Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 385: War Begins [Thank you! Goodbye! Five thousand words are owed]

Keyi Gate,

It is located in the northeast of Xingqing Prefecture in Baigao Kingdom.

It is a fortress built on the flat land between two mountains.

The open space to the north of the fortress is surrounded by mountains on one side and the surging Yellow River on the other. The open space between the mountains and rivers is more than ten miles wide.

Standing on the wall of the fortress, looking to the northeast on the right, you can vaguely see the smoke from the morning cooking of tens of thousands of Yongyi Hou's troops in the distance.

On the left is the Baigao National Army Stronghold at the foot of the mountain and the city wall.

In the continuous mountains, the leaves in the mountains have changed colors, ranging from yellow to red.

The place Xu Zaijing went to today was the edge of the mountain to the left of Keyi Gate, which was almost ten miles away from the fortress gate.

With the large infantry formation of Zhou Dynasty as the base,

Although I have lost a few games,

However, the cavalry often went to the military camp in front of Keyi Gate to provoke the Baigao defenders, hoping to lure the defenders out.

The mountainous area that Xu Zaijing and others came to was the flank of this group of cavalry. The most important thing was to serve as the eyes and ears of the cavalry!

To prevent Bai Gaoguo from hiding a cavalry ambush in the ravine, the retreat of the provocative Zhou army was blocked.

It has been ten days since Xu Zaijing arrived at the camp.

During this period, I had also carried out such errands, and I was quite familiar with this area, which was considered the frontline of the battle, but I had never encountered a situation where Da Zhou's scouts were eliminated.

The flag on the mountain just now disappeared.

It's like being caught in the "fog of war" over there.

No one knew what was going on near the top of the mountain. Whether the Bai Gao Kingdom's scouts had withdrawn or were still lying in ambush there.

Not only could Xu Zaijing and others not turn around and run, but they also had to send people to find out what was going on on the mountain.

The few old scouts sent by Zhu Qinghu were probably used to this kind of situation, and there was no emotion in their eyes. The leader said:

"Goro, you and the others wait here, and we will take a look first."

"If the pursuers bite us, please leave us alone and quickly alert the camp."

Xu Zaijing nodded and took out the strong bow from the bow pouch next to his saddle: "You two, just run back and leave the rest to me!"

The two old scouts in the army glanced at the strong bow in Xu Zaijing's hand and nodded in unison.


After the two of them each left a horse beside Xu Zaijing and the others, they rode towards the top of the mountain.

The two scouts arrived near the top of the mountain.

One of them stayed outside where Xu Zaijing and others could see, while the other scout turned into a nearby ravine that allowed him to go up the mountain.

In half an hour,

The scout that Xu Zaijing and others could see did not issue a warning.

Another quarter of an hour passed,

Xu Zaijing and others have arrived at the top of the mountain.

Qingyun, He Guan and others were scattered not far away to warn.

Xu Zaijing saw the first scout who went up the mountain, kneeling there to collect the bones of Pao Ze.

Xu Zaijing looked around,

I saw a lot of dark red blood on the ground, and there were arrows stuck on the side.

The flagpole, thicker than an adult's thumb, was broken into three pieces and thrown aside.

There were also scout flags chopped into three pieces scattered among the earth and rocks.

Hearing Xu Zaijing and others approaching, the scout who was kneeling on the ground pulled out the arrow from Pao Ze and said, "Wu Lang, do you know what this flag is about?"

Xu Zaijing bent down and picked up the three scattered scout flags: "It seems that the scouts of Bai Gao Kingdom really hate us."

The old scout looked at the thing in Xu Zaijing's hand and shook his head: "It wasn't Bai Gaoguo's scout who chopped it up, it was him."

As he spoke, the old scout looked at the body of Paoze who had died in the battle.

Xu Zaijing clenched the flag in his hand and said, "Are you afraid that Bai Gao's scouts will use this flag to set a trap for us?"

The old scout nodded: "Boss Zhu said, when encountering such a situation, tell Wu Lang about this rule of our scouts. If something goes wrong, the flag must be destroyed."

"I hope Goro won't need this in the future."

Xu Zaijing nodded and said, "None of us need it."

The old scout smiled.

"They are all elites in the army. How could something like this happen?"

Listening to Xu Zaijing's question, the old scout said:

"I was slacking off on the night watch last night and was touched close by."

"They first noticed something strange in the ravine in the distance. When they saw us coming over, they hurried to warn us, but they were brought down by a wave of bows and arrows."

"If we had come a little later and hadn't seen the disappearing flag, we might have killed more than just them."

After saying that, the old scout sighed, and after asking Xu Zaijing for instructions, he sent someone to the camp to ask for someone to collect the corpse.

The mounts of several Zhou Dynasty scouts who died in the battle have been taken away as trophies by the Bai Gaoguo scouts.

Xu Zaijing and the others could never separate one of their mounts to carry the corpse, not because they disliked it, but because their two horses were all prepared to deliver messages or escape.

More than half an hour later,

On the top of the mountain where everyone was, Paoze's body was carried down the mountain by horses.

When the scout who went to the camp to summon people returned to the top of the mountain, he brought a message to Xu Zaijing and others: when he returned to camp, the Zhou cavalry had already followed the plan and went to provoke in front of the Keyimen Fortress.

Another hour passed.

When I looked at the sun, it was around 10 o'clock in the morning.

"Wu Lang, look! A cavalry is coming! It's our cavalry from Great Zhou."

Hearing He Guan's voice, Xu Zaijing, who was dozing under the tree, opened his eyes.

Walking next to He Guan, Xu Zaijing looked in the direction of the Zhou military camp down the mountain.

"What's going on? Why did you send someone here now?"

Xu Zaijing said.

More than a quarter of an hour later, a capable cavalry lieutenant colonel came up to the top of the hill.

Looking at Xu Zaijing in front of him, the cavalry lieutenant dismounted and raised his hand towards Xu Zaijing: "Pang Wanchun, a low-ranking officer, has seen Wu Lang! I wish to command the army and order your troops to continue to explore forward!"

Xu Zaijing cupped his hands and said, "Yes!"

After the two of them finished speaking, Pang Wanchun, the commander of the cavalry army, continued: "Wulang, when I came here, I heard that the gates of Keyimen Fortress were wide open and many Baigao cavalry troops chased them out! Be careful!"

Xu Zaijing was shocked when he heard this!

According to his understanding, the previous provocations by the Zhou cavalry army had been dealt with by the military stronghold outside the city wall, and the gate of Keyimen Fortress had never been opened.

This time the city gate was wide open. Maybe Bai Gaoguo felt that he had planned it well, pretended to fall into his father's trap, and then took the opportunity to give his father Xu Minghua a fatal blow to his army!

Thinking of this, Xu Zaijing nodded and said: "Okay! Thank you for the reminder! But do you want to go somewhere else?"

Pang Wanchun shook his head and said: "Wu Lang, this is the deepest place, and you are the last one to know. So, I will go back and resume my life."

"Colonel Pang, wait a moment! Since you are going back to resume your life directly, you might as well leave the arrows on your horse for me!"

Pang Wanchun was stunned.

He glanced at Xu Zaijing's horse Xiao Liju with some doubts at the front, two, and rear four or six tubes of feather arrows.

Then he looked at He Guan, Qingyun, Alan and others on the side, with an average number of quivers on their backs.

There was something in his eyes, ‘Isn’t this enough? 'look.

Pang Wanchun thought for a while and didn't ask any questions. He left one tube of feather arrows for himself as a spare and left the other three tubes of feather arrows to Xu Zaijing.

Xu Zaijing smiled and thanked him.

Looking at Pang Wanchun's retreating figure, Xu Zaijing thought to himself: 'Father, does he know where the army that Bai Gaoguo regarded as an oriole will attack from?


Xu Zaijing walked back to Xiao Liju, mounted his horse and gave the order.

Everyone then headed deeper into the mountain to explore.

Outside Keyimen Fortress,

It turned out that the cavalry army of the Great Zhou Dynasty came to the military stronghold outside the city wall of Baigao Kingdom to provoke, laugh and scold them, relying on the large infantry formation behind them.

I thought that just like in the past, the defenders in Keyi Gate stayed behind closed doors and let the defenders in the military stronghold deal with me.


Today, after the cavalry of the Baigao Kingdom surged out from the military stronghold, the gates of Keyi Gate were wide open and there were defenders, and they went towards the cavalry of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Although this reaction surprised the Zhou cavalry, they still charged into battle with the enemy.

The cavalry of the two countries just charged and killed each other.

There were many soldiers from both countries lying on the ground on the battlefield, some motionless, and some still wailing in pain.

Just like the previous defeats that spread to Bianjing, the Great Zhou cavalry was defeated by the Bai Gao cavalry and retreated towards both sides of the Great Zhou infantry formation.

Bai Gao's cavalry took advantage of the victory and pursued it, just like the previous times, preparing to attack Zhou's infantry formation.

However, when they chased them to the front of the infantry formation, they were shot down by Zhou Dynasty's powerful crossbows and arrows.

In the great Zhou infantry formation,

Zhang Fangyan raised his head and glanced at the flag on the tall watchtower car.

Yongyi Hou Xu Minghua, who was sitting on the same chair next to him, said: "Capital Commander, I saw Bai Gao's heavy cavalry on the carriage."

Xu Minghua nodded and said, "Well, this iron kite is ready to charge into the battle."

Zhang Fangyan, the eldest son of the British Duke, nodded with excitement in his eyes.

Xu Minghua said: "Go and prepare! Use iron kites to charge into the formation. This time they are going to be serious."

"Got the order!"

Zhang Fangyan bowed his hands, walked a few steps back, got on a tall horse, and ran towards the cavalry waiting in the distance.

The cavalry that had just led the enemy troops to defeat was no more than a thousand, while the cavalry behind the formation where Zhang Fangyan went had nearly 10,000 cavalry.

Behind Xu Minghua, the eldest son of Yongyi Hou, Xu Zaiduan, Di Jing, Lu Junyi, etc., all watched Zhang Fangyan go away with great envy.

On the surface, he is a brave and courageous Marquis Xu Minghua, with 90,000 soldiers under his command.

Among them, there are 70,000 infantry and more than 20,000 cavalry.

After capturing the land of Houqu, more than 15,000 infantry and 5,000 cavalry were left to defend it.

Seventy thousand soldiers came to the outside of Keyimen Fortress.

However, in addition to the north of Baigao Kingdom where Yongyihou is attacking,

The Zhou Dynasty also involved a lot of troops in the south and north, and Keyimen only had more than 60,000 defenders.

The strength of the troops was about the same, but the Zhou army was likely to win a great victory. Bai Gaoguo did not dare to go out of the city to fight in the field.

Excluding those left to defend the city, Bai Gaoguo's troops sent this time were only more than 50,000 infantry and cavalry.

Today's outburst is probably because they have a back-up plan, and they want to eat themselves!

Thinking of this, Xu Minghua glanced towards the northwest direction behind him.

Three quarters of an hour later,

Huge shouts and noises suddenly came from the front.

Xu Minghua stood up from his chair,

Looking at the waving flags on the watchtower not far away, Xu Minghua said triumphantly: "Send the order for Zhang Fangyan to attack!"

The messenger on horseback behind Xu Minghua responded quickly and ran out on horseback.

Half an hour later,

Tens of thousands of cavalry troops, led by the big banner with the word "Zhang", slowly accelerated from the rear of the infantry formation.

The big flag with the character ‘Zhang’ is the leader.

Leading the "dragon body" composed of tens of thousands of cavalry,

After running a very small curve, it "bites" towards the Baigao army, which was already following the Iron Harrier and most of them were about to rush into the Great Zhou Infantry formation.


tens of thousands of people from the two countries were already fighting together.

"Woo hum~"

A desolate horn sound came from a distance!

Xu Minghua turned his head to look at the flag on the watchtower car, and sighed with relief: "Here it comes!"

After a while.


The knight pulled the reins hard, and the horse neighed.

A knight dressed as a messenger flew off the horse.

He walked quickly to Xu Minghua, knelt on one knee and said:

"Commander-in-chief! A scout came to report at the risk of his life that tens of thousands of troops from the Baigao Kingdom are surrounding our army from the side!"

Xu Minghua frowned and said, "Tens of thousands? How many tens of thousands?"

"Reporting to the commander-in-chief, the scouts are too numerous to count, they are just endless."

"Where are the people? Let him come and tell me in person!"

"The scout was shot in the stomach by an arrow, and the person has..."

Xu Minghua nodded without changing his expression and said, "Got it! Order the scouts to explore again!"

"Xu Zaiduan!"

"I am here!"

"Go! Lead the remaining 5,000 cavalry to block the side!"

"Got it!"

Xu Zaiduan, who was dressed in armor, bowed and flew onto his horse, running to the other side.

Behind Xu Zaiduan was a fierce general, who was Lu Junyi riding a horse with a long spear.

"Di Jing!"

"I am here!"

"Your elite infantry, move forward immediately! Kill the thieves who enter the formation!"

"Got it!"

After bowing, Di Jing rode his horse towards the south.

Arriving at the infantry formation of his own unit, Di Jing patted Luan Tingyu, Wu Song, and several others beside him and said: "General Commander, kill the thieves in the formation!"


Everyone responded loudly!

Di Jing looked at the generals in front of him, his eyes red, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corners of his mouth!

'Dang! '

Di Jing put a copper mask with a ghost face and fangs under his helmet!

Luan Tingyu, Wu Song, and others also did the same thing.

And Li Tianrun, Si Xingfang, Fang Ding, Fang Jie, Wang Yan, Deng Yuanjue, and several others who came from the old lady's manor, also put on their masks.

"Follow me to kill the enemy!"

In the sky,

the Haidongqing sent by Huyan family was hovering,

just happened to see the battlefield below,

with Di Jing as the spearhead,

a group of infantry soldiers, mostly from the Tianwu Army of the Upper Four Armies of Bianjing, followed by many brave generals, killed the soldiers of Baigao Kingdom.

White is the best,

the soldiers' uniforms are mostly light-colored.

The cavalry of the Great Zhou Dynasty is red, and the infantry is black.

Di Jing and his men are like boiling black soup poured on the white snow, melting as soon as they touch it!


in the eyes of the Haidongqing in the sky,

near the battlefield where the fighting was going on, near the direction of the sun, there was a larger army in light-colored uniforms that had begun to blend with the red and black colors.

In the mountains in front of the Keyimen Fortress,

there were several light-colored 'long snakes' that were 'crawling' in the mountains at a fast speed!

And in the northwest of the master of the Haidongqing,

which was also the northwest of the battlefield,

there was a larger army in red and black rushing towards this side.


The horn of the Baigao Kingdom seemed to be inspired by its reinforcements and sounded even louder.

Amid the sound of the horn,

in the mountains near the Keyi Gate,

a cavalry 'long snake' of the Baigao Kingdom snaked out of the ravine, and after arranging its formation, it rushed towards the Great Zhou army formation in the distance.

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