Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 409 Gift Giving [Thank you! Goodbye! 4,000 words to be updated]


Everyone walked out of the warehouse.

The three wooden boxes that Aunt Cui called for just now were also delivered.

In front of Qingcao, Yunxiang and Huaxiang, Grandma Cui put the jade-carved hairpins they selected into a wooden box filled with cotton wool and silk.

"Mommy, that's about it for me!"

Qingcao said.

Aunt Cui had a good impression of Qingcao, who was cautious and intelligent. She nodded with a smile and said, "It's freezing cold this winter, so since it's Brother Jing, I have to do my best. Let's take a look at the leather!"

"Yes! Mom is still thoughtful!"

Qingcao replied.

Aunt Cui smiled and waved her hand.

After walking around in the warehouse where various leather materials were stored, Qingcao took a few rabbit skins and said, "Mommy, can you look at this?"

"Yeah! This is a gift from the Yi family of Zhending Mansion to Brother Jing. It's in very good condition!"

"Then take these and ask Sister Xiaodie to make a scarf. Mammy, please check them out."

"Pap tap tap tap"

on the roof,

The melted snow water is still falling downwards,

In the warehouse yard,

All the rooms have been re-locked,

at the gate,

Beside the desk,

Green grass is in front, Yun Xiang and Hua Xiang are behind, each standing with a tray in their hands.

"Six gold bars in a patterned box"

"Six gold bars in a pattern box, verified!"

Aunt Cui said something, and the woman sitting behind the desk repeated it while checking.

After nodding, another woman registered the items in the account book.

"Three Yangzhou carved jade hairpins."

"Three pieces of rabbit skins."

Everything taken out from the warehouse was inspected and placed on the table.

Qingcao took off his cloak and said, "Mommy, please."

Aunt Cui stood aside, and the woman behind the desk came over and said, "Miss Qingcao, I'm offended."

"Mommy's words are strict about the rules in the house."

As she spoke, the mother-in-law touched Qingcao's body and said, "It's OK."

Yun Xiang and Hua Xiang were also smart. Seeing Qing Cao's movements, they also took off their cloaks in the same way.

After the end,

Qingcao, Yunxiang and Huaxiang carried the trays and walked towards the corridor with their mother beside Sun.

down the corridor,

It's quite far away from the warehouse yard.

Mother Zhu looked at Yun Xiang beside her and said, "Miss Yun Xiang, do you think this warehouse is a bit fussy?"

Yun Xiang shook his head: "Mom, this warehouse is an important place. It's always right to be more complicated and detailed!"

After hearing this, the two mothers, Dan and Zhu, laughed.

Mother Zhu said: "It's good if you can think like this! In the future, when your son has a wife, no one can say how he will manage the house. It is always good to have more experience in our house!"

"We won't be able to bear it anymore if others are more strict."

"That's what mom said!"

Qingcao smiled.

Yun Xiang and Hua Xiang also nodded with emotion.

Water drops were also falling on the side of the corridor,

The water splashed on the ground,

Flashing a few times in the sunlight.

Several people walked to the mistress' courtyard while talking.

"Madam, we are back."

Mother Zhu entered the courtyard and walked to the hall door and shouted.

The little maid at the door opened the cotton curtain from inside.

Qingcao and the other two followed the two mothers into the main room.

After passing the outer room,

Entered the inner room.

"I've met the madam, the eldest lady, and the second eldest lady."

Qingcao and the other two people carried things and bowed to Sun, Xie and Hua Lanfu.

"Have you picked out everything? Come on, let me take a look!"

Sun said.

"Yes, ma'am."

Qingcao said, passing the tray in his hand to the two mothers, Zhu and Dan.

Xie looked at the hands of the three female envoys which were slightly red from the cold and said:

"I went to the stove to warm myself up, and I didn't even know I was wearing gloves!"

Seeing Mrs. Sun smiling and shaking her head, the three people from Qingcao gave another blessing and walked to the heater and stretched out their hands to warm them.

To talk about it,

A female envoy from the Sheng family proposed to get married, and a wife of the Marquis of the Sun family should not be so concerned about it.

But the girl's brother and her nephew Zhu Qinghu were close friends of life and death.

The object of the marriage proposal is also Zhu Qinghu's brother-in-law.

Moreover, there is another reason why Mrs. Sun is so concerned, that is, the lady this girl is serving is Wei Shuyi.

On the one hand, Wei Shuyi is Sheng Changzhu's biological mother, and Changzhu's birthday is the same as the old lady's biological son Sheng Zhen.

Although the old lady knew very well that her biological son had passed away long ago, she did not pay too much attention to it.

But when Sun was young, he had inherited the kindness of the old lady, and he loved the house and wanted to do more things.

On the other hand, the Sheng family gave gifts to the two Sun girls when they got married. Sun, who took stock of these things, naturally knew that Wei Shuyi had done his best.

Mrs. Sun and her two daughters-in-law looked at the things on the tray, nodded and said, "The selection is good."

"Thank you for the compliment, madam."

Cui Chan, who was standing behind Hua Lan and hugging Xu Xingzhong, looked at Hua Lan and nodded.

During breakfast, after knowing that Xu Zaijing also wanted to give gifts, the master and servant agreed to give more gifts.

Now it seems to be as expected.


"Madam!" The green grass next to the stove put away its hands and stood aside solemnly.

"When you go to Sheng's house later, take our thoughts with you."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Sun looked at Qingcao's expression and said, "Why, is there anything else?"

"Madam, I think I won't need it next month. I'll replace it with cotton wool and bring some to Sister Xiaodie."

Hearing this, Mrs. Sun nodded: "Okay, I agree."

"Thank you, madam!"

Jiying Lane


The bright sunshine in the morning illuminated the house very brightly.

The snow dripping from the eaves wet many parts of the yard.

Xuexue Zhuang was reading a book behind the desk in the room.

Several orchids are also busy doing their own thing.

outside the house,

Xu Zaijing was walking in the yard with his classmates.

While talking, he moved his waist and hips and stretched his arms from time to time.

At this time,

Qingyun stepped into the yard,

Looking at the people who were moving, he bowed and bowed, and then said to Xu Zaijing: "Sir, I'm here."

"Where are Qingcao and the others?"

"Going to the backyard."


After saying that, Qingyun exited the yard.

Xu Zaijing looked at Zai Zhang looking at him with a somewhat worried look and said, "Brother, don't worry! Your sister-in-law is at home to help you think about it!"

Hearing this,

Zai Zhang raised his eyebrows: "Yes!"

Looking at Zai Zhang’s proud look,

Xu Zaijing, Gu Tingye and other young men who had not yet discussed marriage looked at each other.

"Second brother, is this marriage really so good?"

Chang Feng beside Gu Tingye asked softly.

Gu Tingye glared: "I'm not married, how do I know?"


Xu Zaijing sneered from the front.

"I said Wu Lang, what do you mean?" Gu Tingye asked.

Xu Zaijing said nothing. He first glanced at Gu Tingye up and down, then looked sideways at Qiuniang who was following the crowd, and finally looked at Gu Tingye.

A 'You want me to say it? ’ expression.

Gu Tingye understood and coughed quickly: "I heard it, Brother Jing, you are not interesting!"


Wei Ruixuan

in the hall,

Wang Ruofu was sitting behind the desk and looking through the booklet.

Mother Liu on the side put a bowl of nourishing tea soup on the table.

Then he took out a small spoon from the tray held by the maid and put it into the bowl.

"Madam, stop looking at the account books and have a sip of soup."

Wang Ruofu nodded.

After just a few sips, the female envoy Caihuan walked to the door and said softly: "Madam, the three female envoys beside Brother Xu Jiajing have come from Shou'antang."

The small spoon that Wang Ruofu was about to ladle out stopped and asked, "Why are you here again?"

"It's because of sister Xiaodie's business that I came to give gifts. They all went to Jin'anzhai to ask Miss Wei for her embroidery skills."

Caihuan replied at the door.

The small spoon in Wang Ruofu's hand continued to move: "Just say that I understand and ask them to go directly to Jin'anzhai."


Mother Liu on the side said in a low voice: "Madam, knowing that the female envoy next to Wu Lang is here to give gifts, our uncle and eldest daughter must also give gifts."

"How about I go and take a look. We know what has been sent, and we can remedy any problems. The Qiujiang River in our courtyard can also do it."

Wang Ruofu was stunned and nodded: "That's right! Hua Lan was very kind to the Wei family before! And I heard from my sister that the fifth son of the Xu family was given gifts every three days. Our eldest uncle is an honest boy, if we are compared to him It’s not good.”

Mother Liu's face froze, and she didn't say the words 'the Xu family is all direct descendants'.

"That slave will go over first."

"Go ahead, go ahead."

At the entrance of Wei Ruixuan,

Mother Liu came out with the envoy, and smiled slightly at the three people who were carrying or holding different styles of wooden gift boxes and green grass: "You three ladies, the eldest lady has sent me to accompany you three, please."

"Thank you, Mother Liu."

"What are you talking about, Miss Qingcao! Qiujiang, help me carry the things."

Upon hearing this, Qingcao looked at the little envoy who reached out and said with a smile: "Sister, no need!"

Qingcao said again: "Mama Liu, you're welcome, we are all used to working in the Hou Mansion!"

Seeing Qingcao and Yun missing them, Liu's mother waved her handkerchief and said with a smile, "Forget it."

Go through the corridor and through the door,

After walking for a while, everyone came to the door of the courtyard where the plaque 'Jin'anzhai' was hung.

Mother Liu smiled and walked to the door: "Miss! Someone is here to see you!"

in the yard,

A girl stuck her head out: "Mother Liu?"

"Miss Xiaodie, Miss Qingcao from the Hou Mansion is here."

As Liu's mother spoke, she turned one side of her body to reveal Qingcao and the others behind her.

"Sister Xiaodie."

Qingcao and Yunxiang shouted together.

At this time, Wei Shuyi also opened the curtain and walked out of the main room.

"I've met my little girl!"

Mother Liu gave her a blessing.

Wei Shu smiled and returned the gift and then looked at Qingcao and the others who were carrying wooden gift boxes: "Come on, come in quickly!"

Entered the house,

Qingcao placed the gift box on the table nearby.

After everyone sat down,

After Qingcao smiled at Liu's mother, Tongwei said forgivingly: "My dear, when we came here, the eldest lady of the Hou Mansion specially told you not to let you pass these things."

Wei Shu glanced at Xiaodie and felt a little embarrassed: "I am a country boy and have never seen any good things. Everything sent by the Hou Mansion must be good."

Qingcao smiled and stood up, then picked up the two gift boxes: "Miss, these are gifts from our wife and the two eldest ladies."

As he spoke, he opened two three-layered wooden boxes.

There are three sets of headgear, one gold, two silver, in the two wooden boxes.

"The gold one was given by my wife, and the two silver ones belong to the two eldest ladies. The second eldest lady said that Miss Xiaodie is from her mother's side, and she even put a hundred silver notes underneath."

Hearing Qingcao's words, Liu's mother looked away from the exquisite jewelry and nodded with satisfaction.

Then, Qingcao seemed a little embarrassed and said: "This is what the three of us want."

As he spoke, Qingcao took the long wooden box from Hua Xiang's hand and opened it to reveal the rabbit skin and cloth inside.

Wei Shu looked at the contents of the gift box and said with a smile, "That's great! Xiaodie!"

Xiaodie stood aside and gave a deep blessing before saying, "Thank you, Madam and the two eldest ladies! Thank you to the three sisters."

Qingcao, Yunxiang and Huaxiang smiled and returned the gift. Qingcao added: "There are still some cotton wool on the carriage, and someone will deliver it later. It's some of my own thoughts."

"Back then in Yangzhou, if Sister Xiaodie hadn't taken off her cotton clothes and wrapped me around me, I don't know how much I would have suffered!"

Xiaodie glanced at Wei Shuyi: "Qingcao, anyone who saw you at that time would protect you."

Qingcao smiled and shook his head. It was so early at that time, and no one else except Miss Wei came out of the courtyard.

Mother Liu on the side took advantage of the break in talking and said: "My dear, Miss Xiaodie will get married in a few days. Madam is afraid that there is no one around you, so she sent Qiu Jiang here. Come, come here."

The little female envoy who had been following her just now came over and bowed: "Slave Qiu Jiang, I have met my young lady and several sisters."

Liu's mother smiled and said: "Qiu Jiang's parents and brothers are all working in Zhuangzi in the mansion. He knows his roots well and is loyal and honest."

Wei Shu looked at Qiu Jiang and said, "It doesn't look much older than Ming'er."

"Qiu Jiang and the fifth girl are the same age."

Wei Shu understood: "Please help me, Mrs. Liu, to thank Madam for taking the trouble!"

Mother Liu smiled and nodded.

"Then you will follow Xiaodie in two days."

"Yes, little girl."

After saying that,

There was silence in the room.

Mother Liu also knew what was going on. She stood up and said, "Miss, ladies, I'll take my leave now."

With that said, everyone got up and sent Liu's mother out of Jin'anzhai.

Qiu Jiang also walked out.

On the way back to Wei Ruixuan, Qiu Jiang whispered: "Mother Liu, does Miss Wei agree that I will go there?"

Mother Liu nodded.

"Mother Liu, the things sent by the Marquis are different. The jewelry on the head looks really nice."

"Yes! But this is what Brother Xiaodie fought for with his life." Liu's mother said.

Qiu Jiang nodded from behind, seeming to be thinking about whether he could trade his elder brother in Zhuangzi for the position of leader. When he was approaching Wei Ruixuan, the little envoy shook her head.

Entered Wei Ruixuan,

Qiu Jiang stood in the house as usual,

Listening to Mother Liu smiling and praising the eldest lady in the back room,

Caihuan came over.

The two of them murmured for a while. Listening to Qiu Jiang's low-pitched description of the jewelry style, her eyes were full of envy.

Anzhai today,

After seeing off Mother Liu, I came back.

"My dear, Brother Mang is really obedient to the old lady."

Qingcao said.

Wei Shu smiled: "He fell in love with the old lady."

Seeing the uncontrollable expressions of Yun Xiang and Hua Xiang, Wei Shuyi asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Qingcao looked at the eyes of the two sisters looking at him, smiled and nodded.

So, Yun Xiang and Hua Xiang couldn't wait to pull Xiaodie to the table, and reopened the long wooden box they took out at the end.

After moving the rabbit skin and cloth away, nine wooden boxes were revealed underneath.

"My dear, sister Xiaodie, this is what we and the young master want."

Xiaodie was stunned: "Is this?"

Yun Xiang and Hua Xiang opened the first and last wooden boxes: "The first six are gold bars with flower patterns, and the last three are the hostas we selected for Sister Xiaodie."

"This is too expensive!"

Xiaodie shook her head and looked at Wei Shuyi at a loss.

Wei Shu said, "Take it. If you don't accept it, 80% of it will be sent to the Ni family."

At the same time, Wei Shuyi also sighed in her heart. She prepared a dowry for Xiaodie, but the things she accumulated were not as valuable as one of the nine wooden boxes.

Two days later,

October is already halfway over,


Sheng family,

Wang Ruofu, who was taking a nap, held Liu's mother's arm and sat up from the bed, frowning and said, "How come someone is going to Jin'anzhai again!"

"Madam, Madam Ni is also here to discuss Miss Xiaodie's dowry. After all, he is his biological brother."

Wang Ruofu nodded.

After getting up and saying a few words, he invited Mrs. Ni to Jin'anzhai.

Today in Anzhai,

Wei Shuyi pushed away the banknotes in Ni Qiqiu's hand and said with a smile: "Madam, Xiaodie is really not short of dowry. The Hou Mansion has sent a lot of it! Several adults also gave some."

The adults here are also the ones who broke through the encirclement with Zhu Qinghu.

Ni Qiqiu nodded: "I know! But life in Bianjing is not easy, and their family also has difficulties, so let me buy some. It's my idea! It will be used by the young couple in the future."

Wei Shuyi looked at Ni Qiqiu's appearance, then at Xiaodie, and said with a helpless smile: "Come and take a look!"

After saying that, he led the people into the inner room.

Ni Qiqiu looked at the items in the gift boxes of various sizes, and she smiled helplessly.

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