Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 369: Hungry and indiscriminate (supplement) [Thank you! Thanks again! Five thousand words ar

Men's guest house,

Han Chengyun frowned with a thoughtful look in his eyes after talking to the servant.

I don't know what he thought of, Han Chengyun said "no" while shaking his head.

At this time,

At the moon gate of the courtyard, the servant of Lingguogong Lu's family came over with a wine jar.

Although Lingguogong's mansion has been ruined now, the children of Lingguogong's family still like to show how rich and powerful they are outside.

Some people who don't know the inside story are easily fooled by this behavior.

But it's not the fault of Lingguogong's family.

Because if they show a little bit of wanting to save money today, there may be debt collectors going to the Duke's mansion to ask for money at night.

Han Chengyun thought about this and looked at the lively house again.

His eyes lit up and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


Han Chengyun took out a piece of silver from his waist pouch, took a few steps to block the Lu family servant, took the wine jar with one hand, threw the silver in his hand over, and said:

"Go, buy some more meat and sweet fruits, and the rest of you can buy food for yourselves."

"Yes! Yes! Thank you, Wulang."

Looking at the silver in his hand, the Lu family servant hurriedly bowed and thanked.

After the servant turned around and left, Han Chengyun put the wine jar in the hand of his own servant, and took out another porcelain bottle from his waist pouch.

After uncorking the bottle, five pills were poured out.

Han family servant: "Sir, what are you doing?"

"Shut up!"

Han Chengyun scolded in a low voice.

After thinking about it, Han Chengyun poured back two pills.

Then he raised his chin and said: "Open the wine jar."

After the servant opened the seal on the wine jar, Han Chengyun held the three pills in his hand.

Then he slowly moved the porcelain bottle in his other hand towards the mouth of the wine jar and shook it.

When the porcelain bottle was empty, Han Chengyun put the three pills in his hand back and said to himself: "Before getting married, I indulged myself these three times!"

"Young Master, have you forgotten? There are still two bottles of this medicine sent by Qin Dalang in your study!"

"Shut up! Shake it well and send it in!"

After the Han family servant went in, he listened to the toasting and changing of cups inside. Han Chengyun waited for a moment and also pushed the door and walked in.

"Wulang, why are you so late? Is it because you can't pee clean?"

"Go to hell! I just heard the Taoist boy talking, saying that it is the hall for the worship of the spirit tonight."

After the conversation,

there was another sound of wine bowls colliding.

"Come, drink this bowl of deer antler wine!"

Inside Yuqing Temple,

it was dark,

the autumn rain stopped for a while and then started again.

Knowing that there was a noble person in the temple,

the stone lanterns along the way lit up early, dimly illuminating the wet ground around the stone lanterns.

In front of the main hall,

under the steps,

the maid Yunmu held a large oil-paper umbrella to shield the rain from her daughter Chai Zhengzheng's head.

Amid the "tick-tick" sound of the rain falling on the umbrella, several maids from the Chai family walked around the hall, and after confirming that there were no outsiders, they came to the door of the hall and nodded to indicate that it was safe.

Seeing this scene, Yunmu hurriedly followed the pace of the girl in front of her and walked into the hall.

The maids Fuyi and Ziteng behind her held their umbrellas high to shield the rain from the Zhu family's sister-in-law who was holding baskets of paper money.

Climb up the steps and enter the hall.

In the hall, there are three rows of candles on the large lampstand in the middle of the wall. Usually, only the top row is lit, but today all three rows are lit.

The hall is very bright.

In the candlelight, they came to the wall where the spirit tablet was enshrined.

Chai Zhengzheng looked at the bright lamp in front of the spirit tablet, while Yunmu and others were busy putting the futon and laying out the offerings.

When Fuyi was about to take the incense sticks on the altar, Chai Zhengzheng said, "Fuyi, I'll do it myself!"

Taking the incense sticks handed over by Fuyi, Chai Zhengzheng lit them and said,

"Tell the nanny outside the door later and ask her to find someone to buy some food. In the evening, please have a few drinks with the Zhu family's sister-in-law who helped."

"Yes, young lady!"

After a while, the altar was set up.

Chai Zhengzheng came to the table, inserted the incense sticks in his hand into the incense burner, bowed, and stood aside.

The paper money in the brazier was ignited,

Yunmu supported Chai Zhengzheng on the side, and Fuyi and Ziteng knelt on the futon in front of the brazier.

Fu Yi used a fire stick to pick up the paper money that Zi Teng had put into the brazier, muttering to herself:

‘Sister Qingxue, last month, Miss and we went to Daxiangguo Temple to worship. We saw that not only the nuns in charge of offering sacrifices were not attentive, but the place was also a bit cramped, so Miss decided to move your and the maids’ spirit tablets to this Yuqing Temple. ’

‘Miss, everything is fine, please rest assured. ’

Yunmu looked at Chai Zhengzheng, who had some tears in his eyes, and sighed secretly in his heart.

The temple in Bianjing City,

I don’t know if it’s because there are too many wealthy families offering sacrifices, or because they think their own girl will go to worship around the Zhongyuan Festival like last year, so they don’t take good care of it.

However, since the memorial day of Qingxue and others is in late June, their own girl did not make a big fanfare and took people to the temple at that time.

The result is that the spirit tablets were all moved to this Yuqing Temple before July.

When the things in the basket were half burned, there was a sudden noise outside the hall.

Yunmu saw his daughter nod, so he let go of her hand and walked out of the hall.

"What's going on?"

No one answered, so Yunmu came to the door of the hall and looked outside.

From the bright hall to the dark outside, Yunmu could not see clearly.

Recognizing that the people standing at the door were Qing Zhi sent by the Gu family and the Zhu family's sister-in-law, Yunmu raised his voice and shouted:

"Where are the people?"

"Miss Yunmu, they are over there! Drunks come from nowhere and always come to the main hall!"

As soon as Qing Zhi finished speaking,

A male voice came: "I am passing by here, why don't you let me go forward! Do you know whose family I belong to?"

Aunt Chai said: "This young master, there are women in front of you! And this is not a road!"

"You care about me? How dare you not take my Ma family seriously??? Hiss! Let me hug you!!"

In a blur, Yunmu saw someone moving around with Nanny Chai's arms around her.

"Ouch! Dirty, scum! Get away!!"

Aunt Chai's extremely annoyed and frightened voice came out!

Yunmu frowned, walked forward, and after descending the steps, he shouted: "Master Ma, please respect yourself!"

The descendants of the Houma family in Jinxiang gasped for breath and were pushed to the ground by Aunt Chai.

He stood up holding on to the arm of the boy next to him. In the light of the stone lantern on the roadside, the descendant of the Jinxiang Hou family could clearly see Yunmu's appearance.

"Finally, a younger one is here, and he's really handsome! Let me give you some good care."

With that said, the Ma family disciples stood up and rushed towards Yunmu.

Yunmu narrowed his eyes and was about to kick the Jinxiang Hou family's disciple in the crotch when someone stood up next to him.

"It hurts, it hurts~~~ Let go!"

The son of the Hou family of Jinxiang cried out in pain, but his waist and hips were still twisting uncontrollably.

Next to Yunmu, the Zhu family's sister-in-law twisted the Ma family's child's arm and said, "Miss Yunmu, you can't kick him in the vitals, otherwise there will be endless trouble."

Before my sister-in-law finished speaking,

Not far away, three more people were staggering over, being supported by a boy.

"I can't stand it anymore. I remember I didn't take any pills either!"

"Lu Sanlang, you thief! Why is your wine so strong!"

"Where is my cousin?"

While talking, the three of them saw Qing Zhi and Yun Mu standing in front of the hall.

"Two beauties!"

After saying that, Lu Sanlang, the Duke of Lingguo, smiled lewdly, untied the silk belt around his waist, and ran towards this side.

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