Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 50 Choosing Xu Zaijing [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

After Mrs. Wu left, Qingcao returned to Xu Zaijing's yard.

Later, Xu Zaizhang and Xu Anmei also followed.

"Oh, I'm so stupid. Why did I forget to leave my maid in my mother's house?"

Zai Zhang was very distressed.

"Brother, stop talking. Qingcao, keep talking."

My younger brother's maid stammered and restored Mrs. Wu's words.

There are so many people of the right age who want to get married.

The second legitimate son of the Yuan family in Uncle Zhongqin's residence was at the age when marriage was planned. His family had fallen behind in economics and the yard was not big.

The second legitimate son of Ling Guogong, Lu Jia, was well-known in Bianjing. He was the son of the Duke's family. He also had a book school at home, and he was a reader and writer.

The eldest son of the Huang family of Shoushan Bo. His mother is Uncle Zhongqin's biological sister. There is also a legitimate second son in the family who is as old as Qi Heng.

The eldest son of the Bofu family in Changxing is an upright man and is studying.

Qingcao continued.

An Mei on the side slowly became surprised.

Because at such a young age, Qingcao actually remembered so many titles, concubines, and brief introductions.

She was almost confused when she heard that Qingcao was still talking.

The fourth son of the Han family of the Marquis of Zhennan is said to be studying.

"When we were talking about the Lin family, Mrs. Wu whispered something to the eldest lady, but the servant didn't hear it."

Qingcao said finally.

Although Xu Zaijing is the youngest son in the family, some of the people in Qingcao's mouth know about it, while others don't know.

The second son of the loyal and diligent Yuan family, Yuan Wenshao, is stupid and can make Madam Wu talk, so Yuan Wenchun, the eldest son of the Yuan family, is married.

The one she is marrying should be the niece of the eldest wife of the Yuan family.

The eldest lady of the Yuan family has always been partial to the eldest brother Yuan Wenchun!

In the future, I got married to the Sheng family, and my parents promised to go to pick them up, but in the end it was Yuan Wenchun who went there.

As a result, Mrs. Wang almost refused the marriage directly.

Yuan Wenchun, who went to Yangzhou, did not help his brother to try to save the marriage. Instead, after the Sheng family graciously allowed the ship to be unloaded, he encouraged Gu Tingye to throw a pot to win the geese, thus slapping the Sheng family in face.

It seems that from the bottom of his heart he wants to ruin this marriage and crush his own brother to death!

This shows that the Yuan brothers are not united at all.

Yuan Wenshao will be good in the future, but now he is still focused on his mother. It took Hualan nearly ten years to have a good life.

Madam Yuan kept giving Yuan Wenshao concubines!

Xu Zaijing's eldest sister is fair-skinned, tall and long-legged, but she does not have the guidance of Mrs. Sheng, who is knowledgeable and experienced in world affairs.

Although the dowry will not be small, it is definitely not as good as the dowry prepared by the Sheng family and the old lady.

The Yuan family is not doing well.

The Duke of Ling, Sheng Hong and Sheng Wei, died when he went to study as a borrowing student. Now I'm afraid he's just an empty shell, not as good as the Yuan family. At least the uncle of the Yuan family understands.


The eldest lady of Huang's family, Shoushan Bo, is a sensible person, but I don't know what her son is like.

To be determined.

I don’t know much about the Changxing Bo Fu family, but their Fu Boran and Gu Tingye have a good relationship, so you can go and find out.

To be determined.

The Marquis of Zhennan, Xu Zaijing knew that their family was severely short-changed, and the rich ones even liked to marry the daughters of wealthy families, just to swallow up their dowries!

The second wife has a princess, and her life is prosperous, and sooner or later she will surpass the first wife.

You also need to inquire carefully which room it belongs to.

Hmm, TBD.

Xu Zaijing pondered for a while. At such a young age, he had devoted all his efforts for this family and his sister's happiness.

What would the Xu family do without him?

"Come here, give Qingcao some water." Pingmei looked at Qingcao curiously, wondering how she could remember so much information.

"Thank you, miss. Madam Wu also said a few words. The slave didn't hear clearly, but Madam Wu was very surprised after hearing it."

After saying that, Qingcao picked up the tea cup and started drinking.

Qingcao's words were like the storyteller's sentence, "If you want to know what happened next time, you'll have to listen to the explanation next time." It tickled people's hearts.

But the only one who knew Mrs. Wu's words was the Sun family, and they didn't dare to ask.

Fortunately, before they could ask, someone came in the afternoon.

Madam Bai held Gu Tingyi in her arms, and behind her, Grandma Chang led a group of maids to the Xu family holding gifts.

Come to the main hall in the backyard.

The two sat down and served tea.

Bai saw Mrs. Sun smiling and said, "Sister, Sister Wu has told you."

Mrs. Sun's face was not too happy, she frowned slightly and said, "Sister Bai family, I never thought that such a thing would happen."

Bai Shi also sighed and said, "Brother Yu made his own decision. He invited me after talking to his father."

Mrs. Sun: "Sister, Brother Yu will inherit the title in the future. Isn't a child like my family a bit unworthy?"

Gu Tingyi got down from his mother's arms, walked a few steps, and threw himself into Sun's arms.

Mrs. Sun, who was used to holding children, picked it up and held it in her arms. She handed the cakes on the table to Gu Tingyi.

"In the past few years, Brother Yu has gotten older and more mature, and he has noticed the clues from before."

"How old is Brother Yu, really."

"After the conversation with Brother Yu, Mr. Hou also sighed with me about the child's maturity and intelligence. Seeing that he couldn't hide it, he explained to him what the Qin family had done. My sister You also knows that Brother Yu is famous for being a sick man in this capital. . Nowadays, not many people know about getting healthy, so few people come to discuss marriage."

"I do know that Brother Yu is in good health, but my family Ping'er."

"Brother Yu has met me a few times, and he told me clearly that he has suffered enough from being thin and weak since he was a child, and he really wants to find a healthy lady." Bai Shi smiled in a flattering way. Looking at Mrs. Sun.

Xu Zaijing's eldest sister has not been short of food and clothing since she was a child, and her mother, Sun, is also from a military general's family. Any lady who has seen Xu Pingmei can see that Pingmei is a good childbearer.

Moreover, Pingmei followed her father's height and grew taller.

Her skin color took after her mother's fair skin.

As the saying goes, a white flower can cover up a hundred ugliness, not to mention that a plain plum blossom is not ugly.

"Sister, don't worry. Brother Yu is a grateful and precocious child. He once advised the Marquis." At this point, Bai Shi smiled.

"Ah? Brother Yu can still persuade the Marquis?" Mrs. Sun looked surprised.

"Brother Yu said, as a stepmother, as long as I see him being killed by his mother's family, the title will naturally belong to Brother Ye. But I exposed it, saved his life, and rekindled the kindness, and he did it from the bottom of his heart. "He respects and loves me"

Bai Shi said with a smile, but there were tears in her eyes.

"Brother Yu also spoke to me about himself and said that he was very grateful to me because the way he looked at him was different now that he was healthy. In the past, he was full of love and compassion, but he had no hope. His eyes. Now the Marquis looks at him and seems to be thinking about what he will look like in the future, and is full of expectations for him. "

Mrs. Sun: "This is really a very smart child. You have got what you wanted."

Bai's kindness was rewarded. She had no selfish or evil thoughts towards Gu Tingyu. She had gossiped about him and suffered a lot of grievances for this.

But Gu Tingyu's words made her feel it was worth it.

Sun was also infected by Bai's emotional atmosphere. She patted her hand and said, "Sister, Brother Yu is a good person. If Gu Hou doesn't object, I will write a book and give it to my master, and we will settle it down."

Mrs. Sun had seen Gu Tingyu several times. He must be in good health, but his complexion was still a little yellow and black, but his face was handsome.

At this time, the three brothers of the Xu family were all studying in school, so naturally they didn't know about it.

Waiting for Mr. Bai to leave,

Xu Anmei's eyes widened as she listened to the news from her maid.

She and her little brother learned to keep people in their mother's house.

Just now Pingmei blushed and ran out after hearing a few words.

Gu Tingyu came to Xu's house several times to play. Because they were getting older, the sisters only showed up to meet each other, but she had seen the words that Gu Tingyu was asked to write in Xu Zaijing's room.

Excellent, even better than that uncle from the Sheng family.

During dinner, Pingmei stood next to her mother with a blushing face, while Anmei was whispering in the ears of her brothers.

The three brothers looked surprised, especially Xu Zaijing.

Gu Tingyu was able to take poison for many years and still give birth to a daughter. After so many years, he must be in good health.

Nowadays, Gu Tingyu stopped taking the Qin family's black-hearted medicine when he was young. In recent years, the Bai family has taken care of him at all costs, and he has now recovered.

My sister can become the future eldest lady of the Hou family

Xu Zaijing never thought about it, but it really happened.

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