Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 416 We are still a family! [Thank you! Goodbye! I owe you 10,000 words]

Since Zhao Fang was old enough to understand, he had been out of the palace several times every year when Jinming Lake was opened, the emperor went on tour, or the royal family worshipped their ancestors.

But every time he followed the emperor or the empress, surrounded by eunuchs, female officials, and guards.

It was unprecedented for him to go out like a son of a nobleman like today.

He looked at the tall Fan Tower curiously, and saw the men pointing at him from the top of the building. When he saw Brother Jing, Zhao Fang waved his hand happily.

He Guan,

his palms were a little sweaty,

he looked around nervously, fearing that someone would appear to assassinate the prince.

After saying hello, Zhao Fang turned around and looked at the nervous look of He Guan, who was one step behind him, and smiled: "He Erlang, it's okay! Now I am a member of the Lu family."

"Yes, yes, what the young master said is right."

Xu Zaijing on the side smiled and looked around as usual.

In fact, he was concentrating on scanning the surroundings with his outstanding vision.

In fact, it was just a normal visit of the sons of nobles to the restaurant.

Xu Zaijing was also slightly behind Zhao Fang. Just after scanning the surroundings, he saw Zhao Fang in front of him stop for a step, grab his hand, and excitedly pull him towards Fanlou.

He Guan looked at Xu Zaijing, who was stronger than him, and was pulled by Zhao Fang to walk quickly. He also walked a few steps quickly to catch up.

When they were about to reach the curtain at the door of Fanlou, Xu Zaijing slightly pulled Zhao Fang behind him and looked back at Qingyun.

Qingyun had a telepathic connection and strode to the door, blocking the waiter of the restaurant and pulling the curtain open.

After passing the curtain,

bypassing the huge screen at the door,

the group entered the first floor of Fanlou.

The hall on the first floor was mostly filled with guests eating Boxiagong.

Amid the noisy chatter of the guests, the waiter would occasionally shout, "Sir, your rabbit meat is here!"

The moist heat hit his face, mixed with the aroma of various dishes, tea and incense.

Feeling the atmosphere around him, Zhao Fang sniffed the various smells in the air.

Xu Zaijing still held Zhao Fang's hand and walked towards the stairs to the second floor.

On the way,

Xu Zaijing smiled and nodded at Gao Yunqing, who was sitting at a table along the way.

As Zhao Meifeng's capable subordinate, Gao Yunqing looked at Zhao Fang and bowed as usual.

But Xu Zaijing, with his outstanding eyesight, could still see that Gao Yunqing bowed a lot.

Zhao Fang, who was standing next to Xu Zaijing, looked at Gao Yunqing curiously and said, "Jing'er, who is that? Your friend, why don't we go get to know him?"

Xu Zaijing tilted his head and whispered, "A clerk from the Imperial City Office."


Zhao Fang nodded.

On the second floor,

the door of the private room near the staircase was opened,

two well-dressed women walked out with their maids.

Now it was Wei Yuyi, the female manager of the Bai Family Salt Manor, with a polite smile on her face.

Suddenly, she felt something,

Wei Yuyi raised her head in confusion and looked at the corridor on the second floor not far from the door, where there was a person looking at her with scrutiny.

Feeling the rude gaze, when Wei Yuyi was about to glare back, her sight was blocked by a thin figure in the middle.

Wei Yuyi curled his lips, and after retracting his gaze, he said to the woman next to him with a smile on his face: "Sister Huan, think about it when you go back. You also know the quality of the fine salt in our Bai family salt shop."

Sister Huan nodded and said hopefully: "Sister Wei, this price is really not available."

Wei Yuyi shook his head and said sincerely: "Sister Huan, I went to the Marquis' Mansion and asked my wife to get this price. If your family doesn't want more, you can ask other guests of my family if they have this price."

Sister Huan nodded: "I know this."

As the two talked, they were already near the stairs.

The person who was looking at Wei Yuyi here just now had gone away.

Wei Yuyi, who saw a group of people going upstairs, stood aside with the "client" and waited.

Amid the sound of footsteps on the stairs,

the first person to go upstairs was the sturdy and strong He Guan,

followed by Zhao Fang holding Xu Zaijing's hand, followed by Qingyun and a few servants.

Arriving at the second floor, Xu Zaijing glanced around as usual and saw Wei Yuyi standing beside him.

Seeing Xu Zaijing, Wei Yuyi's eyes lit up.

Zhao Fang beside Xu Zaijing turned his head and saw Xu Zaijing's eyes, then let go of his hand and looked at Wei Yuyi.

Qingyun at the back bowed slightly.

"Madam Wei, it's been a long time since we last met. What are you doing?"

Wei Yuyi bowed with her handkerchief: "Hello, Wulang! I came here with my sister today to have a drink."

Xu Zaijing smiled and nodded to Madam Huan: "How is the old lady doing recently?"

Wei Yuyi bowed again and smiled: "Thank you, Wulang, for your concern! The water and soil of Bianjing nourish people, and my mother's health is better than in Chuzhou!"

While speaking, Wei Yuyi also smiled at Zhao Fang, who was looking at her curiously with bright eyes.

Zhao Fang smiled back, looked up at Xu Zaijing and said, "Brother Jing, who is this lady?"

Xu Zaijing lowered his head and smiled, "She is a relative of my family."

"Relative?" Zhao Fang asked curiously and glanced at Wei Yuyi again, his eyes became much more friendly.

Looking at the clothes and momentum of Xu Zaijing and his group, they did not look like ordinary wealthy families in Bianjing.

When she heard the word 'relative', Madam Huan looked at Wei Yuyi with hidden surprise in her eyes.

"My great-aunt's cousin's biological aunt."

"oh oh!"

Zhao Fang rolled his eyes, smiled and cupped his hand towards Wei Yuyi.

Seeing this scene, the somewhat arrogant He Guan, who had a strong aura next to him, quickly followed suit and bowed.

Wei Yuyi gave another gift and said with a smile: "The little Yameni is so polite! Wu Lang, may I ask who this Xiaoyameni is?"


Zhao Fang, who had won the new title, laughed out loud with joy on his face and looked at Xu Zaijing happily.

Hearing Wei Yuyi's question, Xu Zaijing looked at Zhao Fang with some embarrassment.

Zhao Fang understood, smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Mrs. Wei, I am Brother Jing's younger brother, and I am here to have a drink with Brother Jing today."

When Zhao Fang spoke, He Guan reacted quickly and quickly lowered his head, hiding the shock in his eyes.

Xu Zaijing pursed his lips and smiled and nodded.

Wei Yuyi nodded.

Xu Zaijing said: "Mrs. Wei, you go ahead and we'll go up first."

"Guys, please walk slowly."

Wei Yuyi gave another blessed gift.

After Xu Zaijing and his party left, Wei Yuyi walked downstairs with Madam Huan.

As she walked up the stairs, Madam Huan glanced upward again.

On the first floor of Fan Building, at the entrance to the backyard, Wei Yuyi and Wei Yuyi both put on warm cloaks.

After leaving the warm lobby and entering the shaded courtyard, it was still chilly even though it was noon.

While waiting for her carriage to arrive, Madam Huan thought about it and said, "Sister Wei, we have decided on this business!"

The third floor of Fan Building,

The door of the private room,

Xu Dalang welcomed Zhao Fang into the private room with a smile.

After Zhao Fang entered,

Zai Duan looked anxious, looking at his younger brother with some doubts in his eyes, and said anxiously in a low voice: "Xiao Wu, what's going on? Why is the emperor here?"

Xu Zaijing looked at Zhao Fang who was waiting for him in front of him, and whispered: "I only found out about Your Majesty's will after entering the palace."

"Then, should I tell everyone the identity of the prince?"

"This matter has been discussed in the palace! The prince said that knowing his identity would make everyone feel uncomfortable while eating. We should tell them after the matter is over."

Zai Duan nodded with emotion on his face: "I will make it clear to your majesty and the prince about their compassion when the time comes."

Xu Zaijing smiled.

Before entering the private room, Xu Zaijing glanced outside and nodded to Zhao Meifeng, who was still a little thin not far away.

Outside the elegant room,

After Zhaomei Feng watched Xu Zaijing enter the private room, his subordinate at the same side said: "In the private room where the four medical officers are, the wine will be served more slowly."

The subordinate responded in a low voice.

In the elegant room,

Seeing Xu Zaijing and others walking in, everyone in the room bowed.

The greetings from ‘Wu Lang’ and ‘Brother Jing’ came one after another.

Xu Zaijing smiled and returned the favor.

Zhao Fang on the side looked at it with his eyes gleaming.

Lu Junyi, the apprentice of Mr. Zhou Tong and Zhou, who has a much more mature temperament than before, smiled and asked: "Wu Lang, which prince is this little brother from? He looks very expensive looking at the toilet!"

Zhao Fang couldn't suppress the raised corners of his mouth, and imitated Xu Zaijing, cupping his hands and smiling: "My surname is Fang Zhao, and my family is related to Tuo Xihou."

"So he's a relative of the Cao family?"

"Then Brother Zhao, why are you taking the Lu family's car?" Guo Kui said in confusion.

"Hehe, the younger brother of the Lu family was a guest at my house. I didn't think it was troublesome to set up a car, so I just used his car."

"oh oh!"

"Brother Duan, how about you introduce me to something?"

Xu Zaijing quickly grabbed his eldest brother's arm, which he wanted to hold in salute.

Zai Duan reacted quickly. He put one hand behind his back that was blocked by his younger brother, stretched out the other palm and said: "Brother Zhao Zhao! This is my appointed future lieutenant, Lu Junyi, whose ancestral home is Daming Mansion!"

"Brother Zhao, you're polite!" Lu Junyi smiled and bowed his hands.

"I know you. You were one of the vanguards in the night attack on the city of Bai Gao Hou Qu! Brother Jing and I praised you!" Zhao Fang looked at Lu Junyi and said with bright eyes.

Lu Junyi raised his eyebrows at Xu Zaijing again and smiled, with the meaning of 'Thank you brother for praising me in front of others'.

Lu Junyi and Xu Zaijing had competed with the Jin Kingdom warriors at the polo field before, so they were familiar with them.

Zai Duan continued: "In Baigao, Jun Yixin tamed a snow-white horse, but he was so proud of it!"

Hearing this, Lu Junyi smiled even more cheerfully and waved his hands: "General, what are you talking about? There is no comparison between my horse and Brother Jing's horses. There is no comparison!"

Everyone nodded, there was no objection to this.

"This is Wang Yan, whose ancestral home is in Shezhou. He knows Bai Gao's dialect and is good at shooting. He, brother Wu Song, brother Pang Wanchun and brother Deng Yuanjue accompanied the Li family to recruit Bai Gao. "Military Division."

"I know this! You guys are really brave."

The four people who were named smiled and handed over their hands: "Brother Zhao, thank you, thank you!"

"This is Guo Kui. His home is on Xishuimenwai Street."

Guo Kui smiled and cupped his hands: "The office is polite."

"These two are Fang Ding and Fang Jie."

"Hehe, this Yameni, we are actually the same family!" The Fang brothers, who looked somewhat similar, said with a smile.

Zhao Fang smiled and nodded.

Zai Duan looked at the Fang brothers helplessly, which was almost embarrassing.

"This is Deng Yuanjue, fellow villager with Wang Yan."

Zhao Fang smiled and said, "I heard that Brother Jing said you are very strong."

"What Wulang said really makes me ashamed."

Deng Yuanjue said with an embarrassed expression on his face.

Everyone has been introduced,

Zhao Fang said: "Brother Duan, Viscount Zhu and Colonel Di have not come back?"


"Oh, it's a pity that I can't see him."

Xu Zaijing on the side said: "It's okay. Di Jing and Guo Kui are equally skilled in martial arts. When you see Guo Kui, you see Di Jing."

"Wu Lang deserves the award!" Guo Kui said with a smile.

"Come on, everyone, sit down!" Zaiduan greeted with a smile.

Everyone agreed,

Zai Duan was restless as Wu Song and the others pushed him to the main seat.

Xu Zaijing made Zhao Fang sit in front of him on the pretext of taking care of his relative's younger brother.


In the elegant room,

Zhao Fang, who was used to the soft-spoken officials and female officials in the palace,

Looking at the rough guys in the army, they started to push, laugh and give up their seats.

Zhao Fang, who had never seen such a scene before, laughed unconsciously after listening to the men's words.

There was a fuss for a while,

After everyone sat down,

The waiter brought in the dishes that were like running water, and soon the table was filled.

Along with the dishes came jars of fine wine.

"Here, fill up the wine yourself!"

Zai Duandao sat in the main seat.

When everyone was pouring wine, Xu Zaijing looked at Zhao Fang who was leaning towards his wine jar and shook his head.

When everyone toasts,


Qingyun came over carrying a food box.

"Sir, the freshly baked duck was just delivered."

"Which company is it from?" Zhao Fang asked from the side.

"His Majesty's chief minister came here in casual clothes." Qingyun said in a very low voice.

In the commotion, only Zhao Fang and Xu Zaijing heard Qingyun's voice.

After Xu Zaijing nodded, Qingyun opened the food box.

The duck inside was roasted until it was smooth and steaming. Next to it was a knife for cutting duck meat, a pot of wine and a wine glass.

Seeing the steaming pancakes under the duck, Xu Zaijing looked at Zhao Fang and said, "Has this way of eating been spread to the palace?"

Zhao Fang smiled and nodded.

Xu Zaijing turned to Qingyun and said, "A few more ducks."

"Yes, sir."

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food,

The food box sent from the palace was already half empty.

They didn't drink much wine just now, so everyone was still a little cautious.

At this time, more than a dozen bowls of wine were consumed, and the atmosphere at the table gradually became lively.

From time to time, someone would get up and come with a wine bowl to toast Xu Zaijing. Xu Zaijing would not refuse anyone who came.

There were more toasts to Zaiduan, and Zaiduan's face turned red from drinking.

The Fang brothers who had drunk a lot of wine also came over. After toasting Zai Duan and Xu Zaijing, they filled up their wine bowls and said, "Brother Zhao, we are from the same family, and we two brothers dare to propose a toast to you. "

Zhao Fang smacked his lips, looked at Xu Zaijing with expectant eyes, and whispered: "Father said I can drink it."

Xu Zaijing glanced at the wine bottle and wine glass that was still in the duck food box.


The Fang brothers sat back in their chairs with satisfaction.

Seeing this, everyone else came over to toast.

The sun sets in the west,

Wu Song and Lu Junyi, who had drunk a lot, were shirtless and wrestling with their wrists on a small table.

The veins on the thick arms were exposed, and their faces were red. There was sweat on them from drinking and the room temperature.


Wu Song's arm was pressed to the table by Lu Junyi.

"Okay! Hahahaha."

The crowd started to make a noise.

Seeing the excitement, Zhao Fang, who was standing on the sidelines, looked at Xu Zaijing with a smile.

Xu Zaijing smiled and shook his head and patted Wu Song who was sitting there sighing.

Wu Song looked back at Xu Zaijing and quickly stood up and gave up his seat.

Xu Zaijing sat down, put his left elbow on the small table, looked at everyone and said, "Which one of you is coming?"

After Guo Kui and Deng Yuanjue looked at each other, at Guo Kui's signal, Deng Yuanjue moved another chair over.

Then the two of them sat across from each other,

Behind them were He Guan and Wu Song lining up.

Xu Zaijing put his right hand on the small table: "Come on!"

It was still bright that day,

Zhao Fang has returned to the palace.

Early the next morning,

Zai Duan looked at Lu Junyi and others who had stayed in Fanlou for the night and called them together.

"Everyone, I have something to say."

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