Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 392 Bai Gao leads a sheep to present a memorial [Thank you! Thank you again! I owe you 2,000


A few horses neighed behind Xu Zaijing.

One of them was one of the three Iron Harriers who rushed over in the first wave.

He was only hit by the weapon and was not injured. He was turning his mount.

The other horse was lying on the ground with a broken leg and was wailing. However, because it was wearing heavy iron horse armor, it was difficult for the horse to raise its neck and head.


Xu Zaijing turned the long spear in his hand, and the red tassel under the spear blade swung outward.

Blood drops were flying in the air.

After turning the long spear, Xu Zaijing held the spear with one hand and pointed to the side and back.

Behind Xu Zaijing, the Iron Harrier, whose mount had broken its leg but had already stood up,

looked at the sharp spear blade with blood stains that accurately passed through the gap in his face armor and stopped in front of his eyes, his eyes were wide open with horror and fear!

That is, he reacted quickly and stopped his action suddenly!


the next moment he would be stabbed in the head by the lance blade.

The strength was terrifying enough,

but what was even more terrifying was that the enemy's movements were so precise.

If the lance was pushed forward, or he rushed forward, he would be dead in his iron armor.

The throat of the Iron Harrier moved slightly under the armor, and he tactfully threw away the iron bone flower in his hand and moved back a step.

At this time,

the only Iron Harrier who was not injured had turned the direction of his horse and rushed towards Xu Zaijing, trying to hit Xu Zaijing with his mount.

"Young Master! Be careful!"

"Five Lang, be careful!"

Amid the shouts of the crowd,

Xu Zaijing, with his back to the crowd, shook his head slightly, and held the fine steel lance with both hands,

accumulating strength and turning around to pull it out.



After the whistling sound of the clubs,

there was a tooth-grinding collision sound.

The armored horses and knights,

the armor on the left side that was hit was deformed and dented,

and the armor on the right side bulged outwards.

After a short pause in the air,

the man and the horse fell directly to the ground, both without a sound, only blood flowed out from under their bodies.

Seeing this scene, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

The Bai Gao heavy cavalry Iron Harrier, the weight of the man, horse and armor combined is extremely shocking!

Neither Qingyun nor the Bai Gao people have ever seen such a scene!

And the fear in the eyes of the Bai Gao monarchs, ministers and soldiers when they looked at Xu Zaijing was even greater than before.

Coincidentally, at this time, a slight earthquake aftermath hit,


The earthquake made everyone a little unsteady, just like the mood of the Bai Gao people in the palace.



The columns of the palace not far away collapsed,

and tiles fell from the tilted roof of the hall.

This noise

made Bai Gao's ministers wake up, and there was chaos around them again.

Those who had mounts hurried to calm their horses.

The chaos subsided for a while.

Behind Xu Zaijing,

Zhajue Zhongding's voice was higher than ever before, and he shouted in Bai Gao dialect:

"Don't go up!"

"All the masters of Chuihuansi who went to Bianjing were wiped out by him alone!"

"If you go up again, you'll be seeking death~"

While shouting, tears appeared in his eyes: 'Iron Harrier! He beat them all away! How can I, Zhajue Zhongding, be so unbearable! It's obviously him who is very strong! '

When Bai Gao's ministers heard this,

those who knew him were full of disbelief,

and those who didn't know him began to whisper to each other.

Liang Yiren gritted his teeth and looked at Xu Zaijing.

The hand in the sleeve beside him was trembling slightly.

He knew very well how skilled the masters of the Chuihuan Division were.

He was even more aware of the weight of the Iron Harrier: Being pulled into the air? ? ? What happened!

Out of fear, he instinctively looked at the bows and crossbows of the Baigao infantry army around him.

When Liang Yiren was about to give an order, Zhao Taifeng, who came to his side, pulled his sleeves and said, "Your Highness, do you think such a person would be shot by a crossbow?"

Thinking of the fact that Prince Li's sneak attack from behind in Bianjing could not hurt Xu Zaijing, Liang Yiren shook his head.

Xu Zaijing was standing thirty or forty steps forward at this time.


The long spear he retracted paused on the ground in front of him.

When his eyes swept over, some of the Baigao soldiers retreated and some did not dare to look at Xu Zaijing.

Xu Zaijing shouted:

"The royal army is coming, if you surrender now, you can still keep some dignity!"

"If you really wait until the army attacks the city, you will lose your dignity if you surrender then."

After saying that, he raised his long spear and pointed at Liang Yiren, one of the Baigao officials, and said: "Brother, what a coincidence! We meet again after we parted in Bianjing before! Please help translate!"

Liang Yiren: "You!"

The old man beside him said softly: "Your Majesty, Your Highness, what Xu Wulang said is true! If you surrender now, at least you can go to Bianjing and become a rich man!"

At this time,

outside the crowd of Baigao officials, an inner guard stumbled over.

"Your Majesty! Urgent report from outside the palace."


The Baigao eunuch looked at the Baigao monarch and ministers, and hesitantly said in a sharp voice: "The report from outside the palace said that the gap in the northern city wall that was collapsed by the earthquake just now has become larger."

The Baigao Emperor Liang Yifu was a little unsteady for a moment: What are we waiting for to attack the city?

"Your Majesty, you can also go to Xiping Prefecture!"

"Xiping Prefecture has high walls and strong fortresses, and it will definitely be able to defend it!"

One of the Baigao ministers loudly suggested.

The ministers were in turmoil again.

Lao Jue retorted: "Rendo! Xiping Mansion only has one city! How long can it be defended? Now the King of Zhou is besieging it from three sides, with Marquis Yongyi in the north, Marquis Tuoxi in the east, and Wang Shao in the south!"

General Rendo: "There is a way to hold on!"

Mr. Tujue ignored him and bowed to Emperor Bai Gao:

"Your Majesty! There was an earthquake in Yanzhou before this, and it happened again last night! The two earthquakes came sooner rather than later, but they happened to come when Da Zhou attacked me, Bai Gao!"

"There are many brave men like this in the Great Zhou Dynasty! At this time, a net must have been set outside the city! Your Majesty, you must think twice!"

As soon as these words came out, there was another murmuring among Bai Gao's officials.

After the commotion,

Liang Yifu lowered his head in frustration and waved his hands: "Lingzhou, I'm not going! Put down all your weapons! Prepare pens and ink!"

The hour is right (eight o'clock in the morning)

Outside Xingqingfu City,

The great Zhoubu and cavalry armies gathered.

Xu Minghua, the Marquis of Yongyi, is riding on the horse.

Looking at the severely damaged city wall of Xingqing Mansion in the distance.

Next to Xu Minghua is Marquis Yongyi's former superior in the Western Army, Marquis Tuoxi's eldest son, Zai Zhang and Hualan's matchmaker during their wedding, Uncle Zhou Guo, and the eldest brother of the Cao family, Cao Chen.

He was also the commander-in-chief of the 100,000-strong Zhou reinforcements during the previous war.

The eldest brother of the Cao family pointed at the city wall with his riding crop and said:

"Minghua, your little son is not only brave, but he can also count! He can even count the earthquake! If we hadn't been more careful, I don't know how many sons would have been injured!"

"He just studies a lot. If he has such a vision, others will know it when they see it!" Xu Minghua said with a smile.

"The city wall looks like this. It seems that we can save a lot of effort! We are afraid that the fake emperor Bai Gao will escape to Lingzhou!"

Xu Minghua nodded with a worried look.

At this time,

Downstairs of the city gate of Xingqing Mansion, a Da Zhou cavalryman holding a flag ran towards the army.

After listening to the report from "Scout Pang Wanchun, the puppet emperor Bai Gao is willing to surrender and invites the army to enter the city!" I have sent a letter to Lingzhou, ordering him to surrender.

Cao Chen and Xu Minghua looked at each other in surprise.


With a large flag with the word "blessing" in front, hundreds of Zhou cavalry troops rushed towards Xingqing Mansion.


The flag of the Great Zhou Dynasty flew on the top of the city of Xingqing Mansion.

The army then moved forward.

The army is flanked by the Yellow River.

Xu Hou's eldest son Xu Zaiduan was responsible for defending the flanks to prevent Bai Gao from digging up a river and flooding the Zhou army.

When Zaiduan sent the news back to the army that "everything was normal on the river bank", the army began to camp outside the city.

The infantry of the Great Zhou Dynasty also began to take over the city defenses, pastures and critical areas of Xingqing Mansion in an orderly manner.

It turns out that Li Jinmei, the younger brother of the Li brothers in the Bai Gao clan,

Following Zhou Qijun Paoze, he entered the Xingqing Mansion from the Zhenwu Gate in the northwest, which he had not seen for a long time.

Looking at the streets that are beyond recognition and in chaos,

Listening to the cries around me,

He sighed deeply.

"Tap tap tap tap~"

The sound of hoofbeats came not far away,

The people around him suddenly became alert.

But it was soon lifted.

Amidst the shouts of ‘Wu Lang’ and ‘Brother Jing’,

Xu Zaijing came not far from Li Jinmei, followed by the internal officials and cavalry of Bai Gao Kingdom.

"Brother Guo! Your troops actually entered the city first?"

Guo Kui replied: "Yes! Master Hou ordered us to accompany Brother Li to take over the forage farm in the city."

Xu Zaijing nodded and said: "Now that the disaster has just passed, the city is in chaos. Please pay more attention to the safety of the monsters."

Guo Kui: "Thank you Wulang for reminding me, I'll save it later!"

"Okay! Second brother Guo, I have something to do and go to the camp, so I'll leave first!"

"Go away, Goro!"

After Xu Zaijing nodded to Li Jinmei again, he led the people and ran towards the north of the city.

The camp outside the city,

The Central Army of the Great Zhou Dynasty,

The big tent hasn't been set up yet.

The crowd will be divided into two rows and sit on portable chairs.

Tuoxi Marquis Xu Minghua handed the paper in his hand to his uncle Cao Chen beside him.

After reading it, Cao Chen rubbed the fine paper in his hand and glanced at Bai Gao, the domestic official standing, and then at Xu Zaijing, who was standing at the end of the team in the distance.

The hierarchy in the army is strict, and positions are arranged according to military positions. Xu Zaijing, the chief scout, is an exception for being able to stand at the end of the team.

After Cao Chen rolled up the paper and handed it back to Xu Minghua, the two of them whispered a few words to each other.

Later, after Xu Minghua pondered for a moment, he said to Bai Gao, the official who followed him: "We are very pleased that your Lord is so clear-minded! But we have to wait until Marquis Tuoxi comes to accept the surrender!"

"Besides, your lord, don't worry about disaster relief! I, the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty, will take care of this matter. Your lord can just stay in the palace!"

The high-ranking official Bai was about to speak.

Xu Minghua waved his hand and said: "We will support you with the medicinal materials your Lord has requested as appropriate."

Cao Chen leaned into Xu Minghua's ear and said a few words.

Xu Minghua also glanced at his youngest son. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and said, "That's fine!"

Then he said loudly: "Where is Xu Zaijing?"

Xu Zaijing, who was at the end of the team, was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly stepped out of the queue and cupped his hands and said: "I have a humble job!"

"Go to Tuoxihou's camp and deliver this letter!"

"I accept my order from my humble position!"

After handing over his words, Xu Zaijing walked forward, ready to get the letter.

There were more than twenty steps from the end of the team to the two generals. The generals sitting on both sides looked at him with fondness in their eyes.

When he came to his father, Xu Zaijing was about to stretch out his hand.

Cao Chen said: "Wu Lang, facing north or east, do you know which way to go?"

Xu Zaijing was stunned, and said with a bow: "I plan to go south, cross the Yellow River, pass Xiping Prefecture and go straight to the camp of Tuoxi Hou!"

As soon as these words came out,

the generals of the Great Zhou sitting around laughed.

"Wu Lang, Xiping Prefecture has not surrendered yet, and I don't know how many scouts and rangers are outside the city!"

Said Zhang Fangyan, the eldest son of the Duke of Ying, who was sitting at the first seat below.

Xu Zaijing bowed and said:

"No matter how many there are, it won't delay my going."

Hearing this, Cao Chen handed the letter to Xu Zaijing and laughed: "Hahaha! Good boy! Go!"

Watching Bai Gao and Xu Zaijing turn around and leave together,

Cao Chen and Xu Minghua beside him said:

"When Wulang and I were this age, we dared to lead troops to attack the enemy head-on!"

"But your little son, with nine people, dared to enter the enemy's capital, and even entered the palace to bring the letter out!"

"Young people are really formidable!"

Xu Minghua's eyes were full of smiles, but he still shook his head and said: "He has caused a lot of trouble in Beijing! He is not a worry-free person!"

Cao Chen didn't know what he thought of, and there was a smile in his eyes: "Tsk tsk tsk ~ That's right! Your little son, who is so handsome, has caused a lot of trouble!"

Xu Minghua turned his head to look at Cao Chen. Why did he feel that the "things" mentioned by the two people had a different meaning!

30 miles south of Xingqing Prefecture



Several cavalrymen were galloping on the official road,

their hooves rolling up dust all the way.

The leader was a handsome black horse.

The Great Zhou cavalrymen on the black horse held a long spear,

on which a flag of the Great Zhou was fluttering in the wind.

Seeing the post station ahead,

the cavalrymen did not slow down,

and ran straight past.

The house of the post station was already crooked, and the postman who heard the noise in the yard hurried out.

Then, the postman looked at the Great Zhou flag floating in the dust and rubbed his eyes hard.

An hour after leaving Xingqing Prefecture.

Xu Zaijing and his group arrived at the bank of the Yellow River.

Except for the little Liju, the rest of the horses were panting heavily.

And the knight in the front had become the dragging Zhongding.

In front of the wide floating bridge,

Jue Zhongding reined in his horse and showed the token of Xingqing Prefecture, pointing at Xu Zaijing and his party behind him and yelling in Baigao language.


Xu Zaijing and his party rode across the bridge directly.

On the side of the bridge,

the soldiers guarding the bridge stared at the flag of the Great Zhou held by Xu Zaijing in amazement, not knowing how to react for a moment.

When Xu Zaijing and his party crossed the Yellow River and approached Lingzhou, they heard the roar of "Great Zhou will win" from afar.

Those were the soldiers under Tuoxi Hou who were shouting loudly and taking the lead by taking advantage of the great victory in the north.

At this moment,

several knights dressed as Baigao eunuchs, under the protection of a team of cavalry, ran towards Xu Zaijing and his party.

Xu Zaijing reined in his little black colt, put the long spear back behind him and fixed it, and then drew out the strong bow from the bow bag beside him.

Seeing Xu Zaijing and his group dressed like Great Zhou scouts,

the group of Baigao eunuchs hurriedly reined in their horses.

After seeing Xu Zaijing clearly,

some Baigao eunuchs pointed at Xu Zaijing, and said something quickly in Baigao language with fear on their faces.

A moment later,

a Baigao cavalryman ran towards Xu Zaijing with open arms.

Zhuajue Zhongding hurried forward to talk.

After a while, Zhuajue Zhongding came to Xu Zaijing and said, "Wu Lang, the Lingzhou garrison has decided to surrender! He is waiting for the Great Zhou artillery bombardment to end."

Xu Zaijing nodded and said, "Then let's not go around, let him lead the way, and we will go straight through the city!"

Outside Lingzhou City,

in front of the army,

Cao Zhao, the fourth son of Tuoxi Hou, and Zhang Fangshun, the second son of Yinggong, saw the Great Zhou cavalry holding the Great Zhou flag and coming to the front.

Cao and Zhang looked at each other, and Cao Zhao shouted: "You kid, why did you appear from behind the enemy again?"

Xu Zaijing smiled and raised the long spear in his hand.

Then he untied his weapons and led General Bai Gao of Lingzhou behind him into the rear of the central army.

General Cao also sat on the chair. After taking the letter handed over by his personal guard, he quickly looked at it.

Then the old general said to General Bai Gao:

"I know what you want to say!"

"I guarantee you with my head that the soldiers under your command have surrendered and made meritorious contributions. The grudges between us will be wiped out. From now on, you will be the people of my Great Zhou!"

"Anyone who dares to massacre will be punished by both humans and gods!"

"Of course, those who don't want to be the people of my Great Zhou are not included."

General Cao folded the letter and said: "Pass this military order!"

Behind Xu Zaijing, Zhuajue Zhongding, who was stripped even more cleanly and left with only his inner clothes, translated it in a solemn tone.

"We trust the old general!"

The Bai Gao general bowed and spoke in the language of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Zha Jue Zhongding was embarrassed for a moment.

The old general issued several more military orders.

The first one was to send a golden urgent report to Bian Jing, and the rest was to enter the city safely to prevent false surrender.

Until everything was settled, the old general would naturally not enter the city.

The others had left the old general, leaving only Xu Zaijing.

"Xu family boy, the earthquake in Xingqing Prefecture was last night?"

Xu Zaijing: "Yes, Grandpa Cao!"

The old general was puzzled: "The earthquake last night, and he surrendered today! The false emperor Bai Gao changed his mind quickly! And he didn't come to Lingzhou to continue to survive"

Xu Zaijing cupped his hands and said: "Grandpa Cao, they will surrender sooner or later. The difference is that there are fewer casualties among the Zhou soldiers, and they can still be dignified and dignified."

General Cao looked at Lingzhou City and said with emotion: "It's so valuable that they can figure it out!"

Then, General Cao turned his head and looked at Xu Zaijing.

"Do you want to stay in the army?"

Feeling the stressful gaze,

Xu Zaijing bowed and cupped his hands and said: "Go back to Grandpa Cao, boy, go back to Bianjing!"

General Cao: "What a waste!"

Xu Zaijing bowed deeper and deeper.

The old general took a deep breath and said:

"Before you return to Bianjing, you should go play with the juniors from other families when you have time."

"By the way, let's learn from them how to lead a cavalry! A young son of a marquis has come to the front line to become a scout chief. It's true!"

Xu Zaijing lowered his head and said somewhat dullly: "Grandpa Cao, how long have I been at the front line?"



To the south of Tuo Xihou's army

Under the sky,

roadside inn,

The sound of extremely fast horse hooves came from a distance.

The elderly and experienced postman hurriedly came outside the house with a water bag and a lantern and shouted: "Quick! Prepare your horses! It's probably a gold medal urgent report!"

Hearing the cry of the old postman, the pawn in the post hurriedly led a strong man's horse to the yard.

Now that the Great Zhou River has been open to the Yellow River for many years, there are gradually more and more good horses conveying military information in the front-line stations.

"Hurry! Prepare your horses! The gold medal is urgently reported! The Bai Gao Kingdom has surrendered!"

The knight, whose voice was a little hoarse but extremely energetic, turned over and dismounted, showed his token and shouted.

The old postman handed over the water bag in his hand: "Give me your water bag. What????"

The dismounted knight quickly mounted the new horse, took the water bag and hung it on the saddle, threw the empty water bag to the old postman, and shouted loudly: "Bai Gaoguo has surrendered!"

"Drive! Ha!"

After saying that, the knight whipped his horse away again.

The sound of horse hooves gradually becomes distant,

After the two people in the station were stunned for a moment,

Someone shouted and ran towards the house nearby: "Bai Gao Kingdom has surrendered!"

Soon a postman came out of the house to confirm.

All the postmen were talking happily,

After a while,

The sound of horse hooves came,

Another galloping horse stopped in the yard of the inn.

Everyone who came out quickly stood aside out of the way. Someone handed over a water bag and asked loudly: "Brother, Bai Gaojiang?"

The knight nodded without falling,

He unplugged the water bag, took a sip, rinsed his mouth, spat out a mouthful of dirty water, and then said: "It's surrendered! I'm going to the west to send a message to Mr. Wang!"

After finishing speaking and taking a sip of water, the knight continued: "The one ahead is going to Bianjing. I don't even have a good horse!"

With that said, the knight changed his horse and whipped his horse away.

Early the next morning,

The old general took Xu Zaijing into Lingzhou City and inspected the situation of Bai Gao's troops disarming their armor in Lingzhou City.

Then he led more than ten thousand elite cavalrymen of the Western Army out of the west gate to cross the Yellow River.

At this time, there were three floating bridges on the Yellow River.

At noon,

General Cao arrived at Yongyihou's camp outside Xingqing Mansion.

at this time,

Lingzhou is seven hundred miles away,


A post station outside the city,

The knight, who was covered in dust and whose waist and legs were a little weak, supported the postman's shoulders and got on the horse.

"Bai Gaojiang? When did it happen?"

The knight said while receiving the water bag and meat buns: "Just yesterday!"

After saying that, the knight knocked the horse's belly hard,

Speed ​​up and run toward the southeast.

On the third day,


There is a north wind,

Qinghe Gate, the east gate among the six city gates of Xingqing Prefecture, is relatively intact. On the city wall are soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty with bright armor.

Outside Qinghe Gate,

The army gathered,

War flags like a forest

The big flag with the word "Zhou" at the top flutters in the wind.

Next to this big flag,

They are the slightly shorter war flags of Cao, Xu, Zhang, Zhe, etc.

Behind these battle flags are those from other families,

Under the banner of war,

General Cao stood in the middle wearing armor.

On both sides are Xu Minghua, the Yongyi Marquis who is in charge of the capital, and Cao Chen, the eldest son of Tuoxi Marquis.

Outside the two men were the military sons of various families who were at the first level of Xiangdu commanders and commanded more than ten thousand people, such as Cao Yang, Zhang Fangyan/Shun, Xu Zaiduan, etc.

Further outside is the military commander who leads an army of more than 2,000 people.

Arrange it outwards like this,

All the way down to battalion level.

Xu Zaijing's armor was polished to a shine!

Although his level is not high,

But his position is not far behind,

Because at this time, he and several other juniors were standing on one side as personal guards, in front of General Cao and his father, and behind his eldest brother Zai Duan.

Xu Zaijing boredly counted the armor pieces on his eldest brother Zaiduan.

When the count reaches three hundred and nine,

Xu Zaijing's ears twitched. Taking advantage of his height, he turned his head and looked towards the city gate in the distance.

At this time,


There were cries coming from afar,

Xu Zaijing stood on tiptoe,

Not far away, he saw Bai Gaojun and his ministers in plain clothes leaving the city gate.

The leader, former Bai Gao Emperor Liang Yifu, held a watch in his hand and led several sheep at the same time.

Behind Liang Yifu are the ministers who are crying bitterly.

Behind them are the Bai Gao female family members who have gone to Chaihuan.

At the end are the white soldiers carrying the coffin.

Get closer to the Zhou army,

With his excellent eyesight, Xu Zaijing also saw Liang Yifu holding a piece of silk in his mouth, and there seemed to be something wrapped in the silk.


Bai Gao and everyone walked closer,

The coffin was parked a little further away,

The cries of Bai Gao's ministers were much lower,

Liang Yifu led everyone in Bai Gao to Tuo Xihou with bowed heads. Just as he was about to kneel down, Tuo Xihou took two steps forward and held him up.

This made some of Bai Gao's ministers relax.

When the old general Tuo Xihou was accepting the offer of surrender and saying polite words,

Behind Liang Yifu were a group of Bai Gao’s ministers and female relatives,

Most of them were so frightened by the momentum of the army that they lowered their heads and trembled.

There are also those who are bold enough to look around.

But when they saw Xu Zaijing holding a sword behind the generals, many people lowered their heads in panic.

The surrender ceremony is over,

Bai Gaojun and his family members who left the city were stayed in the camp outside the city that day.

The next day,

The Zhou army followed a list provided by a mysterious person and searched the city overnight to find many people and property.

These people and things got on the carriage found in Xingqingfu City together.

Afterwards, the convoy walked towards the Yellow River ferry in the south, escorted by the Zhou cavalry.

Xu Zaijing rode the little Liju at the back of the motorcade. He looked back at the city wall of Xingqing Mansion.

When passing through Lingzhou, Xiping Prefecture,

The size of the Zhou cavalry and convoys has increased again, but that is another story.

September 16, afternoon


outer city

Not far from Wansheng Gate,

The running knight put the water bag to his mouth.

The knight took a sip of water to moisten his throat and shouted with all his strength: "Gold Medal News! Get out of the way!"

On the street outside the city gate,

The passers-by who heard the roar hurried to the side of the road.

The soldiers guarding the city also hurriedly drove aside the passers-by under the doorway.

Amidst the sound of horse hooves,

The knight soon arrived near the city gate hole,

The knight shouted with all his strength: "Master Wang is victorious! Bai Gao has surrendered! Drive!"

Hearing this cry,

The soldiers and people around him all looked in disbelief.

inside the city,

Wanshengmennei Street,

Ni family house,

In the room, Ni Tengyue was looking at the article on the table attentively.

He had gained something in his heart and was about to write down something.

There was an unknown noise outside the yard.

"elder brother!"

A girl's voice came.

The door was flung open.

Ni Tengyue looked at the rash little girl with an angry look on her face.

"Brother! Just now there was a knight shouting on the street, Bai Gao Kingdom has surrendered!"

Ni Tengyue frowned and said, "Little sister! You should find a better excuse!"

The little girl from the Ni family pointed to the outside of the courtyard and said, "Brother! Really! If you don't believe me, just listen!"

Ni Tengyue was stunned, put down his pen and walked quickly outside.

Walk from Wanshengmennei Street toward the inner city.

Xishuimenwai Street,

The family of Xu Zaijing’s maternal grandparents was also in a general situation.

Listening to the Sun family's servant talking with a smile on his face, the two ancestors of the Sun family sitting on armchairs in the main hall still looked at each other in disbelief.

"Go, send someone to the Cao family and the Xu family to inquire!"


Xu Zaijing's grandmother waved her hand and ordered.

Looking at the servant turning to leave,

Xu Zaijing's grandfather stood up from the chair, walked a few steps and said, "I said, I'm not dreaming, am I? Old man, I can actually see this in my lifetime?"

Pass the West Water Gate,

Entering the inner city,

There is a courtyard with a plaque of "Zhuzhai" on the roadside.

Mrs. Ni of Viscount Zhu's family was sitting on the embroidery pier, looking at the needlework in Xiaodie's hands.

"Sister Ni, you can embroider this flower just by moving the needle like this."

Ni Qiqiu nodded and said with admiration: "Sister Xiaodie, how did you come up with such a fantastic acupuncture technique?"

Xiaodie smiled and shook her head: "My little mother taught me this!"

At this time, the female envoy from the Youzhu family walked in quickly.

"Lady! I heard this from the roadside."

After the female messenger finished speaking, she looked at the dumbfounded Xiaodie and said softly: "Madam, it can't be fake, right?"

Ni Qiqiu shook his head: "No! No one will mess with this. Come on, let's go to the backyard and tell my mother-in-law, and then we'll go to Quyuan Street to find out."


British government,

At the second gate of the courtyard,

Chai Zhengzheng was holding Wu Niang's hand: "Wu Niang, you will go to my house to taste incense in a few days. Then Chaoyun will bring some ladies from civil servants' families, and we can also talk about poetry!"

Wu Niang smiled and nodded.

The two of them are not far away,

Rong Feiyan stood next to Zhou Tong's daughter, Lady Zhou, and listened to Lady Zhou talking about some skills in using a bow.

Listening to Chai Zhengzheng's words in front of her, Rong Feiyan said softly: "Sister Chai, can you also invite sister-in-law from the Zhou family?"

Ting Yi on the side smiled and said: "Sister Feiyan, did you just fall asleep on Wuniang's recliner and fell asleep? Sister-in-law of the Zhou family is the tutor of the Zhengzheng family!"

Rong Feiyan, who was speaking, was stunned and patted his forehead in annoyance.

The ladies followed Rong Feiyan's movements and saw a few red marks on Rong Feiyan's cheeks.

Seeing everyone's attention, Rong Feiyan lowered her head shyly.

Several girls were chattering.

In the second aisle, carriages from various families drove over, and the ladies were getting ready to get on the carriages.


In the direction leading to the gate, a roar followed by the sound of horse hooves could be heard vaguely.

In Xingguofang,

It's either the Duke's residence or the Marquis' high gate.

It has always been noble and solemn,

It is very rare for a horse to gallop past and roar like this.

Therefore, this roar also spreads far.

At the second door, there was a sudden silence among the ladies.

The fifth lady of the Zhang family frowned and said uncertainly: "What I heard was 'Master Wang is victorious! Bai Gao has fallen', right?"

After speaking, she glanced at her friends next to her, and then at Mother Fan.

Mother Fan nodded affirmatively and ordered the little envoy beside her: "Go and ask the concierge to come over and report it."

As soon as this happened, Chai Zhengzheng and the others stopped moving, their eyes following the figure of the Zhang family's little emissary.

After a while,

The little female envoy came over with a boy who lowered his head. The boy didn't even raise his head. He lowered his head and said: "Back to my dear girl, I heard it clearly, 'Master Wang is victorious and Bai Gao has surrendered'!"

Wu Niang said doubtfully: "I have never seen anyone shouting like this at our door before!"

The boy replied: "It should be the section from the southern intersection to Yujie. The eminent monks from three temples were giving sermons on the roadside. There were many people watching the excitement, so the knight took a detour in the square."

Wu Niang nodded and said: "Oh~"

Mother Fan on the side said: "He is a smart one. Come and receive the reward later!"

"Thank you, Mother Fan."

The boy left.

Wuniang rolled her eyes and said: "Zhengzheng, wait for me. After I tell mother, we go to Xuande Gate. Maybe there will be fireworks in the palace!"

Gu Tingyi looked at Wu Niang's trotting figure regardless of her manners, glanced at Chai Zhengzheng and Rong Feiyan from the corner of his eyes, and turned his eyes and said: "Bai Gaoguo has surrendered. Are my brother's two uncles going back to Beijing?"

As soon as these words came out,

The two girls beside Gu Tingyi paused for a moment.

It seemed that no one dared to look at anyone.

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