Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 55 Counterattack and Return [Thank you all for your support, thank you and bye! 】

Chapter 55 Counterattack and Return [Thank you for your support, thank you! Goodbye! 】

As he spoke, he glanced at the people not far away.

Mrs. Wu on the side rolled her eyes and said loudly:

"Some people have not been sorry to their elder sisters, so why are you afraid of their younger brothers? I think there are people with evil hearts!

Could it be that some people marry their daughter-in-law just to persecute her?

Tsk tsk tsk,

You wouldn't dare marry a girl from such a family. "

Mrs. Wu shook her head as she spoke.

Someone brought it in themselves and became furious.

"You! What do you mean?"

"Me? What do I mean? There is also a married aunt in the Xu family. After her husband was widowed, she raised her young son to become a Jinshi! She was a loyal and chaste woman recognized by the court! She won the Chastity Memorial Arch! There are still people talking nonsense here! When something happens, you know how to be a coquettish girl who sheds tears! I see, that is also the look of a prodigal."

After Mrs. Wu finished speaking, the noble family members attending the party covered their mouths with handkerchiefs and laughed in cheers.

Who in Bianjing doesn't know that this lady who lives in the Han family's eldest house in Nanhou is famous for being able to cry. People give her the nickname "Lai Jing", and her tears come at every turn.

Mrs. Wu of the Liang family of the Yongchang Marquis Mansion was a noble nobleman of Bianjing and was famous for her warm-heartedness among the officials.

Whether it is a girl from a noble family or a civil servant family, they all hope that Mrs. Wu will tell them a good family after looking at each other.

She is also the owner of the Jinmingchi Polo Club, the only large-scale aristocratic sports and social venue in Bianjing.

Naturally, I don't dare to offend her too much. If I really offend her, if I don't post it to you, I won't be laughed to death.

The eldest lady of the Han family closed her mouth bitterly, thinking that she would not come next time because of the gathering of the birds.

But when I think of the children at home who are waiting to be married, I can only swallow this sigh of relief.

The fragrant clothes and temples are smiling and talking to Yan Yan.

Mrs. Wu lowered her head and drank tea.

Her mind wandered,

The person who did it that day was silenced, and the clues to the matter were cut off.

Who knows if there is anyone among these smiling ladies who is the one who instigates this.

In the guest room on the other side, the unmarried ladies were also talking about the Xu family's daughter.

Many people who attended the emperor's birthday banquet regarded seeing Xu Zaijing shooting a bow as a topic of bragging.

Those who have younger brothers and noble ladies even declare that they want to train their younger brothers in the direction of a sister-protecting maniac like Xu Zaijing.

A lady complained:

"I don't have a younger brother, I only have an older brother! Oh, worry!"

A close friend next to me said, "It would be great if you found a husband like this."

"I don't dare to find sisters with such strength. Why are you so blushing?"

"Bah, bah, bah"

One of the good sisters laughed and scolded: "You are such a shameless kid, I'm not afraid of your eldest wife punishing you."

The unmarried ladies in the room laughed and cursed.

In the metropolis of Bianjing, new gossip soon became the talk of people, and the Pingmei incident gradually faded away.

Xu family.

Before the first lunar month, preparations for Xu Zaiduan's wedding were in full swing.

Xu Zaijing's task was to hold up the ears of his Li colt and let his eldest brother get closer to him.

After all, Xu Zaiduan was going to ride this beautiful horse on the wedding day.

As soon as Liju heard Xu Zaijing speak, he shook his head, annoyed by the nagging.

The twenty-sixth day of the first lunar month,

On Xu Zaiduan's wedding day, Gu Tingyu and Gu Tingye came to the Gu family.

The Sun family also had several unmarried cousins ​​arrive.

Relatives also came from Daizhou’s hometown.

The procession to welcome the bride was decorated with red silk brocade, and it looked really impressive with so many people.

The wedding team arrived at Xie's house, which also had red happy words plastered everywhere, and the servants wore red silk, adding a lot of joy.

In addition to the legitimate sons and daughters of the Xie family, those blocking the door also included the second legitimate son of General Zheng (brother Zhongjinghou) and the sons and daughters of the Zhongjinghou family.

Fortunately, he has Gu Tingyu for literary talent, and Xu Zaijing, Gu Tingye, and Daizhou relatives for military force.

After fighting at the door with their civil and military skills, they successfully entered the Xie family's door.

Entering the Xie family's courtyard, the children of the Xie family and the Zheng family, who had heard about the Lantern Festival, were not focused on drinking.

They would all come to Xu Zaijing's side, glance up and down at Xu Zaijing's appearance, eyes, and figure. They would also touch Xu Zaijing's arms and pinch Xu Zaijing's thighs, nodding while touching and pinching him.

If Xu Zaijing hadn't known that the eldest brothers all had families and were upright and unbending people, Xu Zaijing would have stood on end.

If it weren't for a happy occasion and a wrestling match, Xu Zaijing felt that they could all take off their clothes and compete with him.

Some of these children joined the army and became generals. For example, Zheng Jun recruited Xu Zaijing one after another and invited him to join the army when he became an adult.

Soon, Xu Zaijing saw the sister-in-law mentioned by his sister.

When the new daughter-in-law showed up, she was booed by the little brats from her husband's family and her mother's family.

It dilutes the sadness of parting.

After serving tea and bidding farewell to her parents, the Xie girl was carried out of the house by her brother and entered the sedan chair.

The musicians played joy to open the way, and Xu Zaiduan rode on a beautiful horse with red silk flowers.

Followed by the Xie family's dowry of one hundred and twenty-eight tons.

Xu Zaiduan, who was riding a beautiful Liju horse, was really proud of himself.

The wedding procession arrived at Quyuan Street in great force, firecrackers crackled, and the new wife entered.

Before Xu Zaijing left, several brothers from the Zheng family patted their shoulders and invited him to come and have fun at their house.

There were many cars and horses parked on Quyuan Street and on the racecourse of the Hou Mansion.

All the female servants in the Xu Mansion wore red silk.

The Yongyi Hou Mansion is full of joy.

Mr. and Mrs. Xu Minghua and Sun sat at the top, with two sons and two daughters standing on both sides. They waited for the newlyweds to pay homage to their parents-in-law and send them into the bridal chamber.

Relatives and friends followed in one after another.

In the noisy atmosphere,

The girl from the Xie family is petite. She put down her round fan and blushed with embarrassment as she went through the process of drinking wine, tying her hair, and so on in the new house.

Later, Xu Zaiduan was dragged out of the door by his relatives and friends.

Fortunately, Mrs. Sun has made friends such as Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Bai over the years. The housekeeper mother who was sent to help helped the Xu family take care of things.

In the evening, Xu Zaijing, who wanted to listen to the corner, was driven away by his sister-in-law's maid, and the plan failed.

On the second day, Mrs. Xie, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Xu family, served tea accompanied by her own officials.

The unmarried brother-in-law and sister-in-law received gifts from their sister-in-law.

Mrs. Sun gave her daughter-in-law a jade bracelet of excellent quality.

Mrs. Xie is petite, with a soft face and moist complexion. She looks at her officials with eyes full of admiration.

She could be considered a high-married woman, and she went from being the second daughter of a viscount family to becoming the future Lady of the Courageous Marquis, and many of her sisters were envious of her.

Finally, Mrs. Sun took a wooden box from the hand of the female servant behind her.

"This is a wedding gift from your aunt in Yangzhou."

Xie opened the wooden box and found a precious red gold hairpin, not an ordinary thing.

Xu Minghua and his wife were talking to their eldest son and daughter-in-law.

In the yard, Xu Zaijing and others had already left Sun's house, and the four of them were looking at the animals in the yard intently.

Also walking in with Mrs.

Two pairs of animals, fluffy and cute, it’s time for them to be cute.

In the next two days, Xu Anmei took a raccoon slave to attend the tea tasting gathering of the noble ladies in the capital. With this raccoon slave, she made many handkerchiefs.

She was so happy that she used her own money to make a small golden bell and tied it around the slave's neck with a red rope.

After being seen by Xu Zaijing, Xu Zaijing removed the small hammer from the bell, and the golden bell stopped ringing.

After her sister-in-law, who had been hard-pressed to tell her about her sister-in-law, found out, she looked at Xu Zaijing with eyes filled with gratitude.

In the house next to the racecourse, Xu Zaijing's master raised the pair of hounds.

Three days after Xu Zaiduan's wedding, he returned home with his eldest wife.

After paying homage to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Xu Zaiduan and the men from his father-in-law's family went to the front yard to drink.

Miss Xie Er chatted with her mother and sister-in-law about some women's topics.

The eldest lady of the Xie family asked her daughter with concern:

"Your officer is a scholar, and he seems to have a good temper.

But I heard people say that Wulang, the youngest son of the Xu family, was brave and violent.

Rong Xian, the little devil who beat up the Rong family in the Duke of Qi's house before, were you angry with him in the Xu family? "

Miss Xie Er shook her head and said:

"Mom, where did you hear these bad words? My brother Jing is the most warm-hearted and sensible child! Does mother know about the raccoon slaves sent by our family?"

"How is it? Could it be that this bad boy caused trouble?"

"Mom, no. It's my sister-in-law. Because this raccoon slave has had a lot of handkerchiefs, she feels very sorry for the raccoon slave.

Use private money to buy a golden bell and hang it on the slave's neck. "

"How can this happen? How can this raccoon slave catch mice with a bell? The old man in the family has said that a raccoon slave will go crazy if he brings a bell."

The second girl's sister-in-law said in surprise.

"What my sister-in-law said is true, but I just married into the Xu family, and my sister-in-law is kind-hearted, how can I say it out loud? Brother Jing was very careful, and he picked the little hammer off the bell of Li Nu, and there was no sound, so I felt relieved. Come."

"This is a careful one."

"Mom, what's more, I heard from our servants these past two days that Brother Jing has been getting up early every day to practice martial arts since he was young."

"Oh? It's rare for a noble family to have such a motivated son. So, those people who say your sister-in-law is hot-tempered, brave, jealous, are they wrong?"

"My eldest sister-in-law followed my mother-in-law. She has a strong personality. Like my mother, she comes from a family of military generals. She is a man who fights in wars. She is too soft-tempered. How can she run the family?"

Mother Xie nodded.

"That's good. It seems that I have to prepare a thank you gift to go to the Liang family to thank them for their help."

"Mom, let me see, the second girl in our family has really become an official and has forgotten her. You see, they are all in my family. Oh, we Xie family have become outsiders."

"Sister-in-law, where is it~" Miss Xie Er blushed.

"How is your official family's health?" Mother Xie asked.

Miss Xie Er blushed so much that she could boil water, but she still said in a mosquito voice:

"Guanren, Guanren has been fighting and fighting with his mother-in-law's martial arts brothers since he was a child. He is in very good health."

"That's good. When I have a baby, my mother will feel relieved."

Miss Xie Er nodded vigorously, noticed her sister-in-law's gaze, and hit her sister-in-law bitterly.

Then the whole family burst into laughter.

"Er Niang, I heard someone said that your eldest sister-in-law's future husband is going to take the exam?"

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