feiyan: "Brother, I can't help you. My sister will be looking for you in two days."

Rong Xian looked at his subordinates who went to find out where Xu Zaijing and others were and came back to report them, saying, "Sister, I won't agree even if you ask me!"

Rong Feiyan sighed in the carriage and asked, "Well, brother, where are you going today?"

Rongxian asked: "Me? Tell me where you are going first!"

Rong Feiyan said: "Miss Zhengzheng of the Chai family invites me to play tomorrow. I'll go see if there are any new materials in the shop."

Seeing his sister waiting for his answer, Rong Xian raised his eyebrows: "I'm going to find brother Gao Le from the Qi family, the Gu family and the Xu family!"

Rong Feiyan asked doubtfully: "Aren't they in school?"

Rongxian waved to his subordinates who went to inquire.

Seeing people coming, Rong Feiyan lowered the car curtain.

When the others came closer, Rong Xian looked at his subordinates and said, "Have you asked me clearly? From Jiying Lane to now, what have Brother Jing and the others been doing? Where are they?"

The forbidden knight quickly said:

"In the beginning, Brother Jing said that he was happy to buy a few carts of fruit today. Later, he asked about it. Later on, on the way to Panlou, Erlang Gu and Young Master Qi actually spent more money."

"Arrived at Pan Tower. The aides of Kaifeng Prefecture should be heading outside Xuande Tower now."

Rongxian nodded: "Go!"

Driving his subordinates away, Rong Xian said to his sister, "Got it? Then I'm leaving!" He then drove his horse away.


Rong Feiyan said eagerly.

Rongxian: "Huh?"

Rong Feiyan opened the car curtain, her face was solemn, her eyes were moving, and she said: "Xibu, give brother the money I plan to buy materials!"

Rongxian took the banknotes handed over by the maid with a good-hearted expression on his face.

"Brother, these are not for you to spend carelessly!"

"Sister, how can I be careless?"

Rong Feiyan continued:

"Brother, listen to me!"

"Isn't it auspicious that the earthquake in the hostile Baigao Kingdom helped us win a great victory in the north of the Great Zhou Dynasty? Should we, as ministers, be happy? Should we celebrate?"

Rongxian nodded: "Yes!"

Rong Feiyan: "Then how should we celebrate?"

"Your brother and I were about to give out porridge, scatter money, and set off firecrackers!"

Rong Feiyan shook his head, looked at the street scene outside the car, and said: "No! Brother, it won't be like this today! If you do this, let's go buy it."

Rong Feiyan stopped talking.

Because she saw people dressed as stewards buying meat buns in baskets on the street outside Donghua Gate.

"Brother! We have more than a dozen tea shops in our home. Let our shop close today and prepare tea and drinks for passers-by for free. We call it a celebration with the country!"

"Prepare some more and send them outside Xuande Tower!"

Rong Xian looked at his sister's eyes and face, nodded and said: "Okay, I'll listen to you! I'll go to Xuande Building first to see what it's like! My sister should send someone to inform the steward in the shop!"

Just as Rong Feiyan was about to speak, Rong Xian rode away.

Donghua Gate is the east gate of the imperial city. The market on the east side is bustling, and there are also two Rong family shops around it.

Two quarters of an hour later,

When Rong Feiyan got on the carriage and was about to use the ox cart to carry the best tea to Xuande Tower, Rong Xian hurriedly rode to the carriage and said:

"Sister, hurry up! I heard that His Majesty may have to go to Xuande Tower!"

"You didn't see the scene in front of Xuande Tower!"

Rong Feiyan asked: "What happened in front of Xuande Tower?"

Rong Xian said: "Sister, when I came, Brother Jing and the others had already gathered thousands of people in front of Xuande Building, and Erlang of the Gu family was leading the chants! Listen! He's shouting again!"

"Hurry up!"

Rong Feiyan leaned to the car window and listened carefully. Through the ridges of the roof, the voice of Zhou Wansheng came indeed.

"Brother, do you think how fast this oxcart full of tea can be delivered to Xuande Tower?"

After saying that, Rong Feiyan rolled her eyes at her brother and lowered the car curtain.

"Hey~ sister!"

Rong Xian glanced at the subordinates beside him and said, "Watch and escort us over!"

"Yes, command!"

Then Rongxian rode beside the carriage and drove towards Xuandemen.

Noble officials in Bianjing and even members of wealthy families have a very keen sense of smell.

After hearing about what happened on Panlou Zheng Street and outside Xuande Tower, they immediately understood the benefits of Xu Zaijing, Gu Tingye, Qi Heng and others' actions!

Conquer the Bai Gao Kingdom!

The most important reason is the current Zhou emperor's ambition to expand territory!

Then what?

Earthquake in enemy country! Great Zhou Lianjie! Is this destiny? Ordained by God? Do you want to celebrate?

Today, the imperial guards in the palace filled the streets with shouts and propaganda again.


For such an auspicious occasion, it would definitely take some time for the government offices such as the Ministry of Rites of the Zhou Dynasty to organize a celebration.

But what about what Xu Zaijing and others did?

You spent your own money, so you moved very quickly, and it was completely spontaneous!

But the scale and momentum are not small! And it looks like the scale is getting bigger and bigger.

Listening to the voice of the people shouting, isn't it a scene where the people are supporting and the people's support is available, which shows that the emperor's decision is correct!


Soon after Xu Zaijing, Gu Tingye and others took the ox cart and carriage to Xuande Tower, children from other noble officials' families participated from time to time.

Like Xu Zaijing and others, they also gave away things for free.

The lively scene in front of the building soon spread to the people near Yu Street.

The people of Bianjing love the excitement, especially when there are good things to eat without spending any money!

So when it’s almost noon, even though the sun is shining and it’s a bit hot, in previous years the Lantern Festival was only bustling in front of Xuande Tower, and it was already packed with people!

When Rong Feiyan's carriage arrived near Xuande Tower, there were already many people on both sides of the wide imperial street who heard the news, and the imperial guards and government officials who maintained order could also be seen everywhere.

With Rongxian, the commander of the imperial army, present, the Rong family's carriage quickly arrived near the busiest Xuande Tower.

From time to time, Rong Feiyan in the carriage could hear the shouts of "Long Live the Saint", "Hail the Emperor" and "Wansheng the Great Zhou", mixed with the sound of drums.

Rong Feiyan opened the car curtain, looked at Rong Xian beside the car and said, "Brother, why are these calls so high and low?"

Rong Xian said: "The sons of Han Guo Gong and Ling Guo Gong are also here. They are talking to Gu Erlang and the others, and they are comparing their voices!"

"Brother, whose voice is louder?"

Rong Xian smiled and said, "Of course it's Brother Jing and the others!"

As he spoke, the Rong family's carriage slowly stopped under the palace wall guarded by the imperial army. There were carriages, horses, and several servants and envoys.

Rong Feiyan listened to the noisy shouts around her, opened the curtain and looked outside, and happened to see Hua Xiang, the female servant in the Xu family's carriage beside her.

in the field,

Because Xu Zaijing did it unintentionally, and it was Gu Tingye, Qi Heng and others who made the decision temporarily, there was no high wooden platform on the wide field in front of Xuande Building.

However, there were a few unruly princes and princes who came to try to cause trouble.

Seeing the disciples such as Han Guo Gong and Ling Guo Gong not far away also carrying out big drums, Gu Tingye looked at Xu Zaijing and said, "Brother Jing, what should I do?"

Xu Zaijing looked around and focused on the place where the carriage was parked!

"Let's go pull the car!"

"Three carriages and horses are lined up side by side! Let's stand on the roof and play drums!"

Hearing Xu Zaijing's words, Gu Tingye, Qi Heng and others' eyes lit up!

Under the palace wall where the carriage is parked,

Seeing Xu Zaijing and others approaching, Rong Feiyan quickly lowered the car curtain and looked at the female envoy beside her with some confusion.


The voices of Xu Zaijing and others approached, and the warm conversation of his brother reached the car.

"Brother Jing, let me help you too!" Rong Xian said.

With that said, a coat was thrown into Rong Feiyan's carriage, and the envoy hurriedly put it away.

After some discussion, the voices faded away.

Rong Feiyan opened the curtain and saw that there were a few carriages missing next to his carriage, and the place was much spacious.

Hua Xiang, the female servant of the Xu family, was holding the clothes that Xu Zaijing had taken off. She was standing aside when she saw Rong Feiyan looking over. Hua Xiang smiled brightly and bowed.

Rong Feiyan looked at the clothes in Hua Xiang's arms and smiled, and then said to the female envoy in the car: "Go, please ask Miss Hua Xiang to come to our car and have a rest!"

"Yes, girl!"

At this time,

In front of Xuande Tower, the slow sound of drums could be heard from the tops of the carriages of three carriages that were visiting side by side.

Every time Gu Tingye on the top of the carriage beats the big drum, Xu Zaijing will use the fruit basket to sprinkle a rain of copper coins, and there will be a huge roar of mountains all around!

Later, I realized that the children of the Han family, Lu family and other princes were still imitating Xu Zaijing and others, trying hard to pull the carriage into the crowd. After all, they were not as strong as Xu Zaijing.

When the carriage arrived, they still had to get the big drum up, but it was a lot of trouble!

However, the figure of an internal official was already moving upstairs in Xuande Tower.

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